The DFL Mini-Donut Stand Location

10th Ward Rural Ramsey DFL Donut Booth is located to the Left of the Ramp into the Grandstand.

Be Wary of the DFL Mini-Donut Stand at the MN State Fair

The DFL Mini-Donut Stand is at Coordinates 44°58’51.5″N 93°10’25.0″W

DFL Mini-Donut Stand Satellite Map

If you buy products from this mini-donut stand you will be unknowingly (or knowingly if you are a DFLer) funding DFL Candidates through the Best Fair Foods Political Action Committee, what had been the 10th Ward Rural Ramsey County Political Committee, through 2020 when it was terminated to start under the new name.

Recent Recipients of the Donations from the Best Fair Foods PAC

  • Former Rep John Lesch 66B, who figuratively got caught with his hand in his campaign funds cookie jar for personal reasons, so it seemed; had received funds from this group’s former name indirectly in the past.
  • DFL Senate Districts 36, 39, 40, 44, 65, and 66. The incumbents from these districts get donations from their local party units, so they get mini-donut money indirectly from your patronage of the DFL Mini Donut Stand.
  • The above Districts might not mean anything, but the following State Senators might: Heather Gustafson (SD 36), Mary Kunesh-Podein (SD 39), John Marty (SD 40), Tou Xiong (SD 44), Sandy Pappas (SD 65), and Clare Oumou-Verbeten (SD 66).
  • These are the following DFL House District Representatives: Zack Stephenson (HD 36A), Brion Curran (HD 36B), Erin Koegel (HD 39A), Sandy Feist (HD 39B), Kelly Moller (HD 40A), Jamie Becker-Finn (HD 40B), Peter Fischer (HD 44A), Leon Lillie (HD 44B), Samakab Hussein (HD 65A), Maria Isa Perez-Vega (HD 65B), Chris “Leigh” Finke (HD 66A), Athena Hollins (HD 66B)

So it is up to you to be wary of this location.  With every purchase there you are helping DFLers defeat Republicans in Minnesota.


Retired Career Politician, Phyllis Kahn, DFL stands in front of the “Grandstand” Mini-Donuts.

Now these folks make a lot of money at the state fair from mini-donuts that would make the health conscious zealots cringe.  The booth is not marked as the DFL Mini Donut Stand,  there is no disclaimer on the booth as to where the money of this group goes to.

There ought to be a law that requires them to reveal who they are and where the money goes.

Rep Randy Jessup & Sen Roger Chamberlain tried to Make a Law

Almost every session of the MN State Legislature, there is a bill that Republicans put together that requires groups that raise money at the State Fair or other public events to show on a visible sign where the money goes to.  It isn’t making their operation illegal, but they want the customers to have all the information about the vendor before they make a purchase.

During the 2017 Session former Rep Randy Jessup of 42A & former Sen Roger Chamberlain SD 38 had made similar bills that were added to the Omnibus bill.  They were not signed into law by then DFL Governor Mark Dayton.

Rep Jessup did say there is a limit on the number of bags of donuts one can purchase–4 bags.  Any more than 4 you purchase they will have to make a record of it being a contribution.

This article is just to identify where the DFL Mini-Donut Stand is.  If you don’t want to give money to the DFL to defeat Republican candidates then you can find another Donut Stand, or to Sweet Martha’s Cookies which is nearby.  If you are a DFLer and you want to fundraise then that is up to you to.  It is just unethical of a party sympathizer to not be open about where their excess money goes.  This article was originally published by me on August 26, 2017. I’ve updated it with 2024 information. ~~ Publius Jr.

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