2024 #ProLifeSunday : Let’s Celebrate Mothers

Not enough flowers to say, "Thanks Mom for all you do for me."

Not enough flowers to say, “Thanks Mom for all you do for me.”

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and we would like to thank all the mothers out there for being there at every step of life.  You’ve nurtured, supported, and loved us.  You’ve made us into the people we are today.

#ProLifeSunday Thanks to Mothers

not enough flowers to say, "Thanks mom."

not enough flowers to say, “I love you mom.”

There aren’t enough flowers and presents to say thank you to mothers. We will also say there aren’t enough ties, tools, and aftershave cologne to say thank you to committed fathers.

We at SaintPaulRepublicans.us celebrate the entire family. We include Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Brothers & Sisters & Cousins, Friends & Colleagues.  Family values begin with God, the Holy Trinity.  Adam and Eve had God actively involved in their family to help them avoid the potential problems that arise during the rearing of children.  Our extended families have helped us grow in areas that our parents may have overlooked, or helped us to relate to our parents to know that they were once like us at one point in the past.

Cutting any part of the family out of the picture diminishes the resources one can draw upon.

While there might be a number of fantastic mothers who vote for Democrat candidates, we have to take issue with them because they support the destruction of life during a pregnancy.  They support Planned Parenthood, a taxpayer supported organization that draws upon the tenets of Eugenics that were supported by their founder Margaret Sanger and the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg who had been their attorney.  Eugenics derived from Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution and the idea of “survival of the fittest.”  Sanger believed that there are certain undesirables in the human population.

We can’t believe we have to say this, but men can’t be mothers (It takes a woman to be a mom). Men are not biologically capable of becoming pregnant or giving birth as a mother can. It is spiritually illness that is telling people who are either gullible, recruited by people who seek to exploit them for their perverted ideas, or have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These children who are preyed upon need protection, and those who prey upon them need to be separated from society into prison. This is what happens when the government and churches stop speaking the Truth of Jesus Christ and embrace the lies from the Father of Lies. Parents who actively participate in the mutilation and essentially sterilization of their children to help them change the appearance to appear like the opposite gender are evil and should be arrested for extreme child abuse and separated from those children to prevent further harm.

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother’s Day

To end on a positive note we would like to thank all the Pro-life Mothers serving as legislators in the Minnesota State Legislature.

Happy Mother’s Day

It is a different sort of Mother’s Day this year as Roe v Wade has been overturned and extreme abortion has been passed into law in Minnesota.  It is another different kind of holiday, as it is the 3rd year after I, Publius Jr, will be without my best friend, my mom. Mom died at the age of 98 in September 2021. Not sure what I’ll do for the holiday. ~~ Publius Jr.

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