Flag Day June 14, 1777: The 13 Folds of the US Flag

Flag Day is June 14th and it was on this day in 1777 when the 2nd Continental Congress adopted the Flag of the United States.  It is also 2 years after the Continental Army was created to fight the British in our War of Independence.

In 1916 the President of the United States of America, Woodrow Wilson declared June 14th to be Flag Day.  In 1949 by an Act of Congress National Flag Day was established.

Some time ago when I, Publius Jr, read the book, SEAL of Honor: Operation Red Wings and the Life of Lt Michael P Murphy, Congressional Medal of Honor Winner (awarded posthumously) I ran across a reference to the 13 folds of the US Flag.  It is very interesting what the 13 folds of the US Flag mean.  Below is a video that best explains it, narrated by Ann M Wolf.  ~~ Publius Jr.

The above information about Flag Day came from Wikipedia.

The text below is from the militaryfoundation.org

The 13 Folds of the Flag

The 1st fold of our Flag is a symbol of life

The 2nd fold of our Flag is a symbol of our belief in eternal life

The 3rd fold of our Flag is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of our country to attain peace throughout the world.

The 4th fold represents our weaker nature, for as American Citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in time of war for His divine guidance.

The 5th fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, “Our Country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right, or wrong.”

The 6th fold is for where our hearts lie.  It is with our heart that We Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.

The 7th fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all her enemies, whether they are found within, or without the boundaries of our republic.

The 8th fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day.

The 9th fold is a tribute to womanhood, and Mothers.  For it has been through their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great has been molded.

The 10th fold is a tribute to the Father, for he too, has given his sons and daughters for defense of our country since they were first born.

The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies in the Hebrews eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The 12th fold represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the Christians eyes, God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit.

The 13th fold, or when the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost reminding us of our nation’s motto, “In God We Trust.”

After the Flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat; ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under General George Washington, and the Sailors and Marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones, who were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States; preserving for us the rights, privileges and freedoms we enjoy today.

June 14, 1775 is the US Army’s Birthday

June 14, 1946 is President Donald Trump’s Birthday

This post was posted originally on June 13, 2017 on this website. ~~ Publius Jr.

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2024 #ProLifeSunday: It Takes a Man to be a Dad


Remember the Tom Selleck voice-overs for the National Fatherhood Initiative ads?  We do.  They might show dads in some wacky ways but the time spent with your children has positive returns in the future.

I, Publius Jr, have been without my late-dad for about 21 years.  While my dad, Henry, never sparred with lightsabers with me on the front lawn, he did teach me how to be a good baseball player.  He taught me how to throw a fastball, a fork-ball, and he tried to straighten out my curveball but I stayed away from the curveball because I hit batters with it.  He taught me how to catch a ball in the outfield or the infield and throw it in an efficient move to the cutoff man or the proper plate.  I remember watching Magnum P.I. with Dad.  Magnum and my Dad were both Navy Veterans.  Every time I see Tom Selleck I think of those days on the couch watching Magnum with Dad.  Dad showed me how to repair my car, and now when my car needs to be serviced I think of him.  Dad taught me other things as well, not so much in a sit down and listen kind of way but by example.

He taught me to respect women.  He taught me it is better to listen more than to speak in a conversation. Dad was a Chicago White Sox fan and I am a Twins fan, he showed me how to respect others who had different opinions other than sports.  He showed me that God should be very important in my life and to love and respect God.

Most people who I know today, have never met my dad.  They have met him though, through me.  Know me and you know my Dad and my Mom, my siblings, cousins, Aunts & Uncles, and my Grandparents…and my Heavenly Daddy.

On the Cross, when Jesus Christ was dying for our sins, he called his father, Abba.  This is translated as Daddy.  Calling God “Daddy,” suggests extreme love for his dad.  God loved his Son, and He loved us as well enough to sacrifice his Son for our sins.  You know John 3:16.  Yet God knew that Jesus was going to rise up on the 3rd day and beat death for us.  God provides security for us, especially when we have a relationship with Him.

You see Abba-God provides for his children.  He shows us how to be good parents.  Dads provide for their children in terms of shelter, food, and security.  In the last 3 or 4 decades the roles of parents have crossed over traditional lines and that’s okay, as long as children know that their parents love them and they know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong.  Allowing children to stray to become irresponsible in their actions and letting them know there aren’t consequences for their actions is not being a parent at all.

