Town Hall Series: Navigating School Choice #BlackMindsMatter August 16 5:30 pm

What:  The State of Education in the Twin Cities: Navigating School Choice #BlackMindsMatter. A Town Hall Series on Education Part III

When: Wednesday August 16, 2023, 5:30 PM (Event Starts at 6:00 PM)

Where: University of Minnesota Urban Research Outreach Center, 2001 Plymouth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55411 Map

The Presentations include:

  • A Minneapolis Public School Parent
  • Don Allen
  • Rashad Turner
  • Q & A Session

This is a event.

Some years ago while supporting Greg Copeland run for the St Paul Public Schools Board of Education I, Publius Jr, heard some amazing claims with no credible support by DFL Endorsed Candidates.

I think the most outrageous claim was by Jean O’Connell. She had retired from being an executive at 3M and had won two terms to the St Paul Public School Board. She resigned after Superintendent Valeria Silva was fired. Greg Copeland had answered a question about the achievement gap pointing out a national study pointed to poverty as being a major indicator on the success of a student in public school. Jean O’Connell disagreed with the study saying black students did more poorly on standardized tests than white students. She said they can guess how poorly black students will do on the tests. The other DFL endorsed candidates agreed with her as well.

This narrative black students are just not as good as white students needs to be exposed for what it is. School Choice should eradicate and shake up the K-12 Education Industry in this country, but it is being fought fiercely by these Teachers Union endorsed Dinosaurs that need to be made extinct from City School Boards.

Thanks to Don Allen who made us aware of this upcoming event. website is posting this event as a courtesy to parents, teachers and especially to voters. We are not associated with the Minnesota Parent Union. We have not been compensated for posting this event. ~~ Publius Jr.

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Cross Cultural Event by HD 66B Republicans August 14th


What: Workshop: Cross Cultural Connection – Becoming a Person of Influence in a Culturally Diverse Society

When:  Monday, August 14, 2023  6:30 PM to 9:00 PM

Where:  Vino Veritas, 1080 County Road E West, Shoreview MN 55126, Map

Cost: $20.00 at the Door. Includes an Asian Cuisine Dinner

Sign Up

Please RSVP through this link or by texting Chair Donna Liew at 956-432-2357, so they can know how much food to prepare

**RSVP Link**

Cross Cultural Connection?

There is a great need for the Republican Party to reach out to naturalized citizens in Minnesota who share our values. Where do we start? How do we connect? Come and learn how.

May Lor Xiong, the 2022 MN CD4 Republican Candidate and the current Chair of the Asian American Republicans of Minnesota, will address the workshop.

Workshop Objectives

  • Learn Creative Ways to Communicate across Cultures
  • Learn what it means to be a person of influence and how to be one toward new immigrants
  • Share Challenges in working with immigrants and how to overcome those challenges
  • Small Group Discussions and Brainstorming

About the Workshop Instructor

Mr. Waihon Liew, M Sc in Education Leadership, Masters in Cross Cultural Studies

Mr. Waihon Liew

Originally from Malaysia, Waihon has his M Sc in Education Leadership and Masters in Cross Cultural Studies.  Waihon taught comparative religions and cross cultural studies at St Mary’s University, Winona, as well as similar courses at North Central University, Minneapolis . He has taught under the American Degree Transfer Program at two major universities in Malaysia and has been teaching / mentoring Karen immigrant students at Sejong Academy (K-12), St Paul since 2016.

Through his alma mater, Winona State University, Waihon started a Continuing Education program for schools in Malaysia in March 2023. Because of his work with immigrants and efforts to improve education in Malaysia, he was named Distinguished Alumni of the Decade by Winona State in 2023

Hosted by House District 66B Republicans

Questions? Contact HD 66B GOP Chair Donna Liew at 956-432-2357 or Mikki Murray at 651-300-2130

We are re-posting this event article as a courtesy to the HD 66B Republicans. got permission to re-post this article and we do not get compensated in any way in re-posting it. We thought we would use the higher search engine ability we have to help them get out the notice of their event. If any Republican bpou in St Paul or the surrounding areas have an event everyone can attend we will re-post their event here. For Bpou leaders who want us to post or re-post their events allow at minimum a week notice prior to the event. ~~ admin

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Help Crowdfund Liz Collin’s Book “They’re Lying” into a Documentary Movie

Buy the book

Minnesota Residents of St Paul & Minneapolis went through some really tough times during the last week of May after Memorial Day 2020, from May 25th to the second week of June. Business owners and non-profit organizations lost their businesses and their offices. Residents were afraid to leave their homes. We watched organized attacks at police stations, dumpster fires that blocked streets from the Minneapolis Fire Department to get to the next deliberately set fire. Police & TV Helicopters orbited over the mayhem and destruction. A Police Station was not the only building torched, there were several small businesses, a new low income housing building, a post office and the business owners next to Allianz Field in St Paul.

