Donald Trump’s Plan to Win School Board Elections

President Donald Trump wants to Make American Education Great Again. Will you join him?

If you’re a Patriot and follow the legitimately Elected President not the Commander-in-Thief Joe Biden and want to Make American Education Great Again listen up.

Donald Trump has issued a Battle Plan to make Schools accountable to the People and Parents who depend on Public Education to teach their kids how to function in today’s world. Business people depend on school districts to turn out young adults to be able to read and do math in their heads and know right from wrong.

That hasn’t been happening for some decades in St Paul Public Schools District 625.

The following is from a commentary in which President Donald Trump lays out to win schools back and Make American Education Great Again.  You can read the entire article in this link “A Plan to Get Divisive & Radical Theories Out of Our Schools.

Reforms Every Concerned Parent in America should be demanding.

  1. Every state legislature should pass a ban on taxpayer dollars going to any school district or workplace that teaches critical race theory, which inherently violates existing anti-discrimination laws. Inspired by my executive order last year [2020], Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Oklahoma and other states have already taken steps to pass such laws. It needs to happen everywhere — and Congress should seek to institute a federal ban through legislation as well.
  2. Each state should create its own 1776 Commission to examine the public school curriculum and ensure that students are receiving a patriotic, pro-American education — not being taught that the United States is an evil nation.
  3. Parents have a right to know exactly what is being taught to their children. Last year, many parents had the chance to routinely listen in on classes for the first time because of remote learning. As students return to the classroom, states need to pass laws requiring that all lesson plans have to be made available to parents — every handout, article, and reading should be posted on an online portal that allows parents to see what their kids are being taught. Furthermore, in many places, there are rules preventing students from recording what teachers say in class. States and school boards should establish a “Right to Record.”
  4. Parents need to organize locally — in every school district in America — to eliminate “Action Civics” and other versions of the effort to contort traditional civics education into a vehicle for political indoctrination. The left’s new argument is that our “divisions” stem from a lack of “civics education” — a problem they intend to “fix” with lots of new taxpayer money and a redefinition of “civics” in schools, just as they are trying to redefine the meaning of “infrastructure.” Right now, Congress is working on a $1 billion bill known as the Civics Secures Democracy Act. No Republican should trust the Biden administration with a billion dollars to spend on such programs. Even worse, the legislation threatens to establish a de facto national curriculum for history and civics, effectively bribing states into adopting the left’s anti-American curriculum. It is Common Core all over again — but much more extreme. And like Common Core, parents must unite to stop this new federal power grab.
  5. Any parent who objects to the material being taught to their child in public school should get an automatic voucher, empowering them to pick another school of their choice. The government has no right to brainwash students with controversial ideologies against their parents’ will.
  6. States need to take back control of their schools of education and credentialing bodies to ensure they are not churning out radicalized teachers. To be clear, the overwhelming majority of our nation’s teachers are some of the most selfless and wonderful people there are — but regrettably, many have graduated from extremely biased education schools and may not even be aware of the degree to which leftist ideology has permeated their curriculum. States should set up alternative credentialing bodies that can certify great teachers who know how to instill a sense of love for America. School districts can then make it a priority to hire teachers with these certifications, especially for English, history, and social studies roles. States could even set up their own versions of Teach for America to get passionate and patriotic young people into the classroom.
  7. States need to break the tenure monopoly in public K-12 schools. Tenure was originally supposed to protect competent teachers from being subjected to undue political influence; it has turned into a mechanism to protect incompetent teachers who themselves wield undue political influence over our children. Educators who are alienating children from their own country should not be protected with lifelong tenure; they should be liberated to pursue a career as a political activist.

A nation is only as strong as its spirit. For our children, we must act before it is too late. — President Donald Trump

Will You Enlist to Enact Donald Trump’s Battle Plan to Save Education in St Paul?

There is a possibility to enact this if 4 Conservative Candidates win their School Board Elections this November. Candidate Filing starts July 27, 2021. 

The 7 point plan above was from a commentary posted on Real Clear Politics website by President Donald Trump on June 18, 2021, “A Plan to Get Divisive & Radical Theories Out of Our Schools.” 

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Combatting MN’s Missing 411 Areas

The Government Mandated Lockdowns across the country has had a silver lining, people are spending more time reading books, and watching videos that educate and inform themselves.  One of the documentaries I, Publius Jr, have watched quite a bit of is the David Paulides Missing 411 stories.

David Paulides is a former Police Officer who has written a series of books called Missing 411.  He has a YouTube Channel called CanAm Missing Project.