Being irresponsible in raising children is the cause for so many social ills today.  Most psychologists will tell you that problems today in a patient started in their childhood.  It’s a bit like cement, it is easy to shape and put strength in the form of rebar when cement is just poured and it is still wet.  When it cures and dries it is hard to reform it.

Today on #ProLifeSunday we are celebrating one of the important pillars to a strong family foundation:  Dads.  As the irresponsible 60’s generation has shown by example, anyone can be a father.  In truth it takes a Man to be a Dad.

Happy Dad’s Day

We are republishing this post from its original post date in 2016.  Today’s kids need a mom and a dad, not two dads or two moms.  Adults who are parents need to stop being children and to stop embracing every oddball whim.  There’s no such thing as transgender people in God’s kingdom. Children need good role models to follow and having flaky parents who act less like adults jeopardizes their children’s future. Parents who mutilate their children and think it is neat to encourage their boy to be a girl or vice versa are committing criminal child abuse, they are essentially sterilizing their children. It’s not being a parent when you exploit your children for your immoral ways. Our Government shouldn’t accommodate nor encourage the break up of traditional families with social engineering on a foundation of sand. Good Judeo-Christian values are built on the bedrock of God’s love and truth. Happy Dad’s day! ~~ Publius Jr.

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HD 66B Republicans Post Legislative Town Hall June 11th from 6:15 to 8:00 PM

American Legion Post 577 at 1129 Arcade St, Saint Paul MN

What:  HD 66B Republicans Post Legislative Session Town Hall

  • Hear from Republican State Legislators regarding what happened at this last legislative session, and have the opportunity to ask them questions.

When:  June 11, 2024. 6:15 to 8:00 pm

Where:  American Legion Post 577, 1129 Arcade St, St Paul MN 55106 Map

Cost:  At Will Donation (Suggested Donation $10)

Misc:  A light dinner will be served.  Bottled water will be provided, but other drinks are available for purchase at the American Legion bar.  

Featured Speakers  Senator Mark Koran, Endorsed CD4 Republican Candidate May Lor Xiong, Senator Eric Lucero, and others

Hosted by House District 66B Republicans

The last week of the Minnesota Legislative Session brought out all sorts of last minute “gotcha” bills that pass on party line votes usually.  There was one “garbage” bill that was 2800 pages long dropped on the legislature about 90 minutes to the End of Session on May 19th. The title of the bill was 2 pages long.  It could have been the last week of the DFL Trifecta, where they control both Bodies of the Legislature, plus the Governor’s Office.

This post was with permission to repost it. The original post is at mnhd66brepublicans.org.  We’re reposting it as a courtesy. Saintpaulrepublicans.us is not compensated in any way. It’s a way for us to let more people see what Republican Party Units in St Paul are doing. ~~ Publius Jr.

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2024 St Paul Safe Summer Nights Schedule June 11th through August 15th

The founder of Safe Summer Nights, Tom Campion (white shirt) can be found at the St Paul events.

Safe Summer Night Crew


Safe Summer Nights will be on Thursdays from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Look to the St Paul Safe Summer Nights Website for more details. All locations are inside the City Limits of St Paul MN.

*June 11:  Griggs Recreation Center, 1188 Hubbard St Map  HD 66A 

June 13:  McDonough Recreation Center, 1544 Timberlake Map HD 66B

June 20:  Palace Recreation Center, 781 Palace Avenue, Map HD 65B

July 18:   Dayton’s Bluff Recreation Center, 800 Conway St Map HD 67B

July 25:  Highland Park Community Center, 1978 Ford Parkway Map  HD 64B

Aug. 1:  Battle Creek Rec Center (75 S. Winthrop St) Map HD 67B

Aug. 15:   West Minnehaha Recreation Center, 685 W Minnehaha Ave Map HD 65A

Safe Summer Nights 2024 Flyer PDF

Tom Campion started St Paul Summer Nights as he saw that it was important to have citizens who have a good relationship to the First Responders (Police & Fire Departments) in their city.

At a Safe Summer Night expect:

The SPPD and other First Responders have kid activities (climbing wall, bounce house, face painting) demonstrations by the Mounted Patrol, and sometimes the K-9 Unit, and what to do if there is a kitchen fire. They will bring out the Bearcat “SWAT” vehicle.

There are free burgers, hot dogs, chips, healthy snacks, and beverages.  Their flyer this year says there is a FREE Bike giveaway as well.

For more information please go to the St Paul Police Department’s Community Engagement Division website.

