Have a Happy Resurrection Day

It is important to remember the reason why America was first founded and how other less important goals seem to crowd out the Original American Dream of Worshipping Jesus Christ without government intrusion. There are some who will say the original reason to come to the New World was for business reasons.

This is covered in the article, “Can Trump Save Thanksgiving?” It covers this struggle between these two goals. Clearly those who concentrate on their Christian Faith first will be blessed in other areas of their life.

Our party has not done as well when we do not support Judeo-Christian Values and concentrate only on Financial/Fiscal/Tax Policies. Being on the “Right Side of History,” as some  put it when Same-Sex Marriage was enacted in Minnesota has not resulted in Statewide Republican Candidates being elected.

So we have to remember who has redeemed us despite our faults and shortcomings. This is why the unmerited gift of Redemption Jesus Christ has given us with His ultimate Sacrifice and the Ability to defeat Death for us with His Resurrection is such Great News indeed!

Remember the reason for the season and have a Happy Resurrection Day!


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