This is a description from the Channel:

CanAm Missing is a group of retired police officers, search and rescue experts (SAR) and other professionals that are dedicated to researching, on scene investigating and generally understanding the issues associated with people who go missing in the wilds of North America. This has typically been a project that is intensely worked by search and rescue teams starting when the victim is reported lost and usually continuing for the following 7-14 days, the case then flounders in a file cabinet. After years of reading thousands of SAR reports, speaking with dozens of victims, we believe the paradigm of this effort needs change.

Law enforcement and the media usually do not publicize concerns of kidnapping or abduction when the missing can be explained through traditional means. There are too many of these cases to ignore and there is a consistency to the stories.

Missing in State & National Parks

David Paulides tells of numerous stories of regular people and rugged experienced outdoors people who will go missing and leave no trace, or they are found alive or dead several miles outside of the search area under mysterious circumstances. Some of the best experts in SAR are baffled by these cases.  There’s an endless number of cases that oddly occur in our National Parks, State Parks and even in rural areas where people hike, fish, hunt, or do other activities.

Some speculation falls into the paranormal and talks of Sasquatch & Dogman (listen to Steve Isdahl of The Facts By, and Scott Carpenter) and other odd things the Government may know more than they are telling us.  Something is happening that defies conventional logic and reasoning which is why there is a lot of imagination about what might be happening.

The most amazing quality of the response from the Federal Government especially concerning missing people in National Parks is a feeling of indifference.  They never keep records of where, when and who goes missing in their parks.  It has a feeling of a cover-up. The amount of money to just have a database of keeping track of missing people in these parks is a fraction of a fraction of the money taxpayers have given to foreign groups in the last two Covid related Stimulus Bills.

This is one of the reasons why I, Publius Jr, am posting this article to try to get legislation enacted in Minnesota to inform and to help those wishing to enjoy the outdoors be prepared before they go to a State or National Park or outside of the city limits.

Minnesota is one of the few states that has a specific sales tax that goes to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR).  Some of that money could be used to bring awareness and help people be aware of these mysterious occurrences.

If you go to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website you can look on it to see if there’s talk of Personal Locator Beacons. There is nothing on their site that mentions it. They do encourage people to wear personal floatation devices when out on the water, but if you get lost in the woods there is nothing said about how to get help. Cellphones don’t always have the range or coverage. So don’t rely on them.

According to David Paulides, GPS devices do nothing to help someone find a missing person. He strongly recommends a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB). He suggests you can get them on, but a DuckDuckGo search shows Cabela’s and other outdoors equipment stores carry them. REI has an article about the difference between PLBs and Satellite Messengers, there are links to purchase at their site.

Perhaps at State & National Parks they could rent them for the time the visitors are at their park.

Missing 411 Criteria

People go missing everyday and usually are found, but in the cases David Paulides lists as Missing 411 Cases there are some criteria that the cases have that delineate them from regular missing persons cases. The criteria below do not show up in every Missing 411 case.

  • Point of Separation
  • Time Disappearance
  • Boulder Fields (Granite Fields)
  • Near Water
  • Weather Event
  • Disability or Illness
  • Canines can’t track
  • Found in Area Previously Searched (if they are found)
  • Missing Clothing
  • Unknown Cause of Death (if they are found)
  • Geographical Clustering

The last Criteria is chilling, Geographical Clustering. People who vanish under the Missing 411 Criteria tend to go missing in or near another location another person went missing.  From his two documentaries which can be seen free on YouTube Movies, Missing 411, and Missing 411 The Hunted, there is a National Map of Geographical Clusters. Two of these clusters happen to be in Minnesota, with another in Northern Wisconsin, and one north of the Lake of the Woods in Canada.  There is a Cluster in the Itasca area where the Mississippi River begins, and another it appears near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area.

Missing 411 Geographical Clusters

David Paulides doesn’t have the answers, but in his investigations of these cases he has come across stonewalling by the Federal Government, specifically the National Park Service which seems to want to keep the American People from knowing how dangerous their parks are. Yosemite happens to have the highest total of Missing 411 cases of any National Park.  In the documentary Missing 411 The Hunted, about Hunters who vanish he mentions how the FBI may show up to document the cases but as they don’t investigate missing persons cases they are doing something in which they won’t reveal.  It seems suspicious their actions in the cases they visit.

Use the Dedicated Money to the DNR to Inform People

Minnesota has a dedicated tax to the Department of Natural Resources. They also have money from the State Lottery system as well for DNR projects. Wouldn’t it be wise to advocate and inform people to be safe in the outdoors?  Minnesota can boast about it’s beautiful natural vistas, and activities outdoors such as hunting, fishing, hiking, and boating.  It’s a major industry in the state, but the DNR doesn’t advocate for Personal Locator Beacons on their website, and they should. They don’t rent them out at State or National Parks.  There is no database for people who go missing in the state or national parks in our state.

