Seeing is Believing How This Election was Rigged for Joe Biden


since YouTube, which is owned by Google, decided the video above was counter to their narrative that Joe Biden received more votes than President Trump they decided to end the account of the person who posted it. is leaving up the link to show the stupidity of YouTube/Google there are other websites that allow for opposing viewpoints such as Though Rumble’s videos have format issues in WordPress.  Here is the video that should be seen above.

Update (5/11/22)

The video was removed too. The account holder was deleted. So upon looking for the same video that was posted, we found others that were of interest in the 2020 Election.

This video was posted on November 13, 2020.

And then there is the documentary “2000 Mules,” by Dinesh D’Souza (this video was from, the account is Dieselwolf). If you watch it please go to the documentary’s website and buy a copy of 2000 Mules so the makers of the film can recoup the cost to make it.

Here’s proof of how this election was hacked for the cheaters Joe Biden & Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump won this election and it can not be disputed no matter what Big Tech does. It isn’t a conspiracy theory.

Every State needs to demand the US Supreme Court take the Texas case. Contact your Governor today…Even MN Governor Fudd can’t deny it any longer.

Thanks to one of our subscribers for sending this to us this morning.

I posted the video from bitchute knowing that it could be taken down at any time because it appears the account holder did not get permission. I put up the links to 2000 Mules website and the purchase of the DVD of 2000 Mules link as well to encourage you to purchase it. does not get any money to post the links.

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Are We Being Told the Truth about Covid19? New book “Corona False Alarm,” says No

The following video is the opinion of Prof Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, a Thai-German specialist in microbiology.  He is co-author of Corona False Alarm Facts and Figures.  He appeared on the British YouTube show and podcast Trigger Nometry. The video runs about an hour. TriggerNometry is run by Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster.

YouTube pulled the video above, you can see it on

If you are interested in the book you can find it at this link: Corona False Alarm, Facts & Figures

This website does not get any money from sharing the links with you.  This website isn’t associated with the author nor the Youtube show Triggernometry. ~~ Publius Jr.

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My Faith Votes Conversation with Jim Caviezel

The following video was sent by the organization My Faith Votes in their newsletter on September 18, 2020. It was mainly to talk with the actor Jim Caviezel about his upcoming movie called InfidelMegan West of My Faith Votes asks him about the upcoming elections. Jim talks about it from a Christian Perspective, what we stand to lose if Secularism wins. He says Donald Trump doesn’t need to be President if it’s all about money to him, but it was something Trump needed to do to set this country right.

Jim Caviezel played Jesus Christ in the Mel Gibson film called the Passion of the Christ. He was a serious Christian before that movie and had problems trying to live his faith and traverse the secular humanism of the Movie Industry.

The video runs over 46 minutes, it is worth every second of it. Later in the conversation he gives the Ronald Reagan speech, “Rendevous with Destiny,” (39:50).  He said he was asked to portray Ronald Reagan by a friend (38:22) and he said in the climate of Hollywood today it just couldn’t get made

We’ll see.

Infidel is playing in over 2000 theaters across the country, it was backed by Dinesh D’Souza and his wife. It follows what is happening to Christians who stand on their faith in the Middle Eastern countries dominated by islam. His character gets tortured for his faith.

Infidel Trailer

In the opening few minutes of the My Faith Votes Video, Jim Caviezel mentions working with the director of Infidel, Cyrus Nowrasteh, in a movie called The Stoning of Soraya M. You can find it on Amazon.


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League of Women Voters of St Paul Canceling Forums is Alarming

This China Virus #LockdownMN hit right about the time local and state parties were starting to organize for endorsing candidates and determining what if any changes should be done to Party Platforms.

Six months later Voters are gearing up to make their General Election selections and now more than any other year responses in Debates and Forums will help them decide if they are unsure who to support with their vote. Early Voting starts on this Friday September 18, 2020.

Canceling Legislative District Forums 65 & 67

Why has the League of Women Voters of Saint Paul canceled two Legislative District Forums?  The first forum they canceled was Legislative District 65 on September 9, 2020, and now they’ve canceled the Minnesota Legislative District 67 Forum scheduled for September 16, 2020.