Liz Collin an anchor at WCCO TV and her husband Bob Kroll a Police Lieutenant in the Minneapolis Police Department and the Union President of the Police Union had a different experience than most of us. They had a front row seat starting from the first report of a counterfeit suspect who died in police custody, George Floyd, to the beginning of the narrative being spun by the Minneapolis Police Chief, Mayor of Minneapolis, Governor, and MN Attorney General. This couple would go through hell without a chance to catch their breath. They were made to be targets for the media, and the radicals who seemed to be supported by the City, State, Congressional Leaders, and even Presidential Candidate Joe Biden.

The biggest casualty was the Truth.

“They’re Lying,” Book Contents

The book is split up into 6 parts that chronicle the personal experiences and what was happening in the City & State Government. The suspension of Due Process of Law, a Kangaroo Court case for Political Reasons, and the Aftermath.



  1. Assumptions & Accusations
  2. Outrage & Riots
  3. The Autopsy & Point of No Return
  4. The Protests Hit Home
  5. The Trial of Derek Chauvin
  6. The Right Side of History


Assumptions & Accusations

This part starts out with a call that Bob Kroll got about a suspect’s death during an arrest.  Usually in a case where a suspect dies in custody, or there is an officer involved shooting; the routine is the officers involved are put on administrative leave pending an investigation conducted by the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) is called in to do the investigation. 72 hours after a shooting officers will be asked about what happened as it can take that long for a human to comprehend what transpired during a high stress action. This goes for all humans, officers are no different than anyone else.

Yet this didn’t happen in this case. There was no chance for the Police Union to protect the officers involved while the investigation was starting up. The 4 officers were fired. Probably because a phone video of Officer Derek Chauvin kneeling on the upper body of George Floyd and the infamous words, “I can’t breathe,” were uttered. There was no video posted that showed what came before this tragic moment in time. Yet there was plenty of evidence of what did transpire in the form of the 4 Body Camera Videos from the 4 Minneapolis Police Officers and store cameras.

Liz Collin’s book goes on to talk about an official narrative being fabricated when instead of the Internal Affairs, or the BCA being called in to investigate, Police Chief Arradondo said the FBI was called instead. At that point in time there was no evidence except for the Body Camera footage and the store cameras from CUP Foods and other businesses from around 38th & Chicago Ave. An autopsy wasn’t even set up yet.

Outrage and Riots

It depends when and what media outlet you saw or heard about this case. I, Publius Jr, first heard about it on Garage Logic, a local podcast by Joe Soucheray. He had on Pastor Tim Christopher and they were talking about this. I didn’t see the “knee on the neck” video until mid-week from the observed Memorial Day of Monday May 25th. Then towards the weekend protests turned violent and destructive.

The book covers the vacuum of leadership where the top Minneapolis Police leaders were completely AWOL and were not supporting officers on the front lines. A number of officers talked about not being supported or getting the proper gear to handle what was going on.

The Mayor of Minneapolis Jacob Frey was completely not in control, nor capable of dealing with anything his handlers hadn’t crafted for him to say or do. The Governor, Tim Walz was not helpful either.

She talks about what transpired at the 3rd Precinct Police Station and the incredible decision to give it up to the rioters.

The Autopsy & Point of No Return

So the 4 officers had been fired and a case was being set up to charge them, and yet there hadn’t been an autopsy yet. She lists the details from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner which is corroborated from the Armed Forces Medical Examiner. Yet the 2 “experts” who were hired by the George Floyd Family Lawyer supported exactly what they were paid to say, to support the viral video.

She talks about a strange condition that may have been George Floyd’s medical problem called “Wooden Chest Syndrome.” It is associated with fentanyl use and the person will have a hard time breathing.

George Floyd was probably the only COVID patient that year that had an autopsy. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner found that Mr Floyd had a heavy heart condition, and one of his arteries was 75% blocked. His heart disease would make it hard for him to breathe.

There was no evidence of strangulation or bruising around George Floyd’s neck.

What is telling is the toxicology report on Mr Floyd. You can read it in the book. That alone should have exonerated the 4 officers involved.

The Protests Hit Home

Maybe I’m misremembering but I could’ve sworn there was only one protest outside the home of Liz Collin & Bob Kroll in Hugo, Minnesota, but then again, the local #NewsMafia isn’t so vocal about the truth. To get any sort of truth on this case one has to go to the New York Post, or some newspaper in London, England.

Liz Collin writes that there was a protest outside of the WCCO TV studios in downtown Minneapolis. She had been “benched” from being the anchor at this time for fears of a favorable police bias as she was too close to the case.

BLM & Black Trans Lives Matter protested outside Liz Collin & Bob Kroll’s house on June 14, 2020 in Hugo MN.

