Have a Happy Resurrection Day

It is important to remember the reason why America was first founded and how other less important goals seem to crowd out the Original American Dream of Worshipping Jesus Christ without government intrusion. There are some who will say the original reason to come to the New World was for business reasons.

This is covered in the article, “Can Trump Save Thanksgiving?” It covers this struggle between these two goals. Clearly those who concentrate on their Christian Faith first will be blessed in other areas of their life.

Our party has not done as well when we do not support Judeo-Christian Values and concentrate only on Financial/Fiscal/Tax Policies. Being on the “Right Side of History,” as some  put it when Same-Sex Marriage was enacted in Minnesota has not resulted in Statewide Republican Candidates being elected.

So we have to remember who has redeemed us despite our faults and shortcomings. This is why the unmerited gift of Redemption Jesus Christ has given us with His ultimate Sacrifice and the Ability to defeat Death for us with His Resurrection is such Great News indeed!

Remember the reason for the season and have a Happy Resurrection Day!


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Ukraine Evidence of Burisma & Biden Crime Family Ukraine-Gate

This video which lasts an hour has subtitles throughout. There are recordings of VP Joe Biden and the corrupt Petro Poroshenko. To help you speed up your viewing of the video which has subtitles throughout I, Publius Jr, have watched it and I have made notes where significant parts of it are. It is difficult to read at times and I had to take breaks here and there. Also the photos below are taken from screenshots of the video.

At times I copied what the subtitles were saying. In January 2021, I had half expected Joe Biden to be indicted and have an arrest warrant served on him, his son Robert Hunter Biden, and Joe’s brothers (I call it the Biden Crime Family for short). When his illegitimate presidency started I thought the above video might be removed from the internet. Well now Russian Troops are on the march in February 2022, and their mission? No one can put a finger on what is going on over there.  Two regions of Eastern Ukraine the Russians have been interested in freeing, fit prominently into the scheme to skim money from elevated tariffs on coal. Luhansk & Donetsk are two coal producing regions in the Ukraine in which domestic coal was sold back to the Ukraine using Russian Shell Companies and tariffs were put on the “foreign” coal. Talk about a fraudulent scheme.

My guess is Russia, the Ukraine, and special forces under Biden’s orders are seeking out witnesses to eliminate and evidence to destroy.  If you want to cover up a crime make up an even larger crime, or start a limited war with someone.

The most amazing aspect of this scheme is when President Trump asked about what was going on in the Ukraine, a phony impeachment witch hunt was put together.  The impeachment investigation uncovered VP Joe Biden’s role in the fleecing of the Ukraine. One has to wonder if President Obama knew and when did he know it?  Joe Biden from the videos show he had a hand in running the scheme from the middle of the 2nd term of Obama all the way to 2020, while President Trump was serving his first term.

It’s a little bit like the Bible story of Queen Esther when Haman constructed a gallows to hang Jews in Persia only for Jews to be saved by Queen Esther and Haman getting hanged on the gallows he built.

To make sure their scheme wasn’t found out, VP Biden demanded the Ukrainians he was dealing with fire the Prosecutors who were investigating the case otherwise they wouldn’t get any foreign aid.  The experience Prosecutors were removed from the case after failing a test on their jobs, and incompetent ones were put on the job. See below Time Stamp 47:34 Minutes in the video and what the subtitles said.  It is simply unbelievable what happened.

In any case Joe Biden has not been arrested nor has he been charged when he really should be.  If it isn’t Election Fraud, it could be this scheme.

Four Areas the Press Conference Covers (December 28, 2020)

The following descriptions are taken from the subtitles in the video (their terms are used).

  1. Evidence of withdrawal through financial “holes” of millions of dollars stolen from the Ukrainian People laundered with the help of banks and laundromats in various jurisdictions and their subsequent transfer to accounts of the company belonging to the Biden Family.
  2. New recordings of conversations between the persons who appear to be the fifth President of the Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and the former US Vice President Joe Biden testifying to external governance.
  3. We will also unveil colosssal schemes related to the procurement of coal and gas, due to which Ukrainians pay 30% higher utility tariffs.  At the time, the highest officials of Ukraine and the United States participated in these schemes.
  4. We will also make public the facts of embezzlement of hundreds of thousands of dollars of technical assistance provided to Ukraine by the US state, as well as evidence of deliberate sabotage of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine

Note: All mention of minutes are from the start of the video.

3:40 Minutes  Evidence Starts

–Burisma belongs to Mykola Zlochevsky

5:49 Minutes  Video Starts

21:26 Minutes Embezzlement Flow Chart

Flow Chart of how money was allegedly laundered between Burisma and the Biden Family and others

22:51 Minutes  Bank Statements shown

23:43 Minutes  Lead into the Recorded statements between then VP Joe Biden and Petro Poroshenko (November 2016)

24:24 Minutes  Recorded Statements begins

29:47 Minutes  Biden’s idiom about Dogs chasing cars starts and ends at 30:18. Biden is referring to President-Elect Donald Trump

31:25 Minutes  Biden talks about how Poroshenko is building a corruption-free nation state and how they will stay engaged and are good friends.

