Republican Booth is #144 Near Gate 2 on the Northeast corner of the area the Hmong International Freedom Festival (HIFF) J4 is at. See the Map below.

J4 as it is known to Hmong as a time to celebrate freedom with family, food, and sports.
It’s that time of year again, the first weekend in July, when the Hmong people celebrate freedom at McMurray Fields of St Paul, MN. Hmong International Freedom Festival J4 Street Map

The Republican Booth is in the Northeast part of this map (upper right, in the light green area) near the intersection of Como-Horton & Lexington Ave nearest to Gate 2.

An Enlargement of the area on the map above where the Republican Booth #144 will be.

McMurray Field looking North from Jessamine Ave W to Como Avenue at the top of the photo. Como Regional Park Pool just north of the Tournament Fields on Wynne Avenue. Lexington Avenue is to the East of the Fields. The Metro Transit 3A Bus travels along Como Avenue, and the 83 Bus travels north and south along Lexington Avenue.
The Hmong People who have settled here in the St Paul MN area really know what Freedom feels like. General Vang Pao brought the Hmong people here from the refugee camps in Southeast Asia after the end of the Vietnam War.
Hmong International Freedom Festival (J4) will be open from 8 AM to 8 PM Both Days
There are many things to do, see, buy, and taste at the celebration.
- Events start at 8 am on Saturday & 8 am on Sunday.
Park & Ride Shuttle from the MN State Fairgrounds
- $10 per Vehicle (Cash Only)
- Shuttle Buses from the Fairgrounds to the Festival from 6:30 am to 9:30 pm
It is with great anticipation that this year’s 41st Annual Hmong Freedom Celebration Sport Tournament will be hosted by The United Hmong Family on Saturday, June 29th and Sunday, June 30th, 2024 at the Como Park’s McMurray Field. The event will provides ample spaces for various vendors that are not just local community members, but from all over the world.
Booths will be set up for food, traditional and culture items, educational and informational and other general merchandise. Most of the festival goers are relatives and friends who travel a short distance of a couple of miles to across the ocean from former homeland in Asia. Others are spectators who come to cheer on one another as well as taking part in one of the competitive sporting venues in flag football (both men and women’s), Sepak Takraw (Kato), Soccer (men/women’s), tuj lub (top spinning), volleyball (men/women’s) and other fun and games for all ages, and physical ability. They have a lot to accomplish within the short amount of time.

Hmong Sports Tournament includes Flag Football, Soccer and Hmong specific sports.

A Hmong player kicks the ball across the net during a game of Sepak Takraw (Kato), a volleyball-like sport without the use of hands. Traditional balls are made of wicker.
Also known as KATO

Volleyball of both Men & Women’s teams.
The above information was found at the website, and photos were found online. We found the parking information and the event fee, as well as the explanation of the rules of Kato on website. The posting is a courtesy to our Hmong friends & neighbors. We will post the winners from each sports category. ~~ Publius Jr.