If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail~~Benjamin Franklin

So contact your State Representative to ask them to educate people going into State & National Parks and invest in Personal Locator Beacons for your family.

See also this related article: “Get a Personal Locator Beacon and a RECCO Reflector When You do Outdoor Activities.”

The article was posted to inform people about mysterious occurrences that have happened in the state of Minnesota. We at urge you to look into purchasing a Personal Locator Beacon instead of a Satellite Messaging device. Follow David Paulides on his YouTube Channel and take his advice about what to take into the outdoors. We are not associated with him, nor do we get any sort of compensation from posting this article. ~~ Publius Jr.

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Andy Ngo at Hillsdale College Talks about his Book Unmasked

Warning the video below has graphic photos of wounds and injuries from Minute mark 4:15 to 7:25. View at your own discretion. Parental Guidance suggested if children are viewing it. The video runs about 56 minutes long.

Andy Ngo spoke to Hillsdale College in April 2021, a Conservative private college in Hillsdale, Michigan. Ngo is an independent journalist and photographer who has put his life on the line to report about antifa and his posts have appeared in the New York Post, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Fox News, National Review.

You can visit his website for information about him.

In the video he talks about who the people of antifa are. He labels them as anarchist-communists. They come from all walks of life who are seeking a form of community much like people who sought out churches a generation ago.  A question was asked about the BLM tie in to antifa and he said they have similar tactics but BLM are straight out communists.

Another question was asked about the backing of the group whether George Soros might be funding them. He said he couldn’t find it but he said there are well known people who put up money to bail out those arrested after committing acts of violence and destruction. They have various ways to fund themselves. He said the current Vice President, Kamala Harris, has helped them get out on bail after being arrested in Minneapolis.

A question was asked what can be done to reverse the attacks by antifa, and he said he didn’t know as he is just a journalist. He said many elected officials like the Portland Oregon Mayor Ted Wheeler has enabled antifa to rise to it’s current level of terror and lawlessness. Wheeler’s dual role in Portland is to be the Police Commissioner and has tied the hands of the Police there.  He said Minneapolis is gone.  The antifa group attacks conservatives or anyone supporting Trump and this poses a problem because liberals and moderates don’t seem to want to oppose them and he said they’ll have to find a way to deal with it and they tend to enable it or join in with their marches.

Unmasked: Inside antifa’s radical plan to destroy Democracy

On sale everywhere.

Results the 2017 March 4 Trump Rally Shows The DFL will Enable Them

The first time anyone in St Paul heard of the group antifa was after the attack inside the Minnesota Capitol Rotunda when black clad masked thugs attacked peaceful rally goers with smoke bombs, pepper spray and tear gas. It was a couple of months after President Donald J Trump was sworn in when many legislators and people were attacked.

The attackers had violated so many laws from wearing a mask inside a building, assault, and the use of smoke bombs and tear gas. Yet the DFL endorsed Ramsey County Attorney John Choi did nothing after 6 of the fascist thugs including Woody Kaine, the former VP Candidate’s son. The attackers had been sent to the March 4 Trump rally from an anarchist website called, from a post they had on February 22, 2017. It doesn’t leave up posts of peaceful groups’ events anymore but they had stirred up the anarchists who follow that website.

It’s not surprising the City of St Paul Attorney Samuel Clark did nothing as well.

Here are links to some of the letters posted from the Protecting Civil Discourse Press Conference on March 25, 2017 held at the State Capitol Rotunda 3 weeks after the attack.

Tammy & Terry’s Letter

Rep Kathy Lohmer’s Letter

Kelly’s Letter

Rep Nick Zerwas’ Letter

Rep Mary Franson’s Letter

Yazdan Bakhsh’s Letter

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Crowder Quotes CDC Study saying Millions of People Saved By Defensive Use of Firearms

(The above video is about one hour long, and if you are pro-gun or anti-gun you might learn something about the subject by accident, It is posted Feb 27, 2018).

Steven Crowder is interviewing students at a university in Texas in 2018.  There had just been a shooting just prior to this frank discussion with students.

He mentions Stephen Willeford who he interviewed on his show. Willeford woke up from a nap next door to the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs Texas. He heard shots and stopped a gunman who was shooting innocent people in the church, the gunman had killed 26 people at that point. Willeford shot the suspect who fled in his idling truck, then he flagged down a truck and pursued the suspect until the chase ended in the suspect’s death by self-inflicted shot to the head.

None of the students had heard of the heroic act of Mr Willeford who defended the remaining church goers from a possible violent death.

Steven Crowder mentions in a CDC study in 2018 between 500,000 and 3 million people were saved through the defensive use of firearms.

