Wentworth Cheswell Black Patriot & Son of Liberty

This post was originally posted on February 26, 2017 on this website. It is copied from the Wallbuilders.com website. ~~ Publius Jr.

A Black Patriot: Wentworth Cheswell

Wentworth Cheswell
At WallBuilders we strive to “present America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage,” so Wentworth Cheswell (sometimes Chiswell or Cheswill) is a perfect subject for our attention. He was the grandson of black slave Richard Cheswell (who early gained his freedom and in 1717 and became the first black to own property in the colony of New Hampshire); and he was the son of Hopestill Cheswell, a notable homebuilder who built the homes of several patriot leaders, including John Paul Jones and the Rev. Samuel Langdon. Wentworth was named after the famous Wentworth family, from whom came several state governors, including Benning Wentworth – the governor at the time of Wentworth’s birth.

In 1763, Wentworth began attending an academy in Byfield, Massachusetts (30 miles from his home), where for four years he received an extensive education, studying Latin, Greek, swimming, horsemanship, reading, writing, and arithmetic.

In 1767, he returned home and became a schoolteacher, also marrying Mary Davis (they eventually had 13 children – 4 sons and 9 daughters). At the age of 21, he had already become an established and educated property owner and a stalwart in his local church, even holding a church pew.

The following year, Wentworth was elected town constable – the first of many offices he held throughout his life. Two years later in 1770, he was elected town selectman (the selectmen were considered the “town fathers” of a community). Other town offices in which he served included seven years as Auditor, six years as Assessor, two years as Coroner, seven years as town Moderator (presiding over town meetings), and twelve years as Justice of the Peace, overseeing trials, settling disputes, and executing deeds, wills, and legal documents. (View an 1813 document signed by Cheswell as justice of the peace.) For half a century – including every year from 1768 until 1817 – Wentworth held some position in local government.

In addition to his civic service, Wentworth was also a patriot leader. In fact, the town selected him as the messenger for the Committee of Safety – the central nervous system of the American Revolution that carried intelligence and messages back and forth between strategic operational centers. Serving in that position, Wentworth undertook the same task as Paul Revere, making an all-night ride to warn citizens of imminent British invasion.

In April 1776, he signed a document in which he pledged, “at the risk of . . . live and fortune,” to take up arms to resist the British, and in September 1777, he enlisted in a company of Light Horse Volunteers commanded by Colonel John Langdon (Langdon later became one of the 55 Founding Fathers who drafted the U. S. Constitution, then a framer of the Bill of Rights, and later the New Hampshire governor). Langdon’s company made a 250-mile march to Saratoga, New York, to join with the Continental Army under General Horatio Gates to defeat British General Burgoyne at the Battle of Saratoga – the first major American victory in the Revolution.

After returning from Saratoga, in the spring of 1778, Wentworth was elected to the convention to draft the state’s first constitution, but some unknown event prevented his attendance.

Wentworth also served as Newmarket’s unofficial historian, copying town records from 1727 (including the records of various church meetings) and chronicling old stories of the town as well as its current events. Additionally, having investigated and made extensive notes on numerous artifacts and relics he discovered in the region around Newmarket, he is considered the state’s first archeologist. Therefore, when the Rev. Jeremy Belknap published his famous three-volume History of New Hampshire (1784-1792), he relied on (and openly acknowledged) much information he gleaned from Wentworth.

In 1801, Wentworth helped start the town library to preserve and disseminate useful knowledge and virtue. His commitment to providing helpful information is not surprising, for not only had he become a school teacher in 1767 but in 1776 he was elected as one of five men to regulate and oversee the schools of Newmarket.

In 1817, in his 71st year of age, Wentworth succumbed to typhus fever and was buried on the family farm, where other members of his family were later buried. In fact, when his daughter Martha died (his last surviving heir), her will provided that any members or descendants of the family could forever forward be buried on the farm. Unfortunately, that family graveyard long lay in disrepair, but in recent years friends and family have managed to restore it.

The legacy of Wentworth Cheswell is a lasting one: a patriot, teacher, and church leader; an historian, archeologist, and educator; a judge and official elected to numerous offices (he is considered the first black American elected to office in America). He is truly one of our forgotten patriots but he is a laudable example for all Americans – a hero worth remembering and honoring.

The above was copied from Wallbuilders.com .

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2024 Black American History and Heritage Month

This month We will post a number of stories about the contributions of Black Americans who have contributed to achievements to better our nation and our culture.

Many of them you probably have never learned about in school. Which is not surprising what with the eroding nature of our Public School System. In St Paul Public Schools nearly 3/4 of the students are not Caucasian and they seem to be neglected by the DFL who like to pose with them for photo ops during their campaigns for School Board.

We are glad to produce articles about Black Americans. They have contributed the most and have sacrificed the most for their freedom and a shot at the American Dream. The stated goal of the 1854 Republican Party was to free the slaves and ensure their civil & voting rights. During the Civil War we secured their freedom and during the Reconstruction Period from 1865-1875 we Republicans enacted the 14th & 15th Amendments that gave Citizenship, Civil Rights, and Voting Rights to former slaves. Most people don’t know that the Slaves almost were given their freedom at the start of our country but that motion failed in the Constitutional Convention. This is where the worst compromise was put into place the 3/5 clause that would award southern states with Representation for the number of slaves they had.

The best thing Black Americans can do is learn about what rights they have and to stand up for their beliefs by going out to vote their conscience this can begin on February 27, 2024 at your precinct caucus. To find a caucus near you in Minnesota go to the Secretary of State’s website and click on caucusfinder.sos.state.mn.us, after February 7th.

Get involved and be as Maj Toure says, “be a solutionary in your neighborhood.”

There is more History to be found this month, and we are glad to present it to you.

~~ Publius Jr.

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MN Secretary of State’s Office Needs Some Oversight Now!

