Representative Kathy Lohmer(R-39B Stillwater) serves on the Public Safety & Security Policy Committee. She sent a letter to be read at the Protecting Civil Discourse Press Conference held on March 25, 2017. The press conference was to address the disruption of the 1st amendment peaceful assembly of the #March4Trump, which was on March 4, 2017. The use of mace, tasers, smoke bombs and fists by the ANTIFA Thugs aka #Fascist6 posed a serious risk to the health and welfare of those in attendance, Capitol security personnel and State Representatives like Rep Kathy Lohmer. How can the Ramsey County Attorney, the St Paul Attorney, or the State Attorney General let these civil rights violators off the hook? That’s what those at the press conference wanted to know.
Here is the letter Rep Kathy Lohmer sent to the organizers of this group at the Rotunda of the Minnesota State Capitol.
Thank you all for coming today. I regret not being able to join you. I do support your efforts to call on Ramsey County Attorney John Choi, and St Paul’s City Attorney to follow through and charge the 6 individuals arrested on March 4th in this building during a peaceful gathering of citizens from the state of Minnesota who had gathered to show support for our President – Donald J Trump. I was one of several speakers that day and I experienced hearing the chaos and bedlam created with shouting and the use of fog horns. I saw the videos of the police asking masked men to remove those masks and leave the building. I heard from our peaceful, law abiding citizens who were tazed, maced, and told of the smoke bombs that were thrown in the building. Six individuals were arrested because they were breaking the law as they assaulted these citizens. This cannot be dismissed or excused and these individuals should be charged with the crimes that police arrested them for.
We have had similar incidents where people have chosen to block our freeways and throw objects at police and others and have subsequently had charges dropped. We cannot continue to have a peaceful society where this type of behavior goes unpunished. For this reason, I authored House File 1066 which changes the penalties for blocking a freeway from a misdemeanor to a gross misdemeanor. We citizens believe in the rule of law and we know that we cannot continue to turn a blind eye to what is transpiring here.
Again, I applaud your efforts and stand with you in calling for these individuals to be charged for their crimes. We ask that you would do the job that the citizens of this state pay you to do.
Representative Nick Zerwas (R-30A Elk River) could not be at the Press Conference. Here is the letter read at the Press Conference. He says that violence isn’t the answer when it comes to expressing one’s free speech. Woody Kaine and the other #Fascist6 ANTIFA thugs disrupted a peaceful assembly of Pro-Trump supporters exercising their 1st Amendment rights at the MN State Capitol Rotunda. See the other letters posted below this one. Rep Nick Zerwas is a member of the Public Safety & Security Committee and he is the author of the Interstate Blocking Bill, he sent his best wishes to those that attended the press conference.
Hello everyone and thank you for attending today. My apologies to you that I’m attending a wedding out of state this weekend, and I am unable to attend today’s rally. I want to thank all of you for showing up to the Capitol and demanding accountability.
For over a year I have been trying to demand accountability too. I have worked on legislation to hold people that violate the law by blockading our airports and closing down our freeways accountable. I am convinced the vast majority of Minnesotans believe these actions should be prosecuted and the perpetrators should go to jail.
We cannot allow lawlessness to take over. We cannot allow blockades or violence to be tolerated under the guise of free speech. It is time for us to stand firm and demand justice.
Representative Mary Franson, (R-8B, Alexandria) could not be at the Protecting Civil Discourse Press Conference on March 25, 2o17. So Dave Sina, a Candidate for CD4 Republican Chair, read Representative Franson’s letter. Her letter addressed the lack of accountability that Woody Kaine and the other 5 from the #Fascist6 of ANTIFA thugs did to people exercising their First Amendment Rights to peacefully assemble and to free speech.
We are posting the letters read at the Press Conference at the Rotunda of the MN State Capitol Building.
Happy Saturday, thank you for attending the event today. Please forgive me for not being able to attend the event.
