Jennifer McPherson, the First Female Wrestler in St Paul Public Schools, at Harding High School
I am the first female wrestler for SPPS I also played baseball and football. I am immensely proud of my accomplishments and thankful I can say that however, in a way, it hurts to say it. I think about the females before me who wanted to wrestle or play football and were denied. Those females either took that no or tried to fight back without success. I had a mother who believed that everyone, regardless of race or r gender, is equal. We may have distinct gender roles, but neither is greater than the other. The day I wrestled for the first time I was in the fourth grade I did not have any training I watched my brother’s matches and said I can do that. I won a lot of matches and trophies.
1994-1995 school year a 7th grade 12 year female student joins the wrestling team at Hazel Park Academy she practices with the boys, she does everything to prove herself lifting weights, running the hall, competing for a spot and one day the school paper takes team photos for the sports teams and the school admin gets together and decide that is not okay. This young female student is pulled out of class to meet with the principal to be told because of her gender she could not be on the wrestling team. The principal gives her the handbook and she notices that it says females 12 and under may compete on the boys’ teams. The principal is enraged snatches the handbook and says, “you’re in 7th grade you cannot wrestle.” The tears rolling off her face because the wrestling mat was her freedom she worked hard to develop her technique and talents. She believed she was able to do and be anything she wanted to be. She was raised in the era when military commercials aired on the television and the most heard slogan was, “be all you can be in the Army” little did this 12-year old little girl know that freedom and dreams were limited to the military. The next two weeks she did media interviews and was sidelined with no practice at all. Her mother went to the school district to meet with the board and superintendent her classmates protested and walked out of school in support. After her story gained support from people all over, she could compete, winning her first match.
I am Jennifer my story makes me who I am today it makes me fight harder because I don’t know who has my back so I can’t stand still and allow people to be treated unfairly I ran for school board twice drawing my motivation from my mother and the community leaders from the 80’s who had a hand in raising me through Inner City Youth League. I am currently in my first year in Criminal Justice and plan to make a career in politics to help my community and country.
–Jennifer McPherson
Jennifer McPherson wrote the above narrative when I asked her to write about her fight to be able to wrestle as a girl at Harding High School. She also shared the photo above as well. She said she knew local Civil Rights leaders when she was growing up: Kwame McDonald, Bobby Hickman, Bill Wilson, William “Corky” Finney.
Jennifer is a conservative and she ran for the St Paul Public School Board in 2019 and 2021. She ran as a nonpartisan candidate as it was a nonpartisan election. Upon reading the candidate articles in the Star & Tribune by Tony Lonetree, as well as the Pioneer Press Newspapers, plus watching the SPNN LWV Forum suggested to Republican Voters to vote for Jennifer in both years. I, Publius Jr, might add without telling her when I made the suggestion.
Jennifer is a mother who is concerned about the world her children are growing up in. She follows the example her mother set when her mother fought for Jennifer to be able to compete on boys wrestling, baseball, and football teams.
I sometimes catch myself mispronouncing her name as Jennifer “McFearsome,” but upon reflection, Jennifer is exactly that, she’s Fearsome when she sets her mind to achieving a goal.
Black History Month is really a nod toward Republican Heroes who were the foundations of the Civil Rights Era of the 1860s and beyond; Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. Lincoln was born on February 12th 1809, and Douglass was born on February 14th 1818. It was started in 1926 by Carter Woodson, a historian. It was Negro History Week up until 1969 when Kent State University Students and Faculty suggested it should be an entire month. The first Black History Month was February 1970. In 1976 President Gerald Ford recognized it for the first time.
With this in mind I thought I’d find a local resident to write about. It was a mere coincidence that I contacted Jennifer McPherson about a Minnesota Parents Alliance project. Then I just asked if I could post something about her. ~~ Publius Jr.
Hayden Heights Library at 1456 White Bear Ave, St Paul MN 55106. This library is slated for an upgrade in appearance.
What: SD 67 Republicans Convention
When:Saturday, February 22nd 9-10 am Registration, 10 am Convention Starts
Where:Hayden Heights Library, 1456 White Bear Ave, St Paul, MN 55106 Map
Senate District 67 is on the northeast corner to the Southeast side of the City Called St Paul. The Map below shows the boundaries of this district. One of their candidates over 3 Legislative Election Cycles was the Fred Turk who ran from 2018 to 2022 in House District 67B. Fred Turk passed away in January 2024. Last year in 2024 the perennial candidate Sharon Anderson beat the endorsed candidate by a dozen votes in the August Primary. It was a first that she actually ran in the district she lives in, in Dayton’s Bluff neighborhood. She was not endorsed by the SD 67 Republicans.