While the above video is from 2018, Steven Crowder’s frank discussion with college students is timeless and could be done at any institute of higher learning.  At a university one would think students had achieved a level of critical thinking in which to discern basic ideas which help one to achieve ones goals, yet their emotional gibberish speaks against any critical thinking.  It appears not many students know the basic vocabulary or terms of firearms as they have never been exposed to them.  There are some light bulbs going on in students minds when the light of truth shines on their ignorance.

This activity should be a basic way to engage in conversation over the beliefs of Conservatives and those who love freedom in the United States of America.  It is a form of apologetics in which people defend their beliefs without shouting or engaging in disrespect to another person.

CDC Study on How Firearms Save Lives

Center for Disease Control (CDC) states in their Firearm Violence Prevention page between 60,000 to 2.5 million people have been saved with defensive use of firearms in 2018.

Under the section in the link about 3/4 of the way down the page they define what a Defensive Gun Use is and how often it occurs.  With the numbers they mention you’d think they they would put the numbers on the top of their page.

Although definitions of defensive gun use vary, it is generally defined as the use of a firearm to protect and defend one’s self, family, others, and/or property against crime or victimization.

Estimates of defensive gun use vary depending on the questions asked, populations studied, timeframe, and other factors related to the design of studies. The report Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence indicates a range of 60,000 to 2.5 million defensive gun uses each year. (from the following link listed above the quoted text

The “Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence” report is for sale on the website. It is from 2013.

The CDC mentions what a gun injury is, and if you know anyone who has ever served in the military or law enforcement, they’ll say a gunshot is a wound not an injury. An injury is if you break a limb or bruise some part of your anatomy. Perhaps the CDC’s use of the word “injury” might be where this terminology started.

Be wary of Gun Free Zones and Be Situationally Aware

Most of the active shooter cases have been in what are known as Gun Free Zones.  We USA Citizens have a right to bear arms and yet stores. schools, and government institutions have set up gun free zones to prevent law abiding citizens from carrying their defensive weapons. If you can’t go into these locations with your conceal carry weapons these locations essentially become lawlessness zones where criminals, by definition, can perform their criminal activities without a fear from someone stopping them.

There is a fine for those who bring concealed carry weapons into a gun-free zone, it is a relatively minor fine if caught to ensure your safety everywhere.

If you would like to exercise your free will you can become concealed carry weapon trained by going to a certified CCW Training, see the USCCA Concealed Carry Training IN St Paul, story posted earlier. There are other CCW Trainings in the Twin Cities Metro Area.

Here is a USCCA survival guide for those who might want to know what to do during a mass shooting. It is from the US Concealed Carry Association. USCCA Mass Shooting Survival Guide

This website is not directly associated with the USCCA, nor does it benefit from posting it’s material. The admin, Publius Jr, did take CCW training through the USCCA in St Paul MN.

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USCCA Concealed Carry Training IN St Paul

US Concealed Carry Association

What: USCCA Concealed Carry Weapon (CCW) Training Class. You can get your CCW Certificate after completion of the class to get your CCW from the Sheriff’s Office.  The course is 5 hours of classroom training and 2 hours at the range.

Where: 973 Payne Ave, St Paul MN 55130 (near the old Swedish Bank Building at Payne & Case Intersection)

When: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, Sundays

Who:  Daniel Ward II is a USCCA/NRA Instructor.  His class is open to 10 students on each date on a first come first served basis.

Cost:  $125.00(to cancel one needs to request it 48 hours prior to the class)

It’s rare that any sort of Firearm Training takes place IN ST PAUL! most trainings take place in the Suburbs or within an hour’s drive from the Twin Cities.

You can go to the following USCCA Training link to register for the class: MN Concealed Carry Course.

What to Expect as a Student

You can pre-register for the class weeks in advance.  Look at what one needs to bring to the class, bring something to drink and munch on as a snack.

There is some prep work prior to arriving. You should download the free e-book called, “Concealed Carry Home Defense,” by Michael Martin, a Minnesota resident.  You can follow along in the book during class in order to fill out a worksheet which is provided.  It is easy to read with many color photos of the information you are studying.

You will cover the topics in the e-book during the 5 hour interactive instruction with a scheduled break. Here are the topics covered:

  • Developing a Personal & Home Protection Plan
  • Self Defense Firearm Basics
  • Shooting Fundamentals
  • The Legal Use of Force (Reasonable & Deadly Force)
  • Violent Encounters & Their Aftermath
  • Universal Gun Safety Rules
  • MN Gun Laws (Duty to Retreat)

At any time Instructor Daniel Ward II will answer questions you have on the subjects.  He is patient with all students and respects them in where they are at in their knowledge of firearms.  It is okay if you’ve never picked up a firearm or are fearful of them he’ll help you become comfortable.