The First Amendment gives us the right to peaceably to assemble, something that went missing on March 4th. Individuals should feel safe coming to the Minnesota State Capitol and expressing their First Amendment Right. Sadly, lawlessness and chaos took over that day. The young, elderly, and those in between were assaulted simply because they did not think the way the Left thinks. The Left wants to continue their assault on the First Amendment and are pushing the boundaries to where we are today. We are asking for accountability and justice.
Being the son of a US Senator does not mean one can bring his friends into a peaceful rally, cause chaos, hurt people, and get off scot-free. Today we ask prosecutors to do their jobs and set an example that we will not tolerate the infringement of the right of the people to assemble peacefully.
Thanks to the organizers of the Press Conference on March 25, 2017, they made it all about the events, attack, aftermath, and lack of prosecution of what we call the #Fascist6. There were some speakers who were at the Press Conference who made it all about their campaigns for State Party Office and their future political careers. We thank those that refrained from this practice.
We at have decided to publish the letters that were read from the press conference. We think they speak louder than the lack of local press coverage. We pray that Ramsey Count Attorney John Choi, St Paul Attorney Samuel J Clark, and certainly the Minnesota State Attorney General and Governor hopeful Lori Swanson read these letters and move to the prosecution of the #Fascist6.
We will copy the way the letters were written complete with the Capitalization of certain words. No letter’s content will be altered.
The following letter is from Kelly, a US Military Vet. Who could not be at the press conference due to uncertainty that this press conference would be over run by anti-free speech thugs.
Dear Friends, Dear Fellow PATRIOTS,
I was watching the speakers in the rotunda when I saw that a young lady and her friend run past me after she was hit in the face by one of the cowards who came to disrupt the (Planned) peaceful event. I then handed off my sign to a friend and went into the hallway where those were trying to shut us down. For about a half hour, I stood next to the Capitol Security Officers at the bottom of the stairs, staying between the rally attendees and the protestors. Suddenly they started pushing down the stairs and as I tried to hold my position, one of the cowards sprayed Pepper Spray into my right eye at point blank range, blinding me for over an hour and causing my eye to burn for the rest of the day.
It’s possible that the POS that sprayed me was the one arrested and held for Disorderly Conduct and eventually released the following Tuesday. I’m told by the investigator that despite him and the others being released without charges, the ongoing investigation may lead to charges. I’m hoping that those involved in this JUSTICE system understand the seriousness of these PREMEDITATED, DELIBERATE ATTACKS on us CITIZENS who were merely there to exercise our Constitutional Liberties. I spent 22 years in the military to help ensure those liberties and I won’t stand for a bunch of cowards to use VIOLENCE or THREATS OF VIOLENCE TO TRY TO CAUSE POLITICAL CHANGE – !
I hope those that will be prosecuting this case can imagine what it’s like to be pepper sprayed, tazed, punched in the face by thugs who are wearing MASKS, HOODS, GOGGLES, etc in an effort to conceal their identity.
When we piece together the EVIDENCE, the hours of video showing threats via their chants, signs, actions. The use of weapons, the websites encouraging violence, the actions of ANTIFA here and across the nation, our justice system has an amazing opportunity to make a statement, to set an example, lets hope this isn’t missed.
Yazdan Bakhsh is a naturalized US Citizen who was born in Afghanistan, immigrated to Iran, then Syria, then to Lebanon, until their Civil War. He eventually made his home in North Oaks MN. He has his own business, and he has written a book called, “You’ll be my Son Joe: A story of Courage and Circumstance”
Here is a video of his journey to America beginning in Afghanistan. He is an immigrant success story.
Here is Yazdan Bakhsh’s letter from the Protection Civil Discourse Press Conference on March 25, 2017. He had a 9 point statement that questioned Ramsey County Attorney John Choi’s decision to let the ANTIFA Thugs aka #Fascist6 be prosecuted by the St Paul City Attorney Samuel J Clark. Mr Bakhsh talked about how he came to this country as well.