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May to the MAX with Dr Alveda King June 19th, 2024

What:  May to the MAX Fundraiser Dinner, with Guest Dr Alveda King

When:  June 19th, 2024, 6:30-9:00 pm

Where: Kellerman’s Event Center, 2222 4th St, White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Map

Cost: Seating is limited Tickets are $100 per person. $6600 for VIP Reception with Dr Alveda King

Register Here

Special Guest Dr Alveda King

Dr. Alveda King; activist, author, and former state representative for the 28th District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Alveda is a niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and daughter of civil rights activist A. D. King

Description of the event from the Eventbrite registration link above.

Come show your support for May Lor Xiong, endorsed US Congress candidate for the 4th Congressional District, at the Kellerman’s Event Center for a great evening with fellow conservatives.

Join us in welcoming Dr. Alveda King; activist, author, and former state representative for the 28th District in the Georgia House of Representatives. Alveda is a niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and daughter of civil rights activist A. D. King.

Emcees of the event are Liz Collin; Emmy-winning journalist, news anchor and author. Liz is currently with Alpha News, former anchor with WCCO. Joining her is Walter Hudson; First-term member of the Minnesota House of Representatives with a background in communications, including broadcast and print media. Former host of “Closing Argument with Walter Hudson” on Twin Cities News Talk AM 1130

Let’s come together, meet and listen to our speakers, and contribute to the Max for May!

This post was not authorized by the May Lor Xiong Campaign, nor any Candidate’s Committee, CD4 Republicans, nor the MNGOP. We are posting this as a courtesy. Saintpaulrepublicans.us does not get compensated for posting this event notice. ~~ Publius Jr.

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2024 #ProLifeSunday : Let’s Celebrate Mothers

Not enough flowers to say, "Thanks Mom for all you do for me."

Not enough flowers to say, “Thanks Mom for all you do for me.”

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and we would like to thank all the mothers out there for being there at every step of life.  You’ve nurtured, supported, and loved us.  You’ve made us into the people we are today.

#ProLifeSunday Thanks to Mothers

not enough flowers to say, "Thanks mom."

not enough flowers to say, “I love you mom.”

There aren’t enough flowers and presents to say thank you to mothers. We will also say there aren’t enough ties, tools, and aftershave cologne to say thank you to committed fathers.

We at SaintPaulRepublicans.us celebrate the entire family. We include Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Brothers & Sisters & Cousins, Friends & Colleagues.  Family values begin with God, the Holy Trinity.  Adam and Eve had God actively involved in their family to help them avoid the potential problems that arise during the rearing of children.  Our extended families have helped us grow in areas that our parents may have overlooked, or helped us to relate to our parents to know that they were once like us at one point in the past.

Cutting any part of the family out of the picture diminishes the resources one can draw upon.

While there might be a number of fantastic mothers who vote for Democrat candidates, we have to take issue with them because they support the destruction of life during a pregnancy.  They support Planned Parenthood, a taxpayer supported organization that draws upon the tenets of Eugenics that were supported by their founder Margaret Sanger and the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg who had been their attorney.  Eugenics derived from Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and the idea of “survival of the fittest.”  Sanger believed that there are certain undesirables in the human population.

We can’t believe we have to say this, but men can’t be mothers (It takes a woman to be a mom). Men are not biologically capable of becoming pregnant or giving birth as a mother can. It is spiritually illness that is telling people who are either gullible, recruited by people who seek to exploit them for their perverted ideas, or have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These children who are preyed upon need protection, and those who prey upon them need to be separated from society into prison. This is what happens when the government and churches stop speaking the Truth of Jesus Christ and embrace the lies from the Father of Lies. Parents who actively participate in the mutilation and essentially sterilization of their children to help them change the appearance to appear like the opposite gender are evil and should be arrested for extreme child abuse and separated from those children to prevent further harm.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day

To end on a positive note we would like to thank all the Pro-life Mothers serving as legislators in the Minnesota State Legislature.

Happy Mother’s Day

It is a different sort of Mother’s Day this year as Roe v Wade has been overturned and extreme abortion has been passed into law in Minnesota.  It is another different kind of holiday, as it is the 3rd year after I, Publius Jr, will be without my best friend, my mom. Mom died at the age of 98 in September 2021. Not sure what I’ll do for the holiday. ~~ Publius Jr.

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2024 #ProLifeSundays Celebrate with Your Whole Family, Friends & Colleagues Throughout the Year

Celebrating Life begins with your family, extended family, friends and colleagues.

We at saintpaulrepublicans.us would like to follow a tradition started by our admin Publius Jr who is the administrator since 2012.