Update: The Election Judge website has been updated. I, Publius Jr, had asked Rep Mary Franson if the MN Legislature could have a hearing about the sloppiness and slow to update the crucial election related pages at the MN Secretary of State’s Website. She replied that the Minority Party can’t call for a hearing. So I contacted my old high school American Government Teacher (he was first elected when I was senior in high school), Rep Gene Pelowski. I asked him about the Election Judge website and showed him the other article I wrote about the caucusfinder, and he said he had just talked with Secretary Simon. He said he would let him know. About a week later the site had been updated. Both pages have been updated.  I did not yet get an acknowledgement email or thanks from the MN Secretary of State’s Office. I don’t expect one either…but it would be nice.  ~~ Publius Jr.

It hasn’t been very long since I, Publius Jr, posted the story about the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Caucusfinder website needing to be fixed. Now there is a new cause for concern with the Office’s website directing people who are interested in becoming Election Judges in the State of Minnesota.

Occasionally I’ll get a request from a candidate or even from the Republican Party of Minnesota to do a task such as proofread a website or check for deadlinks.

Well the latter was the task. I was to go to the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Website to check to see if the links to the various cities and county elections operations listed on the site were correct.

How hard is it to do data entry at the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office?

They must have DEI hires doing the data entry there. Or more likely they haven’t updated the website links since 2022.

Election Judge Application Website


If you go to the MN SOS’ Election Judge Website you’ll see a number of Cities listed as well as Counties listed. The hypertext links are supposed to go somewhere but as I found out in my beta testing of the links, some go nowhere, or like Bloomington MN they have an Election Judge information page, but you can’t fill out an online application on the page the MN SOS Website sends you to. They do have a listing of what an election judge does make for a salary, and it looks quite low for such an important job. Ramsey County Elections actually pay between $15-$20 per hour depending on your job which is at least $5 more per hour than most of the other Cities and Counties in the State. (Hint; Republicans sign up at Ramsey County Elections to ensure party balance).

Let’s look at the mistakes on the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Election Judge Page

Deadlinks and Hidden Application Links

So not to laugh at an incompetent staff at the MN SOS, we will put in the correct link in Brackets like this [correct link].

Apple Valley

Page not Found

[www.ci.apple-valley.mn.us/168/Elections-Voting] On the page the first link on the bottom of the page will take you to an applications app.


Could not find a link to apply, though on the Election Judge page that the MNSOS website is linked to there is a lot of information about being an election judge, but no application link. The only way perhaps is contacting the City Clerk at this number 952-563-8729and email at cityclerk@BloomingtonMN.gov

Columbia Heights

The link is good but, the application link is 2/3 down the page under “How to Apply.”

Here’s the link [www.columbiaheightsmn.gov/government/elections_and_voting/election_judge_interest_form.php]



[cdnsm5-hosted.civiclive.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_10879634/File/Resident/Voting/EJApp.pdf] If you have questions contact the Deputy City Clerk at Chee.Yang@crystalmn.gov, 763-531-1131


Page Not Found


How hard is it to do data entry at the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office?

East Bethel

Has an Application PDF but not one you can change online. You have to download it fill it out and then send it into the City Clerk via fax, regular mail, or email.

Elk River

Has a good link but then to apply it goes to their job opportunity website.


They have a changeable PDF Form, but it’s dated from 2022. What have they been doing for 2 years? [www.fridleymn.gov/DocumentCenter/View/2245/Election-Judge-Application]

Inver Grove Heights

The link is good but you have to go the Jobs & Volunteering page to sign up [www.ighmn.gov/522/Jobs-Volunteering] then click “Apply”


Page not Found



They have a good link but this is what they say about applying to be an Election Judge

We are not accepting applications for election judges at this time.

We sent them an inquiry whether that’s just for the Presidential Primary or whether it’s for the entire year. We also asked them if they have Major Party Balance at their Polling Locations.


The City Clerk of Minnetonka replied and said the notation above on their website refers to the Presidential Primary only. They will need more election judges for the August Primary and for the General Election in November. The City Clerk replied to the second question saying they do have a Major Party Balance at the 8 Polling locations they have.


The link goes to the general voting page. You can see on the left drop down menu it should have went to the Election Judge Page


New Brighton

This should really be in the Ramsey County Elections website. When you go to this link it will direct you to click on the Ramsey County Elections website. One has to wonder if anyone in the MN SOS knows this?


They have a Presidential Primary Specific Application. One has to wonder if it is for beyond the Primary.


Unsecure link which set off an alarm on my computer

[www.rosemountmn.gov/302/Election-Judges] Had to use Brave Search Engine to find the government page for Rosemount.

St Louis Park

They have a Survey Monkey sign up. This is a bit improper as Survey Monkey might use the information from those that sign up to be Election Judges to sell their names like a lot of platforms do.

How hard is it to do data entry at the St Louis Park City Clerk’s Office?

Houston County

Has a document you can download that you would have to print out and return in person. It’s not a PDF.

Olmsted County

They have a good link but they make the set up a bit confusing as they have a Job for Election Assistant [www.governmentjobs.com/careers/olmsted/jobs/3428770/election-assistant?pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs]. Then below that there’s a subject heading “How Can I Become an Election Judge?” Then there is a link to be an Election Judge in Rochester, then an application on the bottom of the page.

If you’re not in Rochester but live in Olmsted County and want to be an Election Judge just avoid all the confusing nonsense on this page and go to the bottom of it and fill it out.

How hard is it to do data entry at the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office?

Need Statewide Standards on Election Judge Applications

It would be great if the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office set a standard in which every County Elections Office or the City Clerk could have a pick of one or two options that require a changeable PDF, or a paper application one could fill out. From what it looks like there is no oversight from the Minnesota State Legislature.

Just for transparency sake this website isn’t affiliated nor associated with the RPM aka the MNGOP. What is posted here is not authorized by them nor any other Republican Party organization in the State of Minnesota. I do honor the endorsements of the endorsed candidates from their party and post those candidates campaign contact information on our candidates page. ~~ Publius Jr.

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Hold the UN and Other Sinister Organizations For This Crime Against Humans

The following video was suggested by Truth teller, Steve Isdahl of the YouTube Channel, “The Facts by HowtoHunt.com.” Steve is a former Professional Hunting Guide living in British Columbia. He shared the following video from the Muckraker.com website showing the US Invasion Route that is encouraged by several international organizations to include the Red Cross, the United Nations, and the UN IOM. These groups are not naive to what they are abetting, they are actively trying to bring down the Republic of the United States of America. Feel free to share the video to your friends and people who can do something about this. ~~ Publius Jr.