Paraphrasing from Republican candidates in both Legislative Districts the contacts from the League of Women Voters of St Paul said there was a lack of interest from the candidates.  This is not true.  The Republican candidates were prepared to attend but the DFL ones didn’t seem to want to show up.

Looking at the SD 65 DFL Calendar it doesn’t look like they had anything scheduled at the time the Forum was scheduled on September 9th.

There was no event on the websites of Senator Sandy Pappas, nor Rep Rena Moran 65A, nor on the Facebook Page of the 30 year Rep Carlos Mariani 65B

There aren’t any SD 67 Events scheduled at all, there’s no SD 67 DFL calendar so what was so important the DFL Candidates couldn’t show up?

There is no event on any of the Legislative District 67 DFL candidates websites either, Only John Thompson 67A has an events calendar and his has nothing on it.

DFL endorsed 67A Candidate John Thompson doesn’t have to attend a Forum thanks to the LWV St Paul

Is the League of Women Voters Non-Partisan?

Often you’ll hear Republicans call the LWV the LLWV as in the “League of Liberal Women Voters” as their bias tends to lean left.  In recent years they had former Ramsey County Elections Manager Joe Mansky who voiced his DFL opinions. They never seem to invite Conservative Legislators or leaders to address their non-profit “non-partisan” group. Why should Conservatives or Republicans continue to let them moderate debates and forums?

That’s a good question which leads to the question, “Why isn’t there set standards candidates for public debates can expect?”

There Should be a State Standard for Candidate Debates

In the past, the LWV have hosted debates/forums that were below the expectations of those assembled to listen to the responses from candidates.  The worst in recent memory was the St Paul Special Election in Ward 1 in 2011 when the LWV hosted a forum at the Hubbs Center at Oxford and University Ave W.  Neither the SPNN crew nor the LWV had any microphones for the several candidates running for the position to replace former Councilman Melvin Carter III when he left his city council seat in Ward 1 to take a position at the Minnesota Department of Education.  The audience had to be deathly quiet in order to hear the responses to questions from the LWV moderator.

At other forums not run by the LWV there have been lapses of coverage such as a forum in which Emory Dively was a candidate.  Emory is deaf and there wasn’t an interpreter for him to use to be able to articulate his responses to the questions asked of the candidates nor his political opponent’s response.

Sometimes Debate or Forum hosts do not find a date and time that accommodates the schedules of the candidates to hold it.

In the case of the LWV Forum for HD 67A & 67B in 2018, there wasn’t a candidate who filed in 67A for the GOP and the 67B DFL Candidate Jay Xiong didn’t bother to attend the forum so Rep Tim Mahoney of 67A debated the HD 67B Republican Candidate Fred Turk. It was just so disjointed and awkward that two candidates from different districts were debating it screamed the LWV doesn’t know what to do anymore.

Answers need to be found why it is okay to cut off half of St Paul Voters to know what candidates think about issues.

There needs to be an alternative to the League of Women Voters to moderate debates in the future because they lack non-partisan credibility.


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MN HD 67A DFL John Thompson Terrorizes MplsPD Lt Bob Kroll’s House & Neighborhood

This video shows what a kind of person the Democrats will be voting for in Minnesota House District 67A from September to November 3rd, 2020.  Imagine him in a hearing at the MN Capitol, or on the floor of the State House.  The retiring Rep Tim Mahoney was far better a person than this guy.  John Thompson traveled 20 miles north of his House District to Hugo Minnesota, where the Minneapolis Police Federation Union Head Lt Bob Kroll and his wife Liz Collins, an anchor of the CBS station WCCO, lives. The video is a little over an hour long. Candidate John Thompson starts in at 4 minutes and 40 seconds in.

John Thompson accuses the neighbors of being white supremacists, racists, etc. He denounces Blue Lives Matter.  The assembled did not have a permit to protest in front of Lt Bob Kroll’s house, nor block the street.  Why is this sort of campaigning allowed to occur?

Warning Foul and Vulgar Language.

Wondering if Governor Walz, or other DFLers will denounce Candidate John Thompson’s threatening actions in Hugo MN?

