Walter Williams: The Equality Myth–Disparities Are Not Caused by ‘Discrimination’

April 3, 2018

I don’t mind saying that this column represents a grossly understated review of “Discrimination and Disparities,” just published by my longtime friend and colleague Dr. Thomas Sowell. In less than 200 pages, Sowell lays waste to myth after myth not only in the United States but around the globe.

One of those myths is that but for the fact of discrimination, we’d all be proportionately represented in socio-economic characteristics, such as career, income, education and incarceration. The fact of business is that there is no evidence anywhere on earth, at any time in human history, that demonstrates that but for discrimination, there would be proportionate representation in anything by race, sex, nationality or any other human characteristic. Sowell shows that socio-economic outcomes differ vastly among individuals, groups and nations in ways that cannot be explained by any one factor, whether it’s genetics, discrimination or some kind of exploitation.

A study of National Merit Scholarship finalists shows that firstborns are finalists more often than their multiple siblings combined. Data from the U.S., Germany and Britain show that the average IQ of firstborns is higher than the average IQ of their later siblings. Such outcomes challenge those who believe that heredity or one’s environment is the dominant factor in one’s academic performance. Moreover, the finding shows that if there is not equality among people born to the same parents and living under the same roof, why should equality of outcomes be expected under other conditions?

In Chapter 2, Sowell provides evidence that people won’t take racial discrimination at any cost. The higher its cost the less it will be tolerated, and vice versa. One example is segregated seating on municipal transit in the South. Many companies were privately owned, and their decision-makers understood that they could lose profits by offending their black customers by establishing segregated seating. Transportation companies fought against laws mandating racially segregated seating, both politically and in the courts, but lost. Companies even chose to ignore the law. Faced with heavy fines, though, they began to comply with the law.

The point is that the difference between the white transportation owners and the white politicians and segregationists was the transportation company owners had to bear the cost of alienating black riders and the politicians and segregationists didn’t. Sowell broadens his analysis to show that regulated companies and organizations — such as public utilities and nonprofit entities, including colleges and government agencies — will be at the forefront when it’s politically popular to discriminate against blacks but also will be at the forefront when it’s politically popular to discriminate in favor of blacks. Why? Because in either case, they don’t bear the burden of forgone profits.

In Sowell’s chapter titled “The World of Numbers,” he points out what I’m going to call out-and-out dishonesty. In 2000, a U.S. Commission on Civil Rights study pointed out that 44.6 percent of black applicants were turned down for mortgages, while only 22.3 percent of whites were turned down. These and similar statistics led to charges of lending industry discrimination and demands that government do something about it. While the loan rejection rate for whites was 22.3 percent, that for Asians and native Hawaiians was only 12.4 percent. Those statistics didn’t see the light of day. Why? They didn’t fit the racial discrimination narrative. It would have been difficult for the race hustlers to convince the nation that lending institutions were discriminating against not only black applicants but white applicants, as well, in favor of Asian and native Hawaiian applicants.

At several points in the book, Sowell points to the tragedies created in the pursuit of social justice. He gives the example of the Gujaratis expelled from Uganda and the Cubans fleeing Cuba. Many of the Gujaratis arrived in Britain destitute but rose again to prosperity. It’s the same story with the Cubans who came to the U.S. and prospered. By losing their most productive people, both Uganda and Cuba became economic basket cases.

The general public, educators and politicians would benefit immensely from reading “Discrimination and Disparities,” if only to avoid being unknowingly duped.


Photo credit: COD Newsroom (Creative Commons) – Some rights reserved

WalterWilliamsWalter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University.

The views expressed in opinion articles are solely those of the author and are not necessarily either shared or endorsed by Black Community News.

This post was copied and pasted here from the Black Community News newsletter by Star Parker’s C.U.R.E.  Walter Williams is one of our favorite fill-in guest hosts of Rush Limbaugh’s show. We’ve not changed the content of the article, though we have deleted some social media links & ads. To view the original article published on April 3, 2018 click here.  We are not associated with Black Community News nor with CURE except that we get their newsletter.  ~~ Publius Jr.

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Mel Bond Signs & Wonders Miracle Healer

Our God is a worker of small and great miracles.

Mel Bond is the real deal.  Miracles do happen everyday.

Our Christian Faith is not a dead faith from 2000 years ago.

Who is Mel Bond?

According to his bio on Mel Bond was born on 11/6/50 and born again and filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues in June 1957. Mel desires to touch the world with God’s Unconditional Love.

Watch Mel Bond’s “Last Days Signs And Wonders” TV Show featured on the Healing Miracles With Mel Bond Channel on ROKU and Apple TV, and on Christian TV stations worldwide.

His Vimeo site adds more information:

Mel Bond has been pastoring and evangelizing with his wife Donna, since 1972.

Mel is part American Indian (Cherokee/Lakota), and his name, Oyate Obmani, means “He walks with people.”  Mel is truly a lover of all people, and has never met a stranger.

Mel has traveled to over 30 countries conducting miracle crusades and teaching others to release God’s anointing for instant manifestations of miracles. In doing so he has seen countless miracles and witnessed over 900,000 people accept Jesus Christ as Lord.

Mel is a published author, anointed Pastor and leader. He and his wife Donna are Pastors at Agape Church in Wentzville, MO.

…All things that are possible for the one that believes. –Mark 9:23

Healing Services at the Agape Church in Wentzville, MO

Healing, Miracles, Signs & Wonders Meetings Conducted by Pastor Mel Bond
Bring the blind, deaf, crippled, maimed, incurable & dead corpse. Miracles will happen, people will be blessed, and God will be greatly glorified (John 14:12-14 & Hebrews 13:8).

Notice on his website:

Healing, Miracles, Signs & Wonders Meetings with Mel Bond. Bring the blind, deaf, crippled, maimed, incurable, and also the dead corpse. Miracles will happen, people will be blessed, and God will be greatly glorified (John 14:12-14 & Hebrews 13:8).

