November is National American Indian Heritage Month

In honor of the American Indian Tribes who helped the Puritans who settled in the Plymouth Rock area of Massachusetts, November was named National American Indian Heritage Month.

I, Publius Jr, found this out back in the 1990s when I thought it would be a good idea to start up a American Indian History month like Black History Month which is in February. I sent a letter to my US Rep at the time when I lived in Minnesota’s First Congressional District (CD1), Rep Gil Gutknecht. I believe I also sent a letter to Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, who was the first American Indian to become a US Senator from Colorado. He had also had switched parties from the Democratic to the Republican Party during that time. I had suggested to do this in September because it is generally the month we have what’s called “Indian Summer.” Rep Gutknecht sent a packet of information about American Indians in the United States of America. In it he said there is already a month designated at National American Indian Heritage Month: Novmember.

One of the tidbits out of this packet of information was only the Pacific Northwest and Alaskan Indians like to be called Native Americans. The others don’t care for it. Why you might ask?

What’s the History Behind the Term, “Native American?”

Well history matters, and the term Native American used to refer up to maybe 15-20 years ago to citizens born in the United States of America. Why the switch? It’s part of the Liberal Vocabulary we should stop using. The Liberals’ idea was that America was stolen land from the indigenous people here. Yet if you read survival stories of the Puritans which we should really call the Separatists, which were English Protestants who fled England due to the state religion there, but that’s a whole other story related to the First American Dream; the Indians, or tribes surrounding the area the Puritans landed the Indians helped them survive. There was no animosity between them.

Our country’s origins really spring forth from the Puritans instead of Jamestown Colony, which was founded upon the competing American Dream that has been pushed since the 1930’s of Materialism, and Financial Gain. That’s an article for another day too. The 2 competing American foundings I cover in an article I wrote in 2017 called, “Can Trump Save Thanksgiving?

One reason why American Indians don’t like to be called Native Americans is because the continent name was applied to the land by foreigners starting in 1498, named after Amerigo Vespucci an Italian Explorer who discovered the land mass Columbus had run into wasn’t a bunch of islands but rather a continent. Also they aren’t really Native Americans as explained a few paragraphs above what that term meant up until recently. There’s an idea that they been here for hundreds of thousands of years, but if that is so where are the remnants of the civilizations that came before them?

There’s a researcher named Dr Nathaniel Jeanson who wrote a book called, “Traced: Human DNA’s Big Surprise.” In it he traces the Y-Chromosome in Haplo Groups or “People Groups,” and where they migrated and when. It’s a technical book but it shows the migration of people east, west, north, and south from the area where Noah and his sons started to repopulate the Earth, after a worldwide flood. He proves there aren’t multiple races of people and how many might be surprised that Black People have the same Ancestry as White People.  It’s refreshing to have science not be tethered by predetermined outcomes as our education system seems to want to do. He has an ongoing project to discover and document the migration and histories of the several tribes that migrated from Central Asia a between 300 and 900 AD before Columbus discovered the West Indies. It can be found at Answers in Genesis, I wrote about this in 2022 in an article called, “Traced: Where did the American Indians Come From?

Good news to Christians who believe in a Young Earth Theory, Dr Nathaniel Jeanson’s research corroborates this theory and reduces Earth’s timeline down to what the Bible generally suggests that Earth and mankind have been here for just under 6000 years. He didn’t fit his research into a desired outcome, it just points in the direction of a Young Earth.

Dr Jeanson has an ongoing project to help corroborate Tribal Histories of American Indians in North and South America, so if you live on a Reservation and would like to know more about your Tribal History or help Dr Jeanson with his work you can learn more by watching the following video. He suggests this link and there you’ll click on “Hidden History of Every People Project,” and then you can enter in your contact information. has celebrated this month by posting articles about American Indians who have overcome adversity and have helped out more than themselves. They are people we can all draw inspiration from. ~~ Publius Jr


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Troy Black Presents “The Outlier,” a documentary about Trump for Christian Voters

I, Publius Jr, am a Christian First before anything else. I’d say a die hard Packers Shareholder is next, Engineer, then some where down the list I’m into political stuff. It doesn’t look that way from the posts I do here.