In 2003 his father passed away in July. The attention of his aunts and uncles to him and his siblings during the initial bereavement period needed some sort of recognition. So the next year in 2004 he let his aunts and uncles know that he appreciated them in his life. He also created Aunts and Uncles day in July the 2nd Sunday to say thanks. It was actually very close to the birthday of one of his 4 uncles.

He noticed that siblings or cousins were not recognized so he started up Brothers, Sisters & Cousins day the 2nd Sunday of August. Some say there is a day in April for that but what can one really do in the month of April; no one picnics/BBQs in April. You can do more on a warm August Sunday.

So when He started in late May 2012 as the administrator of this site he wrote articles promoting the Family days of Mothers, Fathers, Aunts & Uncles, Brothers-Sisters & Cousins, and Grandparents Days. He hoped the new holidays would catch on everywhere.

In 2017 He started calling these holidays #PROLIFESundays. He wanted to include Friends & Colleagues Day in October 2017 but his self-imposed deadline for that article came and went as he scrambled to post Candidate Election articles.

Why celebrate a day for Friends & Colleagues? On an average day you spend a third of your day with your colleagues at work; and friends give you advice and give you some breathing space in forms of athletic outings or fun activities. Let’s face it not everyone is married and friends are the life line for many single people. Paul had Barnabas, and Jesus had 12 main disciples who were friends and also his colleagues. Life would be so bland without your friends. So why not say thank you to them for enriching your life?

Why #ProlifeSundays?

We Christian Conservative Republicans see nurturing and supporting life as natural as breathing. Those who mislabel themselves as Pro-Choice are really Anti-Life. You see Anti-Life in many things they do: making healthcare decisions for you; putting government concerns before you; stealing your salary in incremental bits called taxes and spending it on programs that take your “choices” away from you; and putting unelected judges as governors over the elected Representatives, Senators, State Governors, and our President. We are actually “Pro-Choice” as in the idea of allowing you to decide on how to live your life without the government meddling in your affairs. As for reproductive rights as the Anti-Life people refer to, we believe you have a choice on whether to engage in risky behavior outside of your marriage or before it that possibly might result in a pregnancy. You can refrain from letting your passion take over in those circumstances especially if you’re not married.

Lately the Anti-Life People have been pushing their new morality of same sex marriages and self identifying themselves as the opposite gender than they were born as. Now they add surgical “gender affirming care,” aka mutilation of minors who don’t need parental notification, nor do they get informed consent before they are forever changed whether they change their minds or not to embrace their new life choice. They are choosing to be sterile based upon lies and encouragement from really demented demon possessed people. If one decides they want to give up that lifestyle it is against the law now to provide counseling to receive “conversion therapy.”

Easter, or Resurrection Day is the ultimate celebration of Life as Jesus Christ conquered death for us.

So Celebrate Life with your family & friends in everything you do.

Dates of #PROLIFESundays:

March 31          Resurrection (Easter) Day
May 12              Mother’s Day
June 16             Father’s Day
July  14             Aunts’ & Uncles’ Day
August 11         Brothers, Sisters & Cousins Day
September 8  Grandparents Day
October 20      Friends & Colleagues Day

Father’s Day this year falls on another Pro Life Holiday of Juneteenth Weekend. A day that commemorates Texas slaves finally hearing they were set free by President Abraham Lincoln on June 19, 1865, almost 2 months after his death and 2 and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation (an Executive Order by Lincoln) was given.  It is a celebration of freedom from a life of bondage.

In November there is a #ProLifeThursday on Thanksgiving where most people give thanks for their God given blessings, their family and job; eat well, and watch football.

In December saintpaulrepublicans.us celebrates the entire month the history and contributions of Christians in American History.

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Community Discussion & Workshop Series: Session 1, April 18th, 2024 6:30 to 9:00 pm

What:  Community Discussion & Workshop Series. Empowerment, Education, Defense Workshop Session One.

When:  Thursday April 18, 2024, 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm

Where:  New Hope Baptist Church, 712 Burr St (Minnehaha Ave E), St Paul, MN 55130 Map. Metro Transit Bus 64 will stop next to the Church

Who:  Daniel Ward II of 5 Dog Tactical is an NRA/USCCA Instructor

Cost:  $5.00  click here to register for the Workshop

What will be Covered in Session One?

