2024 #ProLifeSunday: It Takes a Man to be a Dad


Remember the Tom Selleck voice-overs for the National Fatherhood Initiative ads?  We do.  They might show dads in some wacky ways but the time spent with your children has positive returns in the future.

I, Publius Jr, have been without my late-dad for about 21 years.  While my dad, Henry, never sparred with lightsabers with me on the front lawn, he did teach me how to be a good baseball player.  He taught me how to throw a fastball, a fork-ball, and he tried to straighten out my curveball but I stayed away from the curveball because I hit batters with it.  He taught me how to catch a ball in the outfield or the infield and throw it in an efficient move to the cutoff man or the proper plate.  I remember watching Magnum P.I. with Dad.  Magnum and my Dad were both Navy Veterans.  Every time I see Tom Selleck I think of those days on the couch watching Magnum with Dad.  Dad showed me how to repair my car, and now when my car needs to be serviced I think of him.  Dad taught me other things as well, not so much in a sit down and listen kind of way but by example.

He taught me to respect women.  He taught me it is better to listen more than to speak in a conversation. Dad was a Chicago White Sox fan and I am a Twins fan, he showed me how to respect others who had different opinions other than sports.  He showed me that God should be very important in my life and to love and respect God.

Most people who I know today, have never met my dad.  They have met him though, through me.  Know me and you know my Dad and my Mom, my siblings, cousins, Aunts & Uncles, and my Grandparents…and my Heavenly Daddy.

On the Cross, when Jesus Christ was dying for our sins, he called his father, Abba.  This is translated as Daddy.  Calling God “Daddy,” suggests extreme love for his dad.  God loved his Son, and He loved us as well enough to sacrifice his Son for our sins.  You know John 3:16.  Yet God knew that Jesus was going to rise up on the 3rd day and beat death for us.  God provides security for us, especially when we have a relationship with Him.

You see Abba-God provides for his children.  He shows us how to be good parents.  Dads provide for their children in terms of shelter, food, and security.  In the last 3 or 4 decades the roles of parents have crossed over traditional lines and that’s okay, as long as children know that their parents love them and they know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong.  Allowing children to stray to become irresponsible in their actions and letting them know there aren’t consequences for their actions is not being a parent at all.

Being irresponsible in raising children is the cause for so many social ills today.  Most psychologists will tell you that problems today in a patient started in their childhood.  It’s a bit like cement, it is easy to shape and put strength in the form of rebar when cement is just poured and it is still wet.  When it cures and dries it is hard to reform it.

Today on #ProLifeSunday we are celebrating one of the important pillars to a strong family foundation:  Dads.  As the irresponsible 60’s generation has shown by example, anyone can be a father.  In truth it takes a Man to be a Dad.

Happy Dad’s Day

We are republishing this post from its original post date in 2016.  Today’s kids need a mom and a dad, not two dads or two moms.  Adults who are parents need to stop being children and to stop embracing every oddball whim.  There’s no such thing as transgender people in God’s kingdom. Children need good role models to follow and having flaky parents who act less like adults jeopardizes their children’s future. Parents who mutilate their children and think it is neat to encourage their boy to be a girl or vice versa are committing criminal child abuse, they are essentially sterilizing their children. It’s not being a parent when you exploit your children for your immoral ways. Our Government shouldn’t accommodate nor encourage the break up of traditional families with social engineering on a foundation of sand. Good Judeo-Christian values are built on the bedrock of God’s love and truth. Happy Dad’s day! ~~ Publius Jr.

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