Star Parker: There is No Longer a Sense that We have Law Rooted in Truth

We’ve been careful this week as to how to respond to this last week’s rioting and unlawful disruption of a Federal Highway, the shooting in Falcon Heights, the Dallas Sniper, and other violence and insanity.  We don’t want to be sucked into a tit for tat discussion.  There are so many things to fix in the cities of St Paul and Minneapolis that have nothing to do with the Republican beliefs, but the lack of being able to share them and have them considered in the political processes of both cities is needed.  We’ve called upon God to guide us in our response.

The following article is from Star Parker, who at one time had been on welfare in Los Angeles.  She turned around her life and we think her articles are right on the money, and she is doing the work to change the status quo by finding Black Conservative Pastors to address people in their congregations and outside the walls of their meeting places.  As always we have not altered the content of the follow article, except for font types and sizes, font colors, added a definition of “Capriciously” in a link, and we set a quote off for emphasis.  ~~ Publius Jr.

Black Lives Matter and Lawlessness

When we don’t take law seriously at the highest levels of power in the nation, the message reverberates throughout the land.

By Star Parker | Syndicated nationally by Creators

Let’s try and connect some dots.

Last week, FBI Director Jim Comey expressed his view that, after investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of State Department official business, including classified material, on her personal email server, he would not recommend criminal charges against her.

This despite describing the behavior of the former secretary of state as “extremely negligent.”

Former New York City mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani said, according to Clinton’s behavior as described by Comey, she was clearly in violation of the law. By choosing to recommend that she not be indicted, Giuliani said that Comey decided to put her “above the law.”

The way it was described by The Wall Street Journal, Comey’s “political actions spared Clinton and protected his own job.”

Now lets turn our attention to Dallas, where a gunman opened fire and five police officers were killed at a Black Lives Matter rally.

The question every decent American is asking is: How do we stop this horror?

How do we stop the seemingly endless and growing circle of violence in our cities?

There are plenty who think they know the answer.

For some, they see the problem as indiscriminate and violent treatment of blacks, particularly young black men, by police, driven by racism.

For others, it’s the opposite. It’s the refusal to come to terms with what they see as the deep social pathologies in black urban areas and the hampering of police to do their job effectively.

As always in situations like this, both things are going on. But do I think either is the primary and sole reason driving the violence? No.

What we are witnessing is the chaotic result of a society that is becoming each day more lawless.

The basis of a civilized, decent and just society is law. But law, if it is going to be respected, must be rooted in core values and eternal truths. In the words of our second president, John Adams, we need “a government of laws, not of men.”

In our zeal to purge our nation of Judeo-Christian values, driven by the false notion that religion hampers rather than enhances our freedom, we bear the consequences of this effort. We wind up with a government of men, not laws.

In our zeal to purge our nation of Judeo-Christian values, driven by the false notion that religion hampers rather than enhances our freedom…

Capriciously applied law has always been a disturbance for blacks. The civil rights movement was supposed to be about the country recognizing and remedying that, in a nation under God, there were citizens not receiving equal treatment under the law.

Unfortunately, the civil rights movement came in the midst of the liberal wave of the 1960s. So instead of focusing on equal application of existing laws of tradition, we turned law over to men to make up new rules that were supposedly going to fix everything.

But man-made law produces what we have just seen in a politically motivated FBI director rationalizing that a secretary of state, confirmed by the United State Senate, somehow couldn’t figure out that she was breaking the law and compromising our national security.

When we don’t take law seriously at the highest levels of power in the nation, the message reverberates throughout the land. Those struggling in life conclude hopelessly that the country is not fair — that the law is created and applied with political motivations.

No amount of force, or gun control legislation, is going to fix a society where there is no longer a sense that we have law rooted in truth, which every citizen, in every station of life, respects and takes seriously.

In a nation where people with power are let off the hook, where we let politicians and judges define what marriage is and when life itself begins, we empower groups like Black Lives Matter to incite and inspire violence as the answer to injustice.

Star Parker

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Decision America Tour Prayer Rally draws 6300 Faithful to Prayer & Action

An estimated crowd of 6300 Christians gathered. We are just to the right rear of the bus and the right rear corner of the stage.