In this documentary, you will learn how the United Nations is planning and executing an industrial scale weaponized migration program and you will see the entire route that millions of illegal aliens are taking to the United States every year!

The outline of what is happening in the video is below and when it happens (time stamp is from the beginning of the video).

Anthony & Josh Rubin start the journey. Anthony tells most of this story.

Starts in Quito Ecuador (1:09 Minutes)

Columbia (3:18 Minutes)

  • Chinese illegal aliens
  • Chinese National confirms Chinese Spies in the USA (5:11 Minutes)
  • Chinese Staging area

International Organization of Migration (IOM) (UN’s Migration Dept)

Darien Gap (8:40 Minutes)

  • A place where North and South America connect
  • People get robbed, raped, or killed here
  • Entering the Jungle (11:38 Minutes)
  • Dangerous route for a variety of diseases, lack of clean water and food, and trench foot.

Panama (19:01 Minutes)

  • Refugee Camps
  • Syrians, India, Venezuela
  • UN IOM handing out Migration Route maps to find the USA (20:02 Minutes)
  • UNICEF, European Union, HIAS (Hebrew Immigration Aid Society), Doctors Without Borders, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the UN Refugee Agency)
  • Put on Buses for the next leg of the trip through Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras,  Guatemala to the Mexican Southern Border.
  • Use of Sinaloa Cartel to get across the Mexican Border for $125 each. (20:55 Minutes)

Pueblo Sin Fronteras (People without Borders) Caravan (21:15 Minutes)

  • Anti-American Propaganda
  • Led by an American Citizen

Mexico City

  • Pro Biden “Migrants” (22:52 Minutes)
  • Anti Trump (24:24 Minutes)

Amigos Del Tren (25:00 Minutes)

  • Train of Death, or The Beast Train
  • Train breaks down (30:10 Minutes)
  • They move on toward the border

Grabbed by the Gulf Cartel at the Border outside of Space X launch site. (31:28 Minutes)

  • On Stew Peters Show, Alex Jones, Brighteon.com, telling their story of how they were roughed up by the Cartel who charges $500/person to get into the USA.
  • Had their camera equipment destroyed.

Replacement Migration study by the United Nations & Agenda 2030 (37:02 Minutes)

Feel Free to Support Muckraker.com

While you still have free will you can support their muck raking by going to their donate page (click here) and giving to them. Or follow them on their social media accounts. We do not get compensated for posting this link.

Saintpaulrepublicans.us is not associated with Muckraker.com, though we believe in their well done real journalism, and their bravery to carry out this story. We do not receive any compensation for reposting this video. Please share it with others and contact your Representatives in Congress, and your local Sheriff.  The UN and other Enemies of the USA and Enemies of the Freedoms & Liberties we enjoy (without government interference); must be held accountable. ~~ Publius Jr.

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VA Minneapolis Adds a New Specialty Care Wing, Building 79

On August 10, 2023 I, Publius Jr, went to an appointment at the VA Minneapolis and saw a sign on the 3rd Floor of the building at where my appointment was at and it said, “Specialty Care has moved to Building 79.” The lights were off and chairs were stacked.

“Where’s Building 79?” I thought.

So I went back to the information desk on the main floor of the Flag Atrium, it’s near the main entrance. A senior citizen man in a red volunteer vest said, “Building 79 is the new addition that just opened on August 7th.” Then he pointed in the direction of a desk in a new hallway I hadn’t seen before.  The woman at the desk got up from her chair and proceeded to walk with me to Building 79. Without going outside the VA Medical Center (VAMC, aka VA-Minneapolis) I was escorted to the new building’s lobby.

I noticed how narrow the hallway was and it seemed to offer little privacy as most doors, were of a sliding barndoor style, were open. In my opinion the narrow hallway was of a cost saving design, which is very odd in a Federal Government building, usually they build big.  The lobby seemed too small as well. The location on the 3rd floor seemed to have a bigger more spacious lobby as well. I was told the location on the 3rd floor is to make way for hospital rooms. This is odd as I’ve never seen patient hospital rooms in the building as most Vets use outpatient services.

Outside the main entrance traffic circle, on the left of the main entrance you can see the back of Building 79 near the VA Mpls Parking Ramp

The next addition to be constructed is the Women’s Clinic which will have a Maternity Ward. It’s the only major hospital in the Metro without a dedicated Maternity Ward.

Building 79, houses the Specialty Care Department, Front of Building 79 faces the South of the Federal Property.

VA Minneapolis Building Map

Building 79, Specialty Care is located in the South East Corner of the VA Mpls Hospital

All of my Healthcare, except dental, is handled through the VA Hospital and their Clinics. I normally see my VA Doctor at the VA Clinic in Maplewood, MN at 3100 Kennard St., I did a story on it in 2023 when they moved into their new building.

Also by the date of my narrative above I had written most of this article in August of 2023. ~~ Publius Jr.


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MN Sec of State’s #CaucusFinder Website Needs to be Fixed

Update: As of February 7, 2024, the Caucusfinder tool of the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website has been updated. I had posted on another page the locations of what I had thought were St Paul Precinct Caucus locations for the Republican BPOUs and it was 2 yrs out of date. This was odd as Precinct Caucus locations were required to be turned into the state toward the end of January 2024. The MNGOP had required them by December 22, 2023. The redistricted districts and locations hadn’t been updated when I had checked on January 2nd. During the time period the website tool had been taken offline I would check and they listed the DFL locations but not the Marijuana Party nor the MNGOP caucus locations were listed.  You may be reading this after the update, but why did it take 2 years for the MN SOS office to do updates? I’m not saying there was a concerted effort to not have the corrected information, but why is the state employing people who do sloppy work? ~~ Publius Jr.

A few weeks ago this note was not posted on the caucusfinder website.

In anticipation of the inevitable web traffic to find where Republicans will go for Precinct Caucuses on February 27, 2024, I, Publius Jr, decided to post the locations of only the Precinct Caucuses for Republicans living inside the City Limits of St Paul, Minnesota.