The first Weekend of each month you can attend their services to be healed.






636-327-5632 (


His Services are Livestreamed.  Here is his Livestream link (

If you would like more information contact Mel Bond or call (636) 327-5632.

Mel Bond personally prays for all prayer requests that you submit.




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Bob Barker: Master of Ceremonies

Update:  Bob Barker passed away from Alzheimer’s Disease prior to his 100th birthday, on August 26, 2023.

Master of Ceremonies Bob Barker


In honor of the 2017 American Indian Heritage Month we are honoring Bob Barker.

One of the most successful American Indians is Bob Barker. He has been the Master of Ceremonies of a variety of contests from game shows to beauty pageants. He also played a fictional version of himself in a cameo appearance in the movie by Adam Sandler called
“Happy Gilmore,” (fictional as in Mr Barker wouldn’t get in a fight on a golf course in real life).

Many people of Generation X grew up with Bob Barker on the game show The Price is Right. I, Publius Jr, would get mad from my high chair when I was a kid when national tv news would break into the Price is Right to talk about Watergate hearings.  Bob was a part of the two generations before as a radio broadcaster and the host of Truth or Consequences.

Bob taught us how to be a discerning smart shopper, comparing prices of similar items. He also taught us how to control the Pet Population by having “your pet spayed or neutered.”

Bob hosted the Miss USA & Miss Universe Pageants from 1967 to 1987.  In 1988 he requested the pageant officials to stop awarding the winners with fur items, being he was an animal rights activist and he was against the fur apparel industry for alleged cruelty to the animals.

Bob Barker’s Early Years

Robert William Barker was born on December 12, 1923 in Darrington, Washington to Byron John Barker and Matilda “Tillie” (Nee Matilda Kent Tarleton).  His father was a foreman on the electrical high line.  His father fell from a tower and died as the result of his injury in the fall in 1929.  His mother remarried and became Matilda Valandra and had a son, Kent Valandra, a half-brother to Bob.

In 1931 the family moved to the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota.  It is located in the south central part of the state just east of the Pine Ridge Reservation.  Bob is listed in the US Indian Census 1885-1940 as an official member of the Sioux Tribe (he is 1/8 Sioux).  His mother Tillie was a school teacher on the reservation.

Eventually his family moved to Springfield, Missouri where he graduated from Central High School in 1941.  He went to college in Springfield at Drury University on a basketball scholarship.  He was a member of Sigma Nu Fraternity.  Their fraternity stresses ethical leadership development.  Bob had to suspend his studies when the United States entered into World War II in late 1941.

Bob Barker US Naval Aviator

He trained to be a US Navy Aviator (pilots in the Navy steer ships, the Navy calls their fighter pilots aviators), but before he was assigned to a sea going squadron WW2 came to an end.  To see more about his training to be a Naval Aviator go to


LTJG Robert Barker played Basketball while he trained to be a fighter pilot (aviator) in the US Navy

Bob Barker got married to his High School sweetheart Dorothy Jo Gideon on January 12, 1945 while he was still training to be a Naval Aviator.


Bob & Dorothy Barker

After the War, Bob returned to Drury University and earned his degree in Economics, graduating summa cum laude.

Radio Broadcasting

While Bob was still in college at Drury he had his first job in broadcasting at KTTS-FM in Springfield, Missouri.  After he graduated from college he and his wife moved to Lake Worth Florida where he was a news editor and announcer at WWPG 1340 AM (now WPBR) in Palm Beach.

In 1950 Bob decided to move to Los Angeles to pursue his career in Broadcasting.  He was given his own show on KNX 1070 AM in Burbank called,  “The Bob Barker Show.” His show ran for 6 years.  He would often have audience participation as part of his show.  In 1956 Ralph Edwards happened to be listening when he liked Bob’s voice.  Edwards tapped Bob to be the new master of ceremonies or emcee on The New Truth or Consequences show.

Truth or Consequences 1956-1975

Bob Barker was the host of Truth or Consequences until 1975.  One of these days Buzzr will have it on again.  It was a long running show that was part quiz show and part zany stunts.  If one couldn’t participate in the Truth of the gameplay there would be Consequences.

The Price is Right 1972-2007

On September 4, 1972 Bob began hosting The Price is Right and was the emcee of the longest running most successful game show.  This is largely due to Bob Barker as the host.  The show was not brand new it had run from 1956 to 1965 with another game show legend Bill Cullen.  Mark Goodson & Bill Todman were shopping around a modern revival of the show.  CBS went with it as long as Bob Barker was the host.


Bob Barker with two contestants about to view the first showcase near the end of a show.

The Price is Right was the first game show to transition from 30 minutes to an hour successfully in 1975.

On October 15, 1987 Bob stopped putting dye in his hair and went gray (looks more white).

I have to say Bob entertained me when I was at home sick from school, and later was someone to watch when I got my work done early at the motor pool when I was in the US Army.

On June 15, 2007 was Bob’s last day on the Price is Right.

If you would like to know more about Bob Barker’s career in broadcasting and television and movies go to Internet Movie Database’s Biography on Bob and learn more about this great American Indian.

Animal Rights Activist

Bob Barker became a vegetarian in 1979 and also began to promote animal rights in the public eye, and also on the Price is Right.  He would remind viewers to help control the pet population by having your pet spayed or neutered.  He really points to his late wife Dorothy Jo for encouraging him to become a vegetarian and to promote animal rights.

He encouraged other game show hosts like the late Bert Convy and Jack Barry to make notes to viewers about animal rights.

Bob has devoted his retirement more to this cause especially since his wife Dorothy Jo passed away from Lung Cancer in October 1981.

Awards & Honors

It would not be right without mentioning all the awards and honors Bob earned over the years.