At The Range

After the 5 hours of classroom instruction, students leave to the range. Once students reconvene at the range, students are issued hearing protection and eye protection before they enter the range for the first time.

Basic requirements of CCW training is to show proficient knowledge and to be able to fire a weapon.  In order to help students understand the difference in calibers and the feel of their recoils, Daniel Ward II will have students fire 3 different types of calibers: .22LR, .38, and 9 mm.

Here are skills to learn at the range:

  • Clearing the handgun
  • Loading ammunition into a magazine
  • Universal Gun Safety Rules
  • Identify your Target and know what’s behind it
  • The Difference between Target & Front Sight Focus
  • Trigger Control
  • Becoming Comfortable with the Recoil
  • Range Safety

Instructor Daniel Ward II spends time with each student individually helping him or her to shoot properly.  No one is rushed through the training.

Universal Gun Safety Rules

Responsible Gun Owners follow safety rules in handling their firearm. Here they are:

  1. Treat all guns as though they are always loaded.
  2. Never point your weapon at anything  or anyone you don’t want to destroy or kill respectively.
  3. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard until you decide to shoot.
  4. Always be sure of your target and what is behind it.

It is advisable to get Gun Owner’s Insurance in case you are in a Self Defense Incident.  USCCA says on their site this insurance is part of the membership, as well as more training to become a better shooter and a safer one. (We were not paid to say this, it is up to you to decide where you buy your insurance). does not get any money for promoting this course by USCCA.  This website is not directly associated or affiliated with USCCA nor with Daniel Ward II.

CCW is a topic people in St Paul and Minneapolis are interested in being the increase in violent crime and the City Governments looking to cut budgets to the Police Departments.  Self Defense is a non-partisan issue.

I took this course on November 21, 2020, as a personal decision on my part.  I am a US Army Veteran who had not trained with handguns before. I wanted to get back into target shooting.  I wanted to write articles about CCW from the point of view of a first time gun owner.

~~ Publius Jr

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SD Governor Kristi Noem at CPAC ’21: “Covid Didn’t Crush the Economy, Govt Crushed the Economy”

There are days when people wished they lived somewhere other than Minnesota, not because of the weather but because of the Political Climate in this state.

Wish you had a caring Governor like South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem?

We can as long as we get rid of Governor Tim Walz and his sidekick Lt Gov Peggy Flanagan and get behind a common sense Conservative Candidate like Mike “My Pillow” Lindell.

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Mike Lindell’s Evidence of President Trump’s Landslide Stolen From Him Using CIA Software

Americans really need to know the truth of how their government really works, and whether any future elections are free from influence from foreign and domestic enemies.

If votes can be switched from one candidate to another in real time from machines reading the votes from physical paper and convert them to election scores, then perhaps our election system needs a complete overhaul.

Here is a PDF link from Mike Lindell, a candidate for Minnesota Governor, and inventor and owner of the My Pillow company.  You can use your Free Will given to you by God to read it and believe it or not. This website is posting it as a courtesy to you. You can download the pdf and read it at your leisure. Whether you believe it or not, it is your 1A Right to do so.  There are 48 Pages in the PDF, and blue hyperlink text you can click on.


If it True that CIA Software programs HAMMER and SCORECARD were used to steal an election in not just this year but also in 2012 when Obama did it (page 41 of the 48 page PDF).

HAMMER is a surveillance program, and SCORECARD is a program that hacks voting systems and can change votes in real time.  It can also crash a system or shut down the internet too.  These programs were not intended to be used in the USA, but they were acquired and used that way.

Was Minnesota’s Election Affected When the SVRS Crashed?

On Halloween, October 31, 2020, the Minnesota State Voter Registration System (SVRS) crashed Statewide. It was during the time when a voter could vote early at your county center or city hall or early voting location and instead of putting your ballot into an absentee ballot envelope, you could run your ballot through a machine.  I, Publius Jr, was working on the Ramsey County Elections Absentee Ballot Board and I decided to vote on that day on a break.

The SVRS was down from 9 am to about 4 pm and I had to vote by putting my ballot into a AB Envelope. Then my ballot was lost for 2 weeks along with 317 other ballots (they were counted after they were found by a court order).

I don’t know if the SVRS was crashed by SCORECARD or not, no one else has bothered to look into it, I’ve asked Minnesota Legislators to look into it.

What you should care about is the SVRS system has a lot of personal information about Voters that could be used for Identity Theft. Either Minnesota’s election was tampered with or your personal information may have been seen when the system crashed on Halloween 2020.

This should be a bi-partisan concern to ensure future elections are fair and secure and not hacked by the highest bidder, or a foreign or domestic enemy to our US Constitution, or traitors to the United States of America.  Just asking the question about the results of the election should not be cause for Government and their Corporate Cronies to Oppress with slander and libel and end your freedom of speech.