In Afghanistan: If we worked we ate, if we didn’t work we died.
I went through many struggles to come to America where people are free.
I was so proud when I got my citizenship; I ran down the streets of St. Paul with an American Flag.
But now I see America being changed. People who do not understand true freedom & want to change it.
Today our freedoms are taken from us — little by little.
When our peaceful support of Donald Trump was disrupted by the six rioters, it brought back memories to me of Lebanese Civil War, which I was in.
Dragging their feet, John Choi’s office sent the decision to charge the six rioters, to the city attorney’s office.
It was criminal that the six felons came to disrupt the March 4th peaceful rally in support of President Trump. Wearing masks, they sprayed people with mace, smoke bombs, and were loud and disruptive. At the very least they should be charged with a felony.
Fellow Americans, we need to defend our rights and freedoms; John Choi and the city attorney need to do the same. They need to realize that we have rights too.
A Press Conference has been scheduled for Saturday March 25th, 12:00 pm at the MN State Capitol Rotunda.
This Press Conference is to demand that Ramsey County Attorney John Choi, Saint Paul City Attorney Samuel J. Clark, and the Minnesota State Police to prosecute the six rioters arrested at the Minnesota State Capitol March 4 2017, Pro-Trump Event. These arrests include Linwood Michael Kaine, son of Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate Senator Tim Kaine of the state of Virginia.
It seems almost every kind of thing matters these days. Except proper information about Responsible 2nd Amendment Gun Ownership, especially among Blacks in this country. The stereotype of a Black person with a gun is that they must be a criminal. Yet when I, Publius Jr, served in the US Army I thought nothing of my buddies who just happened to have a darker skin color than I do carrying weapons in the service of our job.
In our interview with Maj Toure in the summer of 2016, we liked the ideas–the SOLUTIONS he had to offer. He underscores education of firearm safety whether one purchases a firearm or not.
This movement of Maj’s is not just a Solutionary standing up and leading but it is based on truths that are in the Bible, which were also used at the founding of this country.
Believe it or not, God gives you the inalienable right to defend yourself. In the 23rd Psalm,
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4
“…Your rod and Your staff comfort me…,” refers to the right to self defense. He doesn’t want you to be victimized by others. Reverend Jonas Clark at the Battle of Lexington Green told his Minutemen (his parishioners) to not fire on the British Soldiers first because God supports one’s self defense and God supports just wars. He also instructed to not fire until you see the whites of their eyes. So the shot heard around the world most likely was fired by the British.
Maj Toure set up a GoFundMe Account: Black Guns Matter to pay for a 13 City Black Guns Matter Tour around America. He felt that he needed to get the message out that education on firearm safety needs to be out there.
He adamantly says he is not supported by the NRA, and doesn’t seek their endorsement of what he is doing.
One of the things that impresses us about Maj Toure is that he does, “The Work” that most organizers don’t do. “The Work” is personal engagement with people around him. He doesn’t outsource his message to others. Other people might want to speak his message after being inspired by him.
In our interview he said he looks for people to stop complaining and wants Solutionaries–people who help, health and wealth.
This is not the last article we will do on Maj Toure.
The scare mongers of both parties in the MN State Legislature are trying to get you to support REAL ID. They are doing it for their re-election in a few years. To ensure the sovereignty of the State of Minnesota and your individual rights FIGHT for ENHANCED ID.
Oddly enough we are seeing the pro-imigrant and pro-illegal alien groups take sides with us. REAL ID is national ID card that a threat to your individual civil rights and Minnesota’s 10th amendment rights and state sovereignty.
We know a little bit about losing our right to self determination, the SPRCC lost that in 2014 when the Jim Carson Regime fiated that the citywide caucus to elect our Delegates, Ward Officers, and Executive Officers be ended. They set up a puppet regime to dictate–one has to be a delegate or alternate to CD4 GOP to belong to it.