  • 19 Emmy Awards
  • 1999 Lifetime Achievement Award for Daytime TV
  • Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
  • Hall of Famous Missourians (class of 2007)
  • Part of Bower St in Springfield, Missouri renamed “Bob Barker Way”
  • Time Magazine’s Greatest Game Show Host of All Time
  • NAB Broadcasting Hall of Fame (class of 2008)
  • Game Show Network (GSN) Lifetime Achievement Award


(SPOILER) Oh and Bob knocked out Happy Gilmore –1996 movie

Bob Barker playing himself in the movie Happy Gilmore (Adam Sandler) at a Pro-Am golf tournament. (from

I, Publius Jr would just like to thank Bob Barker for helping me to learn how to comparison shop, and learn how to be a better person.  Thanks Bob.

Help Control the Pet Population and have your Pet Spayed or Neutered.

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2017 Veterans Day: VA Ordeal, Bureaucratic Labyrinth, and Denial of Ambulance Payment

The Ordeal

Just past midnight on March 6, 2017, I, Publius Jr, had risen from my plastic green patio chair to close the vertical blinds of my studio apartment. The floor where I stood had my Toastmaster Breadmachine, paper shredder and a box with multiple plastic bags of assorted skeins of yarn (I’m a knitter). The chained loop to louver the blinds closed were just slightly out of my reach so I leaned my 6 foot 3 inch frame to catch the bottom of it. I pulled the blinds shut. I turned to return to go to my plastic green patio chair when I slightly twisted my torso. Something was not quite right. I had felt my muscles of my lower left back pop, er rather that’s not the right word, but I knew instantly something was wrong in the lower left of my back. I have had this same unpleasant feeling around the first of the year, also one other time on the right side of my back in late November 2013–back then I went into shock and I fainted at a housechurch in Lindstrom.

This time I thought I’d sleep it off on a hard surface like the floor with a few cushions here or there and an icepack. It was hard to sleep without sending pain shooting through my back. I couldn’t sleep on my side which is my normal sleeping position and I lay awake for the next several hours.

I catnapped off and on, waking suddenly with a reflex reaction of clenching my back/stomach upon waking up and a wave of pain rolling through me. Six to Seven hours of not being able to sleep properly switched over to my waking morning routine at about 7:30 am.

I tried to get up and my body had no strength. Instead it took me a 2-5 minutes to turn over onto my stomach then I rose up to all fours, turned my body around (my makeshift bed pointed away from the center of the room) and ambled on all fours to the bathroom.  I stood to urinate but it was so painful to be upright I knew the rest of my day would not be anywhere close to standing. I grabbed some ibuprofen–the bottle was almost empty.

On all fours I made it to my fridge to get something to eat. I could only eat what I could reach. So my meals consisted of baby carrots, Dannon Light & Fit regular yogurt, and water.

I went back to lay down hoping for decent sleep. At about 9 am I knew I wasn’t going anywhere that day so I called Keith Hardy and another member of Wordsmiths Toastmasters and left messages that I would not be attending the meeting that night. They’d have to find a replacement for the speaking role I was to do. I usually go to Wordsmiths every Monday, which is why I pass on political meetings scheduled on Mondays (it is an oasis from political posturing & chaos).

An hour later I called the VA Nurse line. It is a medical advice line that also helps to schedule appointments. I told the VA Nurse the situation and where the pain was at. She asked me a bunch of questions to include if it had happened before and I said it had in severity in late November 2013. She suggested to ice down the area, take Tylenol or another pain reliever and try to rest, and if it didn’t get better in 2-3 days go to an Emergency Room.

The VA Hospital in Minneapolis has an Emergency Room except I’ve never seen ambulances stopping there to drop off patients. It’s like what most ERs have become an Outpatient-no-appointment-necessary-intake wing of the hospital. I don’t think the VA Emergency Wing knows what the term “Emergency” means, I’ve been there before and they make you wait despite a lack of patients.

I would have to wait through two to three days of misery? I couldn’t wait that long.  I had trouble standing to urinate. That problem was resolved by the empty plastic Powerade bottles I had. Using them to “eliminate” liquid waste. I couldn’t sit so “eliminating” solid waste was not possible.

To get around my apartment otherwise crawling on all fours was less painful than standing but still painful so I had to do the low crawl where my stomach was on the floor and I propelled myself  by pushing forward with only my right leg. Drill Sgts Ricky Mobley and Donnie Thornhill my Drill Sgts would applaud my form I thought.

So I made up my mind to get to the ER at Regions Hospital which is the closest hospital to my studio apartment.

I called a friend, Greg Copeland, to discuss it. I asked him if he thought the VA would pick up the cost of the ambulance. He said that since I have no other way to pay it they would have to. I’ve used the VA Hospital/Clinic System as my healthcare provider since I do not have health insurance even when I had a seasonal job to grade state standardized essay tests.

“I asked him if he thought the VA would pick up the cost of the ambulance.  He said that since I have no other way to pay it they would have to.”

I told Greg my Veterans ID Card (VIC) and another VA card said non-VA medical could be paid by the VA. So it was decided I was going to call 911 to get some relief at Regions ER.  Luckily my phone is on the floor.  I called at around 5 or 6 pm.

I didn’t want the EMTs to see my cluttered studio apartment so I put some clothes on and a sweater, wallet, iPod Touch & Charger, and waited upright next to my door in the hallway of my apartment waiting to lock it when they came. I was in terrible pain waiting for them.

The EMTs started to question me right away what my pain was. I said I threw my back out and the VA told me to go if it hadn’t gotten better. One of them put an arm under my arm to aid me out of the building. My body felt heavier for some reason. They got me into the ambulance through the side door. They took my blood pressure and they wanted to strap me onto the side on the bench seat. I pleaded with them to let me lie down on the gurney. So they let me lie down and the pain was less.

When we arrived they got me into Regions ER and transferred me to an upright chair with wheels. It didn’t look like a typical wheel chair. The EMTs disappeared and I checked in with the nurse’s station.  I was trying to be in good spirits throughout my stay.

Staying in good spirits in the waiting room of the ER is tough to do. In the 5 hours I waited a variety of different patients and their families complained about their illness the wait time and the weather. The outside air temperature was unseasonably warm in the upper 40s to mid 50s or so. I hadn’t dressed for later when I wished the sweatshirt I had on was a little thicker.