When I first started to write articles here about 12 yrs ago in late May 2012 a lot of my articles gravitated around my faith in Jesus Christ, Father God, and the Holy Spirit. I would get notes from subscribers telling me to filter out my Jesus Freak stuff. It’s odd as the Republican Party was founded upon the Christian Worldview but now many are hostile to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Some claim belief but their mingling in the teachings tends to be much like a gym membership where if they do so many visits in a month they get some discount on their healthcare insurance. Not sure how that analogy applies to their faith, but it’s weak and they are more like Christian in name only or they think God is a game show host where if you do this or that you’ll get what’s behind door number 3.

So when I write articles I usually have some noise on in the background, usually a video about sasquatch, or lately I listen to Robin D Bullock, and now Troy Black. They have one thing in common and they are both Prophets.

Troy said he was told by God to make a documentary about how Donald Trump ran for office in 2016. So he went to work on it. The movie runs about 90 minutes long. Enjoy. ~~ Publius Jr.

There are a number of Republicans who want to go to their grave with the moniker as a NeverTrumper (I know quite a number of them in the MN Republican Party, the CD4 GOP Elector Jim Carson is one). It’s almost like self harm they do this. Some will cite that Trump is evil and he’s vulgar but it is most often the #NewsMafia vision they see. Even if he was all that, the Bible tells us all are redeemable thru the blood of Jesus Christ dying for us. It’s time to give up beating that dead horse. If Trump can be saved anyone can.

As Royce White says, Godspeed.

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Happy Bob Ross Day October 29th!

In 2018 celebrated the first ever Bob Ross Day. It was to honor the late great painter of happy little woodland scenes, Bob Ross.

It was a bit of a shock to read about how he came to be a painter–through a USO activity when Bob was stationed in Alaska when he served in the US Air Force.

Bob Ross was born on October 29th, 1942.

I, Publius Jr, used to watch Bob Ross on Saturdays when I was in the US Army and later when I was in college on PBS stations. He had a relaxed nature that was contagious, a “visual Valium” in a sense.  While researching Bob Ross’ biography I didn’t know a few things about him.  Here are a few things:

-Bob was a 20 year US Air Force Veteran from 1961 to 1981, and retired at age 38 as a Master Sergeant.

-He was stationed in Alaska when he first started to Paint through a USO program.

-He went with the Permed Hairstyle to save on his usual crew cuts upon retiring from the US Air Force.

-He passed away on July 4th, 1995 from Lymphoma.

-His show Joy of Painting ran from January 1983 to May of 1994.  It still lives on in re-runs and on YouTube.

So have a Happy Bob Ross day

If you would like to help out another US Military Person find a hobby, or relax after a stressful life-threatening kind of day feel free to donate to their USO program

This is the sixth year we are celebrating this non-partisan holiday. The video below shows off the former Muncie Indiana PBS station. It now has a museum and a classroom where budding painters can learn from a certified Bob Ross instructor at the Bob Ross Experience (video begins at 2:24 minute mark).

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Donald Trump on the Joe Rogan Experience Podcast October 25, 2024

I, Publius Jr, do not follow Joe Rogan. I remember when he was on the TV show News Radio, as well as the reality show Fear Factor. Saw Annie Jacobsen on his show and she was talking about the mystery at Roswell, as well as Operation Paperclip. I’ve read her books from seeing her on his podcast.

This video is around 3 hours long. Enjoy.

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MN Voters Alliance on Minnesota Constitutional Ballot Question is Misleading

MN Constitutional Ballot Question Title: Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Renewal

If you haven’t voted yet, or if you have you probably have seen this Minnesota Constitutional Ballot Question on either the actual ballot or the “What’s on my Ballot?” link on the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website. You might be wondering what is going on with this Constitutional Ballot Question.