An estimated crowd of 6300 Christians gathered. We were just to the right rear of the bus near the right rear corner of the stage.

Franklin Graham admonished the Democrats and then the Republicans.

Franklin Graham admonished the Democrats and then the Republicans.

Franklin Graham leads the thousands of Christians in Prayer

Franklin Graham leads the thousands of Christians in Prayer. And calls all Christians to Action, and to Register to Vote.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was headquartered in Minnesota for over 50 years, and today we were back there for the 29th stop of the Decision America Tour. We had a great crowd! More than 6,300 people came to the Capitol lawn in St. Paul to pray for this country. God is the only hope for America, and we are going state by state asking Him to heal our land.

Will you take a pledge to God and country with others across the nation who are praying? Go to

‪#‎DecisionAmericaTour‬ ‪#‎PrayforAmerica‬

Franklin Graham, the President of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse stopped by the Minnesota State Capitol Building to call people to prayer and to action.

He asked those assembled to pray for those in State Government to include the staff, Legislators, Justices, and the Governor of Minnesota Mark Dayton.  Governor Dayton did not meet Graham as he arrived.  In fact if politicians were there, they didn’t make themselves known.

Franklin Graham led the prayer rally in asking those assembled to ask out loud for God to forgive the sins we’ve individually committed.

Franklin Graham taught the assembled about what happened to Nehemiah in ancient Persia and Israel.  Nehemiah had been a cupbearer to the King of Persia.  He lamented to the King about how the Jews in Jerusalem were being oppressed by the surrounding people.  He confessed his sins to God and asked for forgiveness. He asked the King if he could go back and rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.  Nehemiah was given letters from the King to be given authority to rebuild Jerusalem.  Then Nehemiah assembled people from different walks of life and set them to work rebuilding and repairing, and setting the gates of Jerusalem.  He was opposed by the Philistines (future Palestinians), Samaritans, and other national groups so his workers had to defend themselves with swords while they rebuilt the walls.  Some might have thought that the task would take years, but they had completed the task of wall building and setting the gates in just 52 days.  This is a model for successful grassroots organizing.  In fact was named after this story of Nehemiah.

Franklin Graham then encouraged people by reading off the Pledge to God and Country listed above.

It was inspiring that we were surrounded by thousands of like-minded Christians who needed to hear that God wants us to use our Faith in Jesus Christ to take back our country.  We need to take back our country from those who have told Christians to compartmentalize their faith and to remain quiet when the Holy Spirit inside us is telling us to speak the Truth.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 NIV

We have to trust in God to provide us a Godly Christian First Candidate.  That candidate might not yet be visible yet, but God will provide, and we will know when that happens, because the Holy Spirit will let us know.

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Patent Trolls vs Austin Meyer

X-Plane Flight Simulator by Laminar Research.

X-Plane Flight Simulator by Laminar Research.

The following videos are from a friend of Publius Jr–Austin Meyer was a college roommate of his at Iowa State University where they went to school for Aerospace Engineering (we are not associated with the company).  Austin went on to start his company Laminar Research that makes and sells X-Plane Flight Simulator.

I, Publius Jr, remember when the Microsoft guys showed up at room 5514 in Friley Hall.  They wanted to buy it for $50,ooo.  The guys of Niles-Foster House persuaded him to not sell and to run with X-Plane.  Austin knew it was worth more and it was a better Flight Simulator than Microsoft’s.

The rest is history until some Patent Trolls decided to prey upon Austin and other developers for using an obscure line of software that was implied to be safe to use.  Well…let Austin tell you more about this scam to put innovators, inventors, and guys like Austin out of business.~~ Publius Jr.

Wow.  What a miscarriage of justice.

A guy spends countless hours of development only to be ripped off by a slick operator that preys upon the little guys.  How can an East Texas Court prosecute someone from South Carolina without the Feds getting involved?

What’s a Patent Troll?

Want to know more?  Go to The Patent Scam



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Betty McCollum is a Staunch Opponent to State Voter ID Laws

If you go to a grocery store and you want to write out a check, use a credit card, or debit card to pay for your purchases you’ll be asked to provide a photo ID. If you could vote for public office there they wouldn’t bother to ask to see it.

