Seeing is Believing How This Election was Rigged for Joe Biden


since YouTube, which is owned by Google, decided the video above was counter to their narrative that Joe Biden received more votes than President Trump they decided to end the account of the person who posted it. is leaving up the link to show the stupidity of YouTube/Google there are other websites that allow for opposing viewpoints such as Though Rumble’s videos have format issues in WordPress.  Here is the video that should be seen above.

Update (5/11/22)

The video was removed too. The account holder was deleted. So upon looking for the same video that was posted, we found others that were of interest in the 2020 Election.

This video was posted on November 13, 2020.

And then there is the documentary “2000 Mules,” by Dinesh D’Souza (this video was from, the account is Dieselwolf). If you watch it please go to the documentary’s website and buy a copy of 2000 Mules so the makers of the film can recoup the cost to make it.

Here’s proof of how this election was hacked for the cheaters Joe Biden & Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump won this election and it can not be disputed no matter what Big Tech does. It isn’t a conspiracy theory.

Every State needs to demand the US Supreme Court take the Texas case. Contact your Governor today…Even MN Governor Fudd can’t deny it any longer.

Thanks to one of our subscribers for sending this to us this morning.

I posted the video from bitchute knowing that it could be taken down at any time because it appears the account holder did not get permission. I put up the links to 2000 Mules website and the purchase of the DVD of 2000 Mules link as well to encourage you to purchase it. does not get any money to post the links.

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