Then there was the August 15, 2020 protest outside her home in Hugo Minnesota featuring Civil Rights Lawyer Nekima Levy Armstrong and House District 67A DFL Candidate John Thompson. Liz & Bob were not home but their neighbors got an earful. The transcript of what John Thompson said is in it’s entirety (strong & vulgar language throughout), a link to the article with video is posted here.

John Thompson should have never been allowed to run for office, but the MN Secretary of State’s office is not required to determine residency of candidates when they file for office.

The Trial of Derek Chauvin

There are many examples of prosecutorial misconduct.

The book tells the way Officer Creighton went from being a witness for the prosecution to being one for the defense. Apparently MN Attorney General Keith Ellison didn’t like the responses from Officer Creighton who has arrested George Floyd a year before for selling 1000 oxycodone pills. The body camera footage in 2019 went very much similar to the arrest the year later and after Mr Floyd had exited the vehicle in 2019 he had put something in his mouth, possibly to hide evidence and when he had arrived at the Police Station, he had a medical emergency and the EMTs took care of him.

MN AG Keith Ellison also had a difference of opinion with Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman. Freeman probably from looking at the evidence and from the body camera footage thought to not charge the officers as convicting police is very difficult to do even though he had convicted a rookie cop Officer Noor.

Judge Cahill had allowed a lot of things that should have declared it a mistrial. Jury tampering by Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Jurors who were biased against Derek Chauvin. Pre-trial publicity by Keith Ellison went against protocol. Saying No to having the trial in a different locale. Just to name a few.

She gives a background on Keith Ellison’s tie to local gangsters who had murdered a cop. The gangsters were into all sorts of things to include selling drugs. Ellison had been their defense attorney. Perhaps this is why the long serving Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman had issues working together.

The saddest part of the case is Officer Thomas Lane who had just graduated weeks before this case and was looking forward to a career serving as Police Officer. He originally wanted to fight the case as he knew he was innocent of all charges, but because his wife had just given birth to a newborn baby, Officer Lane pled guilty so he could be out of prison prior to the first memories of his child.

In the end this trial had a verdict before it had started.

The Right Side of History

Liz Collin’s book talks about how the aftermath of the trial. She indicates that Chief Arradondo took himself out of the running for Police Chief in San Jose California in January 2021. He retired a year later. He had admitted because of the riots the criminals were encouraged. He had promised to change the department but police officers were leaving after not being supported by the City leaders on the City Council nor the Mayor’s Office.

Crime has gone off the charts. From taking office as the Chief in 2019 to 2021, robberies almost doubled, and the number of people wounded by gunfire has almost tripled.

Jeremiah Ellison, the son of Keith Ellison, who is a City Councilman in a Ward with nonstop violence and crime is out of touch with reality. He had made sure his father wasn’t investigated by the Minneapolis Police for the alleged battery of Keith Ellison’s girlfriend in 2018. He follows in his father’s footsteps in his support of antifa.

She talks about other city leaders, Governor Walz, MN Attorney General Keith Ellison, and Joe Biden.

Afterword by Avery Severson

White Bear Lake High School Student Avery Severson was accused of writing a racist social media post. She was castigated by teachers and students and was even investigated by Merrick Garland’s FBI in April 2021.

It was later determined to be a hoax by another student. Yet the news kept reporting about it without correcting the story or apologizing.

Avery Severson could relate to the treatment Liz Collin & Bob Kroll received.

Help Make the Book into a Documentary Movie

The book is being made into a Documentary Movie using crowdfunding and it will be released this Fall for free.

If you would like to help out go to this link and follow directions there, the donations are tax deductible.

I, Publius Jr, received the book from a dear friend of mine that I helped with his website when he ran for office in 2022. He even got it signed for me.  I found the book to be easy to read and gave insight that the #NewsMafia never thought to publish. I know local reporters in print journalism and when I send them tips, they don’t respond all the time. They do have their moments when they pick up something I’ve already spent a great deal of my free time researching and writing. The big difference is I’m not paid and they are. Some of what is produced has to go through their editor who are more biased than the reporters.

I notice that Minnesota Attorney General has published a book talking about the Derek Chauvin trial. It should be interesting whether the library picks it up, because MELSA did not get Liz Collin’s book, at least not that I have seen, and I read a lot.

I have posted this content as a courtesy to Liz Collin. I’m a big supporter of the Truth as it has no political stripe, and truth will separate those with character and those without in how they accept the Truth…some people can’t handle the Truth.  I do not get any compensation from posting this. ~~ Publius Jr.

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MELSA Libraries Libby App E-Reader

One thing I, Publius Jr, missed about Pre-Covid days was going to the library. I used to go 3-4 times a week mainly to use their computers which had updated virus protection and in the Ramsey County Library I went to, a Dunn Brothers coffee shop to get a mocha. Yes, I did website administration and writing of articles there.

It was a plus when area school children had their artwork displayed in public. There are some great budding artists out there.

Metropolitan Library Service Agency, or MELSA has an E-Reader System called The Libby App by Overdrive or Libby for short.

