November is National American Indian Heritage Month

In honor of the American Indian Tribes who helped the Puritans who settled in the Plymouth Rock area of Massachusetts, November was named National American Indian Heritage Month.

I, Publius Jr, found this out back in the 1990s when I thought it would be a good idea to start up a American Indian History month like Black History Month which is in February. I sent a letter to my US Rep at the time when I lived in Minnesota’s First Congressional District (CD1), Rep Gil Gutknecht. I believe I also sent a letter to Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, who was the first American Indian to become a US Senator from Colorado. He had also had switched parties from the Democratic to the Republican Party during that time. I had suggested to do this in September because it is generally the month we have what’s called “Indian Summer.” Rep Gutknecht sent a packet of information about American Indians in the United States of America. In it he said there is already a month designated at National American Indian Heritage Month: Novmember.

One of the tidbits out of this packet of information was only the Pacific Northwest and Alaskan Indians like to be called Native Americans. The others don’t care for it. Why you might ask?

What’s the History Behind the Term, “Native American?”

Well history matters, and the term Native American used to refer up to maybe 15-20 years ago to citizens born in the United States of America. Why the switch? It’s part of the Liberal Vocabulary we should stop using. The Liberals’ idea was that America was stolen land from the indigenous people here. Yet if you read survival stories of the Puritans which we should really call the Separatists, which were English Protestants who fled England due to the state religion there, but that’s a whole other story related to the First American Dream; the Indians, or tribes surrounding the area the Puritans landed the Indians helped them survive. There was no animosity between them.

Our country’s origins really spring forth from the Puritans instead of Jamestown Colony, which was founded upon the competing American Dream that has been pushed since the 1930’s of Materialism, and Financial Gain. That’s an article for another day too. The 2 competing American foundings I cover in an article I wrote in 2017 called, “Can Trump Save Thanksgiving?

One reason why American Indians don’t like to be called Native Americans is because the continent name was applied to the land by foreigners starting in 1498, named after Amerigo Vespucci an Italian Explorer who discovered the land mass Columbus had run into wasn’t a bunch of islands but rather a continent. Also they aren’t really Native Americans as explained a few paragraphs above what that term meant up until recently. There’s an idea that they been here for hundreds of thousands of years, but if that is so where are the remnants of the civilizations that came before them?

There’s a researcher named Dr Nathaniel Jeanson who wrote a book called, “Traced: Human DNA’s Big Surprise.” In it he traces the Y-Chromosome in Haplo Groups or “People Groups,” and where they migrated and when. It’s a technical book but it shows the migration of people east, west, north, and south from the area where Noah and his sons started to repopulate the Earth, after a worldwide flood. He proves there aren’t multiple races of people and how many might be surprised that Black People have the same Ancestry as White People.  It’s refreshing to have science not be tethered by predetermined outcomes as our education system seems to want to do. He has an ongoing project to discover and document the migration and histories of the several tribes that migrated from Central Asia a between 300 and 900 AD before Columbus discovered the West Indies. It can be found at Answers in Genesis, I wrote about this in 2022 in an article called, “Traced: Where did the American Indians Come From?

Good news to Christians who believe in a Young Earth Theory, Dr Nathaniel Jeanson’s research corroborates this theory and reduces Earth’s timeline down to what the Bible generally suggests that Earth and mankind have been here for just under 6000 years. He didn’t fit his research into a desired outcome, it just points in the direction of a Young Earth.

Dr Jeanson has an ongoing project to help corroborate Tribal Histories of American Indians in North and South America, so if you live on a Reservation and would like to know more about your Tribal History or help Dr Jeanson with his work you can learn more by watching the following video. He suggests this link and there you’ll click on “Hidden History of Every People Project,” and then you can enter in your contact information. has celebrated this month by posting articles about American Indians who have overcome adversity and have helped out more than themselves. They are people we can all draw inspiration from. ~~ Publius Jr


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