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Brian Rose for Mayor

In the odd years Municipal Elections are held in St Paul, and this year we have 4 St Paul Public School Board of Education Seats, 3 regular seats plus one special election, and the Mayor’s Office too.

From the inauguration of Mayor Melvin Carter III in 2017 he has been running for re-election in 2021.  He gave children $50 savings accounts to make sure their parents voted for him in 2021 and has made sure bike lanes had priority over parking in front of mom & pop small businesses and he has done very little to earn re-election. And has been an empty suit when it has come to thwarting crime and creating job opportunities in St Paul. The only job opportunities are those tied to his cronies’ needs and he actively stopped the Police Chief of St Paul from hiring more officers and equipment as he thought their arrests were based on racist policies. Our city has hemorrhaged jobs and has forced residents to leave the city for a safer place to work and raise their children.

There is a non-partisan Independent Candidate for Mayor named Brian Rose.  He is the model of a Mayor needed by the Citizens of St Paul.

Meet Brian Rose For Mayor

Brian Rose was a financial genius and caught up in the life of making money in the Stock Market for a firm that demanded more of his time. He started to realize he was missing out on enjoying his life while earning a high salary he couldn’t stop and enjoy once in awhile.

He had to take a break from that life before it consumed him. So he quit his job and decided to take some time off and decide what he was going to do with his life. Like a lot of people today he found he had no idea what to do.  He had something most unemployed people do not have, vast amounts of money to keep him buoyed.  In the course of finding his way forward he embraced something he always wanted to do which was starting up a business to broadcast, to do a podcast and an interview show which has launched him to a place to help others. He has now declared his intentions to run for Mayor of the City he loves, while putting a hold on his current wealth producing endeavors to lead and help others succeed.

Brian is originally from San Diego California. His parents divorced when he was young and his mother decided to move and start up new in another city far away.  It was tough adjusting to the new city at the age of 15 moving away from everything he had known.

Since the late 1980’s he has grown to love this new city and has made his home there, starting a family and hopes to be buried there as well.

Brian Rose’s Goals for Mayor

The current Mayor has shown how inept his policies are. Implementing what is called Low Traffic Neighborhoods (LTNs) without asking those in a residential area if they wanted that for their neighborhood. Building traffic snarling constrictions on roads and creating congestion where there shouldn’t be any.  This is why Brian has introduced Transform 2021 Goals.

Transform 2021 Goals

  • Get Back to Work
  • Health First
  • Science First
  • Education First
  • Green First
  • Make the City Safe
  • Digital First
  • Freedom of Speech (from being Censored online)
  • Family First
  • Transportation First
  • Housing First
  • Community First

There’s a lot of Firsts here. Not all of them may work on the first try, but with hard work and including everyone in on the solution to problems the City can be a better place to Work, Learn, Play, and Raise a Family safely and succeed well into the future.

Now the Bad News…

Brian Rose is Running for Mayor of London England. I, Publius Jr, had to omit above the word “London” out of much of Brian Rose’s information from his website, like Transform London 2021It would be great to have some person like Brian Rose to run for the Mayor’s Office of the City of St Paul, Minnesota.

Today as you read this article, Voters in London, England may have already voted for Mayor. Hopefully a majority of them have decided to vote for Brian Rose a San Diego California kid who fell in love with the city his mom brought him to.  The American who became a British Citizen in 2007.

The business he built is called London Real, perhaps you’ve heard of it? No? It produced the documentary called, “Plandemic.” Yeah that one.  London Real has been persistent in asking if I want to learn from Brian on how to succeed in a business I’ve always wanted to start, or start a podcast.

While some of his solutions don’t fit into the smaller government model We Republicans advocate here in St Paul, there are some common ground areas to champion:

  • Family First
  • Get St Paul Back to Work
  • Make St Paul Safe (imagine having 10,000 cops in St Paul Police Department)
  • Freedom of Speech (no online censorship)
  • Education First (we need a system that puts kids’ learning before unions)
  • Transportation First (Bus & LRT Stations that have restrooms and vendors in them and protect people from the snow)
  • Plow First (If it snowed a lot in London, Brian would have Snow plowing of side streets & priority streets while the snow is falling)
  • NO LTNs (sadly St Paul Bike Lobbyists want these)
  • The Great Celebration sounds like fun. (Maybe St Paul & London can be sister cities)

Update: Brian Rose lost. London Mayor Sadiq Khan wins re-election

This article was not authorized by any candidate, candidate’s committee. We do not get any compensation for providing links to London Real, or to Brian Rose for Mayor or his other endeavors. It would just be neat to have a cool candidate like Brian running in St Paul MN, otherwise the negligent self serving Mayor we currently have will be re-elected for as long as he wants to be before he runs for some other office.