The Citizens United Opinion of the US Supreme Court suggests that giving money to a political campaign is an extension of your political free speech and association rights guaranteed in the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution.

Looking at your purchases at the grocery store one might ask why you bought the store brand for one item and not one of the national brands. You “voted” for the item you thought was best for you and you put money out for it.

We vote all the time what is the best product and loosely become part of a group that will stand on ones convictions of the quality and usefulness of a product.  An example of this is the new Sig Sauer Legion Series that was to set up as a group or an association of owners of the Legion Series Pistol Line.

We might in fact “lobby” others to buy an item. If you BOGO (Buy One Get One) the extra one you might share with another person. To show them the value of the item.

Yet usually you need to show a Photo ID to verify who you say you are when you “vote” at the grocery store.  Why isn’t it the same in the elections?

Betty McCollum and other Do Nothing Democrats in the House of Representatives and Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton think that it violates the civil rights of their constituents. They aren’t talking about the voting constituency but rather their special groups that support them. These claims are unfounded scare tactics.

With this analogy, in effect when it comes to “voting” at a grocery store Betty McCollum is in favor of Identity theft or shoplifting. Bearing false witness to the people who run the store in order to “vote” for an item. She seems to think you shouldn’t have to show who your credit card says you are. Try that at Cub Foods and most likely the off duty policeman who is serving as a security guard might want to ask you some questions in the back of his or her squad car outside.

REAL ID = National Photo ID Card 

What’s really insane with the logic of being anti-photo ID is that there are only 8 states that have opposed REAL ID, Minnesota is one of them. Betty McCollum disagreed with Senator Hillary Clinton and voted against the Real ID Act of 2005. They used scare tactics on state legislatures saying that no one without a REAL ID compliant drivers license can board an airline. This is not true.

Hillary Clinton is in fact FOR a National ID Card. She mentions in the News Max article from February 11, 2003.  She said she was against Illegal Immigration and that to track who is illegal and who is not that perhaps citizens would need a national ID card.

Thank God that REAL ID failed in the Minnesota Conference Committee between MN House & Senate in May 2016. The sticking point was giving picture REAL ID drivers licenses to Illegal aliens. Real ID would allow the Federal Government to violate States rights guaranteed in the 10th Amendment and violate your privacy rights. If your personal data is on a government website most likely it is vulnerable to hackers and identity thieves like MNSure and Obamacare is.

The government can actively track you through REAL ID cards. We found out that the NSA really can’t listen to you without a warrant nor track you in real time but rather look at your meta data after the fact. The big fight with Apple Computer about allowing a backdoor for law enforcement to hack individual iPhone users showed us that the Snowden claims that NSA can track you without a warrant in real time is false.

With REAL ID they can and they will.

Join us and Vote Betty Out in November.

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Natasha Crain: What’s Really Driving the Culture Wars?

We subscribe to is Natasha Crain’s blog,  This is article drives right to the heart of the whole Transgender Bathroom Crisis.  This is something President Trump or Cruz or President X (X is not a Socialist nor Democrat) can’t deal with unless he or she humbles themselves to God and turns our country back over to Him.

This was copied from Natasha Crain’s website and it hasn’t been altered.

Natasha Crain is the author of Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith.

~~ Publius Jr.


Why the Gender Identity Debate is Symptomatic of a Much Bigger Issue for Christians

Why the Gender Identity Debate is Symptomatic of a Much Bigger Issue for Christians

Joseph Backholm, of the Family Policy Institute, is a short, Caucasian male. But he went to the University of Washington campus recently to see if students would affirm or reject his newly chosen identity: a 6’5” Chinese woman. Here’s the 4-minute video he produced with the interviews (you REALLY need to watch this, but I’ll also summarize some key points below):

Backholm starts by asking the students what they think of allowing transgender people into the restroom of their chosen identity. Everyone is supportive.

Then he asks what they would say if he told them he was a woman. The students get a little more uncomfortable, but, as one girl said, “I’d say good for you. Yeah!”

Backholm then presses them to say what they would think if he said he was Chinese. Again, a student says, “I might be a little surprised but I would say, ‘Good for you. Yeah, be who you are.’”

