Can President Trump Save Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving was a harvest celebration a week long. The Puritans thanked God and their neighbors the nearby American Indians especially Squanto.

It gets earlier and earlier every year the first mention of Christmas Shopping. This year there were Christmas colors popping up in stores as soon as Halloween was over. Christmas music was in stores before Election Day.

As much as I, Publius Jr, love Christmas and the real meaning of the season, I like Christmas to observe it’s calendar boundaries. When Advent starts is a good time to start “Decking the halls…” I don’t go out shopping on “In the Black Friday” (I still think there’s some places on the globe that refer to Good Friday as Black Friday).

One very pleasant aspect of Donald Trump’s Presidency which FNNs (Fake News Networks) have downplayed is his new found Faith in Jesus Christ. The last President O-what’s-his-name spoke like a Black Preacher but was the biggest commie/ muslim in regards to Thanksgiving, Christmas, Resurrection Day (Easter) and all other Christian inspired holidays (he made sure Christian symbols were covered up from view).

One wonders if in the process of making the the USA great again President Trump can put the God back into Thanksgiving. O-Whats-his-name and other socialists-communists in this country successfully made Thanksgiving into a food holiday which is a springboard into godless Winter Solstice Holiday season with Winter Holiday trees and making St Nicholas into Father O-what’s-his-name giving treasury gifts to all illegal aliens especially DACA kids.

Ignoring Thanksgiving as what it is, ignores what this country was conceived in–faith.

There has been two Americas from the forging of this nation. One America was all about making money in Jamestown. The other America was in Plymouth Rock and it was all about worshipping the Holy Trinity without Government interference. One might say the pursuit of material wealth is more important than worshipping in ones faith. The evidence of how blessed each settlement was can be shown by the financial output of each area and the developed lands.

Jamestown the settlement which was financial gain first is a ghost town. There is a replica settlement for tourists but there is no developed land and hasn’t been in hundreds of years.

Jamestown VA became abandoned after the capitol of the colony moved to Williamsburg.

Plymouth Rock or Plantation is teeming with financial gain, the Separtists founded Boston in 1640, 20 years after they established their settlement in Plymouth. Financially the “Pilgrims” were blessed because they were Christian First. They had God’s providence of being taught how to live in the Plymouth Rock area by an American Indian, Squanto, who could speak English!  The Pilgrims had a lasting peace with the local tribes for a couple of generations. The Puritans’ America is a glaring example that God wants his people to florish not to live like paupers as some people have been led to believe.

Plymouth, Massachusetts Landsat photo.

Plymouth, Massachusetts’ population according to the last census in 2010 is about 56,000 people. See the Map.

Our United States were founded upon the Puritans’ America. While the Jamestown America has went where the getting is good it usually fails where ever it is left on it’s own. Mining Towns in the Western United States are great examples. When the lode/ore disappeared or was depleted the town dried up.

Making America all about financial gain is usually a recipe for disaster. The Republican Party was not founded upon financial gain but upon Christian values by Christians. They were about civil rights, owning property, self defense, and ending slavery. They wanted to correct what was originally flawed in the Constitution. Sure there were people who were Material Wealth First in the movement but they were quite small in comparison.

Socialism is more popular in areas where there are more spiritually poor people than not.  These people will point at the capitalist system and point out there were no safeguards to the welfare or financial health of those less fortunate.  Look at how prosperous North Korea is.  A Capitalist system with spiritually poor people will exploit people with less means. How was the west won? Through spiritually wealthy people who refrained from exploiting others for personal gain.

North Korea is a socialist-communist dictatorship. At night it looks like this.

Businessman Donald Trump could tell you that material wealth and financial gain does not make one happy. It is usually an empty hollow existence. Trump’s 3 wives, girlfriends and children can attest to how wealth doesn’t buy happiness.

President Trump initially spent some time with a big voting block that helped him Beat Hillary–Christian or Evangelical Voters. Their message seems to continue to transform Trump daily into more of a Christian First kind of leader.  Ronald Reagan, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington were Christian First leaders.

If President Trump embraces the Christian Faith more than he has, he will become a great President like other Christian First Presidents.