Here’s a video from another public library in Texas, with an informal tutorial.


Libby books can be read on a Kindle device, in fact it will ask you which method of viewing your book selections you’d like to read it on. On my laptop computer it makes use of the full screen. It is crisp and fluid in its functioning.

The best news is being able to borrow magazines. Another one of my favorite activities at a Library was to go to the area near the fireplace and read, or leaf through a magazine. Libby has that covered. There is no crinkle of pages or the sometimes hard to turn a page due to the metal spine.  The magazine pages are vivid and you can enlarge them or just leaf through the pages as you would in an actual magazine.  The best thing is it won’t take up too much space on your coffee or end table.

Life has returned to as close as normal as it was before Covid lockdowns. I still use the e-reader but there are just some things my devices can’t replicate online.  Some of the things are seeing the librarians and saying hello, enjoying a mocha from Dunn Brothers, or hearing Howard’s Countdown Trivia in the last hour before closing.


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Ryan Montgomery: Ethical Hacker Hunts Child Predators Online

The above video runs 2:48 Hours and the subject of the article doesn’t start until 1:34 Hours into it. In that time Shawn Ryan asks Ryan Montgomery about Ryan’s background–his drug abuse, and about cyber security online. Ryan who is currently 29, started a drug rehab at 22, and now for the last 2 years he has been catching child predators with a MMA Fighter Dustin “Scrappy” Lampros on his YouTube Channel 561 PC (PC short for Predator Catchers or Pred Catchers).

It’s a long video so if you want to skip Ryan Montgomery’s Bio, Cyber Security skills, and go straight into his work catching Online Child Predators here are the time Stamps on the 2 hr and 48 minute video:

Time    Description

11:40      Introduction to what Ryan Montgomery does online

16:00     Bio, School Drop Out, Drug abuse

20:00    Hacking Computers

35:00     Setting up a Treatment Center in South Florida at the age of 22

49:19 to 52:02 Commercial for with Shawn Ryan’s discount at Moink (We don’t get any compensation for posting this link, nor do we subscribe to the service).

52:02 to 53:38 Commercial for HVMN Ketone IQ Promo Code Shawn (we don’t get any compensation for posting this link, nor do we use this product)

* This is what happens when YouTube doesn’t monetize or share the ad revenue with Video Channel producers. They tend to have annoying special sponsors. This is an article for another day about modern day slavers.

53:38 (online penetration tester) to check for cyber security vulnerability

1:07:05   What is the Dark Web?

1:11:42    Vulnerabilities Hackers can exploit

1:26:34   5 Simple things you can protect yourself from Hackers

1:27:40   How to Protect from Spammers and Phishers (you can’t)

1:29:34 to 1:32:35 Commercial for Lear Capital (We don’t get compensated by them either) You can find them online.

1:32:35 to 1:33:56 Commercial for Mud WTR Promo Code SHAWNMUD (Again no compensation for posting the link. Shawn mentions his psychedelic trip video, he drinks this instead of coffee)

**Warning! The Shawn Ryan Show has bleeped out and blurred the parts of the interview that are graphic in detail, and mentions specific websites. He also demonetized the video in hopes YouTube wouldn’t pull it. Just from some of the sentences that remain after bleeping it kind of gives you the idea of what’s going on. It is some real sick stuff that the Democrats in California and Minnesota want to make legal for what Pedophiles call themselves now: Minor Attracted Persons or (MAP).

1:34:00    Ryan Montgomery talks about Hunting Child Predators Online

1:43:47     What happened when he contacted the Exploited Children Tip line, and News Stations in his area including Fox, and influencers like Candace Owens and others (who didn’t respond). He assumed the FBI was working on this for a long time.

Ryan said after the reporters who were eager to report on it talked to their legal departments he was told they weren’t allowed to do reports. Ryan then said to leave the legal stuff out of it and do a general story on the website and how to protect children online and they ignored him.

This was when he went to Project Veritas with all his information and they listened to him. Not until then did the other News Stations want to cover this, which says a lot about the News.

1:45:55   What did Law enforcement do?

Ryan mentions after talking to his attorney they had to contact an attorney in Virginia as a Democratic Politician who ran for Congress twice, his name is Nathan Larson, owned the site with the 7000 child predators on it.

1:47:24  Shawn Ryan reads a quote from former Congressional Candidate Nathan Larson [from FEC.Gov it lists this candidate as a Libertarian who last ran for Congress in 2008]. Shawn Ryan mentions code words Nathan Larson used were “Cheese Pizza, Cooking, and Pizza.”

1:50:26  What happened to Libertarian Nathan Larson who owned that website. 6 months after Ryan hacked his website they caught Nathan Larson in Denver with a girl he had kidnapped. He went to prison and died of starvation.

1:52:34   When did 561 PC start?

