Note to Readers: I, Publius Jr, am a US Army Veteran. I served in Peace Time under both Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush from 1987-1989. I got out about 10 months before Desert Shield/Storm. I’m a follower of Shawn Ryan on the Shawn Ryan Show on YouTube. Mainly I follow him because he will bring on his show former Special Forces Soldiers who tell their whole stories from childhood to their service to what they are doing now. Often these Veterans will talk about their Come-to-Christ moments.
Recently Shawn Ryan has become a born again Christian, but only after airing about his vulnerabilities in dealing with PTSD, anxiety in crowds, I’ve posted those videos on this website. You can find them by searching using his name.
Too often Veterans get thanked almost as a knee-jerk reaction, and then we’re forgotten or screwed over. I get this often.
Because of Shawn Ryan, I am open about being diagnosed with Depression by the VA-Minneapolis, because it might help some Veteran out there to know that it’s okay to be vulnerable and to get help for whatever that ails you whether it’s physical, mental, or spiritual. Too often the last one, spiritual wounds, are omitted, I think because the Medical Industry & Big Pharma can make $ off of the physical and mental issues, but they can’t begin to heal like God, Jesus & Holy Spirit can.
Recent Recipients of the Donations from the Best Fair Foods PAC
Former Rep John Lesch 66B, who figuratively got caught with his hand in his campaign funds cookie jar for personal reasons, so it seemed; had received funds from this group’s former name indirectly in the past.
DFL Senate Districts 36, 39, 40, 44, 65, and 66. The incumbents from these districts get donations from their local party units, so they get mini-donut money indirectly from your patronage of the DFL Mini Donut Stand.
The above Districts might not mean anything, but the following State Senators might: Heather Gustafson (SD 36), Mary Kunesh-Podein (SD 39), John Marty (SD 40), Tou Xiong (SD 44), Sandy Pappas (SD 65), and Clare Oumou-Verbeten (SD 66).
These are the following DFL House District Representatives: Zack Stephenson (HD 36A), Brion Curran (HD 36B), Erin Koegel (HD 39A), Sandy Feist (HD 39B), Kelly Moller (HD 40A), Jamie Becker-Finn (HD 40B), Peter Fischer (HD 44A), Leon Lillie (HD 44B), Samakab Hussein (HD 65A), Maria Isa Perez-Vega (HD 65B), Chris “Leigh” Finke (HD 66A), Athena Hollins (HD 66B)
So it is up to you to be wary of this location. With every purchase there you are helping DFLers defeat Republicans in Minnesota.
Retired Career Politician, Phyllis Kahn, DFL stands in front of the “Grandstand” Mini-Donuts.
Now these folks make a lot of money at the state fair from mini-donuts that would make the health conscious zealots cringe. The booth is not marked as the DFLMiniDonutStand, there is no disclaimer on the booth as to where the money of this group goes to.
There ought to be a law that requires them to reveal who they are and where the money goes.
Rep Randy Jessup & Sen Roger Chamberlain tried to Make a Law
Almost every session of the MN State Legislature, there is a bill that Republicans put together that requires groups that raise money at the State Fair or other public events to show on a visible sign where the money goes to. It isn’t making their operation illegal, but they want the customers to have all the information about the vendor before they make a purchase.
During the 2017 Session former Rep Randy Jessup of 42A & former Sen Roger Chamberlain SD 38 had made similar bills that were added to the Omnibus bill. They were not signed into law by then DFL Governor Mark Dayton.
Rep Jessup did say there is a limit on the number of bags of donuts one can purchase–4 bags. Any more than 4 you purchase they will have to make a record of it being a contribution.
This article is just to identify where the DFL Mini-Donut Stand is. If you don’t want to give money to the DFL to defeat Republican candidates then you can find another Donut Stand, or to Sweet Martha’s Cookies which is nearby. If you are a DFLer and you want to fundraise then that is up to you to. It is just unethical of a party sympathizer to not be open about where their excess money goes. This article was originally published by me on August 26, 2017. I’ve updated it with 2024 information. ~~ Publius Jr.
