HD 66B GOP Meet & Greet with All St Paul GOP Candidate & MN Gun Owners Caucus

What:  Meet & Greet All St Paul Republican Candidates with Special Guest MN Gun Owners Caucus

When:  Tuesday, September 24th 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Where:  American Legion Post 577, 1129 Arcade St, St Paul, MN 55106 Map

Cost:  Free Will Donation (suggested $10)

Special Guest: MN Gun Owners Caucus

Many Republican Candidates support the 2nd Amendment but when it comes to the wordage, vocabulary, and rhetoric of Gun Control in political debates they get lost in the weeds.

Each Legislative Year, the MN Gun Owners Caucus, which is a nonpartisan pro-2A, nonprofit organization sends out a survey for Candidates of all stripes to fill out and return. Then those candidates who respond who score A- or above their Political Action Committee will endorse for office.

Scope of the Event

House District 66B Republicans are hosting an event on September 24, 2024 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. The 7 House District Republican Candidates from St Paul will briefly introduce themselves then seat themselves off from the audience. The MN Gun Owners Caucus will give a presentation on what candidates need to know about the 2nd Amendment and the rhetoric of “Reasonable” Gun Control Laws. A member from that organization will answer questions from the Candidates and from those in the audience. After all the questions are answered there will be a Meet & Greet with the candidates as people from St Paul are encouraged to mingle with them.

This is an event hosted by the HD 66B Republicans, not a MN Gun Owners Caucus Event. If it were the latter then they would invite DFLers to the event, as they are a non-partisan organization, a 501c4.

Candidates Invited to the Event

HD 64A GOP Dan Walsh  walshfor64a.org

HD 64A Republican Dan Walsh

HD 64B GOP Peter Donahue DonahueforMN.com

HD 64B Republican Peter Donahue

HD 65B GOP Mike Hilborn  www.hilbornforminnesota.com

HD 65B Republican Mike HIlborn

HD 66A GOP Fadil Jama FadilJama.com

HD 66A Republican Fadil Jama

HD 66B GOP Greg Copeland  gregcopeland911.wordpress.com

HD 66B Republican Greg Copeland

HD 67A GOP Scott Hesselgrave  www.facebook.com/ScottHesselgrave4MNHouse

HD 67A Republicans Scott Hesselgrave

HD 67B GOP Sharon Anderson  www.facebook.com/sharon4anderson

HD 67A Republican Sharon Anderson

CD4 Republican May Lor Xiong mayformn.com

CD4 Republican Candidate May Lor Xiong

This post was not authorized by any candidate, candidate’s committee, PAC, any Republican organization. I am the website admin for the mnhd66brepublicans.org, so I created their post. I’m posting it as the State Party, nor CD4, nor the SPRCC does any promotional support for Republican Candidates in St Paul. I am not compensated for posting it either. I believe in our Bill of Rights and the encroachment of the Federal, State & Local Governments need to be stopped, and rolled back. I’m a US Army Veteran and believe 2A protects all the other parts of the Bill of Rights. ~~ Publius Jr.

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