Can you name 5 Cabinet Members who survived all 4 years of President Trump’s First Term in Office?
I, Publius Jr, can’t seem to remember anything about his Cabinet members other than there seemed to be a lot of duds and there was more than one Secretary per position at State, Defense, and Attorney General. It seemed so long ago that he was swearing in for the first time in 2017 too, almost a decade.
Here are the 8 who went the full 4 years (I had to look it up, I could only name Dr Carson, and Mike Pence):
- Dr Ben Carson (HUD Secretary 2017-21)
- Steven Mnuchin (Treasury Secretary 2017-21)
- Sonny Perdue (Agriculture Secretary 2017-21)
- Wilbur Ross (Commerce Secretary 2017-21)
- Elaine Chao (Transportation Secretary 2017-21)
- Betsy De Vos (Education Secretary 2017-21, was supposed to shut it down)
- Robert Lighthizer (US Trade Representative 2017-21)
- Mike Pence (Vice President 2017-21)
Multiple First Term Cabinet Duds
You could say these people above didn’t really have vital positions. The Main Cabinet Positions had multiple people serving in them: State had 2, Defense had 2, Attorney General had 2, Labor had 2, HHS had 2, Interior had 2, Energy had 2, Veterans Affairs had 2, Homeland Security had 3, EPA had 2, Office of Management & Budget had 2, Director of National Intelligence had 2, Director of the CIA had 2, UN Ambassador had 2, Small Business Administration had 2, and 3 Chiefs of Staff. A lot of Duds. Not to rub it into President Trump’s face, but those out there that think he walks on water and is a good judge of character are all wet. President Trump has said he didn’t know most of them before he appointed them. I suggest he stop listening to certain advisors.
Pam Bondi is a Nightmare in a Dress
This term is no different he has nominated some real duds for Cabinet level positions. The one I’m willing to write an article against is Pam Bondi for Attorney General. She is a nightmare in a dress. I suppose if Merrick Garland wore a dress (which was sort of the norm for men on Biden’s Cabinet) there would be a comparison and there really isn’t much to say is different other than some major corruption as Biden’s top henchman. Bondi will say one thing but advocate for something totally against what she just claimed she was for. Either she is a person who doesn’t know right from wrong which are called sociopaths, or she is just plain evil.
When I went on Social Media on this website’s accounts I caught hell for saying Pam Bondi MUST NOT be CONFIRMED. The Trump Worshippers, you know who I’m talking about. The folks who have zero critical thinking, the people who go nuts when the Village People’s songs start playing. They were asleep in American Government class in High School when the US Constitution was taught. Those people blew a gasket and called me a “Trump Hater.” I was on the Trump Force 47 in Minnesota so I worked to get him elected here, but alas TF47 was horribly mismanaged by Tom Emmer.
I’m a US Army Veteran and I took an oath to defend the US Constitution against Enemies Foreign & Domestic. There is no oath to protect political figures when they enact unconstitutional laws or Executive Orders. In fact there’s no part of the oath that protects the US Citizens. Call me what you want but I’m pro-Constitution and Trump seems to go along with what Pam Bondi is for which is being against the 4th Amendment, the 2nd Amendment and in some cases, the 1st Amendment as well.
Maybe Trump was playing Devil’s Advocate in the following video, which he hasn’t clarified his support of her afterwards. You do remember him banning Bumpstocks right? That ban was ruled unconstitutional recently. This video is by Mike who is known as MrGunsnGear on YouTube and other platforms (he’s a decorated Veteran) it was posted on November 24, 2024.
Contact Your US Senators to Tell them to Vote NO to confirm Pam Bondi as the Attorney General and the head of the Department of Justice (DOJ).
Link to Find Out Who Your Senators are
People have been put into prison for violating gun control laws put into place by the Federal Government (Matt Hoover) as well as in the State of New York (Dexter Taylor). The President has yet to free either one. The first case was about Matt Hoover allegedly selling machine gun parts when the Auto Key Card was a novelty item that even the brainiacs at ATF couldn’t figure out how to make them work. They never were constructed to be anything other than a novelty item to give as a gift to that Gun enthusiast who has everything. Matt Hoover asked the local ATF office if it was okay to advertise them on his YouTube channel as any gun orientated content has been demonetized (that’s another matter about proper compensation to content producers on YouTube and possibly is a violation of the 13th amendment where YouTube makes money without sharing the ad revenue with the content creators).
Dexter Taylor in a recent article I wrote, “#FreeDexterTaylor a Law Abiding Citizen Imprisoned for Assembling AR Rifles in New York” on January 25, 2025, about how he was arrested for assembling AR Rifles, Polymer 80s, and Glock Pistols from legally purchased parts. His Credit Card Company snitched on him to the NY Police & ATF and his house was raided in an Armed Raid to serve a search warrant in his NYC home. He is now serving in prison for the next 10 yrs. The Judge in his trial told his attorney that the 2nd Amendment does not exist in her courtroom.
The following video reveals more about Pam Bondi’s stances on the 2nd Amendment and also the 4th Amendment. What she is for should disbar her.
Guns & Gadgets
US Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Jared of Guns and Gadgets lists a number of unethical or unconstitutional beliefs of the formerly registered Democrat Pam Bondi:
- Was for banning firearm sales to 18 to 20 year olds. (ruled unconstitutional)
- Supported the Bump Stock Ban (ruled unconstitutional)
- She is against gun owners from being able to Open Carry
- She advocates for Red Flag Laws while sitting next to President Trump (7:50 minute mark). She wants to let Law Enforcement decide whether someone can get their guns back after they have violated their 4th amendment rights by stealing their firearms (property). Some Police Chief or a favorable Judge that backs the blue will determine if someone is mentally fit?
The whole idea of 2A is to keep Government from infringing your rights, but in this case the Government will decide for the individual; don’t see that happening.
Pam Bondi is not the Best Person for DOJ
There are a number of good Attorney Generals in several States in the USA. The first one comes to mind is Ken Paxton from Texas.
Tell Your 2 US Senators to Vote NO on Pam Bondi at DOJ
The videos used in this post are from YouTube Channels MrGunsnGear, GunsnGadgets, and Mr Colion Noir (overturning the bumpstock ban link). They are not associated with this website. They have solid videos on gun product reviews, and they also help break down the Civil Rights being violated by Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) that aim to end the 2nd amendment and confiscate your self defense weapons. The list of First Term Trump Cabinet members came from Wikipedia. ~~ Publius Jr.