What: Special Election in MN House District 40B
When: Tuesday March 11th from 7 am to 8 pm (if in line at 8 pm stay in line)
Where: Only in House District 40B
Why is there a Special Election?
Map of Minnesota House District 40B

MN House District 40B Parts of Roseville & Shoreview
These are the polling locations of House District 40B
In Minnesota, you can only vote at the precinct polling location you live in. If you are registered you will have had a postcard with your polling location sent to you and what district you live in. We do not register by Party in Minnesota, so the state doesn’t keep records of what party you prefer to associate with. If you need to re-register to vote see what is needed below the polling locations–you will need a Photo ID to register to vote.
Roseville Precincts of HD 40B: Precincts 1-7, 11
P-1 Centennial United Methodist Church, 1524 County Rd C2 W, Roseville MN 55113 Map
P-2 Roseville Covenant Church, 2865 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113 Map
P-3 Advent Lutheran Church, 3000 Hamline Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113 Map
P-4 North Heights Lutheran Church, 2701 Rice St N, Roseville, MN 55113 Map
P-5 St. Christopher Episcopal Church, 2300 Hamline Ave N, Roseville MN 55113 Map
P-6 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2561 Victoria St N, Roseville MN 55113 Map
P-7 Central Park Elementary School, 535 County Road B2 W, Roseville, MN 55113 Map
P-11 Galilee Evangelical Lutheran Church, 145 McCarrons Blvd N (Rice St), Roseville, MN 55113 Map
Shoreview Precincts 1-4
P-1 *Lutheran Church of Resurrection, 3115 Victoria St N, Roseville MN 55113 Map *This Polling Location is in Roseville.
P-2 Shepard of the Hills Lutheran Church, 3920 Victoria St N, Shoreview MN 55126 Map
P-3 ** Shoreview City Hall, 4600 Victoria St N, Shoreview MN 55126 Map ** Precinct 3 is right next to Precinct 4
P-4 ** Shoreview Community Center, 4580 Victoria St N, Shoreview, MN 55126 Map ** Precinct 3 is right next to Precinct 4
To Register on the Same Day of Voting
While it isn’t required by law to show a Photo ID to vote (it’s optional), you will need a Photo ID to register on the same day of voting.
The Photo ID doesn’t need to be current, but if it isn’t you’ll need some documents to prove your residency in the Precinct. A bill that is within 30 days of the date of the day of election. In this case going back to February 11th or forward to April 11th. You can’t register with a P.O. Box for an address.
Here’s a link to the MN Secretary of State’s office showing what you’ll need to register on the same day you vote Click this link. This link has the same information that Registration Judges use at polling locations on a yellow sheet.
Another way is if there is someone who is registered to vote in the precinct who can vouch for you.
(posting this information because I’ve been a Same Day Registration Judge and an Assistant Head Judge since 2020 at a Polling Location in St Paul Minnesota)
How to Help Paul Wikstrom
Many Republicans outside of House District 40B are helping by volunteering. There’s still time to help by giving a donation to Paul Wikstrom. The link is below (Saintpaulrepublicans.us does not get compensated for posting the link).
Donate to Paul Wikstrom For House
Wikstrom for House Videos
Paul Wikstrom has a YouTube channel you can watch all his videos at this link here. Otherwise we’ve chosen a few that say who Paul is and who he is up against.
David Gottfried should be ineligible to Run Too
Paul’s opponent this time is David Gottfried who campaigned for Curtis Johnson who was ineligible to run in House District 40B because he lives outside of the District in Little Canada. David Gottfried knew Curtis Johnson didn’t live in the district last year, but said nothing to the MN Secretary of State. How then how can you trust Mr. Gottfried to report fraud and abuse in the State Government?
Many Democrats Don’t like to be Lied to Again
People don’t like being lied to. Democrats in House District 40B are listening to Paul Wikstrom when he knocks on their door and offers to chat with them about the Special Election tomorrow Tuesday March 11th. When they went to the polls on November 5th 2024, they saw their candidate was Curtis Johnson and they voted him not knowing that he had lied to them, and also to the MN Secretary of State Steve Simon, another Democrat.
The Secretary of State’s Office isn’t required by Minnesota State Law to verify if candidates for office in the district in which they are filing for actually live there. No kidding. In fact they’ve known of candidates filing for office in districts other than where they live for a long time but they said they couldn’t do anything about it. Going back to the days when the former Secretary of State Mark Ritchie was in office he knew that Sharon Anderson who filed as Republican in Senate District 64 didn’t live there. She has long stated her house in Senate District 64 was taken from her. She felt she still lived there when her residence was elsewhere, most recently in Dayton’s Bluff which is in Senate District 67. Last year was the first time she filed for the House District she lived in and beat the endorsed Republican Candidate in HD 67B by about a dozen votes because Republicans who supported the endorsed candidate didn’t show up at the Primary in August last year.
In House District 40B the DFL Party endorsed a candidate that didn’t live in their district on April 13, 2024 at the SD 40 DFL Convention. Usually officers of a local political party unit will do a basic background check on the candidates or question them before they endorse anyone, and also require a 60% of delegates to endorse a candidate. At the time David Gottfried was running against Curtis Johnson for the endorsement. Mr Gottfried knew Mr Johnson didn’t live in the District but didn’t say anything about it at the time of the endorsement. Looking at Curtis Johnson’s MN CFB report he doesn’t list his home address but rather a P.O. Box number in Roseville, yet he lived in Little Canada. His campaign Treasurer had to know he was ineligible too, Clare Sorman, yet she declares on her MN CFB End of Year Report that everything is accurate.
So David Gottfried KNEW Curtis Johnson was ineligible to run for office in HD 40B and didn’t bother to tell anyone in his party unit, nor did he tell fellow DFLer MN Secretary of State Steve Simon that Curtis Johnson was breaking election laws. Why Should he be allowed to run in the Special Election? He withheld evidence of a law being broken and he didn’t tell anyone.
Vote for Paul Wikstrom on March 11th
Saintpaulrepublicans.us is helping Paul Wikstrom in this Special Election because he might be the closest thing to having a Republican State Representative that knows what the inside of the City of St Paul is like. Most State Reps & Senators who are Republicans live outside of the Metro Area and have no idea what it’s like to live inside the city limits of either St Paul or Minneapolis. None of your donations to his campaign are shared with Saintpaulrepublicans.us. We are glad to help him Get Out the Vote. — Publius Jr