Proponents say REAL ID is one of the things the 9/11 Commission came up with to make sure we are safe in the Homeland. To get one citizens will have to show their birth certificate and their social security card and prove they are a citizen regardless of age.
The REAL ID proposal has been around longer than 9/11 and it found its way into a defense authorization bill much like the Johnson Amendment did in 1954. Like Senator LBJ’s amendment there wasn’t much debate on REAL ID.
*(Open the link and you’ll see the response to the question “Is DHS trying to build a National Database with all our information?” their answer is No. The truth is that at a later time it will be easy for a Obama-like President or a DHS Secretary to do so. This is a National ID Card and violates the 10th Amendment and your right to privacy).
Right now there is no Official national identification card or papers. Many forms of ID like a Social Security Number, a driver’s license, passports, credit cards with a photo on them, electronic messaging devices can help to identify someone but we don’t live in a police state yet that requires them.
In old World War movies and TV shows about Nazi Europe or Imperial Japan, or the old Soviet Union you will see scenes where characters need to produce papers that say who they are or allow them special traveling passes. Those papers are what REAL ID cards are. They are a way to track the movements of individuals.
There’s a particular scene in the movie “The Hunt for Red October,” where the first mate of the defecting crew of the Soviet Sub asks his Captain if America will allow him to buy an RV and drive to Montana in it. Captain Ramius played by Sean Connery, says that he could do that without papers. The first mate is astonished that Americans can move about without papers.
Well that freedom will be a thing of the past with REAL ID. Ironically proponents say you won’t be allowed to get on a plane or train to travel without it.
So what is the alternative?
Enhanced ID is an identification card that allows travel but it is for the intended purpose of being a citizen without the government knowing every little detail about you. Really the government goons can find out about you through your Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram accounts without a warrant.
MN State Senator Limmer (R-Maple Grove) is leading the fight against REAL ID in the State Senate and Twila Brase of Citizens Council For Health Freedom (CCHF) is leading the fight in the public as well.
What really is at stake is the Government’s control over what you do. Maybe not now but someday when a US President turns our sovereignty over to the United Nations or the Anti-Christ you will have a card that will be able to track everything you do and it will block you from buying and selling in order to live. Thus was foretold in the book of Revelations Chapter 13 Verses 16-17.
Revelation 13:16-17 New English Translation (NET Bible)
16 He also caused everyone (small and great, rich and poor, free and slave) to obtain a mark on their right hand or on their forehead. 17 Thus no one was allowed to buy or sell things unless he bore the mark of the beast—that is, his name or his number.
There is a downright fear of these National ID cards or Apple Pay or devices that spy on you because of Revelations 13:16-17.
Let’s put up a roadblock here in Minnesota and end this insanity. Remember like Common Core just because other states are doing it doesn’t mean it is good for you.
It has been almost 69 years since the Palestinians who fled Israel in May 1948 have been Refugees. There are camps in Jordan, Gaza, Lebanon, and in Syria. You would think that their muslim brothers & sisters in the countries that surround Israel would have taken them into their populations and helped them to become citizens there. Yet they still are there pretending they are suffering. We can thank the United Nations for this mess. When will the UN ever get something right?
We found this PragerU video featuring Dumisani Washington, Diversity Outreach Coordinator for Christians United for Israel interesting. We think you will too.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed into law Social Security. He also had declared that the USA was a Christian Nation as numerous Supreme Court case opinions have shown.
When Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) and Congress enacted Social Security it was a pension system designed after a German plan that would reward retirees at the ripe old age of 65. It was rare that people lived to that age back then to even claim Social Security. So the Democrats knew that this was a sleight of hand back then. They knew it was a pyramid or Ponzi scheme where for every retired worker there would be a number of workers supporting that person through their wages. There was no lock box, just smoke and mirrors.
The Democrats never thought many things about social security: that your number would be your tracking #, that the ratio of workers to retirees would change, that it would be used for other things than retirement, that interest rates would spiral out of control, and that abortion would be a plank of their party.