At around 11 pm I finally saw the doctor after a nurse took my vitals and asked a few questions. The lady doctor asked me the extent of the pain and where it was located. She touched areas on the lower back asked if it hurt. There were no x-rays taken. She said it wasn’t sciatica nor a spinal injury. She prescribed Aleve and some Valium and a shot of Tramadol and referred me to Physicians Neck & Back in Roseville MN for Physical Therapy.  I got the shot and paid for my prescription.  I called Greg and left a message to pick me up.  I called another friend but there was no answer. So I called a Taxi. I waited 45 minutes and no taxi. I called them again and they said it would be a 30 minute wait. No wonder why people like Uber or Lyft.

The police officer in the lobby alerted me when the taxi arrived. It was chilly out. The cabby had to smoke so he kept the window open the entire ride back. I paid him and went into my apartment. I fixed my “bed” area on the floor and took the Valium, Aleve, an ice pack and fully slept for the first time in a 24 hours.

March 7, 2017

When I woke I took my meds, the Valium seemed to make everything go in slow motion. Then I ate a real breakfast and took a needed shower and called up Greg and told him about it.

I called the VA Nurse line to tell them what happened the previous day. A different nurse asked me if I had numbness in my left leg. I said from below the left hip area around it was numb up to my upper part of the leg. The area occasionally “itched” inside the upper part of the leg.

The Nurse told me to go back to the ER. I said I was on Valium and I couldn’t drive there. She said to call 911 to get there. So like a good soldier I followed orders. I called 911.

This time the EMTs were reluctant to take me and treated me less than friendly like the day before. They strapped me to the side. My back still hurt but I was kind of fuzzy on the Valium.

When I arrived at Regions ER the same check-in nurse was still on duty from the day before.  She was surprised to see me but I told her the reason and that there was numbness in the area of my upper left leg.  I suspected that I would be waiting forever like the night before so I told her I was going to the cafeteria to get lunch.

Upon my return from the cafeteria, I asked a male nurse at the desk if they had called my name and they had but I wasn’t there.  So he told me to wait.  A half hour later I was ushered back into the exam room.  A Physician’s Assistant did the same sort of exam as the Woman Doctor the night before but her diagnosis was different–Sciatica.  Who to believe? I believe the Doctor over the PA.  She recommended the same course of action as the doctor did the previous night and told me to get plenty of rest and ice down the area.  If the numbness travelled below my knee then I should come back in.

I called up a friend, Bob Murray and he came to pick me up.  He took me to Burger King on Rice & Larpenteur to get a bite to eat while I told him the story.

Bureaucratic Labyrinth

A few days after I returned from the second ER visit I got a call from HealthPartners call center in Sartell MN.  The person on the line, “Betty” called to schedule my appointment for physical therapy at one of their Physicians Neck & Back (PNB) locations.  I indicated the Roseville location off of Center Pointe Drive would be the best one.  So I scheduled a March 22nd visit, figuring the VA bureaucrats would clear up the way for me to pay it through the VA by then.

I went online I found where it was and I planned how to get there.  I was all set to go except I had to work it out with the VA.

When I called up the VA line (there are no direct lines to doctors you have to go through phone buttons to get another list of buttons to select) to talk to my GP Doctor Gloria (leaving out her last name because she is a good doctor).  I wanted to tell her what had happened.  I talked to her then to a nurse at the VA Clinic in Maplewood who asked me to get x-rays and the other paperwork from Regions Hospital, in order to authorize physical therapy, I also needed to come in for a brief check up on my back.

By the following Friday, March 17th I was off the Valium and so I could drive to Regions to run down the paperwork.  The day before I had called the Records Department of Regions to see if I could have them transfer the information directly to the VA Maplewood & Dr Gloria.  They said it would cost a certain amount of money so I thought it would be cheaper to arrive in person and hand walk them to the VA Clinic–oddly I learned this is the most secure form of transmitting data, to hand walk it from A to B.

At Regions after I parked I got in the elevator off the parking ramp and proceeded to get lost.  With no outside windows it was hard to figure out where I was so I asked a volunteer outside their gift shop.  The “Sainted” volunteer guided me through the hallways and 3 floors on the elevator before she left me outside the Records Department.  I talked with the woman who had talked with me on the phone, her voice was familiar.  She had me fill out some paperwork and what records to send to the VA Clinic.  If it went regular mail there was no cost.  I got back to my car after remembering the route I took to get there.

I called the VA Clinic and told a PA, “Sharon,” the news the files were on their way to them but there were no x-rays or other scans because they didn’t perform them.  The PA told me to come in the following Monday, March 20.  On March 20th I talked to “Sharon,” who I had talked to the previous Friday.  She said that I wouldn’t be able to go outside the VA to get treatment but there was a program that might allow me to (kind of confusing, I know).

The VA Hospital system used to just drug up people who had back problems and they were finding this treatment not working in the long run so they decided to do physical therapy in-house at the Hospital.  Fortunately for me to catch up on their backlog of patients needing therapy I could go outside the system to get treatment under the Veteran’s Choice Program.  She provided a number to call.

Before I called the Veteran’s Choice Program number it was looking like the Physicians Neck & Back appointment for March 22nd was not going to happen being I didn’t have normal insurance but I had the VA footing the bill for my treatment.  So I called the HealthPartners Sartell MN Call Center to talk to “Betty.”  I told her the appointment I had made almost 2 weeks before I would have to cancel.  She commiserated with me about all the VA snafus she has had to deal with.  She thanked me for canceling because often on hold with people at the VA she never gets straight forward information from anyone there.

According to one of my notes I called the Veterans Choice Program on March 29th.  I had been told by the VA Clinic PA “Sharon” when I had visited her in lieu of seeing Dr Gloria who could not see me til after she returned from a vacation in April.  “Sharon,” had explained many things about the treatment.  She said when I talk to the Veteran’s Choice Program person they’ll issue a card that I’ll get before I go to my first physical therapy session.  I’ll be able to as the program is called to decide which physical therapy place I could go.  I thanked “Sharon.”