1:57:44   What happen during the first time 561 PC caught someone?  Check out the video at this link here.  They catch a guy who is waiting in Wal-Mart in Del Ray Florida. They talk to him and eventually the Police they called come to arrest him. Ryan says the State Attorney’s Office threw out the case because of a technicality.

2:00:38  Ryan shows how quickly a child predator will contact what they believe is a child online. So they make a fake account name on a site called TeenChat (as the top left of the screen says).

2:14:19   Ryan Montgomery says it is unfortunate that there are States that are normalizing Pedophilia to become a sexual orientation like California. [Minnesota Democrats aka DFL are trying to get it normalized as an amendment in a Public Safety Omnibus Bill]

2:18:00  Are there apps that help parents monitor their children’s activity online?

2:21:46 to 2:23:50  Last Commercial Break for Vigilance Elite Patreon a paid subscription content website. There are 3 levels of access.

2:25:00   Shawn Ryan reads a report about Governor Gavin Newsom of California passing a bill in October 2020 that would allow judges to determine to list someone as a sex offender if they had sex with a minor. [All the “fact checker” websites says the law doesn’t legalize pedophilia]. They basically lowered the ago of consent for this to 14 and it has to be consensual.

Then states that in April 2023 Governor DeSantis of Florida has signed a bill that allows juries to impose the death penalty even if all jurors do not agree and the death penalty on someone who has been convicted of sexual battery on someone younger than 12.

2:37:00   Statistics about Human Trafficking

2:38:50   Call to Action to combat this ongoing problem

Electronics Everyday Carry (EDC)

Everyday Carry is a term you hear when people talk about personal defense items. In the 2A world one might hear about Pepper Stream, a knife, a whistle, Personal Locator Beacon, Recco Apparel, a tourniquet, a compass, spare ammunition magazines, and a concealed carry pistol.

What does an Ethical Hacker like Ryan Montgomery carry for EDC?

Shawn Ryan interviews him on what a hacker thinks is essential items to carry everyday.

It’s a short half hour video so I won’t time stamp anything.

As stated above, this website does not get compensated in any way for the links or the ads in the videos. We’re just posting it as a courtesy and it is important as our government doesn’t seem to want to pursue and prosecute sexual predators especially the child predators online.

Ryan Montgomery had to go to Project Veritas to get anyone to listen to him, and only then when they exposed this to the public did news stations and the FBI want to get involved.  That needs to change. Contact your legislators and ask them why they have caved to the LGBTQaTOz agenda and even though there might be a gays against groomers group (homosexuality isn’t right either) it’s just different shades of moral relativism at play. Their mosh pit of immorality fosters this garbage. ~~ Publius Jr.

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Repenting From Being LGBTQ+ and Talking about it Might Land You in Jail

The Left who won a simple majority in the state of Minnesota has gone out of their way to pass every far left idea they can think of. Even before that, the Mayors of Minneapolis Jacob Frey and St Paul Mayor Melvin Carter III and their respective City Councils passed a resolutions that would make it illegal to provide any conversion from a person who is LGBTQaTOz to a normal person. This draconian and unnecessary move to establish a specific a set of morals that could be construed to be a new religion could backfire as the video above shows.

Anti-Conversion Therapy Law in Malta has it’s First Big Case

Matthew Grech after exploring his feelings on his same sex attraction and his newly found belief in Jesus Christ may land him in jail for violating a law that bans conversion therapy or talking about his experience to others on a show called X-Out-Loud.

Mr Grech says that the Malta law doesn’t allow for the freedom of expression or other viewpoints. He says he faces a 5000 Euro ($5504) fine and up to 5 months in jail for just telling others about his conversion. He says most gays who decide to do this do it on their own. He says the law talks about forced conversion and he’s never heard of such a thing. He says those who are professionals who do these conversions can be charged as criminals. Professionals in this case might be a pastor or a psychologist.

He went on a local show in Malta and the presenters had him talk about finding Christ and how he repented his lifestyle and is a new person in Christ. Some people who were offended by this reported him to the police in Malta and the police showed up at his door and took him to the Police Station with his attorney who advised him to be silent. He is charged with advertising this service.  He says he was sharing his Christian Faith and the hope we have in Christ.

Matt Grech believes this law creates some intimidation by the government and a stigma that keeps people from exploring other beliefs.

The interviewer Billy Hallowell says those from the Transgender movement that feel it’s not right for them they are also intimidated from changing their mind and their stories of de-transitioning is never told. He thinks that in the Western countries that advocate Free Speech people should be able to say things that some people don’t like and a free exchange of ideas in a conversation is what the cornerstone of Free Speech is all about. No one should be punished for having a wrong belief, and why should the government determine what is a wrong belief. He says to Matt Grech that when stories can’t be told it becomes very troubling especially for Christians.