Senate District 67 is mostly the East Side of Saint Paul.
BPOU Conventions are to Elect Officers and State Central Delegates & Alternates
These conventions are open to the public. People who identify as Republicans may run for an office, however they can’t vote unless they became a Precinct Delegate or Alternate at Precinct Caucuses in 2024.
These conventions are to elect the Local Party Unit (BPOU) Officers, and their State Central Delegates & Alternates. They sometimes amend their Constitutions as well.
This post is a courtesy and not authorized by any Republican Organization in the State of Minnesota or the National Committee. ~~ Publius Jr.
St Paul Republican Local Party Units also known as BPOUs are having conventions on some Saturday between now and the end of March 2025 (one in St Paul is on a Wednesday). These conventions are to elect new party unit leadership, and State Central Delegates & Alternates, and sometimes make amendments to their local party unit Constitution and Bylaws.
The only people who can vote in these conventions are precinct delegates & alternates elected at the Precinct Caucuses in February 2024, about a week before the Presidential Primary. Though any Republican who lives in the district can run for a position, but can’t vote if they were not elected as a delegate or alternate at the Precinct Caucus in 2024. Delegate & Alternate terms run for 2 years in even years, with an exception in Redistricting years.
The next time you can become a precinct delegate or alternate is in the Precinct Caucuses in 2026, unless some Establishment types at the State Legislature decide to eliminate Precinct Caucuses which is to take away your access to tell the state party how to govern or run the party.
We’re a bottom up party right? Multiple term State Reps & Senators shouldn’t be deleting our access to tell them they are serving at our consent not as serfs of their fiefdom. ~~ Publius Jr.
Gigantic US Flag Hanging from the ceiling of the VA Minneapolis’ Flag Atrium
Schedule of Republican BPOU Conventions in St Paul
Here is a list of Local Party Unit Conventions.
Date, BPOU, Registration period, Convention start, and Where it is located.
HD 66B GOP 10:30-11 am, 11 am at Arlington Hills Community Center, 1200 Payne Avenue, St Paul MN 55130 MapHD 66B GOP Convention Details
February 26th,
SD 65 GOP 6:30 pm Riverview Library, 1 George St E, St Paul MN 55107 Map
March 8th
SD 64 GOP 8:30- 9 am, 9 am, The Plaza Community Room, 2353 Youngman Ave, St Paul, MN 55116 Map
HD 66A GOP 9-9:30 am, 9:30 am, Falcon Heights City Hall, 2077 Larpenteur Ave W Falcon Heights Map
This post was not authorized by any Republican Party of Minnesota organization or at the national level. is posting it as a courtesy to those voters who identify as Republicans in St Paul MN. This website is not the SPRCC, although they have copied part of the name of this website for some unknown reason. ~~ Publius Jr.
Como Pavilion is on the westernmost border of HD 66B. Lake Como is in fact also inside the Legislative District. Just to the west of Lake Phalen is the Easternmost boundary of HD 66B.
What: House District 66B Republicans Convention
When: Saturday, February 22, 2025; 10:30-11:00 am Registration, 11:00 am to 2 pm Convention
Where: Arlington Hills Community Center, 1200 Payne Ave, St Paul MN 55130 Map
Cost: At Will Donation (Suggested $10), PCRs up to $75 per person, $150 Couples.
House District 66B is in the north central part of the City Called St Paul. The Map below shows the boundaries of this district. It’s one of the more active bpous in St Paul, perhaps because they opted to stay a House District rather than caving to State Party Pressure and become a Senate District.
It’s confirmed the speakers at the Convention will be Senator Cal Bahr (SD 31, East Bethel), State Rep Pam Altendorf (R-20A, Red Wing), and State Party Deputy Chair Donna Bergstrom.
These conventions are open to the public. People who identify as Republicans may run for an office, however they can’t vote unless they became a Precinct Delegate or Alternate at Precinct Caucuses in 2024.
These conventions are to elect the Local Party Unit (BPOU) Officers, and their State Central Delegates & Alternates. They sometimes amend their Constitutions as well.
This post is a courtesy and not authorized by any Republican Organization in the State of Minnesota or the National Committee. ~~ Publius Jr.