On the March 29th I got a call from “Susan,” of the Veteran’s Choice Program (VCP).  She said she was calling from South Carolina where the VCP is located.  She helped me schedule a physical therapy schedule.  Susan said that I could go anywhere, being I don’t know much about physical therapy companies I decided to go with the original referral of Physicians Neck & Back in Roseville MN.  Susan said 36 therapy sessions were authorized by VCP, if more were needed I would have to be seen by my GP Dr Gloria.  My first therapy session was scheduled for April 6, 2017.  A full month after I had thrown out my back and 2 weeks after my first cancelled appointment on March 22.

Physicians Neck & Back

My first visit was with Dr Gloria Peterson.  I told her my GP at the VA Clinic had the same first name.  She examined my back then talked with me.  I told her that I couldn’t sit for very long on a chair without having issues with my back–pain and discomfort.  This was a problem as I admin this site and do articles for it.  Also it was a problem when I got out of my car.

When I first started I was put on a sensor-rigged back press Nautilus machine.  They could measure the weight I could push and the angle I could do it at.  I weighed then about 240 and I could barely push 100 lbs on the machine.  The goal was 180 lbs through a variety of back angles.

It was tough, but the physical therapists I was assigned were fun, informative about what was going on and they really encouraged me when it got tough.  They also showed the proper way of lifting things, how to sit on a chair properly (if your knees are above your waist you’ll slouch).  When I finished in August 2017 I was sad to go.

They have a room to maintain and strengthen ones back, stomach, and neck muscles called Core, it is the same as I did with the therapists except without them.  I wanted to continue but I don’t have the money to.  The VA didn’t authorize it.  So at a future time if I don’t keep my back & stomach muscles strong I might have another back injury.

Denial of Ambulance Payment

The first sign that something was not right was on July 27, 2017.  I got a bill from the St Paul Fire Department (SPFD).  I called up the VA and after some time I got the non-VA medical billing office.  I talked to Daniel (that’s his name I didn’t get a last name).  He said the SPFD had not submitted a bill to the VA inside of 90 days.  They would have to submit some paper work to explain why they had not submitted a bill for the 2 days I had used a SPFD Ambulance.  I asked him for his number and I said I would let SPFD Billing know how to contact him.

So I called up SPFD minutes after I had talked to Daniel.  The Billing Clerk took down the information that Daniel had provided.  I asked if Daniel was correct when he said they hadn’t submitted a bill to the VA.  The clerk said they had submitted both bills on March 14th and a second time as well on July 18, 2017.  He said this happens all the time with the Veterans Administration (VA).  He said they would figure it out and I should not worry about paying for the bill.

I got another bill from SPFD in September and also in October.

On November 4, 2017, I received in the mail an official notice the VA would not pay for the Ambulance Bill from the St Paul Fire Department.

I scanned the two letters in the envelope, the recent bills from St Paul Fire Department (SPFD), and also the envelope in which the VA letters came in.  Then I called the SPFD on November 6, 2017.  I talked to Ines (pronounced eye-nez) of the Billing Department.  I told her about the Official Denial of Payment Letter from the VA.

Ines sets Daniel Straight

She looked up my Ambulance Charge date.  She asked me if I had called in late July 2017, I said I had called then.  Ines said she had called up Daniel at the VA the non-VA Billing Department.  She talked to him and told me the conversation went like the following.  Daniel had told her that he has to send requests for payment of bills to Denver, Colorado.  He claimed the patient (me) that I didn’t have a zip code and therefore they couldn’t determine how to pay the bill.  Ines stopped him and said that the VA Patient (me) had an address.  Daniel asked her to send him this information by mail so he could submit the information to Denver, Colorado.  He said he was sure the bill would be paid.

It wasn’t paid.  (This is why I’m writing this narrative).

I was curious so I asked Ines while she was still on the phone for documentation, she confirmed when the Ambulance dates were, when the bills were submitted, why it takes 6-8 days for the actual bills to be produced.  I asked her how often the non-payment of ambulance bills by the VA happens.  She said it happens all the time with VA Patients.  I asked if she could give me a figure on how often it happens.  She replied, “You mean for the whole year or just one week?”  I said just one week.  Ines replied that on average there are 10-15 VA Patients’ bills are denied payment by the VA non-VA Billing Department.  That’s about 520 to 780 per year if that is multiplied for 52 weeks.  This is St Paul alone.  Imagine what it must be like in a larger city.

on average there are 10-15 VA Patients’ bills are denied payment by the VA non-VA Billing Department. –Ines SPFD Billing Clerk

Call to Action

Today on Veterans Day 2017, it is my 28th anniversary of being honorably discharged from the US Army.  I served my country well, not during a shooting war, but the tail end of the Cold War with the Soviet Union.  I had a Secret Security Clearance for the job I did for two years starting on November 12, 1987, 30 years ago tomorrow.

If I had known the kind of treatment I might receive, the Mickey Mouse Labyrinth of bureaucracy I would wander around in to receive treatment through the Veterans Administration, I might have went to college directly.

I went into the all volunteer US Army.  I served under some great Officers and NCOs, and some not so great.  My Army Buddies are friends for life.  My Montgomery GI Bill paid for most of my college expenses and I graduated with no student loans to pay off.

I see flag wavers out there now who have never served, nor can they relate to what it is like to serve in the military.  They go to their Veterans Day sales, and think it is just another holiday, it isn’t.  They think wearing Red, White, and Blue makes you a patriot, it doesn’t.  Civilians in my opinion waste their Liberties and Freedoms. The Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, National Guardsmen, and Coastguardsmen which most Americans praise on days like today; they do not know our military personnel do not have the same liberties and freedoms as civilians do day in and day out.