Well the language of it is misleading. Most reading it above, will scratch their heads and think that the “Legacy” Fund is coming to an end and there needs to be a renewal vote. That’s not true.

The Misleading Constitutional Ballot Question Explained

To explain how misleading this Constitutional Ballot Question is, I, Publius Jr, asked the Executive Director of the Minnesota Voters Alliance, Andy Cilek, if I could repost his note about this issue, and by permission here is his explanation.

MN Voters Alliance Explanation

There are some important details voters should be aware of before casting a vote on the measure:

  • Although this proposal does renew the money to be spent on conservation issues, it will result in a change of how the funds are allocated and removes the Legislature from the decision-making process and oversight.
  • This would increase the amount of funds collected through the lottery allocated and added to the programs by 20%.  With these new funds, they will be disbursed based on equity and disparities (DEI) by a new commission/taskforce with one like the composition of the new flag commission.  Eleven positions must be appointed by the Advisory Council and must include 4 tribe members and 4 members from communities of color.  These funds will be handed out through grants to non-profits

Although MVA [MN Voters Alliance] is not in support of, nor in opposition to, this referendum, we want to make voters aware of important information so they can make an informed vote.

A no vote does not remove the funding from the original amendment/implementation because it has not expired.  The current money will continue to fund environmental programs as Minnesotans desire and can be extended, when it does expire, by a simple renewal by the Legislature.

A yes vote would extend the dedication of revenue from the state-operated lottery to the Environment and Natural Resources Fund through December 31, 2050; increase the amount of money that can be spent from the fund each year from 5.5% to 7.0% of the fund’s market value; and create a grant program to provide funding for projects related to addressing environmental issues in affected communities, environmental education, and natural resource conservation.

MN Voters Alliance is not for or against this measure, but this website, suggests you Vote NO on this measure.

Our Reasons to VOTE NO on the Constitutional Ballot Question:

  • The Ballot Question in the way it’s worded is misleading
  • It takes the decision of how the money is allocated away from the Elected Body of the Legislature.
  • It embraces DEI
  • It requires an Advisory Board of 11 who are 4/11 Tribal Members as well as 4/11 a specific group by the color of their skin, plus 3 people who don’t have a specific requirement of who they are (not equal representation of the people who live here).
  • It also hands off more money to nonprofit organizations with no oversight of how the money is spent by those groups. received permission to repost MN Voters Alliance’s Executive Director Andy Cilek’s explanation of the Constitutional Ballot Question. It was sent out in an email to those signed up on their email list, on September 20, 2024. Other than being on their email list, is not associated with the MN Voters Alliance organization. The content was not changed except for adding a bold font in some areas and adding a highlight color to some parts to add emphasis to it. I also spelled out what “MVA” meant in square brackets.

If you would like to know more about them go to their website  ~~ Publius Jr.

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Toastmasters International 100th Anniversary October 22, 2024

Toastmasters International 100th Anniversary Day (PDF)

Toastmasters was started by a Christian named Ralph Smedley who worked for the Santa Ana, California YMCA.  His aim was to help people be comfortable in public speaking and learn how to run effective meetings.

In Memory of Ralph Smedley (from website)

This proclamation was from the St Paul Mayor Melvin Carter III, who is a gifted speaker. You might disagree about his politics, but he is a good speaker. Often times people who can speak well are thought to be great leaders.

Another great leader who can articulate his beliefs is Rep Walter Hudson. He doesn’t speak in slogans like, “Make Minnesota Red,” he actually spells out Conservative Republican beliefs, and can defend them with words.

There are a lot really great leaders out there, but they are not very comfortable in public speaking, or giving short answers to questions unknown. In Toastmasters, you learn how to give prepared speeches. You practice impromptu speaking in what they call, “Table Topics.” Speakers also get positive feedback in what they did well in a speech, or a meeting leadership role and given some observations on how they can improve in future opportunities.