This article was originally published by Publius Jr. on November 22, 2017. —admin

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Help Bring “Musicians On Call” to Minnesota

I, Publius Jr, was looking for people to sign up to play the piano on the second floor surgical waiting room at the VA Hospital in Bloomington MN. I go to this VA twice a week and the piano was given as a memorial to the Hospital I think should be played more.

The 2nd floor surgical waiting area piano. To play it you need to contact the head of the volunteers at the VAMC and one can only play certain type of songs.

So a search came up with a website called, “Musicians On Call.” I browsed around on it to see what it was about and I liked what I saw on it, but it didn’t have an operation in Minnesota. So Musicians On Call couldn’t help me with my piano player mission I’m on now. I thought I’ll return to this subject and this is the article.

What is Musicians On Call?

Their “about” page says it better than I can paraphrase it.

Music is this wonderful tool that can change and shape your day, your mood, for your memories. Because of those reasons, there was no choice but to bring music to people that need it most.” —Michael Solomon, Co-Founder of Musicians On Call

In 1999, Musicians On Call Co-Founders and music & entertainment entrepreneurs, Michael Solomon and Vivek Tiwary, bonded over one life-changing moment: both had loved ones who had passed away after long hospital stays in New York.

Michael had recently lost 21-year-old Kristen Ann Carr after her battle with sarcoma. To honor her memory, friends and family including Michael and Kristen’s parents, Dave Marsh and Barbara Carr, formed the Kristen Ann Carr Fund at her request to provide grants for cancer research seeking to improve all aspects of cancer patient life with an emphasis on adolescents and young adults.

In an effort to give back to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center where Kristen was hospitalized, Barbara and the Kristen Ann Carr Fund hosted a concert for the patients with the help of Michael. In support of his friend Michael, Vivek attended the concert in search of healing after recently losing both his parents to cancer, who happened to be huge music fans.

Nurses carefully transported patients to the hospital’s recreation area, arranging seats and wheelchairs around a temporary stage where Wynton Marsalis, internationally acclaimed musician, played in the common area at one of the units. IV poles were present throughout the audience, their bags forming a mezzanine audience overhead. It was just what the patients needed, one of the nurses said, and such a shame that some were unable to attend because they were in treatment or too sick to leave their rooms. It was clear that some of the patients who needed music most were unable to go to the concert.

“one of the nurses said, “…such a shame that some were unable to attend because they were in treatment or too sick to leave their rooms”

Michael and Vivek immediately reached out to musician clients and friends to set up similar concerts, and musician Kenli Mattus gladly stepped up. After a couple of visits performing in the common areas, they were asked to visit some patients in their rooms who were too sick to come to the common areas. What they witnessed in the rooms that night was magic!

Feet began to tap and heads nodded to the beat. Smiles formed on patients’ faces and some closed their eyes in revelry. His music was like a melodious breeze moving throughout the room; joyful notes drifted through the air before settling comfortably on the souls of his audience. What happened in the rec room happened on an even deeper and more intimate level inside the actual hospital room. Michael and Vivek knew they had to form an organization that could bring the same inspiration to the bedsides of patients in hospitals everywhere.

And so Musicians On Call was born, right on cue.

Hospital Patients Need This

I don’t know specific people in the VA Hospital who are there for medical treatment and are in a room there, but I go there for other reasons. After watching the co-founder of this Group on the video above I thought this is something Minnesotans need after all we have the Mayo Clinic here in Rochester MN and the University of Minnesota’s Hospital is known for breakthroughs in medicine as well.

We would like to help Musicians On Call by spreading the word around our area to set up Musicians On Call in this area.  We already sent a note to the University of Minnesota’s Music Department about the piano at the VA and we sent them the link to Musicians On Call. We also said it would provide an outreach opportunity for the students in their department and other students who dabble in music in their spare time when they are not studying.

Connecting people who have certain talents with people who in their present situation can appreciate the talents is a noble idea.  We aren’t looking to capitalize on their idea, but to plant some of Musicians On Call seeds here until it has become a forest and people won’t realize this area was once a desert.