I think I would enjoy Veterans Day more if Veterans were treated properly at VA Hospitals, to have their ambulance bills paid on time.  There is no excuse for some of the institutional neglect many Vets run into at the VA.

We Vets don’t complain too loud.  I think I know why. I was outside an appointment gathering my things and thinking about the appointment I just had.  I felt worse than when I went in.  I got to talking with an older woman named Judith.  She was waiting for her husband Jim, who was in with the doctor, Jim was showing early signs of dementia and possibly Alzheimer’s.  I said to her the reason why many old Vets and returning Vets have problems in civilian life is because in Basic Training we are stripped of our individuality and replaced with a concern for the team or buddies.  When there is an obstacle to overcome we do it together.  When we get out of the military and an obstacle is encountered there is no team to deal with it so We Vets tend to internalize it and downplay it.

I’m asking you, the reader, to join with me to make sure Vets across this country currently serving or served decades ago to not be alone and demand better treatment by the Veterans Administration to get Ambulance Bills paid.  Call up your Representatives and Senators in Congress and demand better Treatment for our Vets.

Together We Can Overcome Obstacles Together

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Thomas Sowell: Global Warming is a Manufactured Truth by Intellectuals

Some time ago I, Publius Jr, did a speech at the Toastmasters Club I belong to.  The title of the speech was, “Global Warming: A Manufactured Truth.”  In the first few minutes of the speech to establish myself as someone who has studied all the subjects that determine the weather and thus climate, I proved one thing that most in the room did not ever think Global Warming was:  It’s a Religion that none of the believers can explain but believe by faith.  If the State & Federal Government establish laws based upon an established religion they are in direct violation of the 1st Amendment’s Establishment Clause prohibiting an official state religion.

Thomas Sowell points out something about the carbon dioxide emissions happening after the rise in temperatures.  It doesn’t follow real science because the cause & effect are disconnected.

I also trotted out what I learned in the book, “Culture of Fear,” by Barry Glassner Beware of Prophets of Fear because they tend to profit from your fear.  I mention this because of the Industry, the American Prophet of Global Warming Fear, Al Gore created.

By Barry Glassner. We’ll put the link to buy this book (we want Amazon to build it’s 2nd HQ in St Paul MN). We sadly do not get any $ from posting the link below.

Amazon Link to Purchase Barry Glassner’s “Culture of Fear”


Beware of Prophets of Fear because they tend to profit from your fear.



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Thomas Sowell: Hopelessness is the Product of the Race Industry

Thomas Sowell is a Rose & Milton Friedman Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University.

This first video is from an interview on Thomas Sowell’s book, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” on Wall Street Journal Live, with Peter Robinson of the Hoover Institution.

Here are questions about his book, Basic Economics, and on the Welfare State.  It starts out with a quote from Sowell’s article from November 18, 2014.  The Full Article “A Legacy of Liberalism, can be read here.

New York Times writer Nicholas Kristof asserts that there is “overwhelming evidence that centuries of racial subjugation still shape inequity in the 21st century” and he mentions “the lingering effects of slavery.” If we wanted to be serious about evidence, we might compare where blacks stood a hundred years after the end of slavery with where they stood after 30 years of the liberal welfare state. –Thomas Sowell

Liberals like President Lyndon Johnson have been self-serving to think that government can solve the problems that they feel white people were responsible for.  Democrats in the 1960’s had to be dragged into approving Congressional acts that supported 2 Constitutional Amendments: 14th & 15th–Civil Rights & Voting Rights that were passed nearly 80-90 years before!

“Hopelessness is the product of the Race Industry”–Thomas Sowell

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Patent Scam Documentary Pulls Back the Curtain on Patent Trolls

Patent Trolls add cost to the products you purchase like an iPhone or Android.

A key to innovation and moving forward into the future is protection of the fruits of ones labor and ideas. This is what a patent does. They are certain criteria for the awarding of a US Patent. Unfortunately “Patent Trolls” earn money by settling out of court with industrious & innovative individuals and successful companies. It is less of a cost to settle than to fight in long dragged out court cases.

Austin Meyer, the creator of X-Plane Flight Simulator is fighting back with Information and asking the government to overturn the Patent Trolls.

Here is his message

Hi everyone!

As many of you know, I, and many other developers, have been sued for using the Google Play store to distribute our apps on Android. The lawsuits come from a company called Uniloc, which had nothing to do with the creation of the Google Store, but still claims to own the PATENT on how it works.

Uniloc creates no goods or services, and makes its money only from suing those that do, claiming to own the patents that describe the work that others do.

In my case, Uniloc offered to drop its lawsuit against me for distributing my own App if I just gave them $50,000.00, and promised to never tell anybody what they did.

Instead, I fought them in court, and made a documentary about patent trolling.

It’s called “The Patent Scam,” and will be coming out on iTunes, Amazon, Dish Network, and many other outlets on August 15!

See the trailer:

See the movie:
Amazon Video:
Google Play:
Microsoft XBOX:


Catch the EXTRAS:


Hit the Web:


See it on pay-TV:
Comcast, Dish Network, Cox, Charter, Verizon, and more.

Buy it on physical DVDs and Blu-Ray:
Amazon DVD:
Amazon BD: is posting this as a courtesy to communicate to you how patent trolls siphon off profits from big corporations and make sure small starts ups don’t get anywhere, and most importantly add more cost to what could be a cheaper product you want to buy.  There is a fee to watch it, but you can do it from your computer or some other viewing device, and you can pop your own popcorn. Austin Meyer was Publius Jr’s college roommate at Iowa State University who remembers the countless hours Austin spent working on X-Plane Flight Simulator. does not get any financial benefit at all from relaying this information.

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Tammy & Terry’s Letter Read at Protecting Civil Discourse Press Conference March 25, 2017

We believe the Civil Rights of the people of the #March4Trump Rally who assembled peaceably have been violated.  The horror of being attacked by the #Fascist6 ANTIFA thugs which included Senator Tim Kaine’s son Woody Kaine can’t be imagined by people who weren’t there.  We are sickened that Ramsey County Attorney John Choi, St Paul Attorney Samuel J Clark, the Minnesota Attorney General Lori Swanson have not charged the 6 ANTIFA Thugs.  There is plenty of evidence that these thugs committed an assault in the MN Capitol Rotunda when State Legislators were present.  If these attackers go unpunished it will encourage more attacks in the future.