Continue reading

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Stew Peters: Dr David Martin Exposes Why Trudeau Won’t Back Down

With permission from Red Voice Media we are re-posting this article from February 11, 2022 “Breaking: Criminal Canadian Monopoly Dr David Martin Exposes Why Trudeau Won’t Back Down.” In it Stew Peters interviews Dr David E Martin about the reasons why Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau won’t allow the Truckers or anyone else to stop him.  The original article’s content is not altered, only the ads and some of the links are deleted.  Stew Peters lives in the Minneapolis area, and it would be great to meet him for an article about him.

The viewpoints and opinions are from the Stew Peters Show and Dr David Martin. This reposted article was not authorized by any candidate, candidate’s committee, the MNGOP, nor the CD4 Republicans.~~ Publius Jr.


Breaking: Criminal Canadian Monopoly Dr. David Martin Exposes Why Trudeau Won’t Back Down

In an emergency broadcast, Dr. David Martin joined the Stew Peters Show on Friday to expose the real reason why Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is refusing to negotiate with his constituents on the Canadian bioweapon mandates.

Stew Peters stated that in April of 2020, Martin highlighted a quote from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, where he stated “Normality as it was before will not come back full-on until we get a vaccine for this.”

With no evidence that a vaccine has ever been successful since Pfizer’s first Coronavirus spike protein vaccine patented in 1990, this statement was unfounded. What Trudeau didn’t tell his Canadian constituents or the world was that Canada controlled the mRNA vaccine platform and was destined to become enriched by both Moderna and Pfizer’s partnership with BioNTech.

Trudeau knew that the gene therapy being promoted as a “vaccine” was an economic win for Canada and therefore Trudeau’s Canada had the monopoly on the world’s adoption of mRNA gene therapy shots. He wasn’t promoting science, he was promoting the Canadian economic interest in the gene therapy illegally promoted as a vaccine.

“Canada has a bad history of this,” Dr. David Martin told Stew Peters. “We’ve had our Kent States, and we’ve had our situations when the legal and then military actions taken against citizens end very badly.”

“These people wrote this because they knew tyrants would be here one day, and look, here they are,” Stew Peters told Dr. Martin, regarding the clear instruction given by the U.S. Constitution as to how Americans are to deal with a runaway tyrannical government.

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Stew Peters Interviews Dr David E Martin: Exposing Mass Murder for Profit

Disclaimer: I, Publius Jr, have been sitting on this video for some time since September 2021. Dr David E Martin was debunked by “fact checkers,” for his claims in the documentary, “Plandemic.” I have dithered on whether to post it or not but here are the reasons why I am.

–I’m a US Army Veteran. I took an oath to defend the US Constitution from Enemies who are foreign and domestic. I didn’t know what a Domestic Enemy was until Bill Clinton was elected. The encroachments of the freedoms and liberties have been a steady drumbeat since then. Barack Obama was successful in taking over health care, and as a vowed uniter he was anything but that. Most civilians don’t know what it’s like to have their freedoms, liberties, and individuality stripped away from them. I did, when I served during the Cold War against the Soviets and the Eastern Bloc Countries. If the claims in this video are true then the trouble I encounter when I post it will be okay, and honorable. I expect platforms to try to suspend our accounts, so I am uncoupling the auto-post features from this website, to preserve those accounts.

–I can no longer be silent when I see the liars flip flop the truth on a regular basis in order to rack up more wealth and power. They use their power to destroy and oppress people who just yearn to be free from government intervention in their daily lives at work, at home, at play, or at church. Some politicians who are more concerned with fundraising have received the information and have done nothing except fundraise while trickling out the truth, (see Senator Rand Paul, Rep Majorie Greene, and others).

–Also the Mayor of the City Called St Paul, Mayor Melvin Carter III has mandated a vaccine passport in order to get into restaurants in St Paul. Mayor Frey of Minneapolis has done this as well. Their aim is to stop the Omicron Variant. What a joke! These two crooks need to be arrested for civil rights violations.

The claims in the video are the educated opinions of Stew Peters and Dr David E. Martin. To get ahead of those self-claimed fact-checkers I’ve went and did some fact checking the claims. Each claim had numerous facts and I felt tempted to go off on tangents. I’m presenting this video to help to inform you on the topic. It is up to you, the reader, to make up your mind on what to do but keep it civil. The article is not authorized by any political party of any kind. ~~ Publius Jr.