He then goes on to ask what they would think if he said he was a 7-year-old. One student went silent, realizing she didn’t know what to say that would be consistent with what she had already been saying. Another sheepishly said, “I wouldn’t believe that immediately”. And one said, “I probably wouldn’t believe it but it really wouldn’t bother me that much to go out of my way to tell you, ‘No, you’re wrong.’ I’d just be like, ‘Oh, OK, he wants to be 7 years old.’”

Finally, Backholm asked, “If I told you I was 6 feet 5 inches, what would you say?”

One student replied, “If you truly believe you’re 6 feet 5, I don’t think it’s harmful. I think it’s fine if you believe that. It doesn’t matter to me if you think you’re taller than you are…I wouldn’t tell you you’re wrong.” And another said, “I feel like that’s not my place as another human to say someone is wrong or to draw lines or boundaries.”


What should we make of this kind of thinking? A lot.

What’s Really Driving the Culture Wars

Christian apologists (people who make a case for and defend the truth of Christianity) often emphasize the need to understand the difference between objective and subjective truth. Objective truth is a proposition which is true for all people, regardless of our opinions (“It’s snowing outside”). Subjective truth is a proposition which can be true for some but not others (“Snow is beautiful”). Apologists have focused on this distinction because many people today claim that nothing is objectively true. Such a claim is important when discussing Christianity because Christianity assumes objective truth exists—that Jesus is the one and only truth for everyone and it’s not up to individuals to find whatever path to God they want.

While the distinction between objective and subjective truth is vital for everyone to understand, it really struck me while watching this video that this is not where most of our culture wars are being fought.

It was clear from these students’ responses that they would agree many objective truths do exist–-things like height and age. Not one of these students believed that Backholm was actually 7 years old or 6 feet 5 inches tall.  

But every one of these students prioritized Backholm’s right to comfortably believe whatever he wanted about himself over telling him what was objectively true. What this pointedly demonstrates is that debates over issues like gender identity are really just symptomatic of a more wide-spread disease:

That society has overwhelmingly abandoned the primacy of love-driven truth telling.

While most people wouldn’t claim that speaking the truth is never important, it’s taken a giant back seat to the primacy of making others feel good about believing whatever they want. Society has bought into the notion that leaving people alone with their beliefs is the loving choice, as long as they don’t harm others with those beliefs. Oh the irony! Could anything be more insidiously unloving than knowing someone has wrong beliefs that could be personally harmful, yet prioritizing silence as long as no one else gets hurt?

As Christian parents, we have the responsibility of raising a generation that understands what loving others really means. Genuine love is willing the best for someone else, even when that means sharing objective truths they may not want to hear.


What That Means for the Gospel…and for Christian Parents

This, of course, has direct implications for our ability to share the gospel today—a far greater concern than any individual issue. In an increasingly secular society, fewer and fewer people feel it’s acceptable for people to share their faith (see the comments in response to my post last week as an example). People of faith are expected to privatize their beliefs so everyone can be comfortable thinking whatever they want.

But this misses the most obvious point of all: What if Christianity is true? What if there really are eternal consequences for whether or not you accept Jesus as your Savior? Does it make any sense at all, if Christians are acting consistently within their worldview, that we would keep silent about what we believe to be objective truth for all?

At least one non-believer gets this. Atheist Penn Jillette (of the magician duo, Penn & Teller) has famously said:

“I’ve always said that I don’t respect people who don’t proselytize. I don’t respect that at all. If you believe that there’s a heaven and a hell, and people could be going to hell or not getting eternal life, and you think that it’s not really worth telling them this because it would make it socially awkward—and atheists who think people shouldn’t proselytize and who say just leave me alone and keep your religion to yourself—how much do you have to hate somebody to not proselytize? How much do you have to hate somebody to believe everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?”


To engage confidently and faithfully with a society which overwhelmingly no longer gets that, our kids need to be equipped with three things:

1. Knowledge of the truth. This is making sure that our kids have a clear understanding of the gospel and the overarching narrative of salvation history as given to us in the Bible. These are simply the facts of Christianity. Without a clear understanding of what the truth actually is, our kids won’t be in a position to share it.