“John Thompson has been a voice for our community for decades. His commitment to racial justice and history of leadership are what is needed at the Capitol today. I strongly believe that John will bring new ideas to address the terrible disparities that have left the Black community behind. I endorse my brother John Thompson for House District 67A as I know he will be a breath of fresh air we need at this moment.”

MN House Rep. 62A Hodan Hassan

“John Thompson’s life experience and strong voice for justice is exactly what we need in the Minnesota legislature. I am proud to endorse John’s campaign and I look forward to working with him to turn out the DFL vote on the east side.”

MN Congresswoman Betty McCollum, CD 4

“I have known John Thompson for several years and have seen him working for betterment and social justice here on the East Side. I am pleased to announce my support for John Thompson, our DFL endorsed candidate and look forward to working with him at the Capitol in 2021 with your help.”

– Senator Foung Hawj

“I’ve known John for years. His fierce advocacy and commitment to his community is exactly what’s needed in the state legislature right now. I look forward to working with him as the next State Representative for 67A.” – Governor Tim Walz 

Looks like Governor Tim Walz, CD4 Rep Betty McCollum, Rep Hodan Hassan, and Senator Foung Hawj all approve of John Thompson.

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Rebecca Brannon of Alpha News Reports on Viewing the Body Camera Footage of George Floyd’s Arrest

The following post is being reposted by permission of Rebecca Brannon of Alpha News. The article was originally published on July 15, 2020 at Alpha News.  Here is the original story entitled George Floyd Non Compliant in Revealing Body Cam Footage. The content is not altered.  Reporters were allowed to see the body camera footage of Officers Lane and Kueng.  The people viewing it weren’t allowed to record it, so they had to make notes as they went along. Though in the last few days it seems some of the footage has been leaked out via the Daily Mail.  

This admin was considering posting a YouTube video by the NY Times that had a timeline of when actions took place from the time the Cup Foods store clerk confronted George Floyd in his van about the fake $20 bill up to the death of Mr Floyd under the knee of Officer Chauvin.  There was store video, and the NY Times video speculated Officer Chauvin had pulled George Floyd to the ground but one could not see that on the store video, so this admin decided not to post it.

One of the lawyers for the officers charged with aiding and abetting Officer Chauvin had released his own transcript of why the charges against his client should be dropped. The judge issued a gag order on the case and this is when it was determined some members of the press could view the Body Camera Footage of two of the Officers, the rookies who had been on job for a few weeks.  Here is the report by Rebecca Brannon of Alpha News.

George Floyd Non-Compliant in Revealing Body Cam Footage

Revealing footage shows Floyd kicked himself out of the squad car and consistently had difficulty following basic commands such as showing his hands and standing up. There is over a 10-minute period of struggle before Floyd was placed onto the ground.

George Floyd BODY CAM

For one day only, the George Floyd body camera footage was made available to view by appointment only at the Hennepin County Government Center in downtown Minneapolis. No recording allowed and no electronics allowed. The court gave individuals one hour to watch the videos from Officer Lane and Officer Kueng– each video was each about 30 minutes.  There was a total of six one-hour viewing sessions, each allocated with 11 slots with 11 laptops available. Individuals were required to bring their own headphones and to wear a mask.

The following has been complied together from extensive, detailed notes I took while viewing these quite revealing videos. In brief, there is over a 10-minute period of struggle before Floyd was placed onto the ground. From the onset, George Floyd presented himself distraught, panicked, and erratic, making it difficult for officers to apprehend him; from the moment he is approached by officers, Floyd is non-compliant – from refusing to show his hands, stepping out of his vehicle, to refusing to get into the squad car. Consistently throughout the footage, a panicked Floyd struggles to comply with basic commands such as standing up.


The first minute shows Officer Lane and Keung arriving on scene, entering Cup Foods. The manager approaches them with a $20 bill in his hand, pointing outside and indicates a blue vehicle to them. The officers cross the street toward the vehicle.