The Claims in the video

Pfizer states they have acceptable death rates

  • This is True. Pfizer admits the Vaccine doesn’t prevent Covid 19.
  • The Pfizer “Vaccine” they use aborted fetal tissue. To begin with babies had to die in order for their vaccine to have a vehicle to inject their chemicals.
  • According to an article by theburningplatform.com posted on August 8, 2021, international agreement contracts give them immunity from any side effects as they don’t really know the effective nature of their vaccine. The agreements say if other treatments are more effective the country that purchases their vaccine must adhere to the contract fully. This means if say Ivermectin is shown to be effective in treating Covid, they can’t use it, the country must fully follow the Pfizer contract.

People think a piece of the virus was used to create the vaccine. Instead a computer generated code was given to Moderna by the Chinese in January ’21 to produce a pathogen stimulant into Americans (time stamp 2:36 minutes).

  • Vaccine technology prior to the Covid vaccine needed an isolated piece of the virus in order to create a vaccine. The shots kids get prior to entering school every one of those vaccines have an inert or dead copy of the infecting agent for the body to produce an immunity to stop it. The Covid “vaccine” was never created from an isolated virus. The vaccine was created using a computer code that was inputted to create the vaccine. See the 3rd video in the post we did in October 2021 “Whistleblowers, Scientists who Disagree with the Science of the Virus & the Vaccines Effectiveness.

Patents on SARS COV2 from 2002

Veterinarian Feb 6 & 7 2020

  • The narrative of the Bat Virus jumping to humans was broadcast over and over again by the Media Hype that the developers of the vaccine wanted. Numerous YouTube Videos involving Misinformation Media aka Mainstream Media can be found. Do an internet search and you can find many websites that oddly haven’t been fact-checked saying the Covid 19 virus was a mutated Bat Virus.
  • From July 2020 this link talks about the jump from bats to humans through Chinese wet markets, its from the NIH website (they knew it didn’t originate there as they knew Fauci had moved the GoF of the virus to Wuhan in 2015) “Illicit Wildlife Trade, Wet Markets and Covid 19: Preventing Future Pandemics.”

Peter Daszak stating in 2015 they need a cover story Fauci emails

“Daszak reiterated that, until an infectious disease crisis is very real, present, and at emergency threshold, it is often largely ignored. To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis, he said, we need to increase public understanding of the need for MCMs [medical counter measures] such as a pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if the profit at the end of process, Daszak stated.” From 2015 (time stamp 5:10 minutes).

  • This is found in the “Developing Medical Countermeasures (MCMs) for Coronavirus,” which is part of the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” dated Feb. 12, 2016. Under the heading of “Lack of Public Understanding of Threats” Daszak states about how investors will be interested at the height of a crisis as they were during H1N1.
  • EcoHealth Alliance website has a more deadly virus they are “investigating” called the Nipah Virus which is another bat virus which kills faster.
  • EcoHealth Alliance’s partners you might know in the private sector and government agencies like Johnson & Johnson, the NIH, and those that sat around the table at the Event 201 in October 2019: Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins, and the CDC. Maybe these are some of the investors Daszak mentions.
  • Eco health is a CIA front https://redpill78news.com/peter-daszaks-ecohealth-alliance-cia-front-created-covid-19/

Pfizer, Moderna, NIAID, CDC are the investors are “regulatory capture”

Regulatory Capture definition: When a government regulatory agency which was created in the public interest becomes a promoter or advances the commercial or political groups they were designed to regulate.

First S1 spike protein vaccine by Pfizer in 1990, first coronavirus vaccine patented.

Collusion claim (7:27 minutes)

Section 802 of the Patriot act 18 US Code 175 a, Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons (7:49 minutes)

  • In General.— “content” – Whoever knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains, or possesses any biological agent, toxin, or delivery system for use as a weapon, or knowingly assists a foreign state [CHINA] or any organization to do so, or attempts, threatens, or conspires to do the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both. There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section committed by or against a national of the United States

DOJ (Department of Justice) is doing nothing since April 2020 (8:28 to 9:15 minutes)

  • This would be President Trump’s Department of Justice, run by Attorney General Anthony Barr. Trump’s Attorney Generals were quite disappointing, as they preferred political posturing rather than upholding laws. Anthony Barr was the only credible AG of Trump but he allowed the Establishment and possibly the Deep State to get away with their plans and actions.

Interlocking directorates in anti trust law refers to a person who serves on one board of directors is on another company’s board or within in the management structure. It means neither company or organization operates independently of each other. In this case the following groups are operating together when they pretend they don’t.

Fauci of NIAID, Director of Centers for Disease Control in China, Dr. Elias from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation colluding, create, price fix, and market this.

  • At Event 201 in October 2019 a war gamed response to a fictitious virus was studied. Those that were sponsoring the event was the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Bloomberg Center for Public Health at John Hopkins, the co-founder of Facebook, and Tony Fauci, as well as the World Economic Forum.