VA Minneapolis, or VA Medical Center located at 1 Veterans Drive Bloomington MN 55417 holds a Food Pantry once a month
What: VA Minneapolis Veteran Food Pantry
When: 3rd Tuesday of Each Month 10 am to 2 pm (while supplies last) through December
Where: VA Minneapolis, 1 Veteran Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55417, Map Auditorium next to Flag Atrium
August 20
September 17
October 15
November 19
December 17
This is held once a month. Veterans who express a need for Food who can show they are a Veteran can get a box of assorted food. A Veteran need not be enrolled in the VA Medical Center. Family Members and Caregivers may have access to it.
I, Publius Jr, am a US Army Veteran with a non-physical disability. All my healthcare needs come from the VA-Minneapolis. was not compensated for posting this notice.
Call up your brothers, sisters & cousins and thank them for being who they are.
We are continuing the celebration of the family by recognizing where Brothers, Sisters, and Cousins fit into the family. Every part of a family is an important piece of the total picture of happiness and prosperity that God wants for us.
Sometimes things don’t go swimmingly well and usually it stems from sibling rivalries, sibling jealousies, and sibling covetousness of each other. In these cases the parents and other elders of the family have to smooth things out. If they don’t these rumblings turn into deep divides between Brothers & Sisters that drive them away from each other when they become adults.
So that’s why families need to bring in God’s teachings to make sure siblings get along. Brothers & Sisters living in harmony helps to make their adult life that much more happy and prosperous.
I, Publius Jr, am the youngest in my family. I was blessed with 2 brothers and 2 sisters and 4 cousins on my mom’s side and 5 cousins on my dad’s side of the family. Those numbers are before their spouses and their children.
Growing up I learned from the lessons, trials and errors learned of my sisters and brothers. I also got a lot of my brothers’ hand-me-downs and as they were older than me my fashion was a few years behind the times.
All of my cousins are older than me. It isn’t until you get to the first cousins once removed (my cousins’ kids) that I become older than them. On my mom’s side of the family only one 1st cousin once removed is younger–Kyle of Sacramento. I wasn’t too close to any of my cousins because they are all older than me. My oldest first cousin Marianne is 34 years older and Susan the youngest is 8 years older than me. So it’s really hard to relate to them. They grew up at a different time and some were married before I got to Junior High School.
My brothers, sisters, and cousins have different and interesting professions. Cousin Lawrence Karnow is a weather forecaster for a San Francisco Bay Area TV station (KRON4), a brother of mine is a Master Electrician, Cousin Bruce is a cook, a brother-in-law is a Hard Rock/Heavy Metal Singer, Cousin Ellen is a retired US Air Force Veteran who played for the US Air Force Band, Cousin Lynn is a retired Mechanical Engineer who helps raise Black Labradors with Cousin Marianne. All of them give an insight into these and other professions.
Brothers, Sisters and Cousins still are interested in you because you have a shared history together. You’ve learned about life together years apart or in the backseat of a Chevy Suburban going to California on a summer vacation. They sent letters and cookies to you when you were at summer camp or when you were in the military (thanks Mary). They beat up a bully at school for you (thanks Dave), or taught you to bowl at the college union (thanks Ann), or taught you to play pool in the basement of the Masonic lodge before you learned to read (thanks Rob). They did a victory dance when the Packers won the Super Bowl (Thanks Cousin Dan) or sent some great Christmas cards over the years (thanks Cousins Susan, Bruce, Barton, Ellen, Ruth, Marianne, Barbara, and Debbie).
If you’re unsure of where you stand with your Brothers, Sisters, and Cousins, call them up this Sunday or some time during the week to get back on better terms with them. Go on, they’ll be glad you were thinking of them.
Alpha News MN streamed this debate between the Endorsed MNGOP US Senate Candidate Royce White and Primary Challenger Joe Fraser on July 18, 2024. Kelly Jahner-Byrne the President of the Minnesota Federation of Republican Women moderating the Debate (starts after a countdown and an introduction by the moderator at 17:45 minute mark).
After Opening Statements led by Joe Fraser & Royce White these are the questions asked, with the time stamps of when asked. You can listen to each candidate’s replies after the questions are asked.
(22:30) Question 1: What specifically will you do to convince Minnesota Voters if you are selected in the Primary to Elect you over Amy Klobuchar? What’s your plan?