Officer Lane approaches Floyd in the driver’s side he says, “They’re moving around a lot” – he taps on Floyd’s window – Floyd jumps and spins around – he opens his door only partway:

Officer Lane asks to see his hands 4 times before he withdraws his gun, “Let’s see your hands… let me see your other hand…”

Several more times, a frustrated Lane repeats to see his hands and swears – still Floyd struggles to show his hands.

Lane then asks him to put his hands on the wheel, Floyd fails – Lane nudges him on his shoulder to the wheel with his free hand. Floyd leans out slightly of the car, “I got shot before!”

Two more times Lane asks Floyd to put his hands on the wheel – and finally Floyd puts his hands on the wheel, “I got shot. I got shot – yes, sir!” Floyd states he has been shot by officers before and is apologetic.

Lane, “Ok, well when I say let me see your hands, you put your f*cking hands up.”

Almost a minute in, Floyd starts to cry and places his hands on his head. Officer Lane slowly grabs onto one of Floyd’s hands and then asks him to step out of the vehicle.

Floyd still does not comply.

“Step out of the vehicle and face away!” Officer Lane states several times while Floyd cries remained in his seat, “Please, officer, please.”

For approximately half a minute, Floyd continues to cry and not cooperate – Officer Lane finally pulls him out of the car. A woman is heard in the background, “Stop resisting!”

Officer Lane struggles to place handcuffs on Floyd as he stumbles out the vehicle, telling him to “stop moving!” Floyd is told to “face the door” and “stop resisting, man!” as officer Kueng joins to assists Lane in trying to handcuff Floyd – this struggle takes nearly a minute.

Floyd is finally cuffed, but then he falls to his knees, still crying, and he says repeatedly, “Please, please man…” as officers tell Floyd to “stand up” numerous times.

As Floyd keeps falling to his knees with difficulty standing upright, officers struggle to walk Floyd away from his vehicle. Officer Kueng says, “C’mon walk with me – walk with me. Walk with me! Stand up! Stand up!” all while Floyd cries and drags his feet.

“C’mon… we’re trying to get out of the street so you don’t get hit by a car.” Officer Kueng says breathlessly.

After nearly 3 minutes since being approached, Floyd is told to take a seat and he slides down against a building, “Thank you, man” and he sits down on the sidewalk. Floyd continues to cry as Officer Kueng asks Floyd his name and information. As he takes notes, this is also when Floyd is informed why is being arrested.

Meanwhile, Officer Lane is questioning a bystander named Shawanda Hill who happens to know George. He asks Shawanda why Floyd is acting “squirrely” and if he was “on something or drunk”.

Now about four minutes into it all, Officer Kueng asks Floyd, “Do you wanna’ know why we pulled you out of the car? Cuz’ you was not listening to anything we told you!”

Floyd sobs, “I didn’t know what was going on!”

Kueng shoots back, “You listen to us and we will tell you what’s going on, alright? When you’re moving around like that, that makes us think there’s way more going on than we need to know!”

After about another 30 seconds, Officer Kueng helps Floyd get up. Floyd is still twisting his arms back and Kueng says, “And look it, you’re still reaching to your side. You’re making me nervous.”

As Floyd is escorted slowly towards the squad car, Floyd suddenly starts wincing in pain,

“Ow, ouch, ouch…!” An officer asks, “Are you on something right now? Because you’re acting real erratic.”  Floyd says, “I’m scared man.”

Keung is also heard stating to Floyd, “You got foam around your mouth too!?”

Floyd, “Yeah, man!”

Floyd is told to stop “moving around” as the officers struggle to assist him toward the squad car – his feet drag, almost limping, and he struggles to stay upright.

Nearly 6 minutes have passed. When they reach the squad car, Floyd suddenly again falls to his knees, crying.

“Stop falling down!” an frustrated officer is heard saying – all the officers try to hold Floyd up under his elbows.

Floyd cries, “I’m claustrophobic. Please man!” Floyd continues to say this a few more times and keeps pleading.

Officer Lane is assertive and calm, but frustrated, “Stand up! Stay on your feet and face the car door!”

“Man you ain’t listening to nothing we’re saying!” an officer (possibly Keung) says as Floyd continues to writhe his body up about against the squad.