Matt Grech says his case is a test case of the new law. Though he says the LGB lobby is planning on making the law stricter as the case proceeds. They are annoyed with the advertising of the conversion that it should be an automatic [crime] and they want all of the videos of these people telling their stories removed from the internet. So people who want to ask questions have no access. He says it’s a lot of control to make their law stronger against people who basically want to self determine what’s best for their lives.

This case is in Malta, so Billy Hallowell asks him what the religious freedom is like in Malta. Mr Grech says Malta has similar freedom of religion, freedom of conscience like America but the church is very traditional. He says the Holy Spirit is turning things around and releasing people from the Religious Bondage in Malta.

Matt Grech says he sees Malta’s traditional political movement is becoming more Progressive, Liberal, anti-Christian, going against anything that is against the Word of God. He says it can be felt that it is a real spiritual battle, but he believes God is bringing Revival, a Great Awakening to Malta.

His day in court is on June 9th, 2023. Pray he prevails and this law is struck down everywhere in the courts, including Minnesota.

Religious Bondage?

This might be hard for some people to understand, and when I, Publius Jr, first encountered it, I was confused too. I was told at a House Church in an undisclosed location in Minnesota, that Christianity wasn’t a religion but rather it is a relationship with Jesus Christ. I shot back with, “Of course it is a religion!” But upon further review I found out that it is not a religion. God wanted a personal relationship with us so he sent his only son Jesus to be here with us and to interact with us and eventually die for our sins. Can you imagine regimenting your time, wearing certain clothes, acting pious, and trying to be perfect around the person you love the most in your life? It’s not going to last for very long, and God made it so you don’t have to be that way with him, you don’t have to be perfect.

If you look at what Jesus said to the Pharisees and the Sadducees of his day, you’ll see him tell them that they love the law and not the people it was intended to govern. The traditions of the time were very strict and there was a certain flow chart on what to do if people didn’t follow the letter of law.  People who were in error had to do certain offerings to get on the right side of the law, a bit like for example saying x number of Hail Mary’s and penance for the offense (just an example some people can relate to as the schedule for offerings can be quite complex). The Pharisees and Sadducees put traditions over the spirit of the Jewish law and would put themselves in the best places in the Temple, and look down on people who didn’t follow accordingly. A bit like modern day politicians putting their status and position over their faith. In fact they weren’t priests at all but their order commanded respect as they were self-appointed to make sure the people followed every letter of the 613 Commandments of the Levitical Law.

Matt Grech’s church has been for the last 15 years shaking the Traditional Church in Malta and they’ve become a target for the LGBT groups. He is a trustee of Core Issues Trust.

Can the Gospel Bring People out of the Darkness to Light?

Matt Grech is asked about some who seek this change will never feel the same sex attraction while others still do despite desiring this change. He responds and says it is a temptation. He goes on and says the Government and LGBT groups want to say that if you start out one way that you’ll never change, but the Gospel will change you if you let it.

In the Twin Cities there is a Lutheran Pastor who has a weekly program called “The Pastor’s Study,” his name is Pastor Tom Brock and on his page about himself he says he has struggled with same sex attraction temptation most of his life but remains celibate. It is one of the reasons he left the ELCA Church in 2009 because they started ordaining Homosexuals as Pastors. He lists what the Bible says about the practice and why it is wrong, and how churches have led people astray on LGBT.

Governments seem to be wanting to make the case that these people and others with different addictions will never change and anyone or anything that tries must be punished. They are seeking to establish a new religion here in essence, and that is a clear cut violation of the US Constitution’s 1st Amendment’s Religious Establishment Clause, basically there can never be an official religion of the USA.

Is the Government of Minnesota, the #OneMNTyrant, Governor Tim Walz banning therapy that people actually choose? What happened to the Pro-Choice party? They are condemning people to live in torment to choose to be a criminal rather than live a lifestyle that promotes spiritual bondage.

Minnesota Republican Legislators who voted to pass this conversion therapy ban (SF23/HF16) in both the Minnesota House & Senate have violated the State Party Platform and the Religious Freedom guaranteed in the US Constitution’s 1st Amendment.  We will expose you and most seem to have spent too many terms in office already. The others on their first or second term we will advise your BPOUs to never endorse you again. Government is your god and you worship it at the detriment of the people you claim to represent.

The US & MN Constitution Preambles state our rights come from God and so we have to respect his rules on life otherwise we as a nation will erode and be overrun like the ancient Israelis were when they turned their back on God.

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Developing a Personal Protection Plan: Know Your Gun Laws Series Developing a Personal Protection Plan is a series of articles that will help you develop a Personal Protection Plan for your Home, your Work Place, and the In Between. We will give you links and resources you can research and educate yourself. On the bottom of the article are links to the other articles in this series. The website is not associated with any of the links nor gets any compensation from them. Our website administrator Publius Jr is a US Army Veteran (Reagan Era) and is a USCCA Gold Member (Veteran Discount). ~~ Publius Jr.