This is a non-partisan election to fill the vacancy that has been open since last summer on August 1, 2024. You’d have thought this Special Election would have been on the General Election in November 2024. Yet this vacancy has been open for 6 months. That’s unacceptable. Trista Martinson (Matacastillo) was a DFL endorsed candidate in a non-partisan position. The entire Commission is DFL endorsed. It would be nice to have someone who isn’t. There is no Republican endorsement in this Special Election. Garrison McMurtrey is married to the MN State Senator Clare Verbeten SD 66, both are DFLers, and Garrison is a former staffer for the DFL US Rep from CD2 Angie Craig. McMurtrey & Senator Verbeten live south of Lake Como.
It’s your decision who to vote for. I think it’s really clear who not to vote for. If you want to send a message to the DFL that you are tired of their games, vote for Joshua David Bau.
Polling Locations in Ramsey County District 3
You can go to the MN Secretary of State’s Website to find your polling location at the following website:
Here’s a link that I, Publius Jr, have confirmed with Ramsey County Elections Manager David Triplett the polling locations haven’t changed since last year despite the name on the PDF list of Ramsey County Polling locations.
In this link there are polling locations for Falcon Heights Precincts 1 & 2.
Someone sent a note to me mentioning a post I did for the HD 66B Republicans about this Special Election asking if they should vote in this election or not. I looked at their address and they live in District 3, so I replied saying that while there isn’t a Republican endorsement here they should still go and vote. There was 1 DFL endorsed candidate in this election. Generally the State Republican Party does not encourage endorsements in non-partisan elections. In my opinion that’s one of the many reasons why Republicans don’t win in Legislative races in the even years. I listened to Senator Mark Koran mention this at an event in January. He said when you increase the Republican presence even in local city & county elections you increase the presence and interest level of voters in an area. This needs to change. He gave statistics on races in his Senate District and it was quite a dramatic change when they endorsed candidates in city & county elections.
So I’ve indicated who the DFL endorsed candidate is, what his former employer was, and what State Senator he is married to currently. Without saying who to vote for I think I’ve given you enough clues who to vote for.
This post was not authorized by any candidate, candidate’s committee, the MNGOP, the CD4 GOP. is not the SPRCC, even though they copied part of our name to confuse you and possibly steal our thunder. This is not an endorsement of either candidate but rather a notification of a voting opportunity for the District 3 Residents of Ramsey County who have been without representation on the DFL Run Ramsey County Commission for 6 months. The opinions expressed in this post are mine alone.~~ Publius Jr.
Can you name 5 Cabinet Members who survived all 4 years of President Trump’s First Term in Office?
I, Publius Jr, can’t seem to remember anything about his Cabinet members other than there seemed to be a lot of duds and there was more than one Secretary per position at State, Defense, and Attorney General. It seemed so long ago that he was swearing in for the first time in 2017 too, almost a decade.
Here are the 8 who went the full 4 years (I had to look it up, I could only name Dr Carson, and Mike Pence):
Dr Ben Carson (HUD Secretary 2017-21)
Steven Mnuchin (Treasury Secretary 2017-21)
Sonny Perdue (Agriculture Secretary 2017-21)
Wilbur Ross (Commerce Secretary 2017-21)
Elaine Chao (Transportation Secretary 2017-21)
Betsy De Vos (Education Secretary 2017-21, was supposed to shut it down)
Robert Lighthizer (US Trade Representative 2017-21)
Mike Pence (Vice President 2017-21)
Multiple First Term Cabinet Duds
You could say these people above didn’t really have vital positions. The Main Cabinet Positions had multiple people serving in them: State had 2, Defense had 2, Attorney General had 2, Labor had 2, HHS had 2, Interior had 2, Energy had 2, Veterans Affairs had 2, Homeland Security had 3, EPA had 2, Office of Management & Budget had 2, Director of National Intelligence had 2, Director of the CIA had 2, UN Ambassador had 2, Small Business Administration had 2, and 3 Chiefs of Staff. A lot of Duds. Not to rub it into President Trump’s face, but those out there that think he walks on water and is a good judge of character are all wet. President Trump has said he didn’t know most of them before he appointed them. I suggest he stop listening to certain advisors.
Pam Bondi is a Nightmare in a Dress
This term is no different he has nominated some real duds for Cabinet level positions. The one I’m willing to write an article against is Pam Bondi for Attorney General. She is a nightmare in a dress. I suppose if Merrick Garland wore a dress (which was sort of the norm for men on Biden’s Cabinet) there would be a comparison and there really isn’t much to say is different other than some major corruption as Biden’s top henchman. Bondi will say one thing but advocate for something totally against what she just claimed she was for. Either she is a person who doesn’t know right from wrong which are called sociopaths, or she is just plain evil.