It’s now almost seven minutes since officers approached Floyd in his vehicle and have been struggling with him to cooperate while apprehended.

“I’m claustrophobic!” Floyd cries again –  he pulls his body away from officers and the squad car – the officers still struggle to hold onto Floyd.

“I hear you, but you’re going to face the door!”, Keung fights as he pushes back.

“I’m not that kind of guy!” Floyd continues to cry and twist his body.

Floyd continues to shout and is told numerous times to “sit still” but he continues to resist as officers frisk and search him. One officer pulls out a pipe.

Now about eight minutes in, the squad door is finally opened.

An officer orders again to Floyd, “Stand up straight.”

Floyd begs, “Please stay with me, man” and an officer says reassuringly, “I will.”

Floyd sobs to officers that he just had COVID and again, is claustrophobic. An officer reassures him he will roll the windows down and put the AC on for him too.

Yet, Floyd still slumps over, and frustrated, an officer says, “Why are you having trouble walking!?”

The officers manage to get him slightly to the edge of the car seat, but Floyd hangs forward and refuses to go in further – he is told to take a seat multiple times.

Floyd: “I’m going in!”

Officer: “No, you’re not!”

This continues for a few more minutes as Floyd shouts more erratically with multiple officers struggling to get Floyd into the squad – other officers have now gone to the other side of the car in attempt to pull him in.

We are now 10 minutes into it all; Floyd is finally pushed completely inside by officers but thrashes around the backseat, continuing to shout…

Officer Lane: “Take a seat! Sit!”

Floyd yells more: “Ahhhhh!… I can’t breathe!”

Floyd kicks his feet and pushes his way out to the other side of the car where officers had struggled to pull him in through the other side. Floyd has managed to stick out the other door of the squad into the street while officers try to wrestle him back inside.

A bystander, older black gentleman, shouts to Floyd, “Boy, you’re going to have a heart attack! Get in the car!”

Eleven minutes in now:

Floyd is hanging out of the squad, his head almost to the ground as officers struggle with him. Floyd breathlessly shouts and again says, “I can’t breathe!” and then “I want on the ground!”

After about another 15 seconds, officers finally lay him on the ground in the street as Floyd continues to shout, writhing about on the ground. One officer says, “Jesus Christ!”

Another yells, “Stop moving!”

Officers hold Floyd to the ground and tell him to “relax” but fail in their efforts to calm him – however, they have finally successful restrained him.

An officer is heard asking, rather exasperated, “What are you on?!” and stating “he’s gotta’ be on something…” He continues to guess PCP, asks the other officers if they found anything else with the pipe and mentions how Floyd’s eyes were “shaking”.

For about the next 10 minutes, it plays out as what the rest of the world has only seen and known from the infamous cellphone footage.

The body camera footage is not public and no other announcements have been made to make it public. The original transcripts released are filled with too many errors to fact check currently, as noted by many other journalists and individuals who viewed the footage.

Rebecca is a cinematographer, writer, and independent filmmaker. She attended the 2016 RNC as a Minnesota delegate and has worked on a number of statewide campaigns. In her free time, she enjoys droning, running, playing violin and bass guitar, and walking with her dog. Follow her on Twitter @RebsBrannon
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Supreme Court to hear Case of Gwinnet College v Chike Uzuegbunam

On the Mall outside of Wilson Library on the Campus of the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Student Preachers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ will in an impromptu fashion begin their sermons to anyone within earshot. This is a Spring time occurrence on the campus though sometimes on pleasant days in the Fall you may see a student preaching.  It is a tradition of sorts.  Many students playing frisbee or just sitting on the grass might look up from their activities to hear. Though people in the distance might make fun of them a certain kind of respect was given near them.  It is hard to speak ones beliefs openly like this.

It’s been awhile since I, Publius Jr, was an adult student out of the US Army studying for an engineering degree at the U of M.  I generally agreed with the preachers but you’d never see me out there looking like a fool speaking my beliefs in Christianity.  Toastmasters has helped me closer.  Not letting someone speak their beliefs in a public setting seems wrong in the United States of America, it’s just not #1A.