(26:17) Question 2: Specific to Royce White: There’s questions about your past run-ins with law enforcement and just some of the things that have happened in your life. How do you plan to move that forward, use it to your advantage or not? Royce asks to clarify and be specific. Child Support Issues.
(28:31) Question 3: Specific to Joe Fraser: There was an endorsement process and you had said you would uphold the endorsement. Do you believe in endorsements and do they matter? Why or Why not? And if not how do you plan to garner trust?
(30:40) Question 4: What is the greatest challenge in your opinion in America today and what do you plan to do to help solve that problem?
(34:50) Question 5: In America we seem to have lost our way, we seem to have really lost our way against law & order. What do you propose to help us regain and respect for our police our law enforcement and for those in authority?
(39:22) Question 6: Antisemitism is on the rise in America. What are some solutions that you could offer?
(43:30) Question 7: Is Trump a positive or negative for your campaign? Will you run as a MAGA Republican or will you distance yourself from Trump fans?
(44:05) Royce asks for a rebuttal to Joe Fraser. He wants to answer this question: What do I mean by the Jewish Identity being used to stifle America First or restore American Citizenship?
(46:00) Question 7 to Joe Fraser: Is Trump a positive or negative for your campaign? Will you run as a MAGA Republican or will you distance yourself from Trump fans?
(47:30) Question 8: In order to win statewide you need to win Anoka County by at least 10,000 votes and pretty much tie in Hennepin County. Anoka has been okay for Republicans in recent elections but Republicans have lost Hennepin County by tens of thousands of votes. That where Amy Klobuchar has been a judge [sic, Klobuchar was not a judge but the Hennepin County Attorney]. So what’s your plan how do we make up for those Twin Cities? [sic. The Twin Cities are St Paul & Minneapolis. St Paul makes up most of the voters in Ramsey County, and Minneapolis in Hennepin County. Anoka County is not part of the Twin Cities but are mostly the suburbs of Minneapolis]
(52:25) Question 9: Congress has not balanced the Federal Budget in a quarter century. During that time our crushing national debt has quadrupled. How high of a priority is balancing the budget every single year and what are you personally prepared to do to realize this urgent vital task?
Rapid fire questions 1 minute responses
(56:30) Question 10: We’re a Women’s Organization [MNFRW] and some people seem to be confused as to what the definition of what a woman is. It seems our government wants to unravel every good thing that has been done for women. What is your plan?
(59:30) Rebuttal by Royce White: (1:00:05) Response Joe Fraser
Closing Statements by Joe Fraser then Royce White
(1:01:12) Joe Fraser Closing Remarks (1:02:12) Royce White Closing Remarks
(1:03:40) Kelly Jahner-Byrne Talks briefly about the Minnesota Federation of Republican Women
I, Publius Jr, put in notes that correct the moderator in the brackets [ ].
This post was not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee, the MNGOP, any PAC, nor by Alpha News MN, MN Federation of Republican Women. We’re posting this for the benefit of Republican & Independent voters who plan to vote in the August 13th Primary.
We wish that Joe Fraser had agreed to debate Royce White prior to the State Convention. Royce was ready and Joe seemed to take it for granted that he would win at the State Convention which had been priced to keep the grassroots delegates away. ~~ Publius Jr
this video runs roughly 1 hour and 39 minutes, from Right Side Broadcast Network posted on July 27, 2024, YouTube Channel.
President Donald J Trump flew into St Cloud Minnesota to have a rally at the Herb Brooks Arena on July 27th, 2 weeks after he was nearly assassinated by what appears to be deranged 20 yr old kid who somehow was able to circumvent the US Secret Service, the Butler Pennsylvania Police, and the State Police of Pennsylvania. We at do not believe he did this on his own, but had some help from some rogue agents from 3 letter agencies, but that investigation is ongoing despite stonewalling from Government agencies.
President Trump touches upon the possible DNC Nominee that hasn’t been endorsed yet by their Convention delegates. Like Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer and others they have already deemed and passed the endorsement. No matter whomever Trump faces they will get crushed like a bug on a rapidly moving vehicle’s windshield…unless there is massive election fraud like in 2020 again.