When I went on Social Media on this website’s accounts I caught hell for saying Pam Bondi MUST NOT be CONFIRMED. The Trump Worshippers, you know who I’m talking about. The folks who have zero critical thinking, the people who go nuts when the Village People’s songs start playing. They were asleep in American Government class in High School when the US Constitution was taught. Those people blew a gasket and called me a “Trump Hater.” I was on the Trump Force 47 in Minnesota so I worked to get him elected here, but alas TF47 was horribly mismanaged by Tom Emmer.
I’m a US Army Veteran and I took an oath to defend the US Constitution against Enemies Foreign & Domestic. There is no oath to protect political figures when they enact unconstitutional laws or Executive Orders. In fact there’s no part of the oath that protects the US Citizens. Call me what you want but I’m pro-Constitution and Trump seems to go along with what Pam Bondi is for which is being against the 4th Amendment, the 2nd Amendment and in some cases, the 1st Amendment as well.
Maybe Trump was playing Devil’s Advocate in the following video, which he hasn’t clarified his support of her afterwards. You do remember him banning Bumpstocks right? That ban was ruled unconstitutional recently. This video is by Mike who is known as MrGunsnGear on YouTube and other platforms (he’s a decorated Veteran) it was posted on November 24, 2024.
Contact Your US Senators to Tell them to Vote NO to confirm Pam Bondi as the Attorney General and the head of the Department of Justice (DOJ).
People have been put into prison for violating gun control laws put into place by the Federal Government (Matt Hoover) as well as in the State of New York (Dexter Taylor). The President has yet to free either one. The first case was about Matt Hoover allegedly selling machine gun parts when the Auto Key Card was a novelty item that even the brainiacs at ATF couldn’t figure out how to make them work. They never were constructed to be anything other than a novelty item to give as a gift to that Gun enthusiast who has everything. Matt Hoover asked the local ATF office if it was okay to advertise them on his YouTube channel as any gun orientated content has been demonetized (that’s another matter about proper compensation to content producers on YouTube and possibly is a violation of the 13th amendment where YouTube makes money without sharing the ad revenue with the content creators).
Dexter Taylor in a recent article I wrote, “#FreeDexterTaylor a Law Abiding Citizen Imprisoned for Assembling AR Rifles in New York” on January 25, 2025, about how he was arrested for assembling AR Rifles, Polymer 80s, and Glock Pistols from legally purchased parts. His Credit Card Company snitched on him to the NY Police & ATF and his house was raided in an Armed Raid to serve a search warrant in his NYC home. He is now serving in prison for the next 10 yrs. The Judge in his trial told his attorney that the 2nd Amendment does not exist in her courtroom.
The following video reveals more about Pam Bondi’s stances on the 2nd Amendment and also the 4th Amendment. What she is for should disbar her.
Guns & Gadgets
US Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Jared of Guns and Gadgets lists a number of unethical or unconstitutional beliefs of the formerly registered Democrat Pam Bondi:
Was for banning firearm sales to 18 to 20 year olds. (ruled unconstitutional)
Supported the Bump Stock Ban (ruled unconstitutional)
She is against gun owners from being able to Open Carry
She advocates for Red Flag Laws while sitting next to President Trump (7:50 minute mark). She wants to let Law Enforcement decide whether someone can get their guns back after they have violated their 4th amendment rights by stealing their firearms (property). Some Police Chief or a favorable Judge that backs the blue will determine if someone is mentally fit?
The whole idea of 2A is to keep Government from infringing your rights, but in this case the Government will decide for the individual; don’t see that happening.
Pam Bondi is not the Best Person for DOJ
There are a number of good Attorney Generals in several States in the USA. The first one comes to mind is Ken Paxton from Texas.
Tell Your 2 US Senators to Vote NO on Pam Bondi at DOJ
The videos used in this post are from YouTube Channels MrGunsnGear, GunsnGadgets, and Mr Colion Noir (overturning the bumpstock ban link). They are not associated with this website. They have solid videos on gun product reviews, and they also help break down the Civil Rights being violated by Government and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) that aim to end the 2nd amendment and confiscate your self defense weapons. The list of First Term Trump Cabinet members came from Wikipedia. ~~ Publius Jr.