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“The Case…” of Lee Strobel, Defender of Christianity

Some of the greatest Evangelists of the 20th and 21st Centuries have been people who denied the existence of Jesus Christ for the first part of their lives.  Many come to mind and to name a few D James Kennedy, Josh McDowell, CS Lewis, and Lee Strobel.

Lee Strobel lays out why you should consider a variety of subjects in Christianity.  His books are entitled, “The Case For ____,” (fill in the blank with facets of Christianity):

He also has an easier to digest series for Kids

You will start to notice a theme in all of these books they sound like titles to court cases, which is on purpose as in another life Lee Strobel was a lawyer and an award winning legal journalist.  These two professions seem to be under fire these days for their lack of honesty and truth.

Lee Strobel is one of many Christian Apologists. An apologist is not someone who apologizes but rather they argue in defense of a doctrine, policy, or institution.  What better person to defend the faith than a lawyer and to promote it like a journalist.

Conversion Story: The Case for Christ

Prior to 1981 Lee Strobel had earned his journalism degree from the University of Missouri and his Master of Studies in Law at Yale University.  He was a investigative journalist for number of newspapers and wrote for the Chicago Tribune for 14 years and was the legal editor.  In 1980 he won an award for his work on the case of the infamous Ford Pinto, while investigating one of the more important cases which was the basis for the book, The Case for Christ which was a story he would write decades later as his conversion story.

It’s been some time since I, Publius Jr, read it so there’s a feature film that came out in 2017 of the same name as the book, but I stumbled across a documentary that’s free to watch…so I watched it for this unique conversion story The Case for Christ Documentary.

(the original video I had inserted was removed, so I found another one from a Youtube channel ChannelC2TV, we are not affiliated with them or have an association with them~~Publius Jr.)

It is a simple story of two people who got married who didn’t have a church life. His wife, Leslie, was an agnostic, and Lee was an atheist the kind who is negative to people who are born-again Christians.  So when his wife started to go to church he reacted as it was a possible deal breaker. Over time Lee saw positive traits of his wife in her continued attendance at church.  She compelled him, more like dragged him to church. He brought his legal notebook with him and took notes in his attempt at debunking Christianity.

After a few trips to church with his wife he wasn’t “converted,” but still compelled to get to the root of this cult as he was convinced it was, so he kept attending.

Being an award winning legal journalist and legal editor for one of the most respected newspapers in America, he made this into an investigative quest.  He found experts on the subject and asked them questions and with every answer there was a question that didn’t occur to him when he heard them. (From my one class in high school in journalism they instruct reporters to set aside large spaces between questions in order to write down those unseen questions–Publius Jr).  All his books are written in this fashion. A listing of experts in their field, and a Q & A of the evidence.

Slowly it dawned on Lee that the Gospels and the New Testament books were written by either eye witnesses or by scholars who queried the thousands of people who had met Jesus Christ. Science by the way starts with observations by regular people. In legal issues, observations and eye witnesses accounts are the first steps of legal issues.  So his two professions were pointing him to a truth, is Jesus Christ who he claimed to be and did he rise from the dead after being crucified by an antagonistic occupational force called the Romans?

The answer overwhelmingly is yes, Jesus did die and rise up again in bodily form.

The Case For More Books with Answers

I, Publius Jr, have to admit I haven’t read all his books but it was about the time he wrote the Case for the Real Jesus where I entered a new season of my life. I had forgiven someone who really wronged me from my days in the Army. I didn’t do it face to face, but I told it to God and it was God’s turn to deal with it. My eyes were opened and Lee Strobel’s books were there at the library. I read the Cases for Christ, Faith, Creator, and the Real Jesus.  I enjoyed them all and I can’t say I’m able to be a celebrity apologist like him or maybe Sean McDowell, but I have more ammunition to work with.  I’m an aerospace engineer by degree, and throughout my time in college I met a lot of scientists and engineering students who were atheists and it is hard to be among people who don’t believe as you do.  Lee Strobel has found it takes more faith to believe in evolution and how life came from nothing than to believe a loving Creator who would send his Son to die for all the things we do that drive us into misery. All that is forgotten when you believe in Jesus.  As a trained Rocket Scientist I can’t explain some of the things I’ve experienced as a believer in Jesus.  I find I have more questions after I hear and discover the answers.