A Jury of your peers will ponder if your actions are reasonable in whether they convict or acquit you in a case that involves firearms.

Knowing the Gun Laws in your State

The US Constitution’s 10th Amendment allows States to make laws that are not covered in the entirety of the US Constitution. This does not allow them to make laws about Gun Control, Rules about the gun itself, the ammunition, nor the accessories that are in common use by our US Military.  However since 1934 when the National Firearms Act was passed into law, which in itself is unconstitutional and later when the Gun Control Act of 1968 was passed, States have enacted all sorts of Gun laws, and it seems they want to erase the 2nd Amendment or redefine it for hunting, and sporting firearms.

While ideally that would be great to erase all State Gun Laws as States do not have jurisdictional authority to pass gun laws; in the meantime it is very important to know your Local, State, and Federal Gun Laws. For the purposes of this article the Gun Laws of Minnesota will be talked about.

Minnesota Gun Laws at a Glance

(reference from USCCA’s website for State Reciprocity and MN Gun Laws as of May 5, 2021)

Self Defense

  • Minnesota is a Duty to Retreat State
  • Minnesota does not have a Castle Doctrine

Carry Basics

  • Minnesota is Not Constitutional Carry State
  • Open Carry & Concealed Carry are legal
  • Shall Issue Permit State (Concealed Carry from County Sheriff’s Office)
  • Permit to purchase lasts a year after issue (through the local Police Station). If you get a concealed carry permit it allows you to purchase the entire length of the permit.
  • Minimum age to get a Concealed Carry Permit is 21 years of age
  • Concealed Carry allows only handguns to be carried concealed
  • Pepper Spray or Tasers are legal to purchase and possess without a permit
  • No magazine restrictions on the number of rounds one can have in a magazine
  • Only Metal piercing bullets are not allowed to be used during the commission of a crime

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India Eradicated Covid with Ivermectin, Why Does the USA Not Follow?

Mikki Willis the Documentary Maker of Plandemic shares with viewers of the above video how one cheap Nobel Prize winning drug could have ended the Covid Pandemic before it started.

Ivermectin had been used for over 35 years in humans and in animals. Then right before what he has documented the Plandemic started key drugs that could eradicate covid were banned. The reputation of Ivermectin and other drugs were smeared and belittled as a horse dewormer by the mainstream press and even the Entertainment Industrial Complex known as Hollywood chimed in the ridicule of people who chose to take it.

Those brave souls who risked ridicule and loss of a job to take it once they became infected with Covid, people like Aaron Rodgers and Joe Rogan were raked through the mud. The NFL suspended Aaron Rodgers for a week when he got covid but the Ivermectin he took knocked it out almost immediately. It is convenient that Rodgers contracted covid the week that the high rated Packers would play the equally high rated Kansas City Chiefs; it must have made the legal sports gamblers angry this happened.

In the video nations like Argentina, India and Japan decided to prescribe Ivermectin and the results did flatten the curve. Japan has recently downgraded Covid to the status of the Flu, which it probably is a weaponized version of the regular flu. India has mostly eradicated Covid from their country.

So why hasn’t the USA followed India and other nations?

If you connect the dots, you will realize that we’ve been duped into believing there was a global pandemic. Even President Trump thought his Operation Warp Speed was going to develop a vaccine in record time, when actually by some accounts the “vaccine” was ready before he was elected in 2016.

His action to declare a national emergency allowed the makers of what some call a bioweapon because it surely isn’t a vaccine because you have to isolate the virus to make a vaccine and this didn’t happen. They were allowed to fast track the drug around the usual clinical trials because it was what the FDA calls an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). It isn’t a vaccine.

It is premeditated mass murder to some twisted evil plan to depopulate the planet and put those that remain under a global one world government run by unelected people at the WEF.

You Doubt this Conclusion?

Look at the accounts of Nurse Erin who left the hospital she worked in Tampa Florida to go on a FEMA program to Elmhurst Hospital in Queens New York, near New York City. She saw death in slow motion. Patients of color were sedated, put on a ventilator and then given Remdesivir which has an 80% mortality rate alone. Those that died which were almost everyone, were not given an autopsy. The death certificate was stated to be Covid. They ran out of body bags so they started to put people in trash bags.

Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse set up a field hospital in Central Park to help those who thought they had Covid. Those that were running the pandemic scam asked them to leave, citing their claims Franklin Graham is homophobic. The Hospital Ship, USS Comfort, President Trump sent was never used as intended.  What’s most damning is the hospital where Nurse Erin worked in Tampa Florida was using Hydroxychloroquine on Covid patients and they were walking out of that hospital. Hydroxychloroquine was banned too from being prescribed.

It’s as if those behind this mass murder scheme wanted it to appear that there were 1000 people dying per day from the virus. If you look at the number of total 2020 deaths in the USA by CDC numbers there wasn’t much of a blip of actual covid deaths.