Ralph Baric of UNC applied for a patent in 2002 infectious transmission defective form of coronavirus 12:25

  • Dr Ralph Baric applies for a patent on Patent US7279327B2 applied for in April 19, 2002.

Fauci Wanted to use a virus as a vaccine to target human lung cells. Baric patented a bunch of coronaviruses to make them more infectious to humans.


Year before SARS number 1.

The virus predates the first patient

First 2 weeks of January 2020 first 4 gene sequences uploaded in December 2019 16:33

Virus was introduced to introduce the vaccine

Niaid consolatory minutes wanted mandatory flu vaccine in 2018.

41 laboratory confirmed cases when they don’t have the virus identified until a week later

It’s a reason why the military is involved 23:15

Long term consequences of the injection is unknown as an independent group hasn’t looked at it and determined it.

Instructions for your cells to create a toxin

Magnetic? 33:00

Humans are not supposed to make spike proteins

There is a danger for unvaxxed people getting a pathogen from the vaxxed. 35:20

Bush aide was co-opted

Baric was sending virus samples in November 2019 a month before confirmed cases

42:50 Rand Paul fundraising

47:00 summary

There is no virus. Well there is one but like the flu if you are healthy enough you’ll survive. The real killers are Fear and the “Vaccine.”

There is Hope for those who took the Vaccine

Stew Peters Interviews Dr Judy Mikovits (7 minutes)

Full Interview (a little over an hour)

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MN Supreme Court Case: Minnesota Voters Alliance v Ramsey & Olmstead Counties, January 4, 2022 9AM

What: Minnesota Supreme Court Case (Case number: A20-1294), Minnesota Voters Alliance (MVA) v. Ramsey & Olmstead Counties, on January 4, 2022


The following is taken from an email sent from the Executive Director Andy Cilek who is from the non-partisan Voters Watchdog group the Minnesota Voters Alliance (MVA).

In a closely watched election lawsuit that could dramatically change how cities and counties conduct future statewide elections, oral arguments have been scheduled before the Minnesota Supreme Court.

Minnesota Voters Alliance (MVA) v. Ramsey & Olmsted Counties (Case number: A20-1294) will be heard on January 4, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. at the State Capitol Building, 2nd Floor.

While this case involves just two counties, there are hundreds of governing bodies (cities, counties, school districts) across Minnesota ignoring the requirements in state election law to maintain ‘party balance’ on their ballot boards.

Many are shutting out Republican election judges from accepting and rejecting absentee ballots by exclusively appointing partisan government unionized employees to this critical role when the statutes clearly require election judges from both parties.

This case focuses on the duty to establish a ballot board, the duty to appoint a sufficient number of election judges to a ballot board to accept and reject ballots, the duty to exhaust election judge lists submitted by the political parties, and the duty to maintain party balance on ballot boards.

MVA asserts these counties have breached all of these clearly mandated duties resulting in the elimination of bi-partisan oversight of elections in Minnesota.

The Republican Party of Minnesota is a co-plaintiff along with State Representative Duane Quam and several election judges.  The MVA is represented in the case by Gregory J. Joseph of Joseph Law Office PLLC and Erick Kaardal of Mohrman, Kaardal & Erickson P.A.

Please take a few moments to read our final reply brief submitted to the Supreme Court!  Click here: MVA Reply Brief filed December 6, 2021.

Video of Oral Arguments (via AlphaNews MN YouTube Video Channel)


I, Publius Jr, am an Election Judge in Ramsey County in the city of St Paul MN. I served on the Ramsey County Elections Absentee Ballot Board from September 27th to November 4th 2020, and also for the Municipal Elections in 2021 for the same period late September to the day before the Election in November.

The Problem exists is that if Counties can interpret the law as not being requiring to have an equal balance of Election Judges from Major Parties then they can hire a bunch of people who don’t have to declare their party affiliation.  In the 2 largest counties of the state Ramsey & Hennepin Counties have a high number of Democrats in government whether elected or appointed. How is it that any Absentee Ballot Board can be fairly run in them?

In September 2020, the hearing by Judge Thomas Gilligan (yeah that’s his name), allowed Hennepin County to go ahead and hire a bunch of Deputy County Auditors. Ramsey County went ahead and put together an Absentee Ballot Board of Equal Balance of Major Party Election Judges. In fact Ramsey County had more DFL Election Judges than Republicans, and very few independent Election Judges. Ramsey County did hire a bunch of Deputy County Auditors to process requests for absentee ballots from non-registered citizens wishing to vote, these Absentee Ballots were classified as “Non-Registered Ballots.” The Absentee Ballot would be sent to the citizen and they could vote then return the ballot with paperwork that showed they were who they said they were plus where they were living–often they had a witness signature to vouch for them, which is a paradox as this was the reason why Registered Absentee Voters were allowed to return a ballot without a witness signature because of ad hoc Covid rules decreed by the Secretary of State Steve Simon and not the Legislature. There was no oversight by an equal balance of Election Judges from the Major Parties to process those Non-Registered Absentee Ballots. That might be a lawsuit for another day.