More Information

If you would like to know more about Musicians On Call please go to their website at


If you’d like to donate to them Musicians On Call Delivering the Healing Power of Music

Volunteer to Play the VA Minneapolis Piano

Back to the need of playing the Piano at the surgical waiting room on the Second Floor at the VA in Minneapolis.  I’m told if you want to volunteer to play it you need to visit the volunteers desk located through the Main Entrance in the Flag Atrium. You can’t miss it there’s a big US Flag hanging from the ceiling. You can check in there. You can only play certain type of songs on the piano.

Gigantic US Flag Hanging from the ceiling of the VA Minneapolis’ Flag Atrium

Thanks ~~ From this US Army Veteran known as Publius Jr.

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Are You Annoyed with Political Phone Calls? Blame Sec of State Steve Simon

Your cellphone rings.  You look at the caller ID, it’s a number you don’t recognize but it’s a Twin Cities Metro area code.

“Is this John Q Public?” A male voice asks.

”Yes? Who is this?” You answer.

”I’m Jim from Americans Concerned, I’m calling on behalf of our candidates for Governor and Senator.  Are you planning to vote this November?” The man asks.

You ask, “How did you get this number? This is my personal Cellphone number.  I’m on the ‘National Do Not Call List’”

The answer shocks you, “Political calls do not apply to this law, and we got your number from the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office, from Steve Simon.”

This call is like thousands of calls placed every day from July to November usually in even numbered years. These calls coincide with Congressional and Minnesota State Legislative campaigns.

The sad truth is the MN Secretary of State’s Office sells voter lists to political groups to call you up to annoy you about an election. Will this practice end? If it did Political Consultants might be out of a job.

The use of costly political consultants is much like the trap the CIA and the intelligence community ran into in the 1970’s through the 1990’s. The reliance of high tech costly satellites took assets out of the field and left our diplomatic corps vulnerable as they didn’t speak the language of what was going on around them. Thankfully this trend was reversed. Politically here, local party units need to stay engaged in the neighborhoods they live in and stop relying on databases constructed through reliance on lists from the Secretary of State’s office.

Steve Simon wants to Publish Your Party Preference

If MN Secretary of State Steve Simon gets re-elected he’ll want to allow groups to see what political party you prefer. This further violates your privacy. We think this is wrong, so does John Howe.

Remember when you vote Remember Howe to stop more invasive practices of Steve Simon.

Vote John Howe as the Minnesota Secretary of State.

This post was not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee, PAC, the MNGOP ~~ Publius Jr

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You’re a Mean One Tina Smith

When Tina Smith Smiles in this photo it reminds one of a cold hearted snake of a character at this time of year.

Tina Smith reminds one of this character…

The Grinch (Jim Carrey version)

The only difference between the Grinch and Tina Smith is the Grinch repented (did a U-Turn) and turned around his life and his heart grew to embrace Christmas and did not try to steal it or destroy it for others.

Tina Smith has benefitted more than once from the killing of unborn babies when she was local President for Planned Parenthood. Seeing her trying to cozy up to children for a photo op for her campaign makes one skin crawl. She also took $5000 from Planned Parenthood for her campaign.


She is for open borders to let anyone come into our country to include MS-13 gang members.  There was a band of Islamic Terrorists who were running a training camp in the southwest.

You’re a Mean One Tina Smith

She will not condemn or pull support from Keith Ellison who has a mountain of evidence indicating Rep Ellison allegedly beat up his girlfriend Karen Monahan. Tina believed Dr Ford’s shifting story about Judge Kavanaugh only because it could spell the end of her gravy train from Planned Parenthood.

You’re a Mean One Tina Smith

(well if you repent there is redemption for you as Jesus teaches. Perhaps you’ll realize what the Grinch realizes, when you’re out of office)

One of our subscribers sent a note mentioning how closely Tina Smith looks like the Grinch who Stole Christmas (the Jim Carrey version).

This post was not authorized by any candidate, candidate’s committee, CD4 Republicans, nor MNGOP or PAC. — admin

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Dean Phillips Could Be in Hot Water with American Indians

November is National American Indian Heritage Month. We at like to post stories about American Indians who have overcome adversity and prejudice to excel at their talents to help others out.

This year Minnesota is poised to elect a Lt Governor who has ancestry rooted in the original people who lived on the land before Europeans and others came to settle it permanently.  We would like to see Donna Bergstrom be that Lt Governor.  It could happen as we have learned of how a prominent Democrat for Congress has swept cultural insensitive incidents under the rug hoping no one would notice them.