It’s quite possible that MN Governor Fudd aka Tim Walz, or Tampon Tim, may be the VP Candidate with Hyena Harris, a Democrat Version of Dumb and Dumber for President.
Seriously though the Statewide Candidates need to actually try to win INSIDE St Paul, and Minneapolis City Limits. Statewide Candidates need to win 25-30% of the vote here to win the entire state for Trump.
People were praising Herb Brooks in St Cloud because the arena is named for him, and yet Herb Brooks grew up on the East Side of St Paul and went to Governor Johnson High School.
There are Republicans who can’t stand Trump to the point they will vote for someone else. Jim Carson, Bev and her son Andy Aplikowski (former MNGOP Political Director in 2020 & 2022), and Dr Scott Jensen have voted for someone other than Donald J Trump for President and they always enable the left in our state by not voting for Republican candidates. Dr Jensen said he just wanted to have a conversation on some issues, but he was defeated for Governor in 2022 because he was rallying the Libertarian Candidate for President in 2020, and he was for some gun control. Sad that Jim Carson is the CD4 Republican Elector. People need to get wise to these charlatans and exile them from the party. These folks are just some creatures of the Republican Swamp here in Minnesota.
This post was not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee, or PAC. is not affiliated with the MNGOP, CD4 GOP, nor is it the St Paul Republican City Committee website, despite the last group copying most of our website name. We were not compensated in any way for posting the video. The opinions above are our own and from experience of running into Republicans in Name Only in St Paul ~~ Publius Jr.
Since 2004, I, Publius Jr, have celebrated Aunts & Uncles Day. I first put it on the 2nd Sunday in July in 2005. My late-Dad passed away in July of 2003. My aunts and uncles were so supportive of me and my family that they helped me through the bereavement process. I wanted to thank them in a big way so I started up Aunts & Uncles Day.
Okay, I’m an uncle to 5 lovely nieces, and 2 handsome nephews, and I wanted a day to get some swag too. You see some men and women like me are not yet parents, but being an aunt or uncle is important to ones family structure. As an uncle I’ve taught things to my nieces and nephews their parents forgot…like how to eat cold cereal. One of them ate the dry cereal first then drank from a glass of milk. I showed them you pour milk into cereal then drink the left over milk up.
It is important to show your nephews and nieces their parents were once in their shoes. It’s a loving bridge between generations.
I also noticed we only celebrate Moms, Dads, and Grandparents but not anyone else in the Family. So I added Brothers, Sisters & Cousins Day in August 2005, and recently I added Friends & Colleagues Day in October.
If we Americans want to have a rich fulfilling life we need to reclaim the extended family. I admire immigrants who honor the extended family and 1st or 2nd generation families who still give homage and respect to their elders.
So go call your Aunts & Uncles up today and let them know how much they mean to you.
Happy Aunts & Uncles Day!
Next Month #ProLifeSunday Brothers Sisters & Cousins Day August 11th
This year I can not tell my last surviving Uncle how much he has meant to me because he passed away during the last week of 2023 in December. He was 91. He was my favorite uncle too. He was the youngest of my dad’s brothers. He was one of the reasons why I’m a Green Bay Packers Fan and Shareholder (I’ve never lived in Wisconsin). He held Season tickets since 1957, and many of the players from the first 2 Super Bowl teams the Packers won went to his church in Green Bay. He knew Bart Starr personally. I’ll miss him. ~~ Publius Jr.
The Republican Booth is in the Northeast part of this map (upper right, in the light green area) near the intersection of Como-Horton & Lexington Ave nearest to Gate 2.
An Enlargement of the area on the map above where the Republican Booth #144 will be.
McMurray Field looking North from Jessamine Ave W to Como Avenue at the top of the photo. Como Regional Park Pool just north of the Tournament Fields on Wynne Avenue. Lexington Avenue is to the East of the Fields. The Metro Transit 3A Bus travels along Como Avenue, and the 83 Bus travels north and south along Lexington Avenue.
The Hmong People who have settled here in the St Paul MN area really know what Freedom feels like. General Vang Pao brought the Hmong people here from the refugee camps in Southeast Asia after the end of the Vietnam War.