Abortion has doomed Social Security’s solvency. When the Baby Boom generation made the previous generation solid it doomed itself by demanding abortion be made legal. Since 1973 over 59 million people have been discarded at the convenience of the living. Now at the time when 64 million boomers are getting ready to retire, there isn’t enough people to support them. Changes will have to be made.
To ensure the current and future generations on social security abortion on demand must end and or the younger generations must be given a different path forward.
Star Parker said that if the US government were to start up a social pension plan today they wouldn’t have set it up the way FDR did it. She said as an example that if one were to put their money into US Savings Bonds their return on their money would be higher than the return that the current system has. Also taxing social security is detrimental to the person receiving it. Parker says that at the time of the program’s start there were 40 workers to every retiree, now it is down to 3 workers to each retiree.
Minnesota is one of 13 states (MN, CO, CT, KS, MO, MT, NE, NM, ND, RI, UT, VT, WV) that taxes people receiving social security. That may change soon after the MN Republicans took control of the State House and Senate in the 2016 election.
One might wonder what FDR would say about abortion and that it is a major plank of their party. Unlike the current Democratic Party FDR had declared that this country was a Christian Nation. The phrase, “Separation of Church and State,” had a different meaning then. Students in school could pray and study the Bible and the government didn’t dictate to those that freely associated as Christians what to do. Christians were welcome in government. Homosexuals and other perversions were permanently in the closet or were ministered to as the Bible teaches.
It was always postulated what would happen if Christianity were held at arm’s length, weren’t allowed to practice in public, and divorced from public schools–exactly what we have now. The founding fathers and Christian First elected officials prophesied exactly what our country would be like from 1947 onward when the words Separation of Church and State were ripped from President Thomas Jefferson’s 1802 letter to the Danbury Baptist Church saying the Federal Government will never interfere with Christianity.
The Democrats have “cooked” up false claims over the years to get their way. They claimed indoctrination into Christianity to get School Prayer stopped then a year later Bible Study stopped. The first signs of that action produced the loose morals of the late 1960s and disruptive civil disobedience and disrespect of elders. All the things that our society cherishes took a nose dive while social ills skyrocketed. Our public education system has never recovered. They also produced a “right” out of thin air to murder babies in the womb or moments away from an actual birth.
Abortion Rights were based on lies that were fabricated in the Roe v Wade court case. Norma McCorvey who was cast as “Jane Roe,” in the case admits it now that she is a born-again Christian that the case was based on lies. If it were a criminal trial most likely there would be a new trial now that new evidence has surfaced. The fact that tens of millions of babies have been murdered this case should be retried with the new evidence of tampering with the truth.
Here is a video from 2013 about Norma McCorvey.
When Roe v Wade is overturned there would be an intact generation of future workers to provide the numbers where future retirees can be secure in their retirement.
Morality must return to pre-1964 levels as well. The rate of illegitimate births spiralled out of control once there was no moral standard on sexual desires. The Church needs to get back in a position of leadership.
Other Fixes are Needed
The retirement age should be boosted up to an age where general capacity in contributing to a business is still viable. That age will be mostly on an individual basis but 70 or 75 is more reasonable than 62 or 65.
Different industries have different requirements for work. Industries that rely on manual labor such as farming and hand made short production diminishes with age. If companies can transition older workers to mentoring and advisory roles the loss of business experience when one retires can be retained. There is a certain age when workers can’t grasp new techniques or they refuse to be retrained, this should also be considered.
With private individual retirement plans one can determine when they retire. Individuals’ workspan freedom should be supported. The goal of ones life shouldn’t be directed at living in retirement from 65 to 90. With full supporting generations behind potential retirees Social Security and other retirement programs will be solvent for the future.
The original link to Star Parker’s comments about Social Security expired, so a more recent article from was inserted instead on 2/17/2024. The post is actually the same over several websites. ~~ Publius Jr.