The challenger, to incumbent Rep Erik Paulsen, Dean Phillips is hoping no one will notice it, or maybe it’s just a coincidence, though two coincidences might be stretching belief.

Incident #1: Investing in the Dakota Access Pipeline 

The first incidence is Dean Phillips’ investment in Dakota Access Pipeline.  As reported in Bill McMorris’ January 25, 2018 Washington Free Beacon article “Environmentalist Millionaire Candidate Heavily Invested in Fossil Fuels.”

While pretending to be pro-environment and for a carbon tax he is making money on fossil fuels.  He had the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) do ads attacking Rep Erik Paulsen and President Trump.

Incident #2: The Walker Art Center’s Scaffold “Sculpture”

To much fanfare in late May 2017 the Walker Art Center unveiled the Los Angeles artist Sam Durant’s “Scaffold” at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden known for sculptures such as this Minnesota favorite Spoonbridge & Cherry.

Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, Spoonbridge and Cherry.

*Due to the Nature of the Sensitivity of this subject we will not show the picture of the “Sculpture” known as “Scaffold.”

The incredible insensitivity of the people who paid money for this to be built boggles the mind. It is the Elitist Nature of those involved that makes it all the more outrageous.

How does Dean Phillips fit into this controversy?

Dean Phillips was a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Walker Art Center from September 2015 to June of 2017 (source is from Dean Phillips LinkedIn Profile).  His departure seems odd at a time of highest scrutiny.  Maybe it was just a coincidence he left.

How does this elect Donna Bergstrom to be Lt Governor? The cast of characters of the Minnesota DFL Party’s Statewide & Congressional Candidates show a self-centered group who will not hold their candidates accountable like Keith Ellison or properly vett candidates like Phillips, Feehan, Omar and Radinovich. We like Donna’s Marine Corps discipline and accountability that which is lacking from the #StatusQuoParty the DFL.

Dean Phillips has some explaining to do.



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Imagine If Tim Walz, Tina Smith, Amy Klobuchar, and Dean Phillips Were Honest, It’d look like this

@RealJamesWoods tossed this out on Twitter recently and I, Publius Jr, swear I’ve seen this ad in a variety of different ways from Dean Phillips, Tina Smith, Tim Walz, and Amy Klobuchar.  Doesn’t Gil Fulbright look vaguely like Tim Walz?

Dean Phillips doesn’t want us to know he is heavily invested in Fossil Fuels and the Dakota Access pipeline, as Bill McMorris of the Washington Free Beacon reported on January 25, 2018.  We’re not sure why Erik Paulsen’s Mad Men aren’t exploiting this hypocritical position, though political consultants don’t have to be intelligent because they focus-group their messages.  We live in St Paul, or more to the point Congressional District 4 so we’re doing everything we can to keep Paulsen in office as if the Republicans lose the US House then we may lose our President.

This video and others with the fictitious Gil Fulbright in them are very funny, but too often it is the truth of how these DFLers operate which deadens the laughter.

Still Undecided?

We do know one thing about this race All the DFLers are in full support of Keith Ellison.  Their silence says all we need to know.

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Keystone Kops of the DFL Make Sham Attempt Before Transparent Cover Up

Before Obama was elected President if someone was accused of being, “Transparent,” it was meant to be a negative accusation saying, “We see right through you,” and sometimes saying, “You are open with your actions knowing no one will hold you accountable for your actions.”  This is the case of the Minnesota DFL (Democratic Farmer and Labor Party) in their Sham Attempt at their Investigation of Keith Ellison’s alleged battering of Karen Monahan, his former girlfriend.

There are three possible theories as to why they couldn’t come to the same conclusion that everyone outside of the DFL Investigators did. The First Theory is they are pretending to be Transparent (the Obama Definition of being Open and Honest or frank). The Second Theory is they are incompetent investigators much like the Keystone Kops.  The Third Theory is much like the Democrats on the US Senate Judiciary Committee, holding hearings on the Judge Kavanaugh Confirmation, who want to delay any investigation long enough to not affect the November 6th Election results (especially the “Do no wrong” Amy Klobuchar).