Believe what you want to, but two Technology giants, India and Japan have almost wiped out Covid in their countries. Isn’t it time USA Citizens follow what’s best for themselves and stop listening to the narrative the FDA/CDC are spinning for profit?

Mikki Willis advocates for a specific provider of Ivermectin. This website is not compensated in any way for posting this. It’s up to you if you want to buy this medicine through the link he provides it’s up to you. You still have free will. ~~ Publius Jr.

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Maplewood VA Clinic Moves Into a New Building Next Door

Maplewood VA Clinic has moved next door from the old clinic site 1725 Legacy Dr to 3100 Kennard St, Maplewood MN 55109

There is a new location for the Maplewood VA Clinic in Maplewood Minnesota. Those Minnesota Veterans who use VA Healthcare in the Northern Metro have a new facility to go to. It’s not far from the old Maplewood VA Clinic which was at 1725 Legacy Drive, Maplewood, MN 55109. It is about 100 yards from the old clinic location across the parking lot.

New Maplewood VA Clinic Map

3100 Kennard St, Suite 100, Maplewood, MN 55109

The clinic has moved next door into the old Health East Sleep Center at 3100 Kennard St, Kennard Professional Building Suite 100, Maplewood MN 55109. This building is larger than the previous location, and there is room to expand services in the building.

I, Publius Jr, have been going to the VA Hospital in Minneapolis and also the Maplewood VA Clinic since 2014 when I needed care and had lost my healthcare insurance.


The new location has been open since January 31, 2023.

The hours of the Maplewood VA Clinic are M-F 7:30 am to 4:30 pm (1630 hrs). It is closed on Saturday & Sunday.

If one needs to see a VA Healthcare professional on the weekends, one should visit the ER at the VA Hospital in Minneapolis on 1 Veterans Drive, Minneapolis MN 55417. You can also talk to a VA Nurse line to determine how serious your health issue is before you go anywhere.

There are Urgent Care facilities that Veterans can use. The VA Nurse Call Center can give you directions to it.

VA Minneapolis Main Phone: 612-725-2000

Maplewood VA Clinic Phone: 651-225-5420

Mental Healthcare: 612-467-4010

Mental Health Crisis: 988 then press 1 at the prompt

The VA Hospital, and the VA Clinics still have a requirement for masks to be worn at all times within the building.

Publius Jr, is a US Army Veteran (Reagan Era). He gets all of his healthcare through the VA, and through the Community Care program set up by the Mission Act, passed during President Trump’s 1st Term in Office.

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Developing a Personal Protection Plan: Firearm Carry Insurance Series Developing a Personal Protection Plan is a series of articles that will help you develop a Personal Protection Plan for your Home, your Work Place, and the In Between. We will give you links and resources you can research and educate yourself. The website is not associated with any of the links nor get any compensation from them. Our website administrator Publius Jr is a US Army Veteran (Reagan Era) and is a USCCA Gold Member (Veteran Discount). ~~ Publius Jr.

There are several states in the United States which are trotting out new gun control laws which are very ignorant of recent US Supreme Court Opinions. One of them is requiring firearm liability insurance. This proposed law is very unnecessary as the realities of a court case involving a firearm is astronomically expensive. A responsible gun owner will go out and get carry insurance to guard against becoming bankrupt or even being put into prison for a self defense incident. Requiring liability insurance will no doubt increase the cost of insurance as healthcare, automobile, and other insurance costs skyrocket when it is mandatory.

I, Publius Jr, went and bought the cheapest plan under the USCCA, Gold Member. I got a discount for being a US Army Veteran. I purchased this PRIOR to purchasing a pistol. I was researching pistols and I thought during the time I was training I needed some insurance in case something went wrong during the pistol shopping period where I would try out different ones. You might wonder why a Veteran would need to do research on what pistol to purchase. Well, I was not a commando like John Lovell (he was a US Army Ranger, Special Forces), and I never trained with handguns until 2020 when I went out and did a CCW Certificate Training for an article I eventually wrote. In fact there was a 31 year absence from training with firearms for me.

Three friends of mine suggested to purchase a USCCA membership and I did.

The video above is between John Lovell and an attorney Andrew Branca. It was posted on John Lovell’s Warrior Poet Society YouTube Channel on July 14, 2018. Some of the costs mentioned are cheaper than they are now, especially with Biden Inflation.

If you are curious about what Carry Insurance John Lovell went with:

He mentions a chart that you can use to consider which insurance company you can choose from is from click here. There are links to each insurance company below the chart at their website.

Here is an up-to-date chart of Carry Insurance Plans (August 31, 2022).

Do you homework, research, research, research, and what works for one person might not be good for you, just like a firearm some gun product reviewer like John Lovell likes might not fit you.

Other Series Articles:

Developing a Personal Protection Plan: Pepper Spray

Developing a Personal Protection Plan: Know Your Gun Laws

USCCA Conceal Carry Training IN St Paul

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