Below is a letter that was read at the Protecting Civil Discourse Press Conference on March 25, 2o17 at the Minnesota Capitol Building Rotunda area 3 weeks after the attack on the #March4Trump Rally.  ~~ Publius Jr.

Statement from Tammy Varholdt and Terry Petrick 3/15/17

Tammy Varholdt was a volunteer organizer and prayer speaker at the M4T rally.  Unfortunately, Tammy has been battling walking pneumonia so is unable to attend the rally.  Terry also had previously scheduled unbreakable commitments and is unable to be present.  Tammy was at the M4T rally to pray UNITY over our leaders, citizens, state and nation.  She did the closing prayer of UNITY at the rally.  Her boyfriend Terry, a Vietnam Vet, had previous security experience along with Conrad Jackson an Iraq & Kosovo Veteran offered to help with security at the rally.

Shortly after the event started it was apparent a group of violent Anti-Trump agitators (criminals) came to infiltrate and disrupt our peaceful rally to exercise our first amendment right on topics of importance.  This group clearly had a premeditated plan including violence as they chose to hide their faces with bandanas, scarves, masks, and even goggles!  They came equipped with industrial grade mace & pepper spray.  These criminals started their disruption carefully trying to flood the rotunda with noise so the important speakers could not be heard.  They then grouped together and attempted to move down to the first level where violence broke out on the stairs.  Terry was caught in the middle of it because these violent criminals had a rally goer who looked like a hired security guard already on the floor and hitting him.

Thankfully Terry was able to pull this victim away from the violent criminals and also one of the agitators so the police could restrain him.  During this time Terry was a victim of being tazed multiple times along with being maced by these violent criminals.  The can of mace used was so close to Terry’s eye and its pressure so strong it took days for his eye to heal; we are lucky his eye did not have permanent damage.  Conrad injured his knee trying to contain the violent agitators; as of today he still has difficulty walking stairs.

Terry also tried to notify the few policemen who were on-site to come over to this group of criminals before the violence broke out; even the police told Terry they were clearly outnumbered and proceeded to instructed Terry to continue trying to deal with directly.

After the rally ended we were thrilled to learn 6 arrests had been made and felony charges were pending for 5 of the 6 of these criminals.  Were in absolute shock and disgusted to learn they were all released without being charged.  This violence was clearly premeditated; at a minimum felony assault charges are in order, not to mention the illegality of setting off a military grade smoke bomb in a government building.  Also of the 6 arrested there is still an individual responsible for tazing, who hasn’t been arrested even though many videos have been provided to investigators that clearly shows who it is.

If this violent unlawful behavior is allowed to continue without repercussion and the media continues to glorify it through coverage, because it gets “good ratings,” we are headed down a very dangerous slope of lawlessness.  Terry and I stand in agreement to demand these criminals are charge and prosecuted.  We demand justice and that our rights to exercise the 1st amendment peacefully are protected even if they do not align with the views of others.  May God guide us all to stop this madness, it is time to unite and restore accountability and enforce the laws.  God bless our leaders, military, police, first responders and all who desire a peaceful nation.



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Another FEC Problem for CD4 Republican Chair Jim Carson

One of our subscribers sent us a draft of what they are intending to send to the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) about the Minnesota’s Fourth Congressional District (CD4) Republicans.  They cite some disturbing things about the FEC account opened more than a month after a campaign contribution was given to the endorsed Candidate Greg Ryan for Congress Campaign.  We contacted the Greg Ryan Campaign and a spokesperson said that they assumed the CD4 Republicans had a FEC account when they took the contribution.

The name of the person who is filing the complaint has been withheld by request.

Office of the General Counsel:

I believe the filing for CD4-RPM has deliberate errors and there are a few disturbing things about the filings in the account C00621185.

The first problem is that James Carson is the Chair of this group he is not the Treasurer nor the acting treasurer. He lists himself as the Treasurer on the FEC acct opening file.  His filings seem to suggest he acted alone on this FEC account.  The actual Treasurer of this group is Mr John Rheinberger as the MN Campaign Finance Disclosures & Compliance Board lists.

The second problem is the opening of the account is dated 7/5/16. The PDF shows that Mr Carson sent it on 6/30/16 and due to the federal holiday it was opened on 7/5/16.

Mr Carson’s filings show CD4-RPM gave $4000 to Greg Ryan’s campaign (according to the Greg Ryan FEC account) on 5/14/16 and $1000 on 5/18/16. I’m puzzled why Mr Carson annotated it in his files as 5/24/16 and 6/1/16. Then he waits almost a month before he opens a FEC account.

To give money as a CD party unit one has to have a FEC account first.  This $5000 was given to the Greg Ryan Campaign prior to the CD4-RPM FEC account was set up.

Another problem is the itemized contributions are not itemized. I looked at other accounts to see how things are itemized and on the Greg Ryan account ALL the contributors are listed thus the definition of “itemized”.  It is odd that in a Presidential year they wouldn’t have more contributions to this organization.

Another problem is the lack of filings, he missed two periods. Before the CD4-RPM account was closed in April of 2013 Mr Carson had a problem filing FEC reports and thus CD4 fell into some sort of punishment by the FEC.  I don’t know what the punishment was, but it seems they closed out the CD4 closed the account.

During the 39 months that CD4-RPM didn’t have a FEC acct people would talk about the account as if it still existed.  We had an endorsed Candidate Sharna Wahlgren in 2014 and somehow people thought there was an account.  I didn’t go to their meetings as I was no longer an officer in my house district.

I have to wonder if the appointed Treasurer Mr Rheinberger knew of this FEC account that was set up.  The CD4 Republican Constitution says that the Treasurer’s job is to manage both the state account and the federal account.  It seems that this didn’t happen.