So instead of asking some leader in the Republican Party of Minnesota, as neither the MNGOP, nor the CD4 Republican websites ever have any useful information I decided to use the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Caucus Finder website.


The Caucus Finder Website however requires addresses of residences in order to determine where the Precinct Caucuses that are secured by Local Party Units of the Major Parties in Minnesota.

The MNGOP calls these Local Party Units: BPOUs. They are separate party units from the State and Congressional District Party organizations. They sometimes work in concert with those other groups but they have separate Leaderships and Constitutions. I say this because each Local Party Unit has to go out and find a location for the precincts inside of their Local Party Unit’s borders. Usually it is a public school as by law public schools have to provide space for free for caucus. Conventions are a party function and therefore they usually have to rent space or utilize their non-profit status to get space free at a library.

Discovering the Glitch

As mentioned above The Caucusfinder website requires your address in order to help you find where your Precinct Caucus is to be found.

I have a number of addresses of current or former delegates in the several Local Party Units in St Paul. I inputted these addresses in the general areas of BPOUs I know in St Paul. I came across a problem around the border of HD 67A & HD 66B.

The Caucus Location of the HD 66B Republicans is Johnson High School. I put in an address just down the street from there that I know is in HD 67A, and it showed that their caucus location is also at Johnson High School!

How was that possible? Did they both book the same high school?

I decided to check other addresses in that precinct, which was St Paul Ward 6 Precinct 7. I went into the Ramsey County GIS Interactive Map which will show address numbers and streets. Other addresses in that precinct read Johnson High School. Now I didn’t check other Major Parties to see if there was a discrepancy, I was only interested in Republican Caucus Locations.

I checked another address further into HD 67A and this time it came up as Hazel Park Preparatory Academy off White Bear Avenue.

I then found the location of the caucus for HD 66A Republicans which is at the Roseville Middle School.

Then I found the SD 65 Republicans Caucus Location at Benjamin E Mays Magnet School.

Next I inputted an address near the University of St Thomas and it listed their caucus at Johnson High School!

How did that happen?

I tried another address near Davern St & St Paul Avenue and I found they are listed at the Ramsey Middle School. Well that’s a problem too as that school changed it’s name to Hidden River Middle School and I discovered it in 2022.

Hmm that’s interesting nothing has changed since February 2022 on the Caucusfinder when Redistricting Started. That was a clue to what the glitch was.

Redistricting Changed Everything in St Paul

The last Precinct Caucuses were held in February 2022. This was the year of Redistricting which meant that Congressional Districts, Minnesota Legislative Districts (MN House & Senate Districts) redrew their boundaries. This is a task of the State Legislature but in the last 30 years it has fallen to the State Supreme Court to redraw the lines which is actually not the duty of the MN Supreme Court and could be considered unconstitutional.

In St Paul, the Precinct & Ward boundaries changed too. Many Precincts grew their boundaries which meant less Precincts per Ward in some cases. This is mostly because there were many residents of St Paul fleeing the city due to high property taxes, high violent crime, and ridiculous ordinances. Most of the Wards however kept the same core precincts and the edges of the Wards changed, so if you live in mostly the center of your Ward much of the Redistricting inside Saint Paul did not affect you at all.

Looking at the Precincts in question Saint Paul Ward 6 Precinct 7 and Ward 4 Precinct 12 something is much different, and the name change of Ramsey Middle School are clues that something is amiss at the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office.  It’s not a surprise, there’s a lot of examples of sloppy or incompetent work coming from the office going back to even the former Secretary of State Mark Ritchie’s term. Mark Ritchie was Secretary of State Steve Simon’s predecessor.

Mystery Solved

In 2022 I, Publius Jr, was on the Ramsey County Elections (RCE) Absentee Ballot Board. I had been on it since September 2020 until last year when the St Paul & Ramsey County Municipal and School Board Elections did not garner even a quarter of the eligible voters who generally vote in State & Congressional Elections in the even years.

I remember a discussion with RCE Manager David Triplett about the name of Ramsey Middle School in the Highland Park neighborhood of Saint Paul. On the Polling Locations Page I had entered in all the polling locations of the redistricted precincts in St Paul. It was a lot of work putting in links to maps of the locations. One of them that came into question was the Ramsey Middle School listing David Triplett had sent me. The google map picture and the map said it was named Hidden River Middle School at 1700 Summit Avenue in Ward 4 Precinct 6. There were a few days to corroborate the name and then I was told the new name. That was before the 2022 election. It’s 2024 and on the CaucusFinder website during the first couple of days of 2024 it said Ramsey Middle School.

These 3 clues spelled out the fact the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office hadn’t changed the Caucusfinder to the Redistricted Boundaries that were learned after the caucuses in 2022!

What have they been doing for 2 years?

That’s a good question.

Action to Solve the Problem

But upon discovering this issue with the Caucusfinder, I contacted RCE Manager David Triplett, the Deputy Chair of MNGOP Donna Bergstrom, the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office, and to make sure something gets done, I sent a tip to Liz Collin at Alpha News MN. I knew RCE Manager Triplett didn’t have any way to correct the issue as it wasn’t within his jurisdiction, but I wanted him to know about it. He also said in his reply he would contact Steve Simon’s Office about the problem.

Deputy Chair Bergstrom said they would stress the Caucusfinder fix in their correspondence with the MN SOS offfice.

Liz Collin said she would forward the tip to the Alpha News political reporter.

I’ve yet to hear back from the MN Secretary of State’s Office but seeing the above note in the top photo saying CaucusFinder will be available after February 7, 2024 is a pseudo reply saying they will fix it. An email would have been nice.

Other Sloppy Work at MN SOS

I don’t hold any ill will toward the MN Secretary of State’s Office but I’m tired of the sloppy, or incompetent work going all the way back to before Steve Simon took office in 2015.

  • Bad Links on “What’s On My Ballot?” & Candidate Filing Websites
  • DFL Endorsed Matt Pelikan’s Website Link Went to Another Candidate
  • MN SOS Maps with no Precinct Detail
  • No MN State Legislature Law requiring the MN SOS to check on Residency of Candidates (Especially perennial candidate Sharon Anderson files for office in SD 64 when she lives in HD 67B)

There are other issues, but these come to mind that are chronic problems.