In the end of the documentary Lee Strobel asks 3 things of believers, skeptics, and non-believers who are looking into the subject of Jesus Christ:

  1. Make it a Front burner issue in your life.
  2. Keep an Open Mind and go where the evidence takes you even if it takes you to the uncomfortable conclusion that Jesus Christ is who he said he was.
  3. Reach a verdict from the evidence in the Case for Christ

Conversion stories are some of the most compelling testimonies I’ve heard and they give new perspectives on Christianity. I had to write this article because sometime ago I asked Lee Strobel on his twitter account about a good perspective on Islam and how to offer Christianity to Muslims.  He suggested reading the book by Nabeel Qureshi, “Seeking Allah Finding Jesus,” a conversion story of his.  This website is not associated with Lee Strobel nor do we earn any money from directing you via links to purchase his books, the links go to Amazon but you can find them at other bookstores too. ~~ Publius Jr

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Will Myon Burrell be Set Free? The Evidence Says He Should Be, UPDATED

It is well known when a tragedy occurs such as in a senseless killing there is a rush to judgment because the public demands justice to be served.  The more heinous the crime the greater the demand is and that’s where corners are cut and a suspect is found even if one isn’t found with the figurative or literal “Smoking gun,” in their hands.  That’s where the case of Myon Burrell starts.

By the accounts in a USA Today article (by Robin McDowell published January 28, 2020), and other similar articles produced in early 2020 related to Senator Amy Klobuchar, Myon Burrell’s mom had to move her family away from the chaos of Murderapolis, aka Minneapolis as it is often called, to a relatively foreign place to live their lives, in Bemidji, Minnesota. Growing up there was different as most smaller towns in Minnesota are.

Myon’s mom decided to take her kids to see some friends in the old neighborhood, to catch up with them. While they were there, Myon decided to hang out with some friends at Cup Foods at 38th and Chicago. It is a neighborhood place to loiter. Like any store that’s been robbed in the neighborhood there are security cameras to help catch or identify the suspects or find witnesses.

Then tragedy struck on the 3400 block of Chicago, a young 11 year old girl who was doing her homework was killed with a stray bullet fired from somewhere. Tyesha Edwards’ promising life was extinguished through no fault of her own. What a tragedy!

A bullet hole went through this drain pipe the house wall to wound Tyesha Edwards.

Well there was a great uproar in Minneapolis among the neighborhood and also around the state.  Justice had to be served.  Problem was who was to blame. It was surmised by the Minneapolis Police and others as this was a stray bullet in a “drive-by” shooting.

On the information of a paid informant the Minneapolis Police Department was directed to Myon Burrell. The informant was according to the USA Today article a rival to Myon.  The Police picked up Myon and put him in jail. This was the last time he was ever free.

Myon Burrell who has spent more than half of his life in prison for a crime he did not commit. On the evidence and by a confession of the real shooter, Ike Tyson, he should go free.

The Police and the Hennepin County Attorney’s office did not check out Myon’s alibi, they did not check the security camera footage at Cup Foods, they went on the informant’s information. No alibi check, no attorney present during questioning of a minor, and no weapon found would be the basis of releasng the suspect right? No he was a perfect scapegoat to show the public the County Attorney was tough on crime.  That’s how Myon Burrell was set up.  He was tried as an adult and sentenced to life in prison at the age of 16.

Since then another trial was set up when County Attorney Amy Klobuchar was the MN US Senator and the Hennepin County Attorney for Life Mike Freeman was and Myon Burrell’s hopes of getting out of prison were dashed.

Every time Senator Klobuchar was running for re-election this case would pop up. Most recently when she was running for the Democratic Nomination to be the President of the United States.  The flurry of TV and print News agencies posted articles before the Iowa Caucus.  The Associated Press had a video that is an eye-opener into this case. It shows the questioning of Myon without an attorney. It is very unusual a minor would not be paired up with an attorney for questioning.

The video also shows Ike Tyson admitting to the crime. He and a friend Hans Williams tried to scare a member of the Gangster Disciples, Tyson firing his weapon at him, purposely missing him, message delivered however he didn’t know one of his bullets had killed Tyesha Edwards.

One note on the question of gun safety, if Mr Tyson were using non-range ammunition, such as hollow points, the bullets wouldn’t have penetrated the wall to wound and kill Tyesha. It’s a minor point but it must be stated.

Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman has put forth a proposal to cut the 50 year sentence by 15 years.

At the time of this writing I, Publius Jr, am listening to Myon Burrell plead his case to Governor Walz, and Attorney General Keith Ellison and the MN Pardon Board. I pray he is set free.


The MN Pardon Board has commuted Myon Burrell’s sentence  from Life to 20 years and his remaining time which he has served 18 years to be on supervised release.  He can go home today. Unfortunately his mom passed away within the first year he was convicted.

There was ample evidence and an unwillingness to hold Senator Amy Klobuchar and Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman in their negligence of their conviction of Myon Burrell. I, Publius Jr, think the President of the United States Donald Trump should look into why Myon Burrell was convicted in the first place.

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