2. Conviction of the truth. Knowledge alone isn’t enough when the basis of that knowledge is being constantly challenged. Our kids must have a deep conviction of why there is such good reason to believe that Christianity is true. This is why teaching our kids apologetics—the case for and defense of the Christian faith—is so critical today. Without giving them the deep conviction that what they believe is really true, we’ll raise a generation content to stay silent…unsure of whether the risk to speak up is worth the likely hostility they’ll encounter.

3. Courage to share the truth. Courage requires both knowledge and conviction, but there’s one more ingredient: love. When we teach our kids what true love is—the genuine concern for the well-being of others—they’ll understand there’s no Godly choice but to speak up and speak truth…even when society has utterly abandoned love-driven truth telling as a cherished value.


If you need help explaining to your kids why there’s good reason to believe Christianity is true—giving them the conviction they need—check out my new book: Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith. It’s available from your local Barnes & Noble and Christian book retailers, as well as,, and

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Christians Stand Your Ground or Face Elimination of Religious Freedom

It’s frightening that we are on the verge of eliminating the Moral Conservative planks from our State Party Platform.  It is equally disturbing that on a national level so-called Conservatives are abridging the rights to associate and to religious faith.  We’ve heard elements in the Republican Party of Minnesota who say to, “Just Get Over it,” or we should be, “On the Right Side of History,” (Brodkorb, FitzSimmons) when it comes to same-sex marriage and the Pandora’s box of perversion that is being protected by Activist Legislator Judges and Justices.

Here is a column from Star Parker of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) from April 12, 2016.  She points out that just because an elected official has an R next to their name that doesn’t mean the Republican Rank & File should support it.  As always the content was not altered, but a quote from the story is highlighted and some of the type is colored for emphasis.  ~~ Publius Jr.

The Battle for Religious Freedom

The constitution does not exist to use government power to force the set of values of one private citizen on other.

By Star Parker | Syndicated nationally by Creators


Georgia Republican Governor Nathan Deal recently vetoed H.B. 757, the Georgia Religious Liberty Bill.

The governor warned that he would veto any legislation that “allows discrimination in our state in order to protect people of faith.” He went on to tell fellow Republicans, who shepherded the bill that they should “recognize that the world is changing around us.”

Governor Deal wasn’t alone in issuing warnings about the bill. Large corporations with a presence in the state threatened to pull operations out of Georgia if the bill passed. Perhaps this was more on Governor Deal’s mind than our changing world.

This served up deja vu from an attempt in Indiana last year to pass a similar, but tougher, religious liberty bill.

The Indiana legislation was more far-reaching because it included protections for all businesses. The Georgia bill focused just on faith-based organizations.

Indiana Governor Mike Pence also backed down, weakening key provisions of the Indiana law as result of pressure from businesses in his state.

These state religious liberty laws are spinoffs from the national Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which was signed into law by President Clinton in 1993. The thrust of the law is to assure that government action does not unreasonably impede private citizens from practicing their faith.

The Supreme Court found that RFRA could only apply to actions by the federal government, so states must address state religious freedom individually.

As government has become increasingly aggressive and expansive in its actions on matters such as abortion, birth control and gay rights, there has been increasing concern on the part of Christian Americans to protect themselves in the workplace from forced government participation in practices that violate their religious convictions.

These concerns became more acute when the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage last year.

The tension we have is that God-fearing Christians don’t want to be forced by government, in their hiring and in their religious and business practices, to be involved with what violates core principles of their faith. On the other hand, those supporting gay marriage, for instance, claim refusal to provide religious and business services to these couples amounts to discrimination.

Maybe its time to recall what freedom is supposed to be about and what it means to enhance rather than impede living in a free country.

According to the 14th Amendment, “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”

Our constitution exists to protect individual freedom and define and limit the role of government. It does not exist to use government power to force the set of values of one private citizen on other.

Governor Deal is right that today “the world is changing.” But he has drawn the wrong conclusion. The fact that today many citizens embrace values that our parents and grandparents never would have dreamed of means we should be even more vigilant now in protecting individual freedom and religious liberty. Government power should be used to ensure that citizens can follow their own consciences in conducting their religious and business affairs on their own private property.

 …why things have changed so much.  A major reason is the monopoly of public schools teaching left-wing values to our children. How can we expect a free country when there is little freedom regarding what is conveyed to young minds?

