Trump Flies over St Paul to Have a Rally in St Cloud

this video runs roughly 1 hour and 39 minutes, from Right Side Broadcast Network posted on July 27, 2024, YouTube Channel.

President Donald J Trump flew into St Cloud Minnesota to have a rally at the Herb Brooks Arena on July 27th, 2 weeks after he was nearly assassinated by what appears to be deranged 20 yr old kid who somehow was able to circumvent the US Secret Service, the Butler Pennsylvania Police, and the State Police of Pennsylvania. We at do not believe he did this on his own, but had some help from some rogue agents from 3 letter agencies, but that investigation is ongoing despite stonewalling from Government agencies.

President Trump touches upon the possible DNC Nominee that hasn’t been endorsed yet by their Convention delegates. Like Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer and others they have already deemed and passed the endorsement. No matter whomever Trump faces they will get crushed like a bug on a rapidly moving vehicle’s windshield…unless there is massive election fraud like in 2020 again.

It’s quite possible that MN Governor Fudd aka Tim Walz, or Tampon Tim, may be the VP Candidate with Hyena Harris, a Democrat Version of Dumb and Dumber for President.

Seriously though the Statewide Candidates need to actually try to win INSIDE St Paul, and Minneapolis City Limits. Statewide Candidates need to win 25-30% of the vote here to win the entire state for Trump.

People were praising Herb Brooks in St Cloud because the arena is named for him, and yet Herb Brooks grew up on the East Side of St Paul and went to Governor Johnson High School.

There are Republicans who can’t stand Trump to the point they will vote for someone else. Jim Carson, Bev and her son Andy Aplikowski (former MNGOP Political Director in 2020 & 2022), and Dr Scott Jensen have voted for someone other than Donald J Trump for President and they always enable the left in our state by not voting for Republican candidates. Dr Jensen said he just wanted to have a conversation on some issues, but he was defeated for Governor in 2022 because he was rallying the Libertarian Candidate for President in 2020, and he was for some gun control. Sad that Jim Carson is the CD4 Republican Elector. People need to get wise to these charlatans and exile them from the party. These folks are just some creatures of the Republican Swamp here in Minnesota.

This post was not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee, or PAC. is not affiliated with the MNGOP, CD4 GOP, nor is it the St Paul Republican City Committee website, despite the last group copying most of our website name. We were not compensated in any way for posting the video. The opinions above are our own and from experience of running into Republicans in Name Only in St Paul ~~ Publius Jr.

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