Bad Links on “What’s On My Ballot?” Tool

One of the great tools on the MN SOS website is called “What’s On My Ballot?” You input your address and it will give you a look at who the candidates are running in your Congressional District, Legislative District, County, City, Ward, or School Board. There will also be referendums you can look at and read. Too often referendums aren’t worded in an unbiased way (“vote this way or else” is the usual gist).


Too often the candidate links on this great tool are not entered correctly. 

I always tell candidates to make sure your email and website are printed legibly on their application and to check to make sure their website link on the “What’s On My Ballot?” tool as well on the Candidate Filings Search websites have correct links because often they aren’t, or not posted at all.

candidates.sos.mn.gov (Candidate Filings Search)

I like to Beta test every link on an article I’ve just written and make sure every link goes somewhere I’ve intended.

DFL Endorsed Matt Pelikan’s Website Link Went to Another Candidate

Clicking on candidates on the Candidate Filings Search in 2018 I discovered something wrong. The Endorsed DFL Attorney General Candidate Matt Pelikan’s website went to a different DFL MN AG Candidate who was running in the August 2018 Primary. I had a dilemma. Pelikan wasn’t a Republican and I had no intention of voting for him so I did what integrity said, I sent him an email about this snafu and also an email to the Secretary of State’s office about it as well. I figured that if Doug Wardlow the Endorsed Republican MN AG Candidate had won or lost against the DFL Candidate I had wanted it to be fair. 

I didn’t hear back from either Mr Pelikan, nor the MN Secretary of State’s office.  I wonder if this snafu had any impact on Rep Keith Ellison winning in the Primary that year going on to become the MN AG in Minnesota (that race had some major questions about Ellison’s past and conduct with women).

MN SOS Maps with no Precinct Detail

You might say I’m a bit picky about maps. Though where would you be without your GPS, or the little map on your smartphone or computer? I was in the US Army and map reading was a skill that could determine life or death of myself or a spotted enemy. I took map reading seriously.

So I would imagine the MN SOS Office gets more money to run their department than the Ramsey County Elections Office, even though Ramsey County is the second largest county by voting density compared to Hennepin County to the west. Yet the MN SOS Legislative District Maps online (PDFs) have no Precinct Detail, or Precinct Boundaries on them, and RCE has GIS Interactive Maps. You can created custom GIS Maps for your purpose. Though I need to remind the RCE Map person to create PDFs with Legislative Districts with precinct detail as well as PDFs with Wards with Precinct Detail on them too. It’s a tall request but they’ve had 2 years to do it.

Fixing the MN Secretary of State’s Office

I mentioned the MN SOS having issues going back to the Secretary Mark Ritchie days. The chief one is that they are not required to check on the resident status of a candidate filing for office.  The State Legislature has not codified this into law that governs the MN SOS Office. Any prudent Secretary would at least look into the validity of the claim of a candidate that they are a US Citizen, and whether they are current resident of the state. Voters can’t register to vote using a PO Box as an address but oddly candidates can list a PO Box for their application to file for office.

John Thompson who won in HD 67A to be the State Representative there was a legal resident of Wisconsin, and he also according to the campaign staff of John Stromenger, the Republican running against him said Thompson had outstanding warrants on him. You’d think if the MN SOS did a background check on him or validated his address they would have caught one of these issues. 

Going back to Secretary Mark Ritchie’s term of office there is an ongoing issue of allowing a perennial candidate named Sharon Anderson to file as a Republican in SD 64. She doesn’t live there nor has in a very long time.

The SD 64 Republican Chair in 2020 had inquired of Secretary of State Steve Simon why Sharon Anderson is allowed to file for office in SD 64 as a Republican. She hasn’t been endorsed ever by the Republican Local Party Unit there. She lives in Dayton’s Bluff neighborhood of St Paul which is HD 67B. The response the chair received from the office is that they are not required to determine the resident status of the person filing for office. Secretary Mark Ritchie knew this too, but the State Legislature has not passed a law to require this check on the residence status of a candidate.

Ramsey County Elections (RCE) doesn’t require candidates to live in a district they are filing for either, at the time of filing. Their policy is the candidate has to have moved into the district they filed for 30 days before the General Election.

One has to wonder if RCE’s policy and the fact the MN SOS Office hadn’t changed the precinct numbers in St Paul may have messed up one candidate for Ramsey County Commission District 6 in 2022, Greg Copeland. He has lived in the same house since 1992 and when he filed for District 6 he had lived in St Paul Ward 6 Precinct 7 prior to redistricting. After Redistricting he was in the new Ward 6 Precinct 6. The County Commission District lines were redistricted and instead of District 6 he was now in District 3, yet he appeared on the District 6 Ballot at the time of the General Election.

I would like to see the MN Secretary of State’s Office be more serious about their job and to utilize their resources better. They do have some good tools to help people find their caucus (Caucusfinder), and their polling location (Pollfinder); CaucusFinder will not find your Polling location, nor will PollFinder find your Precinct Caucus location.

MN State Legislature, please require MN SOS to check on residency status.

Most Minnesota Voters do not spend a great deal of time thinking about some of the topics I’ve listed here, but trying to get elections to be fair and honest is a tall order. It’s irritating to do diligent work as a volunteer; I do not get paid to admin and write for this site, then run into Govt Union employees who get paid well and do sloppy incompetent work at the MN SOS Office. ~~ Publius Jr.

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Pastor Artur Pawlowski: If you Don’t Stand Up Now You May Not Have a Tomorrow

A Polish Immigrant to Alberta Canada, Rev Artur Pawlowski was harassed by RCMP Officers who were just following orders. He was charged with holding Church Services during the Covid Lockdowns in Canada.

This video was posted on April 4, 2021. It’s an unforgettable moment when a Pastor yelled at the RCMP calling them Nazis, Gestapo, and Communists. He went on to be arrested 40 times.

Harassed by RCMP Officers just following orders by the government of Canada.

another arrest of Rev Artur Pawlowski. RCMP just following orders

Arrested for holding Church Services during the Canadian Covid Lockdowns.