The videos below were sent to this website after the November 3rd 2020 Election. The videos were provided by a Poll Observer at Hennepin County Elections.

See the worker putting ballots into their bag.

The ballots are being taken by a worker. One worker out of sight of the camera talks about how they work at the VA Hospital. They are a Federal Worker and it’s their duty to report what happened here. There is no reason why an Election worker should be able to walk away with ballots in their personal possession.

We are posting this as a courtesy to the Minnesota Voters Alliance. We do not get compensated in any way from the donations to MVA, nor from the Republican Party of Minnesota. The videos and commentary are from the website and not associated with the MVA. ~~ Publius Jr.

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Robin D Bullock Rockin’ Patriotic Prophet


In the spirit of our month to celebrate Christians in American History, every December, I, Publius Jr, would like to introduce you to a two remarkable men.  The first one is Pastor Robin D Bullock, the second one is Steve Shultz of elijahstreams.com Since the lockdowns of 2020, I’ve watched a lot of online content. Every Monday & Tuesday I watch Pastor Robin D Bullock on Elijah Streams, and the 11th Hour YouTube Channels respectively. Sometimes I watch them live but often I don’t. 

Intelligence Briefing with Robin & Steve

It’s okay if you don’t want to sit through a long boring church service with vapid contemporary rock songs that repeat one line over and over for 40 minutes.  I can relate as I like the old organ music myself that is done after the eternity of 5 minutes.  As for long and boring that’s up to how you take in information. In a few months from now people will get together for precinct caucuses and listen to long and boring speeches and fight for candidates, resolutions, platform planks, and precinct officer titles no one fulfills.

The Intelligence Briefing with Robin & Steve is a sit down for usually an hour and sometimes 90 minutes at most about what Robin D Bullock has heard from God. You see he is a prophet.  Not one of those charlatans that claims to be a prophet to profit from your donations, but rather a seer who gets messages to relay to God’s children. He reminds me of the late Kim Clement.

Who is Steve Shultz? In the 1990’s he put together a list of prophets called the Elijah List. With the rise of the internet and the technology of livestreaming he will broadcast these prophets on his website and various platforms where he has an account.


The Eleventh Hour

Moses was in the desert of Midian tending a flock when he was called by God from a burning bush which wasn’t being consumed by the fire.  Robin D Bullock was called at a musical gig in Florida.  Robin D Bollock (his wife is Robin R Bullock, must make his mail confusing) is a Rock Musician. He is so talented on guitar he can make his guitar talk.  His wife Robin on keyboards & and his daughter Christa, on drums, play for 30 to 40 minutes. It sometimes reminds me of the Partridge Family, not sure why, they didn’t have a good guitar player.  The 11th Hour was started up in 2018 when God told him to meet him in the 11th Hour. Since then he has started a YouTube Channel of the same name.

Robin D Bullock will give lessons that are quite insightful or from God.

I know people roll their eyes because they’ve been taught in their churches about false prophets, yet they also say those miracles in the Bible only happened for that time period too. If you DuckduckGo his name you’ll see as many websites praising him as those who call him a false prophet, or talk about all the money he generates.  One thing he does mention is how many churches never mention the Holy Spirit. I can relate I never heard a complete explanation about the Holy Spirit until I was in my late 30’s, and it wasn’t at an establishment church.

Since last year, December 2020, when I first saw him on Sid Roth’s show “It’s Supernatural,” Robin D Bullock has given heads up weeks and months before history happened. He was on the Mall in Washington DC on January 6th, 2021.  He noted how certain people who support abortion do so to worship at the Altar of Baal. Baal was the fertility god in Canaan and how the pagans who worshipped it was to sacrifice their babies in fire was for prosperity. This is the lie, he says, is what modern day pro-abortion people say when they kill their children so the mother can prosper.

He also knows Joe Biden isn’t the President, and the vaccine is a poison.  He talks about this in his services.  It’s not his knowledge but it is what God has told him.  He also says something big is coming, the truth will be shown to us.  Neither Robin take political sides but they tend to be Patriotic Americans. Robin D has often talked about how God created Israel and also the USA to protect his people.

Pastor Bullock, has written 2 books God is Absolutely Good, and The Pool and the Portal. He lives in Warrior Alabama.

Saintpaulrepublicans.us celebrates Christians in American History month every December. I like to show Christians who have made a difference in the past and present. Like everything we post here, you can accept it or not, it is up to you using your God-given Free Will.  ~~ Publius Jr.

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Why Does Amazon Charge $134.98 for a $24.99 book?

Something is rotten in Denmark, when you see the following on Jeff Bezos’ Amazon.com website.

Why would you buy a paperback book for $134 when you can go to Missing 411 website and buy it for $24.99?