We often hear the United States is a “Nation of Laws.” I disagree. We are a Nation of People who enjoy Freedom and Liberty without Government Intrusion. When we let a Government decide on what Liberties and Freedoms we can enjoy because it is more convenient for them to control us; it’s time to bring them back to the Document they signed they promised not to infringe upon our Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness: the US Constitution.
They even took an oath to defend it. I remember my oath of office when I enlisted in the United States Army. We didn’t protect the people, we defend the US Constitution from Enemies Foreign and Domestic. When I served I couldn’t imagine what a Domestic Enemy was because my Commander in Chief was the greatest President of my lifetime in my opinion, no not Trump, but President Ronald Reagan. Now State & Federal Government Elected Officers seem to be breaking their oath and ignoring the Supreme Law of the Land, the US Constitution and it’s Amendments. They’ve become Domestic Enemies.
Keep this in mind while I introduce you to Dexter Taylor a Political Prisoner of the State of New York. ~~ Publius Jr.
Meet Dexter Taylor
This is Dexter Taylor. He’s many things, but he isn’t a law breaker. Here is a run down of his accomplishments.
A New York native and a Dad
a Data Engineer with almost 30 years in the software industry
A carpenter; a metalworker; an old-school analog electronics geek
See his friend Carl’s glowing description of Dexter at his X Account click here
Here’s a good brief description of what happened in Dexter Taylor’s Case by Mr Colion Noir who is a Self Defense Attorney (the video was originally posted on Mr Colion Noir’s YouTube Channel on May 14, 2024).
A Brief Description of the Case of Dexter Taylor
Since I started to do the background work on my post about the only Classroom CCW Training inside the City called St Paul, (I need to update that post as there are more than one now) I’ve been interested in building an AR-15 rifle, and maybe modifying a Kentucky Long Rifle to shoot the Federal Firestick for Muzzleloaders. I’ve a Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering and I have a few other ideas on how to make truly 21st Century firearms. As I’ve gained knowledge on how one would put together a semiautomatic rifle I heard about the case of Dexter Taylor.
I thought I’d post something about it as there are probably millions of people around the planet who have constructed a rifle, muzzleloader, or what is called a Polymer 80 handgun. By the way it’s perfectly legal to build your own firearm and has been for hundreds of years. Daniel Boone a Patriot and Frontiersman used to do it.
I’m not the first person to report about this case about Dexter Taylor, and this is a good sign that people do care about him. I also notice that I’ve picked some of the same videos to explain this case as this website has picked as well without my knowledge beforehand…even the term I made the Hashtag into. Here is Dexter talking about his background and how he was arrested (the video is from his YT Channel Carbon Mike first posted when he was still a free man on April 7, 2024. Jesse Kelly is a Marine Vet who has a Syndicated Conservative Talk Radio Show called The Jesse Kelly Show).
Yes, Dexter truly has a great voice for radio and future podcasts when someone who defends the US Constitution releases him from prison and tosses out his conviction. Just before the NY AG, Governor, the Judge in the case go to prison, their pensions and life savings need to be handed over to Dexter Taylor as compensation for interrupting his law abiding life.
In the meantime if you want to help Dexter with his Legal fees you can go to his GiveSendGo Account and toss in some donation. As of this writing he’s $139,000 short of his $400,000 goal. Surely there are some Patriots out there with deep pockets…Patriots with small pockets are are okay too.
My awareness of the case came about from some of the people I follow on X. The most well known is Rev Tim Christopher who is a Baptist Pastor from North Minneapolis, a high violent crime neighborhood of Minneapolis. He’s a huge 2A Supporter and has even testified at the Minnesota State Legislature at hearings about firearms and Second Amendment rights. In fact on Sunday nights starting around 6 pm Central Time, Rev Tim will have THE Dexter Taylor on a phone conversation on his Restream on his X account. Dexter Taylor is calling in from prison in the state of New York. Every so often he has to hang up and then call in some minutes later.
The State of New York is defying a few US Supreme Court Opinions that have supported the 2nd Amendment that allows citizens to keep and bear arms. One famous case that forced New York and other States that had a “May Issue” option to give citizens a permit to carry concealed. Most states like Minnesota are “Shall Issue” states that give permits out to law abiding citizens if they’ve met the training requirement to get the permit. The specific case, The New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v Bruen Opinion said a similar law has to be on the books at the time of the passage of the 2nd Amendment in 1791 AD that allows the State of New York to keep the May Issue Permitting they had on the books–there wasn’t one. Read theBruen opinion here. Tom Grieve in the next video goes over what the State of New York has done to get their way in jailing Dexter Taylor. He even explains how rare it is to get a concealed carry permit in the State of New York–4% of applicants who have to wait 8 months to find out if they were lucky.