The following video was produced by Alliance Defending Freedom (that group Doug Wardlow used to work for).  It was part of an article posted by the Black Community News on July 16, 2020.

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CCHF Petition: Stop Hospital Surveillance

The Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom is asking you to sign the petition to have Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to stop the surveillance of patients in all Minnesota Hospitals.

Twila Brase talks about it on one of her CCHF Videos, dated May 1, 2020.

If you go to the GoPetition website you will see the following information about this petition.

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is taking advantage of the temporary COVID-19 crisis to try to build a permanent, illegal, health surveillance system. In the April 2nd “Notification Letter” to hospitals, MDH orders ALL Minnesota hospitals to send private health data on ALL hospitalized patients to the government—with or without a COVID-19 diagnosis.

“MDH’s goal is to have 100% of Minnesota hospitals sending ADTs [admission, discharge, transfer data] for the total population of patients receiving care in their facilities as soon as possible,” writes MDH Commissioner Jan Malcolm,

MDH claims the federal HIPAA rule provides an exemption to the strong patient consent requirements of the Minnesota Health Records Act (MHRA). But the rule is NOT allowed to override stronger state laws, such as the MHRA.

Permanent surveillance is the goal — MDH says it may be used in the future to collect data on “other current and emerging public health threats.”

PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION. Help us stop this illegal attempt to force ALL hospitals to share the private medical data of ALL hospitalized patients with the state government ALL year long!

Petition Statement

CITIZEN PETITION: Stop the Minnesota “All Patients” Hospital Surveillance System!

I, a concerned citizen of Minnesota, respectfully petition Governor Tim Walz to protect Minnesota patients from the ongoing, year-round health surveillance system that the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is attempting to establish illegally by stealth and coercion.

Taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis, the MDH issued an order to all Minnesota hospitals mandating they electronically submit all admission, discharge and transfer (ADT) data on every patient to the government.

The MDH plan to establish a statewide health surveillance system violates Minnesota Statute 144.293, which requires hospitals to get my consent before sharing my medical records. No government official or state agency should receive my information without my consent.

The COVID-19 crisis must never be used to restrict my freedom, reduce my privacy rights, or take away my personal control over my private data.

THEREFORE, I urge Governor Walz to rescind the MDH “Notification Letter” immediately and to notify every Minnesota hospital that:

1. The “Notification Letter” has been rescinded
2. Hospitals are not required to electronically connect their medical record systems to MDH, and
3. No data may be shared with MDH without patient consent except limited data on patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19.

Sign The Petition Link



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Bloomberg Redefines 2A and Dishonors Church Shooting Hero Jack Wilson

They Hate Our Right To Self-Defense

They Hate Our Right To Self-Defense

NRA member Jack Wilson

The most I could ask of gun-control activists is simply for them to tell the truth about who they are, what they believe and what they want. Not only does this make for an honest debate, it makes it easy to build a case for the Second Amendment.

That’s because what really underlies the difference between pro- and anti-gun advocates isn’t who gets to have what kinds of guns under what sorts of circumstances.

Rather, it’s whether “average” people should be able to protect their lives and loved ones at all.

If that sounds exaggerated, consider how gun-control advocates reacted to the heroism of Jack Wilson and other members of the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, last December.

Most Americans considered that Texas story a compelling example of good guys with guns saving innocent lives.

A disturbed man with a violent criminal history brought a shotgun concealed under his coat to a church service with 242 souls in attendance. It’s unclear how he obtained the firearm, but media accounts indicate he was legally prohibited from possessing it.   

Regardless, he was bent on violence and undeterred by our laws that prohibit the taking of innocent life, much less by qualms about if or where he could legally possess a gun.

Members of the congregation were legally carrying concealed handguns thanks to NRA-supported changes in Texas law that followed the terrible crime in 2017 at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. At the time, Texas law made it difficult, if not impossible, for places of worship to provide armed protection for their worshippers. 

In response to what happened at Sutherland Springs, Texas changed its laws to provide churches with more options for armed self-defense. This included explicit authorization for churches to provide for armed volunteer security, recognizing the right of concealed-carry licensees to carry in churches and requiring churches that don’t want firearms on their premises to provide “effective notice” that guns are banned. No less a gun-control advocate than Joe Biden at the time called this legislative response “irrational.”