Here is an interview with Mel K of The Mel K Show. Rev Artur Pawlowski explains about his arrests and why Christians need to take a stand against what is going on now.

Pastor Artur Pawlowski has been arrested 40 times for being a Christian and being for freedom and liberty in Canada. His son Nathaniel Pawlowski has been charged with preaching outside of a Drag Queen Story Hour. He appears on the video above at the 1:05:57 minute mark.

While our Christians in America History Month doesn’t exactly include Canada, it is North America and this is one of the few Christian Church leaders who pushed back on the nonsense science of the Covid lockdowns from 2020 through 2021. It is possibly a view of what may happen to Christian Churches in the USA in the near future when the Government run by Tyrants like Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are allowed to push around Christians and mandate them to whatever whim they want that goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Bible.

It’s time Christians wake up and stand your ground otherwise you may not have a tomorrow.

On Social Media occasionally I’ll point out that Alberta Canada would be a great 51st State of the USA. Their citizens are being pushed around by the Tyrants in Ottawa, the Canadian National Capitol. I gotta chuckle a little bit that at the end of the statement Nathaniel Pawlowski reads he says next will be his dad speaking via video on the subject. Then you hear a Mike Lindell My Pillow ad. That is not his dad. ~~ Publius Jr.

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Shawn Ryan One of God’s Christian Warriors

From September 11, 2001 to 2021, from the start of the Global War on Terror, the Invasion of Afghanistan and later Operation Iraqi Freedom has put the US Military through a lot of combat without much of a rest, or upgrading their equipment. Also during this time the George W Bush and the Barack Obama administrations decided to remove chaplains from the military. The effort started in the late part of Bush’s 2nd term and was hastened during Obama’s terms.

The Chaplain of a unit is essentially the counselor of those troops that are struggling with their duty and other personal issues.  They also provide Religious services weekly for troops on base and in the field.

When you take away this resource what do you have left to address issues in the unit?

Obama’s administration required Chaplains to send their sermons and bulletins to JAG, military lawyers, to approve of them. Christian Chaplains were hassled when they prayed, “In Jesus’ name.” There were members of Congress and the Pentagon who were seriously considering to remove Chaplains altogether and just hire contractors to do this essential work.

Now civilians are shocked to hear 22 Vets commit suicide every day. According to the wife of Tom Satterly, Jen Satterly of All Secure Foundation on the Shawn Ryan Show, said it’s roughly twice this number at 44 Vets per day.

Christian Warriors

When I, Publius Jr, served my Tour of Duty I really wasn’t scared of much. Since I got out of the military and got my degree at college I’ve become more scared. I rely more on my faith to get me through the days than when I served. Hearing about how Veterans have struggled outside of their service I seriously prayed for some high profile Veteran to come along and lead as openly Christian as possible and lead Veterans who might consider suicide and be led to the freedom and solace offered by Jesus Christ.

Then along comes Shawn Ryan. A real “Billy Badass,” who starts up his podcast and YouTube Channel, the Shawn Ryan Show. He’s a former Navy SEAL and CIA Contractor. He has a company called Vigilance Elite which has cool tactical stuff and then he starts having videos about how he has anxiety in public and how to find a good therapist. This perks my attention.

My time at the VA Minneapolis in the mental health department, diagnosed with depression, I feel often of being managed, and this guy is giving out real advice that seemed helpful. I have shared his advice in the following article I posted some time ago. “If You Know a Veteran Ask Them How They are Doing Then Say Its Okay to Get Help.

In fact I’ve posted a number of his interviews on this website like the one with Tu Lam who he discussed the repercussions of the US Military pull out in August 2021.

He’s not the only Christian Warrior who has been on his show. There’s too many to list here, but I’ll highlight two others who are very memorable, John Lovell who created The Warrior Poet Society, and former Navy SEAL and now a US House Representative from Arizona Rep Eli Crane.

Other Christian Warriors

John Lovell felt the call to Christ during his Basic Training on his way to being a US Army Ranger. It is a three part interview. His call comes about 32:15 minute mark into the video below. Prior to that he talks about his childhood, getting sent to boarding school and not being serious about school or life in general. After a year of college he decided to go into Special Forces about a year before 9/11.

Rep Eli Crane is a former Navy SEAL Sniper, founder of Bottle Breacher and he is a different kind of US Representative for Arizona’s 2nd Congressional District.

He is in a Shawn Ryan Show Episode prior to his first term election Episode #25. His faith statement comes at 1 hr 31 minutes into the video below. Rep Eli Crane says a lot of our troubles in our country come from our cultural decay and it is a spiritual problem.

A Little Bit about My Army Service & My Faith

I, Publius Jr, am a US Army Veteran who served in the late 1980s under Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. I was different after I came out of the military than when I went in. I never saw combat but I encountered something that gave me nightmares off and on for about 16 years. It was hard to get family and friends to understand what I went through; often times I was accused of deserving the treatment I got in the Army, again from many who have never served in the military.

My Christian Faith was always around and while the Methodist upbringing never touched upon who the Holy Spirit was, my faith was the bedrock that got me through US Army Basic Training and Fire Support Specialist Job School at Ft Sill Oklahoma, and later through my service to the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment (3rd ACR) at Ft Bliss Texas which is just west of the El Paso Texas Airport.

When I got to my duty station in Headquarters Platoon of Howitzer Battery 1st Squadron of the 3rd ACR. The Master Sergeant at my unit, before a new First Sergeant arrived a month later, said that soldiers can go one of 3 ways when they get to their first duty station. They can go super religious or they go super bad and get into drugs alcohol and carousing. The third way was somewhere “in between.” I was between the Super Religious and the “in between.” I tried reading the King James Bible I got in the 3rd grade Sunday School but Psalms and the book of Job were hard reads for me. I went to church a few times at Ft Bliss but I didn’t like the Chaplain and they had contemporary music instead of organ music and the acapella choir like Ft Sill’s Quarry Hill’s Chapel (run then by Chaplain Rick Mathis). I still don’t like contemporary music at church it’s not really reverent in my opinion it’s just noise that repeats one line over and over a bazillion times for tens of minutes.