I, Publius Jr, have been a Toastmaster since April 2, 2007. Currently I’m an Area Director in District 106 Toastmasters. I oversee 4 clubs to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, and provide assistance when a club needs help.  I sought this proclamation from Mayor Melvin Carter III. It wasn’t for me, but for the Toastmaster Members who live in the area or attend a club here via Zoom.

If you want to improve your public speaking, leadership abilities please go to and click on “Find a Club.” You can check out events on the calendar at the District 106 website

I tried to start up a Republican Club through the State Party, and while Chair Tony Sutton was sold on the idea his staff wasn’t. They thought they had to do the work, and they didn’t know members run the club, and it’s dues driven. Toastmasters clubs are supposed to be nonpartisan first, so I’ve decided to start up a Conservative Membership Only club called Republic Club Toastmasters. Currently we are not chartered and we meet Saturdays on Zoom from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. When we can get to 20 members we can charter. It will be not affiliated with any political party, so that we can host a debate in the future. Also a future effort will be to do what’s called, “Speechcraft,” for non-Toastmasters members, specifically Candidates for office.

Toastmasters is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization. They are not associated with this website. Though there might be members who are Republican, or Conservative. I posted this article because many candidates, and sitting legislators need to practice being better speakers to articulate our beliefs. Also there are leaders out there that do not know how to run an efficient and effective meeting and get out on time.  Toastmasters can help them. ~~ Publius Jr.

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LWV HD 66A & 66B Candidate Forum October 11th

The League of Women Voters of St Paul Minnesota put on a forum for 2 House Districts at the same time. This is an extremely lazy practice they have done. There should be separate forums for each House District. The way they have presented it there’s really only 2 distinct viewpoints and they get repeated in the second House District.

The League of Women Voters of St Paul is putting this on with their Roseville Area Chapter.

Moderator: Susan Johnson

HD 66A Candidates:

Rep Leigh Finke (DFL incumbent), Fadil Jama (Republican)

HD 66B Candidates:

Rep Athena Hollins (DFL Incumbent), Greg Copeland (Republican)

As in previous Forum videos I’m going to put in time stamps of when from the start of the video to what questions were asked. Though when I was watching part of this live, the audio wasn’t matching the video. Candidates mouths were moving but the audio was slightly behind or ahead of the video. It was a bit like watching Kung Fu Theatre where the dubbed vocals don’t match the lips of the actors. So I’m going to mark when you “hear” a question is asked by the moderator rather than when the visuals start. Hopefully they’ll have cleaned this up from the livestream.

Also I’ll limit my comments only when the DFL incumbents spew out misinformation, or propaganda that I detected to be different from normal political rhetoric. I will point out when the Republicans say something that’s not correct to, but I suspect I won’t have to.

A note about the set up here is they have put both A & B Candidates of one party at one table and the other party at another table. One would think you would put one district together and the other at another table, or have one long table. Since the LWV have no oversight or standards to conform to, one can never expect them to do anything proper.  Maybe the incumbents are sharing the same notes as they can’t function without some help from the other.

When & What Questions Were Asked

0 to 14:40  Introductory music played until the visuals begin. It doesn’t seem like anyone is saying anything nor is the closed captions are started. (Seems as if the recording they are using keeps repeating or skipping and plays the same riff over and over again)

15:37  The camera focuses on the Moderator, but there’s no sound yet.

16:27 the first sound from the Moderator is heard. Yet the volume is low and rises and falls as if some child is playing with the sound dial. Susan reads her script about rules and how they are nonpartisan that no Republican in town believes because of past behavior and how they coddle their candidates by not asking tough questions that might give an advantage to a Republican candidate.