Hmong International Freedom Festival (J4) will be open from 8 AM to 8 PM Both Days
There are many things to do, see, buy, and taste at the celebration.
Events start at 8 am on Saturday & 8 am on Sunday.
Park & Ride Shuttle from the MN State Fairgrounds
$10 per Vehicle (Cash Only)
Shuttle Buses from the Fairgrounds to the Festival from 6:30 am to 9:30 pm
It is with great anticipation that this year’s 41st Annual Hmong Freedom Celebration Sport Tournament will be hosted by The United Hmong Family on Saturday, June 29th and Sunday, June 30th, 2024 at the Como Park’s McMurray Field. The event will provides ample spaces for various vendors that are not just local community members, but from all over the world.
Booths will be set up for food, traditional and culture items, educational and informational and other general merchandise. Most of the festival goers are relatives and friends who travel a short distance of a couple of miles to across the ocean from former homeland in Asia. Others are spectators who come to cheer on one another as well as taking part in one of the competitive sporting venues in flag football (both men and women’s), Sepak Takraw (Kato), Soccer (men/women’s), tuj lub (top spinning), volleyball (men/women’s) and other fun and games for all ages, and physical ability. They have a lot to accomplish within the short amount of time.
Hmong Sports Tournament includes Flag Football, Soccer and Hmong specific sports.
A Hmong player kicks the ball across the net during a game of Sepak Takraw (Kato), a volleyball-like sport without the use of hands. Traditional balls are made of wicker.
Also known as KATO
Volleyball of both Men & Women’s teams.
The above information was found at the website, and photos were found online. We found the parking information and the event fee, as well as the explanation of the rules of Kato on website. The posting is a courtesy to our Hmong friends & neighbors. We will post the winners from each sports category. ~~ Publius Jr.
The First Debate between the presumptive Presidential Candidates, President Donald J Trump, and the questionable President Joe R Biden.
A third party candidate who is on the Minnesota General Election Ballot is Robert F Kennedy Jr (RFK Jr) was excluded from this debate. Guessing this was because Joe Biden would be losing votes largely because the Democratic Party Presidential Primaries were rigged for Hillary in 2016 & Biden in 2020 as well as this year. RFK Jr is a lifelong Democrat. For fairness and for the sake of the Democrats in St Paul & Minneapolis we will post RFK Jr’s Debate video separately.
This post was not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee, the MNGOP, CD4 GOP, nor any PAC. ~~ Publius Jr.
SPECTATOR TICKETS: Tickets purchased at the gate at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds are $15.00. Children under 15 are free with a paid adult. Cash only at the gates at the fairgrounds. We do not sell tickets online.
It’s a tradition with many Minnesota Families to come to the Minnesota State Fairgrounds on Father’s Day Weekend and check out the unique Cars at the Back to 50’s Car Show, this year it is a week after Father’s Day. It is put on by the Minnesota Street Rod Association.
Advance Tickets can be found at NAPA Auto Parts Stores.
On the link above click on the day you want to attend, fill out the survey then either take a screenshot of the Free Pass, or make a print out. You can show it from your phone.
There are two locations for Park & Ride Shuttles for the Back to the 50’s Car Show on Saturday June 24th.
South of Fairgrounds
Energy Technology Center (ETC), 1450 Energy Park Drive, St Paul MN 55108 Map
Chuck Datko and the T6 Thunder North American Flight Team does formation flying with WW2/Korean War Era T6 Trainers. They’ll fly over the Fairgrounds at 11 AM on Saturday June 22nd. If it is raining they’ll try for Sunday June 23th at the same time.
It’s hard to list everything here about what one can do and see at Back to the 50’s, so we invite you to visit the MSRA’s website and find out yourself.
Let MNGOP know they should open their MNGOP Booth at this event. It’s worth every penny.
Nearly every year we have tried to get the MNGOP to open up their booth at the State Fairgrounds for this event. They probably could break even on the fee to do it, but they would unite with one of the largest Conservative anti-Gas Tax group. They could also find classic car owners who might allow candidates a ride in various parades around Minnesota.
We are posting this event as a courtesy and do not benefit directly from doing so. Please dress for the weather, hydrate with water and electrolytes as it will be a warm weekend. does not get compensated for posting this for the MSRA.