I went on 3 deployments, twice to the National Training Center at Ft Irwin California near Barstow and the Mojave Desert in 1989, and once to West Germany in September to October 1988 on a NATO exercise called REFORGER (REturn of FORces to GERmany). West Germany felt like Wisconsin except better cars and everyone spoke German. Some other time I’ll describe the issue that resulted in 16 years of off and on nightmares.

Lead and Shepherd by Example

Is Shawn Ryan, John Lovell, or Rep Eli Crane pastors? No. Will they be at some time in the future? One never knows. However right now the best way to bring people to Jesus Christ and his teachings is by the man or woman next to you. Giving your testimony of how you came to Christ to someone who looks like their bottom just dropped out on their life, or praying with them for hope, or just comforting them in their time of need brings more to Christ than some sermon by a Preacher.

I, Publius Jr, like to profile Christians in American History during the month of December. I picked Shawn Ryan not because he has one of the top 5 podcasts in the country but he was an answer to a prayer I had some time ago. He’s only going get more bold and open on his Christian Faith. He’s not going to be a doormat either. John Lovell is a joy to listen to, even if you’re not a Veteran, and Rep Eli Crane is a model of what a Representative should be. If any of them are reading this article, thank you for your service…some day we might meet. ~~ Publius Jr.

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Thanksgiving Day Proclamation 1789 by President George Washington

This post was copied from the Wallbuilders.com website.  ~~ Publius Jr.

Proclamation – Thanksgiving Day – 1789
George Washington – 10/03/1789
By the President of the United States of America. This is the text of George Washington’s October 3, 1789 national Thanksgiving Proclamation; as printed in The Providence Gazette and Country Journal, on October 17, 1789.By the President of the United States of America.

A Proclamation.

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine.

G. Washington.

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4 Years of Failed Attempts by Ward 5 City Council President & DFL Candidate Hwa Seong Kim to Hold Maryland Supermarket Owner Accountable

Cinder block damage next to the Metro Transit Eastbound 3A Bus Stop. May 2019

It’s been more than 4 years since the trouble at Maryland Supermarket at Arundel & Maryland Avenue started in May 2019 and none of the attempts by the current St Paul City Council President Amy Brendmoen of Ward 5, nor her then Legislative Aide Hwa Seong Kim have made an impact on changing the attitude and civic duty of the Store owner. Numerous attempts have been documented. The St Paul Police Department have logged thousands of calls relating to the people who hang around outside the convenience store and attached diner.

I, Publius Jr, had sent a note to the City Council Woman Amy Brendmoen about the broken base of the Store Sign, as you can see in the above photo. I had reported it on April 18, 2019. I was worried some kid might use the broken cinder blocks for vandalism or possibly hit someone with it. The wheels of government turn pretty slow when it isn’t in the neighborhood of the elected leader. Nearly a month went by and there was a murder committed in the parking lot of the store. You can see the Balloons near the corner of the lot where it took place.

In June 2019 I got an email from Councilwoman Brendmoen’s legislative Aide Hwa Seong Kim.

the email of Ms Kim is blocked out as well as Publius Jr’s first name.

I was floored that Hwa Seong Kim wanted me to meet the owner of the shop. I felt as if she wanted me to be identified by the shop owner, and possibly targeted by him. I’m not fond of the criminal element that he brought in when he bought the store. Prior to his purchase of the store, the criminal element that surrounds the store was not present. Though the previous store owner often would sell outdated milk and other stale food items.

Habitat for Humanity spent $11 million on developing a Wetland property known as Willow Reserve where the water table is so high none of the 11 houses built by Habitat for Humanity have basements in them. The owners of those houses are so invested in stopping the crime there they have erected ugly wooden fences around their houses. None of those houses are worth $1 million, but they sell for $200,000 roughly.

How out of touch is Hwa Seong Kim?

If you notice the LWV Forum never let her answer any questions about the DFL’s weakest topic which they claim isn’t happening around election time and that’s crime.  So keep this letter in mind when you read the rest of the article.

What is common around what I deem the “Drug Front,” and by the way it’s not the only one that one could identify in the North End Neighborhood, are open air drug sales. A lot of “handshake sales” are made. Despite a number Surveillance Cameras watching the store, the suspicious activity still seems to go unimpeded. Prior to a recent shooting there in late September there used to be open air drug sales in front of a house that was “For Sale by Owner,” 3 houses south of Maryland Ave and on the East Side of the Street of Arundel.

Why there? Because the camera on the telephone/power pole near the Westbound 3A Bus Stop could only capture up to the 2nd house south of the intersection. High end cars would park there or further south of the sale house and do transactions.

Sometimes drivers would park their car walk into the Tobacco store and be out of it inside of a minute. Unless the store owner had a pick up option online these sales seem odd. Haven’t found the evidence of a website for the store unless it is named something other than the actual store name.

On August 1st 2023 it seemed like a Block Party next to the store. You might have thought it was a National Night Out Celebration, but it wasn’t. National Night Out was created to thwart illegal drug sales and gang activity in relationship to drugs. Yet the legalization of “Recreational” Marijuana that took effect on August 1st created a party of stoned and gleeful gangsters. They must have had a record sales day. The dealers would walk up to cars and carry out their transactions just out of the frame of the Pole Camera. Then there was a shooting on August 4, 2023 . Turns out it was a mishandling and a lot of violations of gun safety that ended the life of a young man right across the street from the open air drug sales.

Then there was another shooting in late September 2023 involving a member of Como Park Senior High School.

A week later a St Paul Police Department Mobile Camera Pole was set up and the open air drug sales disappeared for a day or two but they still occur literally under the camera pole. At the angle of the camera, none of the drug dealers’ faces are able to be seen. They also operate at night as well in that area. They use couriers who ride in on their bikes, meet someone outside in the parking lot, shake hands, then ride their bike to another location.

Another Weak Non Serious Attempt to Stop the Violence

The following letter was forwarded concerning 444 Maryland Avenue W. I had posted in May 2022 about this in the article, “Why are Problem Properties in St Paul & Minneapolis Allowed to Exist,” about 2 properties one the Maryland Supermarket at the intersection of Arundel St & Maryland Ave W in St Paul, and the area of the Liquor Store and gas station at Lyndale and Broadway in Minneapolis.