Here’s Tom Grieve Explaining How the State of New York Violated Dexter’s Civil Rights to Put him in Prison.
Tom Grieve is a former Criminal Prosecutor in Wisconsin and is a current Criminal Defense Attorney there as well. He currently does 2A Legal Tips on the USCCA YouTube Channel as well as part of their training videos on their website. This video is for his own channel Atty Tom Grieve, posted on April 29, 2024.
His Credit Card Snitched to the NY Police on his Legal Gun Purchases
The worst part of this nightmare is that without someone telling the NY Police and the ATF about the legal gun part purchases Dexter Taylor was making then he would still be practicing his hobby in his basement. Instead the credit card company he used to pay for the gun parts and tools to build them sent a note to the Police and then one day as Dexter was listening to an audiobook, the ATF broke down his door and the NY Police served a search warrant. They took his firearms, his tools, and his computer, phone and whatever they could steal out of his home and his hobby room in his basement.
He didn’t deserve this treatment. He isn’t a violent felon. None of his firearms have been outside of his home. Yet the way the State of New York portrayed him while violating his Civil Rights is very disrespectful and dishonorable. There are Foreign Invaders who are committing violent crimes without any punishment.
I would like to know what Credit Card Company he used, because I think they deserve the Bud Light Treatment. They acted very much like how the Central Bank Digital Currency would act. It would flag purchases that are deemed wrong or politically incorrect. In some cases you wouldn’t be able to purchase anything, forcing one to accept whatever in order to survive another day.
A few weeks back I asked Rev Tim to ask Dexter Taylor what credit card company it was and he said it was AMERICAN EXPRESS CARD.
#FreeDexterTaylor Call to Action
I really would like to meet Dexter Taylor sometime in the future. He seems like the kind of fellow I would find interesting. Perhaps he might have some ideas on my Kentucky Long Rifle Firestick idea. When it’s legal I’d like to build a modern version of the M16A1 with the Triangular hand guards, fully auto with a selector switch, and no 3 round burst nonsense. I see these guys holding AR-15s wrong and all sorts of gadgets on them that are very unnecessary except maybe a light or an optic on them. I miss the M16A1 I had when I served in the US Army under Reagan & Bush 41.
With Trump in office I had expected him to send troops to the State of New York to arrest the characters that have destroyed that state, yet that hasn’t happened yet. Businesses and people have left seeking a better life and finding States that recognize the supremacy of the US Constitution. Dexter says in his interview with Jesse Kelly that Conservatives need to wake up and realize that our Civil Rights are worth fighting for. That’s the real message of the 2nd Amendment. If you are not willing to stand up for your rights then you won’t be able to complain when those rights become a thing of the past.
We need to stand up to the Domestic Enemies of the US Constitution and Defend it.
Call on President Trump to release all the political prisoners of the State of New York. Dexter Taylor’s case wasn’t the first time they violated someone’s Civil Rights. Their act was very polished and they didn’t show remorse for trampling on his 2nd Amendment Rights. The Conviction needs to be tossed out and set Dexter Free.
The YouTube Channel creators in this post, Tom Grieve, Mr Colion Noir, Jesse Kelly, nor Carbon Mike (aka Dexter Taylor) are not associated with this website. I thought they accurately told the story of this case. Some people like listening to videos more than reading what I write. Rev Tim Christopher is not associated either with this website either. He tends to be an apolitical person but tends to have Conservative values. His sermons on his X Account some Sunday mornings are gold. He makes me smile which is often his goal every day to make people smile. I sincerely hope Dexter Taylor can be freed soon as I’d like to have him help me build my first AR. ~~ Publius Jr.
It’s been said if you want an influx of refugees from some country overseas the US Military needs to start a war there. Afghanistan is one of those places.
Most American school kids can’t find it on a map, let alone their own State Capitol’s location even when they live a couple of blocks from it. Ask them why the US Military dabbled in foreign aid to the country of Afghanistan in the 1980s or why more recently why we fought there for over 20 years before President Trump decided to pull out the Troops from there a year by negotiating with the Terrorists known as the Taliban in 2020, then pulling out a year later. More than likely they’ll blame Biden for the withdrawal in August 2021. Do you really think Biden was capable of negotiating an exit? C’mon Man! Nope it’s Trump’s fault, or that he listened to Generals who didn’t have allegiance to the nation like General Milley.