We should also think about why things have changed so much. A major reason is the monopoly of public schools teaching left-wing values to our children. How can we expect a free country when there is little freedom regarding what is conveyed to young minds?

According to the Friedman Foundation, there are now almost 400,000 students in school choice programs nationwide, up from almost none 20 years ago.

In a country where our values and sense of morality has become as diverse as they are today, we should not have a government monopoly on education. School choice programs have grown, but not enough. If we care about our freedom, we need school choice nationwide.

Star Parker

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Bringing the Word of God back into Schools & The Public Square

On June 25, 1962 and a year later on June 17, 1963 this country has staggered from a wound that it has never really recovered from.  You might scratch your head and wonder what that might be.  These two dates will live in infamy in this nation along with one from February 10, 1947.  These dates are when Christianity in America was rejected in the public square and in the schools.

In February 10, 1947, the US Supreme Court decided the case of Everson v Board of Education.  It changed the Establishment Clause in the 1st Amendment’s meaning from not establishing a National Religion to the current interpretation.  The way the US Government treats religion is that one can’t practice it in public.  The Court used 8 words out of context of a President Thomas Jefferson Letter that was written to the Danbury Baptist Church in 1801.  This decision is one that the US Supreme Court needs to overturn along with the ones above from 1962 & 1963.

On June 25, 1962, the US Supreme Court decided that a 22 word prayer was unconstitutional in the case of Engel v Vitale.

“Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence on Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers and our country.” — the 22 word prayer that was the subject of the school prayer ban.

On June 17, 1963, the US Supreme Court decided in Abington School District v Schempp that Bible Study could not occur in Public Schools.

Since those cases SAT & ACT scores have taken a nose dive.

from Original Intent by David Barton

from Original Intent by David Barton

There is a chart in the book written by David Barton titled, “Original Intent” that shows the SAT scores since Christianity was banned from Public Schools.  There are another few charts from chapter 14 that show the skyrocket rise of teenage suicide, pregnancy, violent crime, etc.

It is in our better interest to bring back the Word of God (aka Bible), prayer, and Bible Study into the Public Schools.

So we challenge you to bring it back.  Write your congressman, senator, and the president and ask that those opinions be overturned.  This is a Christian Nation, Church of the Holy Trinity v United States says so.

The Challenge to Bring Back God into Public Schools

Go to your public school board meeting and during the time in which there is public comment get up and read the following from the first chapter of the book of Proverbs.  King Solomon the second wisest man to walk this earth (the 1st being Jesus Christ) wrote the book of Proverbs.

Read Proverbs 1: 20-33

Proverbs 1:20-33World English Bible (WEB)

20 Wisdom calls aloud in the street.
    She utters her voice in the public squares.
21 She calls at the head of noisy places.
    At the entrance of the city gates, she utters her words:
22 “How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity?
    How long will mockers delight themselves in mockery,
    and fools hate knowledge?
23 Turn at my reproof.
    Behold,[a] I will pour out my spirit on you.
    I will make known my words to you.
24 Because I have called, and you have refused;
    I have stretched out my hand, and no one has paid attention;
25 but you have ignored all my counsel,
    and wanted none of my reproof;
26 I also will laugh at your disaster.
    I will mock when calamity overtakes you;
27 when calamity overtakes you like a storm,
    when your disaster comes on like a whirlwind;
    when distress and anguish come on you.
28 Then will they call on me, but I will not answer.
    They will seek me diligently, but they will not find me;
29 because they hated knowledge,
    and didn’t choose the fear of Yahweh.
30 They wanted none of my counsel.
    They despised all my reproof.
31 Therefore they will eat of the fruit of their own way,
    and be filled with their own schemes.
32 For the backsliding of the simple will kill them.
    The careless ease of fools will destroy them.
33 But whoever listens to me will dwell securely,
    and will be at ease, without fear of harm.”

If there are multiple number of people who want to read it go ahead, perhaps they didn’t hear it the first time.

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CCHF: Oppose REAL ID It’s a Backdoor to National Patient IDs

This is the most recent post by Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom, run by Twila Brase.  This was a news release for March 14, 2016.  This was copied and pasted.  The content has not been altered, but some content has been highlighted for emphasis.  ~~ Publius Jr.