Concerned Letter to Maryland Supermarket Owner

This letter is from St Paul City Council President Amy Brendmoen from Ward 5.

October 3, 2023

444 Maryland Ave W.

Saint Paul, MN 55103

Mr. Alfureedy,

On September 26, 2023, the Pioneer Press reported the arrest of a suspect involved in an April 2023 shooting outside of 444 Maryland W. in Saint Paul. This Pioneer Press article came only a week after it reported on a September 21, 2023, shooting at 444 Maryland Ave W. involving high school students. Both articles also mentioned two previous homicides at 444 Maryland Ave W., one in 2019 and one in 2022. The recent news articles and the ongoing daily pattern of unsafe and often violent behavior at 444 Maryland W. contradict your quote that the city council is “scapegoating the property for crime in the neighborhood.” In fact, 444 Maryland W. has been and continues to be a magnet for some of the most violent and unacceptable behavior in Saint Paul. The excessive consumption of our police service on this address is unfair to the rest of the city.

In the same September 26 article, your lawyer says that you are, “invested in reducing crime and having a safe space for the business’s customers and would look forward to working with whoever had any ideas to help reduce the greater violence problem on the North End.” Thank you for acknowledging that your business and the immediate area it affects is unsafe and crime-infested. Thank you for offering to participate in improving the safety of your customers and the community.

Action, of course, speaks louder than words. So, I offer the following list of basic but important action steps. These ideas, offered by city staff and the community, are all within your control. To be clear, this list is in response to your lawyer’s request in the newspaper for ideas on how you, Ali Alfureedy, could participate in reducing crime and illegal activity on your own property:

  • Hire licensed law enforcement or private security to monitor your building and adjacent areas.
  • Report all persistent loitering, suspected drug dealing, trespassing, gun activity, fighting, violence, and disorderly conduct.
  • Voluntarily close the Arundel St. entrance to your property to limit traffic flow in/out of the business parking lot and to limit business traffic into the neighborhood.
  • Install a sturdy, permanent, attractive fence that attaches to the building and encloses the business perimeter. This is the configuration that the neighborhood council and city departments requested. The temporary, disjointed, unstable, chain-link structure that was substituted (now removed) did not match or fulfill this request.
  • Keep the premises and adjacent area free from litter. Pick up trash in the morning before open, in the evening at close, as well as several times throughout the day.
  • Remove advertising sandwich board from the public right of way.
  • Keep the garbage enclosure tidy and graffiti-free, with the gate closed when unused.
  • Do not sell drug paraphernalia at any storefront.
  • Post no trespassing and no loitering signs inside store windows in the grocery, tobacco, and deli stores so they can be seen inside and outside and are not easily removed.

I remind you that City staff are able and willing to help facilitate your swift action to improve 444 Maryland W. and the adjacent area for the livability and safety of the neighborhood and your patrons. Staff can offer input using Crime Prevention through Environmental Design techniques, recommend how to close off ingress/egress successfully, suggest where and what type of a business fence should be located and installed, and review the locations of your surveillance cameras. Financial resources are available to business owners who are committed to investing in the community and willing to explore new problem-solving approaches.


Thanks for engaging to help solve the serious issues surrounding your property.

With urgency,

Amy Brendmoen


Mara Gottfried, Pioneer Press

Katie Galioto, Star Tribune

North End Neighborhood Organization

Mayor Melvin Carter

City Attorney Lyndsay Olson

Police Chief Axel Henry

Central District Chief Jesse Mollner

Director Brooke Blakey

Director Sean Kershaw

Will this Effort Stop the Violent Crime Here?


The City Called St Paul is not serious enough to combat crime in North End, or anywhere else in St Paul.

I’m not sure what the fencing of the property did when they requested it be put up around the parking lot. Whoever suggested that they aren’t dealing with reality. The above suggestion of a gate to block off traffic from a certain approach is not serious either.

High end cars, Mercedes, Souped up Junkers, Cadillacs, Ford F150 Pick Ups, Suburbans are common there. There’s another location nearer to Rice & Maryland that has similar types of cars that stop at a nearby business as well.

Other Issues Not Resolved in 4 years

The other aspect of this place of business is the traffic in and out of the location. In the Covid year of 2020 there were 2 accidents I reported that happen at the intersection or near the exit to the parking lot. The parking lot is way too small for the clientele who frequent the store, the tobacco shop and the diner. I have no problem with anyone doing well from legitimate business but the shop owner has clearly outgrown this location. A solution to a lot of things at this location is to move the store to another location with enough room for customers coming into and out of the parking lot without near misses in the postage stamp size of a parking lot.

The City of St Paul have moved businesses to different locations, just look at the Kendall’s Ace Hardware that used to be at Payne & Maryland Avenue and now is at Payne & Phalen Blvd. They also rejected Cricket Mobile from setting up shop on Payne Avenue some years ago due to what the City Council said was not enough parking spaces for customers. Yet it’s okay here at 444 Maryland Avenue?  Something isn’t right here.

Why does the St Paul Police seem to ignore the drug sales here and only show up for shootings? Which goes to my question in my post last year, of Why are Problem Properties in St Paul & Minneapolis Allowed to Exist?

Perhaps it’s political, perhaps because some candidates for Ward 5 City Council like Hwa Seong Kim are out of touch and whose only goal is to enact Extreme Socialism here like her Democratic Socialist of America endorsement suggests.

This article was not authorized by any candidate, or candidate’s committee, the MNGOP, the SPRCC, the CD4 Republicans. I live in Ward 5 and have had good conversations with Councilwoman Amy Brendmoen about this issue. I’ve informed her of nonpartisan issues that need to be addressed.  Her former aide Hwa Seong Kim shouldn’t have been endorsed as she doesn’t have the ability to think outside of the directives she is given by her special interests. The DFL has become lazy in finding quality candidates to run The Most Livable City. Btw if you saw my post of the DEA’s Take Back Day, you have to know I was on that website looking for someone to help to end this nonstop violence and the drugs being sold here in North End, as no one in St Paul or Ramsey County government are serious about ending it.  ~~ Publius Jr.

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