My New Neighbors from Afghanistan
Wednesday is my Yoga Day at the VA-Minneapolis. They have a department called the Center for Integrative Health & Healing. To get there I need to catch the 3A bus going westbound, then at Snelling Ave I have to catch the A-Line rapid transit bus to the 46th St Station in Minneapolis to travel 2 stops on the Blue Line Light Rail. The VA-MPLS is technically in Bloomington Minnesota which is either the 3rd or 4th largest city in the state.
Though the first leg of this journey is from my low income apartment building on Maryland Avenue to Como & Snelling. Early Fall roughly September 2024, there was a new group of people waiting at the bus stop, a husband, wife, and a small boy. I don’t know their names and even if I could spell them I wouldn’t use them here, I respect them too much. Let’s call the husband Arman and the wife Maryam.
Each Wednesday I see them at the bus stop. Their destination is the International Institute of Minnesota it is just across the street from the MN State Fairgrounds, about a block west of the Fairgrounds Business Office. There they join other Afghanis to learn to speak English. Arman I’ve learned was a lawyer in Afghanistan. I’m not sure to what capacity if that was part of their Sharia Law or Civil Law. I’m thinking the latter, though there’s probably a lot of Muslim faith culture mixed in there.
They seem like a nice couple. Maryam does wear a head scarf but she isn’t draped in a Burka where you can only see her eyes. I’ve noticed she has had different colored head scarves. Mostly I talk to Arman. Their boy & girl 4, and 6 respectively are like regular kids everywhere who can’t wait to play and enjoy life. Hopefully they have the chance to visit a free Afghanistan in the future.
From knowing Muslims in Minnesota they are a very family based conservative group of people. There are always some fringe who have abused their freedoms offered to citizens here, but the most part they aren’t fanatical as one stereotype of Muslims are. Those who supported our troops and hoped for a Free Afghanistan deserve our respect and honor.
The Lion of Afghanistan
He is the stuff of legends, and even a fictional novel by Ken Follett “Lie Down with Lions,” Ahmad Shah Massoud. He unified factions in Afghanistan during the war they had against the Soviet Union and with the CIA’s help to push the Soviets out of the country. He also fought against the Taliban as well. Ahmad Shah Massoud was the equivalent of their George Washington, a leader on the battlefield and a leader who was able to unite people politically.
Unfortunately on September 9th, 2001 in a coordinated attack at many places Ahmad Shah Massoud was assassinated by an Al Qaeda suicide team posing as reporters.
His son Ahmad Massoud has taken up his mantle of leadership. He has written a book about his vision for a Free Afghanistan. Here is the Barnes & Noble Link to it. In the Name of My Father, by Ahmad Massoud.
The USA Has been Funding the Taliban Every Week
The interview above has chapters on different parts of the interview when different subjects are discussed. The most disgusting part of the Interview with Commander Massoud is at Time Stamp: 1:40:13. This is when he tells about how the US Government is funding the Taliban.
According to Sarah Adams, an Intelligence Analyst and a Terrorist Targeter for the CIA, who has been on the Shawn Ryan Show, says the US Taxpayers are funding the Taliban to the tune of $40 million a week.
With the attacks on US Citizens and our Allies around the world, we need to stop funding current and future terrorism aimed at the USA.
The interview by the Shawn Ryan Show was published on July 16, 2024. I’ve been busy otherwise I would have posted it sooner. Yet I looked at the Petition Shawn Ryan created and they are about 94,000 signatures short off their goal. The warnings from Commander Massoud, Sarah Adams and others are coming home now that we are seeing terrorism take place in New Orleans and other places. It’s seems like a self-inflicted wound as we are funding this nonsense ourselves. Please sign the petition above. I’m not getting compensated for posting this. I am US Army Veteran, Reagan Era, and I have new Afghani neighbors who would rather live in Free Afghanistan. Commander Massoud wants that too. ~~ Publius Jr.
The University of Minnesota Twin Cities Campus has a big grassy area bordered by hedges south of Northrop Auditorium and North of Coffman Memorial Union and it is known as Northrop Mall, or simply The Mall.
Northrop Mall – University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN – Photo by Barrett Doherty, 2021, from the Cultural Landscape Foundation website
When I, Publius Jr, was a student in the late 90’s there I would pop out of Walter Library on the way to Akerman Hall where the vast majority of my Aerospace Engineering classes were at. On the way to Akerman, or toward Walter Library to study, I would sometimes see what became known as Mall Preachers. Often they would be made fun of by passing students yet most of the time they would gather a handful of students who would sit on the grass and listen to their testimonies for Jesus Christ.