Oppose REAL ID: A Back Door to the National Patient Identifier
March 14, 2016

Oppose REAL ID:

A Back Door to the National Patient Identifier

Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom: National ID Card Opens

the Door to a National Patient ID That Would Compromise

Patient’s Private Medical Information

ST. PAUL, Minn.—Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has pushed for a “no card, no care” National Patient ID. Although the concept didn’t take off as she had hoped, state adoption of a federal REAL ID card could make her plan a reality. Twila Brase, president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF,, says REAL ID could become a back-door approach to a National Patient ID.

CCHF, a patient-centered national health freedom organization based in St. Paul, Minn., existing to protect health care choices, individualized patient care, and medical and genetic privacy rights, has been educating Americans about the dangers of a National Patient ID, including a report that details how the system would compromise their private medical information.

HIPAA required this Hillary-backed ID, but Congressman Ron Paul prohibited its funding. Then a federal law required “creditors” to ask for IDs, and federal officials tried to designate doctors and hospitals as creditors, but a 2010 law clarified they aren’t, said Brase.  

“Yet some clinics havenʼt gotten the message and still ask for this ID,” Brase said. “Now the Obama administration is pushing REAL ID, a national ID card that could become a National Patient ID. And a former bureaucrat just called for a National Health Safety Identifier, which is just another name for a national patient ID. Whatever they call it, itʼs all the same.

“Furthermore, the federal REAL ID law says that the Health and Human Services Secretary can change the purpose of REAL ID at any time without permission from Congress. The Secretary could simply declare the card to be a unique patient identifier for access to medical services.

Americans have been misled. Homeland Security is issuing threats that people won’t be able to fly without a federal REAL ID card,” Brase continued. “But Homeland Security has already told Illinois that’s not true. They’ll still be able to fly, but may require more security screening. Furthermore, some states without REAL ID have Enhanced Drivers’ Licenses and Homeland Security says those also work for flying.” 

The REAL ID was passed by Congress in 2005 after the 9/11 Commission recommended that the federal government “set standards for the issuance of sources of identification, such as driver’s licenses,” according to the Department of Homeland Security website. “The Act established minimum security standards for state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards and prohibits Federal agencies from accepting for official purposes licenses and identification cards from states that do not meet these standards. States have made considerable progress in meeting this key recommendation of the 9/11 Commission and every state has a more secure driver’s license today than before the passage of the Act.”

“But the fact is,” says Brase, “The federal government cannot constitutionally commandeer a state to implement and fund a federal law. That fact, the cost of the unfunded mandate to state taxpayers, and the privacy concerns of a national network of databases are why it’s 11 years after REAL ID passed and a majority of states are not yet compliant. They don’t have to.”

Brase also referenced the huge data hacks over the past year that have compromised millions of Americans’ private data.

“Hacks into the private records of millions of Americans is a frightening commentary on how unsecure our data really is,” Brase said. “Imagine if, besides our financial information, social security numbers, family names and addresses, and fingerprints, all our identification information was in a national database network and our private medical data was readily accessible to outsiders with that information. Our medical information must be protected just as well as all of our other data—in fact, even more so. A National Patient ID, which could come as a result of REAL ID, would make our personal and medical data even more unsecure.”

Brase has discussed REAL ID and the National Patient ID on CCHF’s daily, 60-second “Health Freedom Minute.” Heard on 367 stations nationwide, including nearly 200 on the American Family Radio Network and 100 on the Bott Radio Network, “Health Freedom Minute” helps listeners learn more about the agenda behind health care initiatives, as well as steps they can take to protect their health care choices, rights and privacy. The program is free for stations to run; for details, contact Michael Hamilton at or (610) 584-1096 or (215) 519-4838.

For more information about CCHF, visit its web site at, its Facebook page at or its Twitter feed, @CCHFreedom.

Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, a patient-centered national health freedom organization based in St. Paul, Minn., exists to protect health care choices, individualized patient care, and medical and genetic privacy rights. CCHF sponsors the daily, 60-second radio feature, Health Freedom Minute, which airs on approximately 350 stations nationwide, including nearly 200 on the American Family Radio Network and 100 on the Bott Radio Network. Listeners can learn more about the agenda behind health care initiatives and steps they can take to protect their health care choices, rights and privacy

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