This book has details in it about the Missing 411 cases that are in the Eastern United States, to include the Midwestern States like Minnesota and Wisconsin. I, Publius Jr, had looked to see if it the Ramsey County Library had any of these on their shelves or on their Cloud reader–the Libby App and they do not.

Barnes & Noble doesn’t have it but Amazon does if you want to shell out 4-5 times what it costs on the author’s website you can purchase it from them.

So is this a glitch? or is it something else?

It’s Something Else

So clicking on the Book Reseller it gives the name and address of the account.

Book_hunter_d username, real name Jeremy P Lopez Winnetca, CA

Don’t bother looking up the address of this reseller because it is a rented office next to the Winnetca, California Post Office. Mr Lopez according to an internet search has moved to Palmdale California.

Here is a response from one of Mr Lopez’ customers:

How does a billion dollar Fortune 500 company allow a seedy reseller to gouge customers for 4-5 times what the author sells them for from his own website? It’s a good question. Are there other resellers who get away with this sort of practice on Amazon?

Price Gouging Complaints at Amazon

Price gouging at Amazon tends to be a common complaint. In 2020 the Amazon PPE cost tended to be a lot higher on Amazon than say what you could get at Walgreens or CVS. So there is a huge class action lawsuit out there right now.  Amazon started to follow up on the complaints of resellers who were price gouging, but why have they neglected to go after the reseller of David Paulides’ Missing 411 books?  Good question.

Just doing a regular search on Amazon and you’ll see author David Paulides’ books other than his Missing 411 books are sold at regular book store prices.  Those other books are about Bigfoot/Sasquatch in Hoopa California.

There seems to be someone at Amazon with an ax to grind on these Missing 411 books. What’s in them that causes someone to try to paint the author David Paulides as being a bad guy?

What is a Missing 411 Case?

There is a weird set of criteria that makes a missing persons case a Missing 411 Case. Here they are:

  • Point of Separation
  • Time Disappearance
  • Boulder Fields (Granite usually)
  • Near Water
  • Weather Event
  • Disability or Illness
  • Canines can’t track
  • Found in Area Previously Searched (if they are found)
  • Missing Clothing
  • Unknown Cause of Death (if they are found)
  • Geographical Clustering

Not all of these criteria are present in cases that fall into the cases he calls Missing 411 cases.

One more criteria…

The Missing 411 books are critical of the way the National Parks Service operates especially when people go missing inside the park.  There is a precedent too in Yosemite National Park, it has the highest number of Missing 411 cases of any park in the United States.  When author David Paulides first was asked to review a case from Yosemite from 1980, decades later, the records of the open case were kept from him and over the years he has been stonewalled on obtaining the files. Why the reluctance?  

There are too many questions why the National Park Service runs interference more often than helping people find missing people in their national parks.  Remember the Gabby Petito missing person case?  It was at a National Park, the Grand Tetons.  While searching for her, there were other cases of missing people that seemed to pop up from that area too. A double murder of a couple, and also a hiker who had gone missing months earlier.

An Effort to Discredit David Paulides

It’s speculative that the National Park Service has an ax to grind with Mr Paulides, but someone at Amazon looks the other way when someone wants one of his books from them.

Then there are the customer reviews which tend to be the same. They argue about the high cost of a book that has grammatical errors and do not provide credible solutions to the cases.  They claim the author believes Bigfoot or the paranormal abducts people. No where in any of the books these claims are made.

Don’t Buy Missing 411 Books from Amazon Go to David Paulides Website

I, Publius Jr, will say up front I, nor the website, do not get any sort of money from pointing out any of what I’ve reported here. If you want to get a gift for some one who likes the Missing 411 books, or you want to get it for yourself or your local public library do not purchase it from Amazon as they have not policed the horrible business practices of the reseller.

Do not buy from Amazon the Missing 411 Books. Also the 2 documentary videos are free on YouTube.

Here is the link to the Author’s online bookstore at Missing 411 Bookstore Link.

David Paulides also promotes the purchase of Personal Locator Beacons and RECCO reflectors for outdoor enthusiasts, it makes a great gift for you and a loved one.

As stated saintpaulrepublicans.us does not have any association or deal on compensation with the author David Paulides. I do watch his YouTube videos (Canam Missing Project Channel) which he talks about mental health, and about the Missing 411 cases. He’s a very positive, pro-law enforcement person and he advocates for personal locator beacons and RECCO reflectors. ~~ Publius Jr.


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A Thanksgiving Day Address by Real President Trump

Trump mentions George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation, it was one of the first articles posted here in 2012.

By the President of the United States of America. This is the text of George Washington’s October 3, 1789 national Thanksgiving Proclamation; as printed in The Providence Gazette and Country Journal, on October 17, 1789. By the President of the United States of America.

A Proclamation.

Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor; and whereas both Houses of Congress have, by their joint committee, requested me “to recommend to the people of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer, to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.

Now, therefore, I do recommend and assign Thursday, the 26th day of November next, to be devoted by the people of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being who is the beneficent author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be; that we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degree of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us.

And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations, and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions; to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually; to render our National Government a blessing to all the people by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed; to protect and guide all sovereigns and nations (especially such as have shown kindness to us), and to bless them with good governments, peace, and concord; to promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us; and, generally, to grant unto all mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.

Given under my hand, at the city of New York, the third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine.

G. Washington.

President Donald Trump is the real winner of 2020 Election. In the state of Minnesota those who hacked into the State Voter Registration System (SVRS) in which our voting system is run could tell Biden wasn’t winning here, so they had to crash the system to recalibrate the machines which tabulate scanned votes. This happened on Halloween 2020, the Saturday before the Election Day.  The SVRS was down for about 7 hours.  This is the reason why MN Secretary of State Steve Simon is roadblocking requests for the Data Practices (aka Freedom of Information Act) of the SVRS on Halloween 2020.  They don’t want you to know the truth that Trump won Minnesota, and Jason Lewis probably beat Tina Smith too.

Until the Voting System in America is fixed every election since 2020 should be hand counted.

Happy Thanksgiving

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News Blackout on Vaccine Injuries Needs to End

In October when posting the article, “Whistleblowers, Scientists who Disagree with Science of The Virus & the Vaccines Effectiveness,” I, Publius Jr, had contacted a local newspaper reporter about John O’Looney’s experiences with his claims of a false narrative of the pandemic and the vaccinations.  John O’Looney is a Funeral Director in Milton Keynes, England and if you remember he was saying the pandemic seemed to attack nursing homes only and he had suspicions some residents had been euthanized instead of dying from SARS COV2. Later he noticed the uptick in deaths he believed were from the vaccines administered. The reporter responded with a belief more in medical professionals rather than a funeral director in England named O’Looney. Sounds like a crazy name but in England their term for crazy is “Balmy.”

As an engineer, I, tend to believe the person who has first hand experience, empirical if you will, than someone whose profession requires malpractice insurance. Science requires observations and testing of theories of something that is of an unknown nature. I laugh when non-scientists claim a “consensus of scientists” believe a certain way. One tends to think someone is hiding something when the term consensus is introduced when science is the topic.

I don’t fault the reporter, I tend to trust print media more than TV or internet media. Someone needs to show them the proof despite it being all around us. It, being Vaccine Injury, seems to have a higher incident rate than other vaccines for seasonal illnesses.

I hate to have to do the job of being a reporter as it pays very little for a lot of grief, yet I don’t get paid for being the admin for this site.

One Shot Vaccine Injuries

The video below by Dr John Campbell, who has 1.45 Million Subscribers on YouTube, is a common one that shows regular people being injured enough to sideline them from their jobs, and cause what seems like a permanent condition.  The medical professionals don’t want to admit the instantaneous nature of the SARS COV2 Vaccine causing injury. They see it but if they say something they will lose their jobs. What sort of job is so important you stay quiet even if you notice the results of administering a dangerous agent to innocent people which causes permanent injury to them?

In the Video Above, which runs for an hour and 13 minutes, a website is mentioned.


This website and group was set up by the concerns from Ken Ruettgers when his wife Sheryl had neurological damage after her first Moderna Shot. The group C19 Vax Reactions is to document those with side effects from SARS COV2 Vaccines. Ken is a retired Super Bowl Offensive Lineman for the Green Bay Packers who started to collect stories of other people besides his wife Sheryl who started to show major illnesses after receiving one of the many vaccines to guard against the virus.

What Are Pro-Vaccine Professionals Hiding?

In 1986 there was a law passed that allowed companies that produce vaccines to be free from lawsuits for the side effects and injuries vaccines incur.  This one law allows companies to hurt, maim, or kill people, usually children without accountability for their actions.

No company should have this “Get out of Responsibility,” card and yet Big Pharma does.

If they do have this card, then why are their allies in Big Tech threatening, censoring, and outright lying to the public about the effective nature of their vaccines and other medicines?  They spend billions of dollars on creating medicines to help people, and if there are adverse side effects that affect a small portion of the population but not all of their patients then they want more return on their investment.  People have become dollar signs to them and their only concern seems to be how much money they can make from them while they are alive.

It feels a bit like when Sony introduces a newer generation of their game console, the Playstation, they hide all the defects and other issues that might affect sales. I recall the horrible, “Disk read error,” of the Playstation 2 they didn’t bother to tell consumers about. Reporters seemed to have been silent then too. Sony should have recalled all the machines that had this issue, but they didn’t.  They did offer to fix it for free, but only if you ran into that issue. Then they redesigned their machine to be more like the original Playstation with a flip top.