The latter Two Theories can be proven to be the most correct.  As is the case of Rep John Lesch, the DFL Representative from House District 66B, the State DFL didn’t suggest he step down from the glaring example of his $20,000 fine from the MNCFB for having inaccurate accounting and showing he allegedly may have taken money from his campaign accts for non-campaign uses. His character is a bit erratic too which shows in his ongoing defamation lawsuit brought on by St Paul City Attorney Lyndsey Olson and going through Syria to see MN National Guard Troops in Iraq instead through regular protocols. The State DFL should not be entrusted to police themselves as Lesch and Ellison are two examples of many lapses in judgment.

Rep Keith Ellison asked for a US House Ethics Committee Investigation knowing the worst they could do is dismiss him from Congress. He will be leaving regardless of the outcome in January 2019 when his term expires.

Keith Ellison’s son who serves on the Minneapolis (Mpls) City Council is the reason given by the Mpls Police Department (MPD) to avoid any conflict of interest they refused to investigate. Another possibility is the Mpls Police Federation Endorsed his opponent for the MN Attorney General, Doug Wardlow.

We would like to see an FBI investigation of Rep Keith Ellison as he operates on a Federal Level and they do Federal investigations as their name suggests. We don’t want him using any immunities US Representatives have to do their jobs as an excuse to delay any further. Having anyone less than the FBI do it would question the credibility of the Sham and Delay the DFL is trying to create.

Say No to the DFL Keystone Kops.

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MNGOP AG Candidate Wardlow Responds to DFL Sham Investigation of Ellison

The following is from the News Page on the Doug Wardlow Website, posted October 1, 2018, “Wardlow Responds to Sham DFL “Investigation””.  We’ve not altered the content. This is reposted as we support the Endorsed MNGOP candidates.  This was not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee, PAC, the MNGOP nor CD4GOP. ~~ Publius Jr

Burnsville, MN – Doug Wardlow, Republican candidate for Minnesota Attorney General, released the following statement in response to the Minnesota DFL investigative report regarding domestic violence allegations against Keith Ellison:
“As predicted, the sham ‘investigation’ led by the DFL party attorney’s legal partner has concluded in favor of the party’s Attorney General candidate. But the publicly available evidence contradicts that conclusion.
“Karen Monahan’s allegations are substantiated by documentary evidence and a witness. Ms. Monahan’s son, Austin, has seen video evidence of Ellison’s physical abuse of Monahan, and he also witnessed the traumatic effects that the abuse had on his mother. Ms. Monahan also released medical records that detail what she told her doctors about Keith Ellison’s abusive behavior.
“Former Ramsey County Attorney Tom Foley called for a criminal investigation into Ellison’s conduct. Foley, who also cited Amy Alexander’s claim of domestic violence by Keith Ellison, said that ‘the Monahan abuse claims constitutes sufficient credible evidence requiring an immediate criminal investigation.’
“Mr. Foley is correct. The credible and substantiated domestic violence claims against Keith Ellison demonstrate that he is unfit to be Minnesota’s Attorney General.”
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Star Parker: The Opiod Crisis has an Interesting Parallel to the Gun Debate



What’s driving the opioid crisis?
By now, most have heard about the deadly opioid epidemic that has struck our nation.

According to data compiled in a Kaiser Family Foundation report, there were 42,249 casualties in 2016 related to opioids. This is double the 21,089 reported in 2010.

For a little perspective, given all the attention guns are getting these days, per the FBI, in 2015 there were 13,455 murders, 9,616 committed with firearms.

What is driving this opioid crisis?

According to a recent report about opioids by the Social Capital Project, organized in the U.S. Senate, “the oversupply and abuse of legal prescription pain relievers is at the heart of the crisis.”

This has led to action in Washington with legislation such as the Opioid Addiction Prevention Act, which would impose limits on opioid painkiller prescriptions.

However, Dr. Sally Satel, a psychiatrist and lecturer at Yale University School of Medicine and resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., challenges this picture, which she calls “a false narrative.”