18:39  Rep Leigh Finke is introduced

18:45  Fadil Jama is introduced

18:51  Greg Copeland is introduced

18:55 Rep Athena Hollins is introduced

21:00 Rep Leigh Finke’s Opening Statement (HD 66A)

He mentions that he serves in the DFL House, but while the DFL may be in the majority, the Minnesota State House of Representatives is not called the “DFL House.”

A note the visuals on the recording are some seconds ahead of the audio, so as I noted above I’m time stamping when the audio is heard rather than the visuals.

23:16  Fadil Jama’s Opening Statement (HD 66A)

25:23  Greg Copeland’s Opening Statement (HD 66B)

27:38  Rep Athena Hollins Opening Statement (HD 66B)

29:45 Question 1: Education is on the mind of our audience, many studies have shown that after the pandemic our school age children are scoring historic lows in reading math competency. teacher pay is low as is teacher retention. What can the state do to improve educational outcomes for our school age children?

Continue reading

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2024 #ProLifeSunday Happy Friends and Colleagues Day October 20, 2024

Call up your friends and thank them for being there when no one else was there for you.

Why Celebrate a day for Friends & Colleagues?

On an average day you spend a third of your day with your colleagues at work; and friends give you advice and give you some breathing space in forms of athletic outings or fun activities.  Let’s face it not everyone is married and friends are the life line for many single people.  Paul had Barnabas, and Jesus had 12 main disciples who were friends and also his colleagues.

Life would be so bland without your friends.  So why not say thank you to them for enriching your life?

Remember Peanuts’ creator Charles Schultz was from St Paul MN

Nationally there are only 3 recognized holidays that bolster the love and admiration of the family:  Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Grandparents Day.  We are the party of Judeo-Christian Family Values.  We want to bring attention to the parts of the family that are often forgotten.  In July we celebrated Aunts & Uncles, in August we celebrated Brothers Sisters & Cousins, and now we are celebrating our Friends and Colleagues–that other family we spend a third of our day with.

Why on the 3rd Sunday of October?

Well because we can, but to have at least a full month since Grandparents Day to get ready, also because the 2nd Sunday is closest to Columbus Day.

Colleagues are at work who share the load of a project.  They know you almost as well as your family knows you.  They challenge you to do your very best in the work you do.  They chip in your contribution for pizza on occasion when they see you are coming up short.  Work would be more stressful without good colleagues.

I, Publius Jr, want to say to all my political friends (which includes, MNGOP, DFL, Independents, Libertarians, and Christian Republicans, and those from the Veterans Party), non-political friends, Toastmaster friends & mentor, Army Buddies, High School friends, College friends (Iowa State & U of MN), the MN DAV Drivers who took me to and from the VA for Appointments, Metro Transit MN Bus drivers, and my colleagues over the years to include the local reporters from Pioneer Press, Strib, MPR, and blogs, thanks for helping me over the last year; my friends and colleagues on the Ramsey County Elections Absentee Ballot Board; and my friends who just happen to be pastors, priests, and laypersons. John O’Looney a whistleblower in Milton Keynes UK of which I trade emails with a few times during the year. The Veterans and civilians who work at the VA Hospital in Bloomington MN who I worked with in 2019, and also those doctors & nurses at the VA Clinic in Maplewood MN, and those social workers at the VA-CRRC in downtown Minneapolis. One last group I’d like to thank are the friends I haven’t met yet. You don’t know it yet but you will make my day when I feel overwhelmed and you’ll be there to share the burden with me. Thanks.  ~~ Publius Jr


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HD 66B GOP Meet & Greet with All St Paul GOP Candidate & MN Gun Owners Caucus

What:  Meet & Greet All St Paul Republican Candidates with Special Guest MN Gun Owners Caucus

When:  Tuesday, September 24th 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Where:  American Legion Post 577, 1129 Arcade St, St Paul, MN 55106 Map

Cost:  Free Will Donation (suggested $10)

Special Guest: MN Gun Owners Caucus

Many Republican Candidates support the 2nd Amendment but when it comes to the wordage, vocabulary, and rhetoric of Gun Control in political debates they get lost in the weeds.

