Are You Annoyed with Political Phone Calls? Blame Sec of State Steve Simon

Your cellphone rings.  You look at the caller ID, it’s a number you don’t recognize but it’s a Twin Cities Metro area code.

“Is this John Q Public?” A male voice asks.

”Yes? Who is this?” You answer.

”I’m Jim from Americans Concerned, I’m calling on behalf of our candidates for Governor and Senator.  Are you planning to vote this November?” The man asks.

You ask, “How did you get this number? This is my personal Cellphone number.  I’m on the ‘National Do Not Call List’”

The answer shocks you, “Political calls do not apply to this law, and we got your number from the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office, from Steve Simon.”

This call is like thousands of calls placed every day from July to November usually in even numbered years. These calls coincide with Congressional and Minnesota State Legislative campaigns.

The sad truth is the MN Secretary of State’s Office sells voter lists to political groups to call you up to annoy you about an election. Will this practice end? If it did Political Consultants might be out of a job.

The use of costly political consultants is much like the trap the CIA and the intelligence community ran into in the 1970’s through the 1990’s. The reliance of high tech costly satellites took assets out of the field and left our diplomatic corps vulnerable as they didn’t speak the language of what was going on around them. Thankfully this trend was reversed. Politically here, local party units need to stay engaged in the neighborhoods they live in and stop relying on databases constructed through reliance on lists from the Secretary of State’s office.

Steve Simon wants to Publish Your Party Preference

If MN Secretary of State Steve Simon gets re-elected he’ll want to allow groups to see what political party you prefer. This further violates your privacy. We think this is wrong, so does John Howe.

Remember when you vote Remember Howe to stop more invasive practices of Steve Simon.

Vote John Howe as the Minnesota Secretary of State.

This post was not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee, PAC, the MNGOP ~~ Publius Jr

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