But those changes were exactly what prevented the tragedy on Dec. 30, 2019, at White Settlement.

At that incident, parishioner Richard White’s heroic intervention tragically cost him his life. He was the first to intervene to attempt to end the criminal’s attack.

White’s heroic act was not in vain, as it gave Jack Wilson, head of the church’s volunteer security team, the opportunity to quickly end the assault.

The entire episode lasted less than six seconds. Other armed congregants then closed in on the fallen assailant to ensure he no longer posed a threat. None panicked or fired an errant shot.

The West Freeway Church of Christ had been livestreaming the service when the violence erupted. A video from that livestream leaked to the Internet and went viral. It was as clear and undeniable an example of the life-saving potential of armed civilians as could be imagined.

The media, however, instantly went to work, spinning what Americans were seeing with their own eyes.

Some reported incorrectly that Jack Wilson was a former FBI agent. Others falsely said he was a police officer.

It’s true Wilson had at one time been a reserve sheriff’s deputy and is a firearms instructor who owns a shooting range.

But—like Stephen Willeford before him—Jack Wilson was not carrying firearms that December day on behalf of the state.

He acted instead as a 71-year-old private citizen exercising his constitutional rights. And, like Willeford, it was Wilson’s sense of civic and personal responsibility that led him to develop the skills necessary to take that difficult and life-saving shot.

There are Americans like Stephen Willeford and Jack Wilson all over the country—people for whom proficiency in arms isn’t just one of many job requirements they may take more or less seriously, but a personal ethic and way of life.

Nevertheless, rather than celebrating the heroism of Richard White and Jack Wilson and the uniquely American freedom that prevented further loss of innocent life that day, the media and gun-control advocates (if there’s any distinction) continued to push anti-gun narratives.

The most ridiculous of these was that the “real story” wasn’t good guys with guns stopping a bad guy, but that the bad guy had a gun in the first place—illustrating the need for more anti-gun laws.

Michael Bloomberg

Bloomberg Dismisses Texas Hero, Insists It Wasn’t His “Job” to Have a Gun or Decide to Shoot. “Average” Citizens shouldn’t carry guns.

Shannon Watts, a proxy for Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown gun-control apparatus, almost immediately started promoting this theme on Twitter, even as the media was going through their usual drill of breathlessly reporting details that later turned out to be untrue.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton “shouldn’t be shocked by the church shooting in White Settlement,” Watts tweeted. “As Texas Attorney General, he specifically made sure that guns are allowed inside churches in the state.”

Other anti-gun mouthpieces picked up the refrain.

The Washington Post published an editorial in which it blamed the “irrational permissiveness” of gun laws in America and Texas for the tragedy. “Instead of turning churches and schools into armed camps,” the editors huffed, “we should do a better job of keeping guns away from people who shouldn’t have them.”

USA Today went even further, publishing a commentary that stated:

“[W]e know nothing about the at least six other parishioners who also appeared to draw their handguns at West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas.

“And that’s terrifying.”

That article also insisted that “[t]he real story here isn’t heroism” but that “firearms are readily available to anyone who wants one, really.”

I will say it again: If media reports are correct, the assailant’s possession of the firearm was already illegal.

Laws don’t deter the lawless.

And it’s ludicrous to suggest, as Watts did, that the only reason the assailant carried his gun into church that day was because of the post-Sutherland Springs changes to Texas law.

Watts would have us believe that the criminal at White Settlement who didn’t care about committing murder would somehow concern himself with where the law allows him to carry a gun.

Perhaps Watts and others who were concerned with how the criminal acquired a firearm should have asked an even more fundamental question: Why are people like the criminal who was responsible for the attack in White Settlement—with documented violent tendencies—free to roam at all?

Watts also insisted that security teams and guns in places of worship “aren’t freedom … .”

If ensuring that law-abiding Americans have the right to defend themselves and others with the firearm of their choosing isn’t freedom, I’m not sure what is.