Photo by Barrett Doherty, 2021, looking from Northrop Auditorium towards Walter Library. From the website. The Mall Preachers would give their Christian Testimonies here.
When I would dither along the walkway across The Mall while listening to whomever was preaching there I thought it was madness to even be addressing others without some motivator. It took some real guts to stand up and talk about some belief one holds dearly only to be laughed at by ignorant people who pretend to be tolerant and having great wisdom.
Fast Forward to now while I’m writing articles about politics, events and such, I usually have something on in the background to listen to. Sometimes it’s an audiobook, sometimes it is Christian Rock, a podcast of Shawn Ryan Show, David Paulides, or Steve Isdahl, and lately it is Joe Kirby of Off the Kirb Ministries on YouTube.
What is Off the Kirb Ministries?
Saturdays at 8:30 Central Time a new video of Joe Kirby comes out and he usually has a “hook,” that pulls one in, then there is an explanation, then a Gospel Message. He never asks for money and mostly he just asks like all the other channel content creators to like & subscribe. I believe he also does not monetize his videos either. Very thought provoking videos like the one below.
Joe Kirby mentions the pyramid video in the video above. I know you’re curious about it so here it is.
You might be asking why I led with the Mall Preachers trip down memory lane. Well it’s because Joe Kirby’s best videos I think that shows the strength and courage is in his Street Preaching videos on the streets of Lancashire England. When I see videos like the one below I think of the Mall Preachers at the University of Minnesota.
Then there are some people who try all sorts of addictions that find no rest or peace in them. Then a man in the following video says his life was turned around by Jesus Christ…not the first guy dressed as Jesus on Halloween.
Speaking of Addictions…
Joe Kirby admits he had a pornography addiction. At least he was honest. He has some videos that addresses this addiction. He also has a specially written devotional that helps to wean people off this addiction plus others.
He says that addictions like pornography release dopamine in your brain and what this does is makes you feel good. When your brain gets used to this it needs more of it, so the addiction gets rooted. His devotional is called, “100 Pure Thoughts.” Each day you read the Pure Thought of the day. Eventually you wean yourself off of the addiction and replace it with a feel good message and a hit of dopamine centered upon truths from the Bible.
I actually bought it. I have a few addictions that are unhealthy. One is research. I love to research things so I tend to stay up too late because of it and don’t get enough sleep. Another is social media, I have several X accounts, 2 FB accounts, a couple Truth Social Accounts, 4 GETTR accounts though most are not mine, I just admin them for either the websites I do content for, or organizations I’m the guy who is the second person on them.
Here’s a good closing video of his that sums up his messages pretty well.
Joe Kirby’s ministry is based in Lancashire, England and is a full time Evangelist. He says on his “About” section of his YT Channel, his evangelistic outreach consists of open air preaching, church outreach events, pulpit preaching, youth ministry and of Christian YouTube videos.
As of this writing on Christmas 2024, Joe has 2.51 million subscribers on Youtube and he doesn’t monetize his videos.
If Joe, is reading this I hope you can come to the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis some time when the Mall Preachers come out in the spring and do some Mall Preaching there. I might reluctantly join you. ~~ Publius Jr. University of Minnesota Institute of Technology alumni, Class of 2000.
Almost daily there is some message from the St Paul Fire Department about digging out the Fire Hydrants in your neighborhood. In fact we have an article that never seems to get old called, “Help St Paul Fire Department Keep Fire Hydrants Free of Snow,” aka “Dig Me Out.”
Here’s the video again.
Well we have another plea this Winter.
Help Dig Out Bus Stops of Metro Transit
We’ve seen the winter scenes of the following:
This is a terrible sight especially if you don’t have a traditional or a collapsible shovel.
Or this
This stretch of sidewalk is the responsibility of either St Paul Public Works or Ramsey County to clear.
But if you have to take a bus you might be looking at this…
Why St Paul Bus Stops don’t have Winter proof bus shelters is a good question. The bench is not usable.
If you have a bus stop in your neighborhood and you’ve already have dug out the fire hydrant, please dig or snow-blow out the bus stop area wide enough for two people to stand next to each other.
This looks really good. Your Bus Riding Neighbors will thank you.
I originally posted this on January 14, 2022. I’m currently a bus rider and most bus stops in St Paul & Mpls are covered in snow and ice. It doesn’t have to be this way. If I had a shovel I would go out and do this. ~~ Publius Jr