From the course description on the USCCA.COM website:

Community Discussion & Workshop Series: Empowerment, Education, and Defense Workshop – Session One:

Immerse yourself in a detailed exploration of Second Amendment rights, personal defense, and responsible firearm use. Unlock the power of responsible firearm ownership with 5 Dog Tactical, LLC. Join us for a series of thought-provoking evenings filled with expert insights, practical tips, and essential knowledge to enhance your understanding of firearm safety, legal rights, and personal protection.

Various experienced instructors, consultants, and professionals will guide you through crucial topics, empowering you to navigate various scenarios while upholding your rights and responsibilities confidently.

We encourage everyone to ask questions and participate in discussions as we learn from one another, our fellow community members, and our neighbors. Whether you’re a seasoned firearm owner or new to the personal defense world, this event is crafted to provide valuable lessons for everyone.

* This venue is inaccessible by wheelchair, downstairs in a basement there is no elevator *

Daniel Ward II is an NRA/USCCA Instructor said he would like to educate those who attend how to stay safe and not be a victim.

He also does instruction for citizens to get their concealed carry permit, as well as train students how to be firearm instructors. If these goals are something you’d like to achieve feel free to contact him through this link click here.

Saintpaulrepublicans.us is not associated with 5 Dog Tactical, nor do we get any compensation for posting this notice. Daniel Ward II, was my Concealed Carry Instructor in 2020. I took the class in order to do a first hand look at the class, as the rise in personal ownership of firearms was on the rise as the local police were targets figuratively and the City elected leaders were encouraging criminal behavior by not arresting nor prosecuting violent criminals. Here is the article that still is valid, though check with Daniel Ward II to see for current times for instruction. USCCA Concealed Carry Training IN St Paul~~ Publius Jr.

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Happy Varfrudagen (sounds like Vaffeldagen or Waffle Day) March 25th

Waffle Day is a tradition that is celebrated in Sweden, and to a lesser extent elsewhere, on March 25.  Waffles are usually eaten on this day. The name comes from Vårfrudagen (“Our Lady’s Day“), which in vernacular Swedish sounds almost like Våffeldagen (waffle day).

Our Lady’s Day is celebrated on March 25 (nine months before Christmas), the Christian holiday of Annunciation.  It is the day that the Virgin Mary found out that she was to be Jesus’ mother.  The Archangel Gabriel told her this.  We believe that Jesus was not born in December due to a number of factors like how the shepherds were herding their flock, and that there was no mention of Hanukkah, which had been practiced for about 150 years or so.  Until the actual day is determined we err on the day as being December 25 as Jesus’ birthday, and the Immaculate Conception on March 25th.

Here is the American Swedish Institute’s Recipe for some great waffles.

Try our recipe to make your waffles extra crispy and delicious. Serve with jam in lightly whipped cream.

Recipe for Waffles

  • 1.25 cups cold water
  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 cups of whipping cream
  • butter for the waffle iron
  • whipping cream
  • jam

Mix water, flour and salt until smooth. Whip cream until stiff and fold together with batter. Bake with butter in a waffle iron at full power and put them on a grid to cool. If you don’t have a waffle iron or sandwich press, cook them as you would pancakes. Beat the cream and place on waffles with raspberry, strawberry or cloudberry jam.

Wikipedia was used and the St Cloud Times (SC Times) websites for this article. I noticed that the American Swedish Institute has dropped coverage of Varfrudagen (and thus our original link to them went to a deadlink) and doesn’t even mention Easter on their events calendar. Wondering if they’ve gone secular and have cancelled Christianity. I am half Swedish and I enjoy this holiday. If you are challenged and mixing together the above recipe, I recommend the Krusteauz Waffle Mix. Just follow the directions on the box. You’ll need eggs, and some sort of vegetable oil, I use light tasting olive oil. I also use Hamel Real Maple Syrup made in Hamel MN. ~~ Publius Jr.

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May Lor Xiong MN CD4 GOP Campaign Kickoff March 4th 6-8 pm

What:  May Lor Xiong For CD4 Congress Campaign Kickoff

When:   Monday March 4, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Where:  Quinny’s Sports Pub & Grill, 3140 Century Ave N, White Bear Lake, MN 55110, Map

May Lor Xiong was endorsed in 2022 by the 4th Congressional District Republicans.

You can find more about May Lor Xiong at her website MAY4MN.com

This post was not authorized by any candidate, or candidate’s committee, any PAC, MNGOP, nor the CD4 Republicans. We are posting it as a courtesy to Republican, Conservative Voters, and those dissatisfied with the incumbent Rep Betty McCollum who has done nothing in more than 2 decades in the US House of Representatives, and Betty has anti-Israel pro-Hamas views. ~~ Publius Jr.


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