But it’s clearly not concerns about public safety that motivate Watts and her fellow travelers in the gun-control movement.

It’s the patrician impulse to subdue and control those they consider their inferiors, if not their political or cultural enemies.

That was made clear by Watts’s patron in the firearms-prohibition cause, billionaire and Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg—a man constantly surrounded by armed security.

Governor’s Medal of Courage

The Governor’s Medal of Courage is given to civilians who display great acts of heroism by risking their own safety to save another’s life.

Commenting on White Settlement during a campaign stop, Bloomberg acted as if the heroism reported in his own self-named news site was merely the stuff of Internet rumor.

“It may be true, I wasn’t there, I don’t know the facts, that somebody in the congregation had their own gun and killed the person who murdered two other people,” he said.

“But it’s the job of law enforcement,” he continued, “to have guns and to decide when to shoot. You just do not want the average citizen carrying a gun in a crowded place.”

Putting aside the flagrant hypocrisy of an elitist billionaire criticizing “average” Americans for wanting to defend themselves while he is defended every day by armed security, if the congregants in White Settlement had been defenseless and were forced to wait even minutes for police, many more would have surely died.

Bloomberg’s own words make clear that he cares so little for the lives of “average” Americans that he would rather we be defenseless than be allowed to exercise our fundamental right to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Fortunately, Michael Bloomberg is not the president of the United States, and that office is currently occupied by a man who understands exactly what the right to keep and bear arms is all about, and unabashedly respects that right.

“It was over in 6 seconds thanks to the brave parishioners who acted to protect 242 fellow worshippers,” President Trump tweeted Dec. 30. “Lives were saved by these heroes, and Texas laws allowing them to carry guns!”

Bloomberg’s dismissal of our constitutional right to self-defense is just one more example that while he may not hate all guns, he definitely hates our guns and our right to self-defense.

This article was in the February 2020 NRA American Rifleman Magazine.  It was copied and pasted.  It has not been altered in content.  It was written by Jason Oimet, the Executive Director of NRA’s Institute of Legislative Action (ILA) on February 29, 2020 “They Hate Our Right to Self-Defense.” ~~Publius Jr.

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Christian Soldiers of The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army does so much to help out others without discrimination. You can do more than just bell ringing, and can give in countless ways.

The Salvation Army has been in the news but not for what it’s been known for since 1865. This church has seen much upheaval and controversy since William Booth and his wife decided to save souls outside the church walls instead of cowering inside it and keeping their faith to themselves.

Salvation Army’s Founders

William & Catherine Booth, founders of the Salvation Army in 1865, England.

One would like to say this organization started in America but like the Boy Scouts it started in England. In 1852 after he began his calling as a pastor William Booth decided to take the message of the Gospel to the streets of London. His fellow colleagues disagreed with his approach to his ministry and this is when he withdrew with his wife Catherine Booth to evangelize those outside the walls of the church. He ministered to the hungry, the homeless, and those with nothing to live for throughout England.

Christian Mission

William and Catherine Booth returned to London’s East End and set up in 1865 what he called the Christian Mission.  Ten years later their ministry had flourished into about a 1000 volunteers and evangelists.  In 1878 William Booth noticed in their annual report the Christian Mission had a volunteer army, he crossed out the words “volunteer army” and wrote in “Salvation Army.”  From then on they were known as the Salvation Army.

Between 1881 and 1885 his Christian Mission grew to about 250,000 converted people in not only England but also in the USA, Canada, Australia, France, Switzerland, India, South Africa, Iceland, and Germany.

Today, according to their website, they are serving those in need in over 100 countries with more than 1.5 million people who are part of their ministry.

Ways to Give

The Salvation Army does not discriminate who they help.  They serve everyone in the name of Jesus Christ.  They have all sorts of ways to help people, not just through their Red Kettles & Bell Ringers during the Christmas Season.

Salvation Army Ways to Give Link

Bell Ringing is only during the Christmas Season and if you would like to be one next year, here is a video you might watch to consider when the season rolls around again.

This article was written with the help of the information at The is not associated with the Salvation Army and doesn’t benefit in any way from their organization.

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