According to Satel, data show “that only a minority of people who are prescribed opioids for pain become addicted to them, and those who do become addicted and who die from painkiller overdoses tend to obtain these medications from sources other than their own physicians. Within the past several years, overdose deaths are overwhelmingly attributable not to prescription opioids but to illicit fentanyl and heroin. These ‘street opioids’ have become the engine of the opioid crisis in its current, and most lethal form.”

Satel acknowledges the problem of overprescribed opioid painkillers being diverted to people other than the intended patient, but she doesn’t see this as the core of today’s crisis.

Furthermore, we don’t want to get into a situation where doctors are intimidated from prescribing, or prevented from prescribing, painkillers that are justifiably needed.

I believe Satel zeroes in on the real heart of the crisis when she says, “What we need is demand-side policy. Interventions that seek to reduce the desire to use drugs, be they painkillers, or illicit opioids.”

Here, I see an interesting parallel to the gun debate.

That is, the center of the deadly problem is with the disturbed user or perpetrator, rather than with the instrument — whether it is a gun or a drug. The instrument is the result rather than the cause.

The first impulse, particularly in a highly materialistic and secular culture like ours, is to see the problem in the thing rather than the person, because that’s the easiest approach.

The first impulse, … is to see the problem in the thing rather than the person, because that’s the easiest approach.

Looking at the demographics of the opioid crisis, a number of flashing lights emerge.

First, the perpetrators are disproportionately men (another parallel with the gun issue). Of the 42,249 opioid related deaths in 2016, 67 percent were men.

Also, as reported by the Social Capital Project, opioid casualties are disproportionately not married. In 2015, “never married and divorced individuals made up about 32 percent of the population but accounted for 71 percent of all opioid overdose deaths.”

And opioid casualties appear disproportionately among the least educated. In 2015, “40 percent had no more than a high school diploma or equivalent, but they accounted for 68 percent of all opioid overdose deaths.”

As policy makers in Washington and in state and local governments attempt to address this opioid crisis, looking to the usual policy tools like government programs and government spending, I think it’s worth considering that what we’re seeing may reflect a spiritual, cultural crisis.

There’s a price to be paid when a society forsakes the spiritual for the purely material and when traditional institutions such as marriage and family are abandoned. It could be that as family and marriage break down, the first victims of this abandonment of spirit and tradition are our young men.

Star Parker


This is a re-post of Star Parker’s original post from March 6, 2018 “What’s Driving the Opioid Crisis?” We have not altered the content of the article but have highlighted a few ideas for emphasis with a different font size and color, and put one idea into quotes with limited editing.

In a conversation with an unnamed employee in a government agency we got a frank reply on this crisis, and they said roughly we’ve always have had a substance abuse problem in this country and long after this crisis is over we’ll still have one.  No amount of political or financial capital will end it.  I, Publius Jr, have met people who tell me that if it weren’t for Jesus Christ they’d be dead because of their addiction on drugs.  This crisis is really someone’s “hook” to get re-elected.  It truly is a shame that our elected officials don’t bring back common sense in the form of our foundational Christian Values–this is what the majority of our Founding Fathers believed in.  The last 60 years of Liberalism in all sectors of our society has really driven our culture, our country, and our country’s soul into dust.  ~~ Publius Jr.

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Mark Robinson & Grassroots North Carolina Standing up for Law Abiding Gun Owners at Greensboro City Council

Public Comments at the Greensboro North Carolina City Council meeting had some concerned law abiding gun owners commenting about the anti-2nd Amendment anti-gun show ordinances of the Mayor and City Council.  Andy Stevens, a Veteran, speaks first from Grassroots North Carolina (GRNC), the local Director of Government Affairs.  Mr Stevens was holding the Mayor and City Council of Greensboro North Carolina up to the law that protects exhibitors such at the Greensboro Gun Show at their civic center.

At 4:38 minutes into the video below Mark Robinson addresses the Mayor & City Council.  Mr Robinson tells it like it is, he is like the majority of law abiding gun owners.  The video is 8:55 minutes long.

Greensboro lifelong citizen Mark Robinson asks why law-abiding citizens are being blamed for criminals’ actions who don’t follow the law.  He gives a passionate speech about how his rights are being infringed on by the city leaders of Greensboro NC.  We applaud both speakers especially Mark Robinson.


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