Each Legislative Year, the MN Gun Owners Caucus, which is a nonpartisan pro-2A, nonprofit organization sends out a survey for Candidates of all stripes to fill out and return. Then those candidates who respond who score A- or above their Political Action Committee will endorse for office.

Scope of the Event

House District 66B Republicans are hosting an event on September 24, 2024 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The 7 House District Republican Candidates from St Paul will briefly introduce themselves then seat themselves off from the audience. The MN Gun Owners Caucus will give a presentation on what candidates need to know about the 2nd Amendment and the rhetoric of “Reasonable” Gun Control Laws. A member from that organization will answer questions from the Candidates and from those in the audience. After all the questions are answered there will be a Meet & Greet with the candidates as people from St Paul are encouraged to mingle with them.

This is an event hosted by the HD 66B Republicans, not a MN Gun Owners Caucus Event. If it were the latter then they would invite DFLers to the event, as they are a non-partisan organization, a 501c4.

Candidates Invited to the Event

HD 64A GOP Dan Walsh

HD 64A Republican Dan Walsh

HD 64B GOP Peter Donahue

HD 64B Republican Peter Donahue

HD 65B GOP Mike Hilborn

HD 65B Republican Mike HIlborn

HD 66A GOP Fadil Jama

HD 66A Republican Fadil Jama

HD 66B GOP Greg Copeland

HD 66B Republican Greg Copeland

HD 67A GOP Scott Hesselgrave

HD 67A Republicans Scott Hesselgrave

HD 67B GOP Sharon Anderson

HD 67A Republican Sharon Anderson

CD4 Republican May Lor Xiong

CD4 Republican Candidate May Lor Xiong

This post was not authorized by any candidate, candidate’s committee, PAC, any Republican organization. I am the website admin for the, so I created their post. I’m posting it as the State Party, nor CD4, nor the SPRCC does any promotional support for Republican Candidates in St Paul. I am not compensated for posting it either. I believe in our Bill of Rights and the encroachment of the Federal, State & Local Governments need to be stopped, and rolled back. I’m a US Army Veteran and believe 2A protects all the other parts of the Bill of Rights. ~~ Publius Jr.

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2024 #ProLifeSunday: Happy Grandparents Day Sept 8th

The first Sunday after Labor Day is National Grandparents Day.  Since 1978 when President Jimmy Carter proclaimed it to be celebrated, this day has not had the recognition that it should have.

It was started by Marian McQuade, a housewife in Fayette County of West Virgina, who wanted to champion the cause of the lonely elderly in nursing homes.

First Time Grandparents

I, Publius Jr, have a friend who he and his wife became Grandparents last year at this time. They hadn’t noticed the significance of the date. They have been married 35 years and this was the first time they are going to be grandparents. I suggested to record as much about themselves with their grandchild as possible because in the next 20 years of the child’s life anything could happen to them and it is beneficial to the child when they get older to be able to look back on fond memories of them.

Both sets of my grandparents were gone before I graduated high school, and I miss them.

Renew Your Connection on Grandparents Day

I’m surprised there isn’t more made of this holiday. You might hear of a variety of made up recognition days to promote some product, service, or condition, and yet Grandparents Day has been around since 1978 when President Jimmy Carter enacted the holiday.

Regardless of the lack of a hype it’s a great time to reconnect to your grandparents, or any elder who has watched you grow up, like an older neighbor. It’s time to return their interest in watching you grow up by contacting them by phone or in person. Especially on adverse weather days of excessive heat or cold, even on rainy or snowy days. Senior Citizens sometimes withdraw from society once they no longer have a paying job.

Call up your Grandparents as often as You Can

Grandparents are that life link to the past, that should never be forgotten.  This year on September 10th, try to remember that life link to the past, your Grandparents.  Call them up, they’ll be glad to hear from you even if it’s a week from now. They’ll appreciate hearing from you.

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