******** (name withheld by request)

The FEC account mentioned is C00621185.  It was filed by the Fourth Congressional District Republican, CD4-RPM Chair James “Jim” Carson on June 30, 2016 using Priority Mail. It was processed after the July 4th Independence Day Holiday.  You can see the FEC Account Opening here. 

CD4-RPM Contribution Made Prior to the FEC account Opening

This shows that CD4-RPM Chair Jim Carson allegedly made a contribution to the Greg Ryan Campaign almost a month before he opened the FEC account!

However if you go to Greg Ryan For Congress FEC account filing period from April 2016 to July 2016 (July Quarterly Report) you’ll see that the CD4-RPM Contributions came in on 5/14/16 ($4000) and 5/18/16 ($1000).  Why did Mr Carson wait a few weeks to file them on 5/24/16 ($4000) and 6/1/16 ($1000)?  By his own filing it allegedly shows that CD4-RPM gave money to their endorsed candidate Greg Ryan PRIOR TO the opening of the CD4-RPM FEC account.

Nowhere does it show Mr John Rheinberger on the FEC account.  At some point the Treasurer should have found out about the federal account, but in the 2016 End of Year Report there is no amendment in C00621185, in fact Mr. Carson has made himself to be the Treasurer, not the acting Treasurer as the opening of the account states.

Where was the Oversight by Deputy Chair Michelle Manke?

Deputy Chairs are not listed as required to make filings to the Minnesota Campaign Finance Disclosures & Compliance Board (MNCFB) nor for FEC accounts, unless there is a need to as in a vacancy at Treasurer or Chair.  The CD4 Constitution does mention the Treasurer and the Deputy Treasurer manage their funds, whether it be state or federal.

Where was the oversight by the Deputy Chair Michelle Manke?

She recently visited a number of Republican BPOU Conventions in CD4 talking about the positive messaging, and the number of parades they’ve taken their “float” adorned with numerous US Military Branch Flags, US Flags, and yet there is no mention of it being from CD4 Republicans!

Newsflash:  Parades Don’t Win Elections!

A Deputy Chair’s job is to help out the chair, and the other officers on the Executive Committee.  The Deputy Chair should be providing oversight on making sure the Chair and other officers are properly doing their jobs to the best of their abilities and to make sure there is no reason for the public to suspect any shenanigans going on.  In some Republican BPOU Constitutions the Deputy Chair is also the Deputy Treasurer, unless there is a specific person elected into that position.

So why didn’t Michelle Manke provide proper oversight of the state account and the federal account?  That’s a good question to ask her at the CD4 Convention on April 22, 2017 at the Roseville Oval.

A Conflict of Interest?

While it isn’t something that perhaps the FEC would look into, the selection of the Hennepin County Medical Center (HCMC) Food Shelf for catering at the CD4 Convention in 2016 and for some event in December 2016 might raise some concern about a conflict of interest.  The Food Shelf at HCMC is a good thing, but Jim Carson’s wife helps out with the organization and the Deputy Chair Michelle Manke is the Project Manager for the HCMC Food Shelf from January 2014 to the present as her personal Facebook Page lists.

One would have to look into whether the CD4 Full Committee approved of this selection of the HCMC Food Shelf for catering.  In 2014 Mrs Jim Carson was taking at-will donations from CD4 Convention Delegates and Alternates.  One would have to question if the HCMC Food Shelf took at-will donations for the bag lunches they provided and also was paid what is listed.  The first donation was prior to the creation of the FEC account on 5/11/16.

Payments Made Prior to the Creation of the FEC account

You can see in the Itemized Disbursements there is not only the payment to HCMC Food Shelf that Michelle Manke is the Project Manager for, but one to Century College for the rental of the auditorium for the 2016 CD4 Convention, on April 28, 2016 (almost a year ago).  Maybe these payments should have went to the State Account.


Analyzing the draft of the letter to be sent to the Office of the General Counsel at the Federal Elections Commission and searching through the files; it is evident that the Chair the Deputy Chair and those on the Executive Committee for the Fourth Congressional District have not done their fiduciary duties to ensure the contributions are properly managed.  Jim Carson and Michelle Manke are not to be trusted with leading anyone in the Fourth Congressional District of Minnesota (it isn’t too surprising that these two are both #NEVERTRUMPers).  The people on the Executive Committee who knew about it and failed to alert the proper authorities ought to be ashamed of themselves…and they too should not be re-elected to any office ever again, nor be endorsed to run for an office.

How can we browbeat the DFL Party leaders, candidates, or sitting office holders with a standard we aren’t willing to follow ourselves?

It pains us to report this, but if Republicans can’t win elections on principles, and stay within the laws that govern elections, then they don’t deserve the trust of the voters.  We hate it when we are told to, “Let it slide,” or, “Let it go, you’re not helping out the party.”  Isn’t integrity a good thing?  How can we browbeat the DFL Party leaders, candidates, or sitting office holders with a standard we aren’t following ourselves?

We need to elect leaders in our organization who lead with conscience, and speak loudly with proper action instead of just words.


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Franklin Graham: Ways to Engage Your Community For Christ

An estimated crowd of 6300 Christians gathered. We are just to the right rear of the bus and the right rear corner of the stage, June 16, 2016 Decision America Tour.

You can take a stand for God’s truth in your community.
Did you know that nearly 1 out of 3 people at the 50 Decision America Tour stops last year signed the pledge to God and country? This means 72,000 people just like you committed to engage in their community with God’s truth and prayerfully consider running for office.
Here are some ways you can do this and be salt and light in your community:
• Attend a school board or city council meeting.
• Pray about running for a local office.
See which city elections are happening this year.
Find information on school board elections, including filing deadlines.
We’re sharing the Gospel in communities like yours here at home and across the globe—and you can partner with us by praying and making a gift online at
“Be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us.” –Ephesians 5:1–2, NKJV


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