Why aren’t Reporters doing their Jobs?

One of the biggest casualties of the “Pandemic,” was the Truth. While the Truth is still happening, reporting about it or asking the questions that lead to the Truth are forbidden.  You can be de-platformed, threatened, banned from some websites. And yet print and TV media doesn’t seem affected. If you go to totalitarian countries around the globe you can expect the press to be completely toothless and have an appearance of reporting the news, but they really are pushing the government propaganda. Why are reporters in the US and other Western countries completely on board with the government and Big Pharma?  That’s a good question.  It probably has something to do with the investors in a newspaper or TV Station more than good journalism.  Just as I said the reporters are good what happens after they submit a story is very interesting.  Many newspapers have downsized and some have turned off the printing machines for good.

The Rest of the Story…

Listening to the victims of the SARS COV2 Vaccine, most are Pro-Vaccine and Pro-Science. It is heartbreaking to hear the awful existence these once healthy people have to endure each day.  They want to research why this happened to them. The Truth will make you very angry. I’ve been researching and fact-checking accounts of professionals who have an idea of what is going on, and these Vaccine Injuries are not mistakes, they are deliberate.

Every aspect of what has happened since the “Pandemic” started has been planned and war-gamed to determine how to thwart those who might want to counter the plan.  The best way to halt this is to stop getting the vaccine, or any booster. Refuse testing and mandates of any sort.  Feel free to wear a mask, but it won’t stop the virus. The Variants, as they call them are not any mutation of the virus but rather vaccine injury.  Also the virus and “vaccine,” did not come from Red China initially, the SARS COV2 virus was patented by CDC employees in April 2004.  The vaccine took longer than 9 months to create, and the work probably started right after the patent was sought.

Demand more of the news agencies out there.  Many repeat what other sources print or show. If the TV News continues to promote the vaccine then campaign to end their FCC license to broadcast. Write a Letter to the Editor. Feel free to protest outside the local newspaper.  You still have the right to protest under the 1st amendment, but keep it civil.

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Crowder: Why Are You Still Wearing a Mask if You’re Fully Vaccinated?

It is interesting even after the SARS COV2 Vaccine has been available from a variety of sources why the local, state, and Federal governments have been pushing mask mandates. The benchmarks for “herd immunity,” have been reached why, why, why do people mask up when many places allow you to go mask-less in outdoor places?

Steven Crowder explores this question. He gets many responses. Some responses you wouldn’t normally guess.

He touches upon a reluctance by African Americans to blindly accept the promises by Fauci and the CDC about the effects of the Vaccine. African Americans have every reason to be reluctant due to experiments on them when some served in the military in the 1950s and ’60s.

Steven Crowder is Canadian and he actually runs into a Canadian during his, “On the Street,” segment in Dallas Texas on his YouTube Channel. Canadians have a national socialized healthcare system. It is interesting the conversation they have. Evidently the Canadian he talks to hasn’t heard from the Canadian Doctors Speak Out Group, about the dangers of the high rate of vaccine injury from the SARS COV2 vaccine.

When “Follow the Science,” People Don’t Follow the Science

The word, “Science,” must mean something different to the people in the government who tell you to, “Follow the Science.” Maybe they think science means “Consensus of the group,” instead of what it really means.  Who is the group as well who is agreeing to a certain idea with no opposition?  Perhaps to cut through the rhetoric of people politically motivated with a certain outcome and those who just want to live their lives without government intrusion the word Science should be replaced with the word, “Truth.”

Following the Truth of SARS COV2 can start back in the earlier part of the century when SARS COV2 was Patented by CDC Employees in April 2004. It’s been 17 years since then and where has it been and why was it patented then?  A lot of good questions spring up from then and who is at the center of it?

SARS COV2 US Patent #7220852

Who benefits from the continued adherence to the mask mandates? Why is the mask becoming the, “Security Blanket,” for government types or those wishing to believe the narrative?

On Mass Transit, on airliners, in certain public universities and such, wearing a mask is clung to. The Science or Truth of wearing masks are that it neither protects from any illness nor does it prevent the spread of an illness. Why doctors wear them during surgery is so their germs don’t get into the patient. If you can smell something with a mask on then it doesn’t protect against a virus.

A lot of questions need to be answered by those people who are perpetuating the fear of a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate. Why do people need to be vaccinated with a costly vaccine which is lining the pockets of certain investors?

By the way Senator Rand Paul and others know the real Truth of the virus and are doing nothing to stop it but fundraise for their re-election campaigns in 2022.

This article is was put together from viewing the video above. It is an opinion piece. Steven Crowder is not a doctor nor scientist, he is just asking concerning questions everyone thinks but doesn’t mention for the fear of being “cancelled” somehow.  Saintpaulrepublicans.us has no connection to his program. ~~ Publius Jr. (I have a BS in Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics from the University of Minnesota)

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